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Information for Customizing AI drivers in AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by gian, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. Steve Young

    Steve Young Active Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    Thank You!
  2. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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  3. Tornado

    Tornado New Member

    Dec 16, 2022
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    I would like you to add new lines in AI drivers file, something like "good day chance" and "bad day chance"... I mean currently AI drivers are quite predictable so far... for example I have AI drivers Senna, Prost, Mansell who constantly compete for the highest places at the finish line and on the other hand there are some slow drivers who always finish on 15-20th and never can get to 5-10 places. But of course in real life it is possible that underdog drivers can earn solid points sometimes or even sensationally finish on podium! Do you remeber absolutely unpredictable wins in F1 by Ocon and Gasly?
    therefore for example with new line like that:
    <good day chance>0.1</good day chance> it would mean that this AI driver have 10% probability to have a great race weekend with much better skill than his usual "race_skill" or "qualifying_skill".

    What do you think about my idea?
  4. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    I get what you mean, I think the consistency value right now is similar to what you are sugesting, so try to put low consistency values on the fastest drivers and see if that helps in creating more variance on the top positions.

    Its a very good suggestion, even though I get some pretty realistic and varied results as it is, thanks to the reliability, consistency and mistakes values.
  5. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Here you go, mates....

    Attached Files:

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  6. Tornado

    Tornado New Member

    Dec 16, 2022
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    hi! thank for your reply. I already tried to play with these values "consistency", "stamina" and "avoiding mistakes" to create more variance and getting more interesting unpredictable racing with AI. So I put 0.5-0.6 values in these parameters and as a result I got some variance on finish positions but on the other hand I also got that drivers with roughly similar "skill" values drive very tightly, huddle together and bunch in a small pack on the track. For example, my best 3-4 AI drivers finish in most cases very tightly within 1-2 seconds between each other and the winner of the race never be able to win the race by a wide margin and can't break away from second-third place. It looks very weird. In order for there to be some kind of solid gap between AI drivers, it seems that it's necessary that they differ greatly in the values of "race skill" parameters (and as a result we never get variance and never get such slow "race skill" driver ahead of fast "race skill"), but if these parameters are approximately in the same limit, then these drivers always huddle together and race very tightly in a bunch. We all know that it can be possible in real racing sometimes but also quite often there are bigger gap between drivers and sometimes winner wins the race with a big advantage from the pursuers. That's why I propose to inroduce something like "good day chance" or "bad day chance" for AI drivers customization
  7. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Unfortunately the pack racing between similar skill AI drivers is something that only Reiza themselves can fix, only in 1+ hour races will you see a more spread out field because of the mistakes they make or pit stops.

    I recommend even lower values for consistency, between .20 to .35. The consistency parameter involves a reduction of the driver skill, session by session and race by race. Sometimes a .95 driver with .20 consistency can become a .80 driver on another race, it's not common for a driver to lose so many points but it can happen.
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  8. benvelor

    benvelor Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I think AMS2 is great for MP and practice or time attack, but unfortunately it lacks a lot in the simulation of a race or, worse, a championship
    even cars of the same class with the same power, do not help with this
    minardi has the same straight line speed as mclaren...
  9. Tornado

    Tornado New Member

    Dec 16, 2022
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    thanks for your help. I don't like long race, mostly I play 20-30 min for race. What values do you reccomend to put in "avoiding mistakes" parameters?
    and what racing sim can offer better offline racing experience than AMS2? I played such racing simulation games as rF1, rF2, AMS1, Asseto Corsa and can say that AMS2 has the best offline racing with AI. Of course it's still not perfect and needs some tweaking and tuning but already is playable and enjoyable enough.
  10. benvelor

    benvelor Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Crammond's GP4....
    AM2 is more than good, but it has flaws that spoil the single player experience a bit: the AI has problems with overtaking and no collisions. In addition to a file to edit the AI, it would be a system to edit single cars power in the same class, just to feel the experience driving different cars (i.e. driving a mclaren or a minardi)
    reiza works hard, I hope for future improvements
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  11. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    I use .25 to .65 depending on the drivers, make sure to also use time scaled mechanical failures, you will get some retirements and that can spice up the races and create some very eventful ones.
  12. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Agree 100% about being able to edit the cars power for offline use, something like the GPXpatch in GP4 would be great.

    Talking about GP4 it's one of my favorite sims, but it's showing its age now. AMS2 is actually the closest of the modern sims to it, thats why I enjoy it so much and the AI, while it needs work on their ability to overtake and the pack racing, is much better than GP4 (and most sims) in wheel to wheel against the player.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. EverlastingApex

    EverlastingApex ApexRivals career companion app dev

    Apr 28, 2023
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    I posted this in the "Feature request" thread, I'm not sure if it's better to post it here:

    Request Title: Use raw AI values for race skill for custom AI drivers

    Description: As it is now, making custom drivers in an XML file will "scale" the driver's racing skill according to the difficulty used in game, so if you use difficulty 100, the AI are scaled from 95 to 105 and so on. Using raw AI values means we would be able to have AIs with specific values, irrespective of the difficulty set in-game, such as one AI having 70 race skill and another having 120. So instead of <race_skill>0.566</race_skill> we could get something like <raw_skill>102</raw_skill> as an option, and that specific AI will run at difficulty 102.

    Benefits: As it is right now, it's extremely hard and frustrating to find an AI value where you have a good match with the AI, the difficulty you're going to use is going to change from one car/class to another, and the AI tend to run together in "clumps". Being able to have a very large range of skill levels in one race means that you're inevitably going to be a good matchup to at least a few AI in the race and should make racing more interesting, and less frustrating to find a good challenge level.
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  14. Romeo Foxtrot

    Romeo Foxtrot Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I don't think the bunching into groups is going to be solved by any meaningful changes in the custom AI files or widening the field spread. It's their racing behaviour that needs to change.

    After spreading the field evenly from 1 to 0.5 (race_skill) and doing 7 laps at the 71 Nords the top eight cars were separated by a second, the tail-enders spread over three seconds (forty seconds behind the leaders) and one group in the middle, all changing positions like they're in a tombola. This was in open wheelers (F3s) being driven like tin-tops.

    I've tried setting all their attribute values to 1.0 for highest consistency and using their default values for greatest variance but I still find the greatest variation comes from changing circuits.

    To avoid baulking in qualifying I keep their aggression value (mostly over 0.5) higher than their defending value (mostly below 0.5). Any other changes currently appear meaningless (or difficult to test), especially when compared to changing venues.

    At Silverstone 71 (75 no chicane) it's a lottery as to who will lead. At Kyalami 2020 it's usually close to race_skill order. At Cascavel they change places like it's a country dance and at Imola (2008) they change places once in a blue moon.
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  15. EverlastingApex

    EverlastingApex ApexRivals career companion app dev

    Apr 28, 2023
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    Keep in mind that setting their race skill from 0.5 to 1 would've given them a 5 point difference in difficulty, so if you set it to 100, they were ranged from 100 to 105, which is relatively close together.

    If we could set a grid with AIs with race skill 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120, there is almost no chance they will stay clumped together, the speed difference will be too large.
  16. Tornado

    Tornado New Member

    Dec 16, 2022
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    GP4 is too old game, I never played it. It's hard to believe that such old outdated game had so good AI...but anyway...
    collisions?? what do you mean?? collisions AI to AI or collisions AI to player? I think collisions is too difficult to simulate it in right way, with AI collisions we can get weird chaos racing. And anyway I prefer not having collisions at all than being rammed by AI...just imagine you race 60 min race and on 50 min you get ramming from stupid AI and it ruins your whole race :mad: lol! just no...
    system to edit single cars power?? I don't get what do you mean. We already have difference in car's power.. but do you mean Formula classes same generation?? we don't have minardi and all other cars here... we have only a few car models with different liveries for each generation

    I agree with that! bunching AI in small groups and its racing in such clumped way is currently one of the most annoying thing for me
  17. benvelor

    benvelor Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Trust me, GP4 has still the best AI game today
    Different power for car in the same class: yes, this is the problem, we have a class where the cars are all the same, but for example in gen4, we have Benetton, Minardi, Lola, Ferrari... despite being part of the same group, it would be nice to have the possibility to differentiate the powers, in order to have a more realistic offline championship
    And what about going from driving a Lotus to a Ferrari?
    One line in the IA customization would be enough, so if you want you can edit that too
    AMS had hdv files where you could do such a thing, but sadly it had no effect on the player's car
  18. benvelor

    benvelor Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    ah, collisions between AI cars is missing
    I don't like this choice, it takes away the possibility of crash between AI driven cars
    but as I said, I trust Reiza and I hope they work on this in the future, to make AMS2 the (almost) perfect simulator :cool:
  19. Tornado

    Tornado New Member

    Dec 16, 2022
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    sorry I must disagree with you. Look. I tested my own custom AI field and I had AI driver race skill set to 0.95 and another driver had race skill set to 0.10 and there was difference between them in lap times on some tracks up to 9-10 sec per lap. It's already too much. So what a sense to make this speed difference and gap even bigger? I think race skill parameter provides sufficient balance between the skills of AI drivers. But clumped and bunched AI racing is a problem that can be solved only by Reiza devs.
    it seems that there is something like magnetism between a group of AI drivers with similar skills, it feels like they are drawn to each other. And I think there's something hard-coded causes this weird thing. Probably devs did it for providing intersting AI racing with fighting wheel-to wheel and overtakings but what we have for now it's too much and devs should do something for a little bit more spreading between AI...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. Mike Shelton

    Mike Shelton New Member

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Do any xml files exist that contain the Reiza-assigned default attributes of the drivers?
    Last edited: May 4, 2023

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