"I can´t run Automobilista" - Official troubleshooting topic

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Hi the game crashes on entering the Video Manager.

    I would suggest to check your graphics control panel settings for the game, drivers and also try a clean boot with no other services running which may interfere with the game causing it to crash.

    @berheavedtripod8 we need you to manage to get the trace.txt, Thanks
  2. lunzer

    lunzer New Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    haha nice one, deleting d3d9.dll solved the problem. Thank you!
    Wonder why the clean install didn't produce the same effect, but anyway!
  3. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    The chances are you have some other program writing a graphical overlay which causes an issue with the d3d9.dll
  4. berheavedtripod8

    berheavedtripod8 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    The only trace file I have is RaceCastTrace.txt, which contains one line:
    Does -trace=2 only work on the Automobilista Beta listing in Steam, or for both?
  5. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    It works on both.
  6. ThomasMundy

    ThomasMundy New Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Having similar issue to others. Game goes to the little launch screen in the middle of the screen and then says syncing and then nothing on Steam. Here's my trace.txt file. I've tried virtually everything on the forums, reinstalling, deleting PLR file, permissions, compatability mode, even tried one of the old versions of the beta in Steam but nothing works.

    Attached Files:

  7. Mike G

    Mike G New Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    A bit of a weird one here. The Stock Car causes a CTD but no other car. When I load a race with the Stock Car I receive a "Automobilista has stopped working" windows message. All other cars including Cart Extreme and Patrick G's tracks work without a hitch.
  8. Synystr

    Synystr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    Lately, I've been getting, what I think are, display driver crashes.

    I'd be driving around and all of a sudden the screen will go black or grey for a couple seconds, then return to the game. The sound will still be playing, albeit frozen, in the background. It would happen once or twice and then stop. Looking at the playback devices, it shows a duplicate of my display.

    It seems to happen more frequently in the Formula Retro and Reiza... but that's probably coincidence.

    I went to windowed mode, cleaned out my drivers and installed the newest ones and it was quiet for a bit.

    Until 30 minutes ago.

    It did the black screen thing, as stated above, but this time it happened every 10 seconds or so. In between freezes, the frame rate would be 15 or worse. At the time I was driving Formula Reiza at Sepang that... I think is a Sim Raceway port? I don't know where it came from. I don't think that would really matter as it happened with stock content (Retro at Johannesburg) as well.

    I quit the game, checked Geforce experience and it wasn't showing my graphics card anymore. I had duplicate displays showing up in the playback devices, as usual. So, I ran another game (kingdom come: deliverance) and every 5 seconds or so, it would drop to 20fps for a second or two.

    So, I shutdown and rebooted. I ran hard drive checks and looked at GeForce, and everything looks a/ok. I booted up KCD again and it's running silky smooth, then I booted up Project CARS 2 and again it's silky smooth. Any ideas?

    AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
    8.0 GB
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Basically all of the Patrick Giranthon tracks and cars
    Most of the top rated skin packs from RD
    F1 2005 mod from xtremefactor.es
    Track mod pack from Online Sim Racers
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. NicoulaH

    NicoulaH New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Everytime after I exit a session/track and go back to the main menu the game freezes.. I dunno why and have no clue.
    Installed it fresh a couple of times and deleted old files, nothing worked.

    any guesses what the problem could be?
    thanks u in advance.
  10. Synystr

    Synystr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    Did a fresh install. Happening again. Trace file below.
    log.log file:
    redirecting CreateDevice
    redirecting device->Reset
    redirecting device->Reset
    redirecting device->Reset
    Process-ID: 9132
    Windows version: 6.1.7601
    Doing Handshake from Plugin side...
        Successfully created a pointer to a PAGEFILE Memory Mapped File.
        Found first part of handshake. Doing second part...
    Second part of Handshake successful. Handshake complete.
    Starting up DynHUD Plugin (D3D part)...
    Doing a sanity check...
        WARNING: overlay.ini configuration file not found in the Plugins\DynHUD\config folder. If no mod specific configurations are stored (which is not checked here), fallback config will be used.
    Use the editor to create a valid config and store it as overlay.ini in the config folder. Please see the readme.txt in the config folder for more info.
    Sanity check passed, but warnings detected. The plugin may not work as expected.
    Initializing DirectInput...
    Successfully initialized DirectInput.
    Using Java from folder "F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Automobilista\Plugins\DynHUD\Java".
        Loading msvcr100.dll... done.
        Loading jvm.dll... done.
    Successfully loaded Java dlls.
    Invoking Java VM...
    JVM options:
        JVM properties:
            java.vm.vendor = "Oracle Corporation"
            java.vm.name = "Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM"
            java.vm.version = "25.74-b02"
            java.runtime.version = "1.8.0_74-b02"
            java.awt.graphicsenv = "sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment"
    Successfully invoked Java VM.
    Retrieving Java objects and methods...
    Initialized logging system with log level ERROR.
    Initializing input bindings...
    Finished initialization of input bindings.
    Successfully retrieved Java objects and methods.
    Starting up DynHUD Plugin (telemetry part)...
    Successfully started up DynHUD Plugin.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
        (Re)Creating overlay texture... Texture created successfully.
        (Re)Creating proxy texture... Texture created successfully.
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    For temporary debugging: mx: 1472, mz: 1750, 350
    Texture requested. Updating textures...
    Building texture atlas... done. (2048, 2048)
    Textures successfully updated.
    Resetting D3D Device (releasing textures)...
        Releasing proxy texture... done.
        Releasing overlay texture... done.
        Releasing vertex buffer... done.
    Successfully released textures.

    Attached Files:

  11. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Do you have dynhud enabled?
  12. Synystr

    Synystr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    Yes. But I tried it before without dynhud on and it still went down.
  13. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    @Synystr Hi there, can't figure much why you have this, can you check does your graphics adapter overheat perhaps? (suspecting on dust build up if so...).. Sorry atm can't think of anything better to suggest checking.
  14. Synystr

    Synystr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    No no. Its properly cool. The GPU runs at like 65ish C and the CPU runs like 50ish C.

    But it fixed itself. I changed the audio post fx to medium and it fixed. Might be a coincidence? I have no idea.

    It came out of nowhere and it returned to nowhere. Just wanted to annoy me for a couple days I guess.
  15. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    That happened on release version i guess? Once the new update is out, it would be helpful if you could do "Audiolog". Even tho after 30 minutes (audio) trace file will be massive, it may be worth it. PostFX on medium is missing alot of post processing, most
    of which is active on external cameras, not so much on inside.
  16. Synystr

    Synystr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    I decided to see if switching the audio post processing WAS the fix or if it was coincidence.

    It appears to be coincidence. The issue has seemingly disappeared on ALL audio post processing levels. Usually, I'd have my first "driver crash" or whatever within 10 or so minutes.

    Now, with further testing on all post processing levels, I haven't had a single crash.

    Seeing as I seem to be the only one who has had this issue, nothing has changed to how I play the game (mods, graphical settings, AI or player count), no one seems to know what's going on, any trace of "cause and effect"... at all...

    Let's just pretend this never happened?

    However, if it happens again in this build or in the update, I will return and perform the audiolog trace file thing.

    That being said, sorry for wasting everyone's time XD
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Iroun

    Iroun New Member

    Apr 4, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi !
    I'm not a regular player of AMS but yesterday i wanted launch a game and and i've a windows error message "Automobilista stop to work" or something else (translate from french ;)).

    I applied the proposed solutions in the 1st post but none works :(, even by completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game, so without any mod.

    My Configuration:
    Windows 10 64 bits
    AMD RX 580 8Gb Driver: 18.3.4 (the lastest)

    I attach my file "Trace.txt"

    In advance thank you for your help

    Attached Files:

  18. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Are you using trackIR?
  19. Iroun

    Iroun New Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    No using trackIR or VR.
  20. JokkerHD

    JokkerHD New Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Automoblista runs fine, then it just stops. All I get is a black screen. The taskmanager shows its not using any of my gpu. Ive tried all of your help methods but nothing works. My PC is updated and came run the game.

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