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I tryd so hard to like it.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by SJors, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Sparviero

    Sparviero Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Like others, I too have thirty years of experience in driving simulators, since Papyrus' Indy500 but I believe that a fundamental element is one's own taste. There are things that one person simply cannot stand about AI, while for other people they are not a problem. Furthermore, I believe that the quality of the AI of simulators like AMS2 is dependent on the type of car and that 100% aggressiveness is (as in pCARS2) essential to have consistency in performance.

    In AMS2 I only use P1 / P2 / GrC and my experience is this:

    Pros: the AI allows very close battles, basically clean, with very rare ramming and an excellent AI in offense. The great advantage is that if the AI is alongside you and there is no space, it tends to slow down without ramming you and, if this happens, it is because the player does not give up even though he has essentially been overtaken. Furthermore, by setting the right characteristics of the AI, realistic grids can be obtained, and it is important for me as I like to simulate SP championship.

    Cons: the defense tends to be bland, the AI performances collapsing around the middle of the race, the AI wastes too much time in overtaking cars of lower classes. They also tend to form groups of 4-5 cars which can block the fastest cars.

    For me, therefore, the AI is very good, although not perfect. Is it better or worse than pCARS2? In my opinion better in melee (pCARS2 is too aggressive and ramming is frequent), but overcoming slower cars was more efficient in pCARS2, and the formation of groups of cars rarer.

    And ACC? The melee is very good and rear ramming is rare, but when the AI is alongside to your car, the risk of being thrown out is very high: once next to you, the AI pulls straight ahead regardless of whether there is space or not. And unlike AMS2 / pCARS2, where the loser is almost always the AI that practically brakes suddenly, in ACC it is the player who goes off the track. Furthermore the performances of the AI are completely random: in one race a car can finish first, in the next finish last, making sure that the best AI car, at the end of the championship, has collected very few points and for the player few number of places are enough to win the championship. For these reasons, I prefer AI of AMS2/pCARS2.
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  3. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    a) they hate AMS2 MP?
    b) competing against real people in general?
    if a, i can't blame them mate
  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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  5. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Well, I'm sorry, if AMS2 desn't click with you, it doesn't click. It's counterproductive to insist trying to like a game that is not for you. To me, AMS2 has the most natural driving feel of all the current sims, while ACC drives in some robotic way that I don't enjoy. As I said, it's subjective. Both are games after all, and while we simmers like to call them simulators, all of those are only far representations of the complex reality that car driving and racing is.

    About ACC AI, it may be based on the same physics, but that only reason doesn't make it better. ACC AI is boring, is only meant to let players practice for online driving. Also, it has superhuman reflexes and they are wall bricks when you collide against, and lot of the time it exhibes some of the exact same flaws you noticed in AMS2, but less noticing tough (braking points, speed, grip out of corners, etc)

    I agree AMS2 AI has the problems you described, what I wanted to say to you is that physics based AI like ACC has are not inherently better for the sake of having the same physics as the player, and ACC is the best example of that. There are several old racing games that have simple physics AI and were a lot better than any AI on any current sim.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. Koen_Sch

    Koen_Sch Active Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I definitely have. When playing single-player, I like to start just behind the middle of the grid and I tend to get stuck with a single AI during the race. I am quicker than the slower AI leaving them behind, but the car behind me (the player) is always much quicker than the cars around them. This car keeps attacking, which results in me and the AI behind me losing touch with the group in front.

    I like to do races that take around 45 min, and this happens almost every time. It is always one car, and most of the time it is the car that starts behind me. Both its lap time and aggressiveness seem much faster and higher than the other AI.

    Once I tried to slow this car down, by being overly defensive, such that it gets overtaken by the AI behind it. Then, I would push a bit harder to form a gap. The AI which was previously very quick suddenly lost all its pace and the overtaking car is also suddenly much quicker.

    I've been playing since the early access, and the AI has become a lot better, but this rubberbanding is definitely a thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Strange, I have never had that happening to me, but almost all long races I have done are with custom AI, maybe it's because of that. Will try later with no custom AI.
  8. Koen_Sch

    Koen_Sch Active Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    That could be the case. Maybe I've just hit a rubberbanding sweet spot with the skill/aggressive settings (100-110/70).
  9. Troodon

    Troodon Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    I do because I'll still be driving against the AI, but that's not to say the multiplayer side doesn't deserve improvement where possible.

    Here are some (probably most?) of my reasons to avoid multiplayer:
    - With the AI I can decide which cars and tracks to race, when and in what conditions, and I'll always have a full grid for it.
    - I'm not tied to a difficulty setting and the race difficulty doesn't vary depending on what level of drivers happen to be online. (Hopefully the AI skill levels can eventually be equalized so I don't have to change the numbers when switching car classes. Except for the classes where I suck.)
    - I take it a little too hard when I make a mistake and ram someone off the road. Possibly because I've seen enough people take it quite hard when they're rammed off the road by someone who made a mistake.
    - Driving against the AI is slightly different than driving against other players. Jumping into a MP race after a month of AI racing can lead to incidents, which connects to the previous point.
    - I can't trust my internet to be fast enough at all times, and someone with an awful ping or packet loss can make the experience worse for others. I don't want to make the experience worse for others.

    No, I don't have an uncoditional love for the AMS2 AI. I hope it keeps improving. :p
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
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  10. Enagee

    Enagee jim joneZ AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    George Russell doesn't need to try hard to like it.

    Just enjoy, for what it is , for now....we got options.
    Maybe Max might switch from iracing to AMS2 after Georges win at the Brazilian Prix :)

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2022
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  11. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Hold up. Is that a DD wheel?

    I swear I thought this cockpit wasn't sturdy enough to handle the forces of a DD wheel.

    I was planning on getting this exact cockpit model, but was afraid I wouldn't be able to upgrade to a DD wheel.
  12. Troodon

    Troodon Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Could be running at a relatively low strength, hard to say. Is there video of that anywhere?
  13. ahpigsy

    ahpigsy Member

    Apr 2, 2020
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    I've been having some very good racing against the AI. But what is it with the Classic open wheelers where the AI can just bang wheels with each other without any consequences. As if the open wheels have some invisible shield around them.
  14. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    What car(s) are you running. Spec setups will always be tight, I’ve found it quite easy to adjust it out. Mainly rake, bars get you a lot closer. Maybe the vague feeling is you’ve changed so much you need to start from scratch. Don’t try and set it up as another sim. I race iracing and you can’t take the wheel setup and interchange them, I don’t. Iracing to me doesn’t have enough yaw, ams seems to have a lot of grip. Irqcing when you get to 99% and you start losing it, it’s usually a slow spin of no return. Ams2 seems really hard to lose control, I can but it’s harder too. I’m here, came aboard for the CART cars and IR18. Happy with the CART cars, not the MP or the delay in the ir18. To each his own

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