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Help - Does AMS2 drivers really want to race online?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by roszman, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Anyone else doing the F3 in a couple of hours?
  2. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I think a little door banging may still count. My one race with the Formula Vee was very uneventful with no ‘offs’ and no bashes that I was aware of but my incident percentage was 0.05. Maybe it counts wheels brushing together and the like?

    Whilst I’m here, just for full disclosure - I’m the one that voted for the Nordschliefe:D

    Edit: posted before @roszman answered
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Also you have 25% buffer

    So you can have a bad day or something ;)

    It means that in 2 races the best one wil count only. If I recall correctly :p
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
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  4. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Me for sure ;)
  5. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    If you drive against a harder ai, @roszman is thinkin about giving you more points for that.
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  6. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    That's also true, good point ;)
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  7. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    @DazzyD70 @Mhad thx for race :D

    AI is difficult to overtake, especially when they are grouped together.
    When I see them like that I always imagine narration from Discovery Channel: "Here we can see Brasil F3s, they are always travel in herds"
    I am sure Reiza is working on it.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
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  8. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Was good fun!

    Yes, they can be difficult to overtake when they group like that. Good fun!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Yeah I think that will solve it. I just wanted to point out that the current system discourages racing in some cases, which seems like a big problem to me, especially if there are new people signing up who aren't reading through this thread.

    I'm excited for new developments!
    • Like Like x 2
  10. DazzyD70

    DazzyD70 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 28, 2021
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    From being absolutely terrified about going online, my perception has changed in a week and starting to relax and enjoy the experience, all because of @roszman and racecraft.online. Absolutely loving the mix of human and AI, and yes, despite not being fast. I had a completely clean race this evening and lap times are slowly improving.

    Looking forwards to new developments too.
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  11. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Nice to hear that, I am really glad.
    Let's do full season in f3 ;)

    I am also looking forward to new development :D
    • Like Like x 2
  12. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Today my P4 race was fun, but unfortunatelly the FFB was way too strong, so the last 10 Minutes I thought my arms will fall of.:confused:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Lets say that you did first race in the weekly event and you did good and you beat your best time. You know that you can safely do another race, since only 75% of your best results count.
    You did second race, and it was so so, AI was faster, but you're safe since you keep only best result.
    Then someone beat you on leaderboard. What do you do? :)

    There are a lot of rules in systems like RCO, they can be explained in faqs, video tutorials or trough interactive ui.

    I am just one person, working on RCO 1-2 hours per day, when I am lucky.
    RCO will never be perfect, I dont have resources to run full blown software project. I need to take a lot of shortcuts, RCO can fail because of this, but for now I am having fun and hopefuly you have fun too ;)

    The biggest problem would be the lack of competition, you will be bored soon enough if you will be the only one driver on leaderboard. I think faster drivers will motivate you to take the risk of "just one more race" ;)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
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  14. Jodurson

    Jodurson Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    I saw racecraft.online on Reddit thread and decided to try and run-in with just bought Moza R9 kit. :)

    Actually, I got bored with the endless AC modding and grinding these same mods "in the collection", because I began to do more of this collecting and sorting, and not the races themselves, so I thought about switching to AMS2, because the game has progressed very well in the last year. And in general, it does not waste your attention on modding, only, at most, install a pack of custom skins.

    The site has a simple interface, an understandable race participation system (as far as it is applicable to the current organization of multiplayer in AMS2 itself), everything is clear, everything is fast, everything is simple.

    My region is Europe, so I will spend all my future races here. The idea of having popular scheduled races every hour is a lifesaver for many, I think. If there is time - just went and drove the qual + race. Real life will not always give you the opportunity to ride for hours or adapt to conditional daily or weekly races.

    The idea of first driving 3 clear laps before main race is cool, I think it fits. At the same time, it will be clear whether you want to ride a specific setup or not. :)
    Chat notifications about weather changes are good. AI is good for me.

    I started with P4 class, because I love prototypes and now relearn how to ride after the G923.
    Yes, of course, there are few live players, for 2 races that I managed today - there was only one live pilot, but the idea of bots with adaptive AI is really a godsend. In general, even if there are few live pilots, the bots give a spark and have a good competitive level. In comparison with the AC, even with the AI edits from the CSP, there’s nothing to even say how it's fun. :)

    Now I would like to understand the following points: on what basis are the "track + auto" setups selected? At the "rookie" level, only the current 4 options are available or are they updated, conditionally, once a week/month (by analogy with Raceroom, for example)?

    The rest I will study as I have free time, I do not promise that I will be in races with you all the time, but I definitely will. :)
    In general, I am impressed with the done work! Feels like you know what to do, @roszman. ;)

    UPD: I've also think, that Formula Inter must be added to rotation now, maybe for "Rookie" level. New & fun car. Why not. :)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
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  15. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I’m not able to participate in the F3 races due to the time that it’s scheduled for.

    I know nothing of hosting these things and am ignorant of any costs or impacts so please take this as the suggestion it is and not a ‘demand’ from an indignant end-user (I’m sure we all come across those in our day to day jobs!)

    Would it be possible that all series, those currently available and those that will come later, are available across a number of time slots during a twenty four hour period? The Copa Classic B and Formula Vee are run every four hours and I think this sort of scheduling would allow pretty much anyone, anywhere in the world and with any work/life schedules of their own a time in which they could register and run the qualifying and subsequent race. The P4 is currently run hourly and is probably more regular than it needs to be, whilst F3 is currently run to a schedule that brings similar issues for me that the Just Race schedules create. I may be the only current user that this is an issue for but in the future this sort of scheduling may preclude many people from Australasia, Asia etc where it could be 3am for them, or Western USA where it’s the middle of the day. This may not be an issue if they can race at weekends but many with families, and especially young children have other things to do at the weekend - even if they’d rather be racing :whistle::D

    I don’t know how everyone else feels about this or if it’s the way in which you would like to go as the creator …. but I’ll put it out there nonetheless.:)
  16. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Thanks for great feedback ;)

    You set your region to Europe, but it doesn't mean that you will race in Europe only, it's just your preffered region. If there are multiple race participants from multiple regions, they will be mixed together in one or more races and the server location will be selected based on majority of drivers preffered regions. Hope that's make sense :D

    "track + auto" setups are selected based on what community will ask :) for now it's @Coldsalmon driven setups mostly :p
    I didn't put much tought in to race series structure yet, I think I will need community help in that department, since I don't have any idea which track and car combos are good.
    I think I will prepare another survey just for that.

    Tracks are rotated on weekly basis, 6 weeks/tracks during the 6 week long season.

    Here are the example tracks for P4 racecraft.online - Sim Racing Ranked Matchmaking System for Automobilista 2
    But don't get too attached to this schedule, since I am in the process of changing future tracks in almost all race series.
    It's not stable schedule yet.

    And yes for now there are only Rookie series, but more series will be added soon ;)

    Welcoma aboard ;P
    • Like Like x 1
  17. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    You gave me some much good and valuable feedback in this thread, that I don't think I will ever treat your feedback as a "demands" :)

    We can have as many race series as we want and race scheduled every 1 minute, there are almost no constrains to that, except common sense.
    The other constrains are features priorities and my free time :p

    The reason F3 is only once per day is, as I said in the reply above, the fact that I didin't put much tought in to race series structure, for now I am just adding the stuff you want me to add ;)

    I will change F3 and P4 schedules to run every four hours, it makes sense, thx.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    @DazzyD70 sorry for yesterday, the server didn't start because of some bug, I think I fixed it ;)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
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  19. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Here are the survey results:


    Report Sharing

    So I will prioritze this stuff per number of votes.

    Btw, points in the race are already affected by AI Pace/skill. Check out how does it feel and give me some feedback - this feature isn't finised yet, but Points calculation was a quick win which could be done before "Ability to see other drivers races..." feature ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    If you had the daily series run every 19 hours (or 31 hours or something like that), it would gradually cycle through different time slots.

    Similarly, you could have the 4-hour races scheduled every 3.5 hours so that they would occur at a different time each day. This could also help to avoid different series all starting at the same time.

    Great to hear that points are affected by AI pace now! Time for more racing!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
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