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Information for Customizing AI drivers in AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by gian, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    F-V10 Gen 1 having a custom AI problem ? I am trying to make a custom AI file and for some reason there are duplicates. I remember there being a problem when the & symbol was used but there isn't any odd symbol in the AI .xml file nor livery override file.
  2. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I do not have this problem with these liveries and my AI file. Are you really sure you removed all the "&" from the entries refering to the Jordan cars?
    If there is no "&", there must be some other syntax error within your xml-files which makes the game go crazy.
    Here is a small video showing that everything works the way it should, no duplicates.

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
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  3. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Forgot to update this post, yes it is fixed by removing that & symbol.
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  4. _Was

    _Was Member

    Jun 22, 2023
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    Hello, I have an issue with the AI using custom drivers. I'm using the ones from the 1991 F-Classic_Gen4 mod available on racedepartment.com, and I've encountered a problem where the AI doesn't seem to be affected by the amount of fuel. I conducted three tests with 200 L, 100 L, and 10 L of fuel, and they consistently achieve the same lap times during the race. For example, at Estoril, they consistently lap around 1:19 and 1:20 regardless of the amount of fuel they have. To make sure it's not an issue with the AI, I conducted the same tests without the custom drivers, and in these latter tests, the amount of fuel did affect their performance.

    Do you have any suggestions? I believe it might be a bug that occurs when using custom drivers, as they always seem to perform the same way regardless of the fuel load.
  5. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Attached is a file that I have been developing for occasional use (e.g., with the beta) when I want to activate custom liveries but retain default AI behavior for evaluation. It is designed for AFry's 1991 F1 mod. Try the file out to see if activating any custom AI file (even one with blank attributes) has an effect on fuel load-related laptimes. The Reiza-to_reality conversion will be off with the AI file only (you would need a re-ordered livery .xml to accurately match Roch to Prost, etc.), but it might help you figure out where the problem lies. [Ed. Probably, no, unless you can track the various name changes.] Perhaps more helpful, also attached is a Classic Gen4 file that simply works with default skins, so that you can test all possible permutations, if you're up for it.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
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  6. _Was

    _Was Member

    Jun 22, 2023
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    Thank you for the aswer. I have been running several tests, and I was mistaken. The AI takes approximately 1 second longer per lap for each percentage of fuel, depending on the race skill configured for the driver, whether it's customized or default.
    For example the AI
    with 15 lts, it takes 1.17 seconds
    with 100 lts it takes 1.18 seconds
    with 200 lts it takes 1.19 seconds
    I believe this balance is incorrect because if you perform the same test, it actually results in around 2 seconds slower per lap.
    I do aprox
    15 lts 1.17 /1.16
    100 lts 1.19.5
    200 lts 1.21.5

    I invite all of you to conduct the same tests to find out whether it's me or if it's unbalanced. I believe I should post this in the AI topic for discussion.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. madchief

    madchief Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 12, 2023
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    Are custom AI overrides completely borked for multi-class racing? I'm trying to create a class consisting only of Ginetta G58 P1 cars. I have a custom AI .xml for that class with 5 drivers.

    If I set a race with 5 opponents using the "same car" setting for opponents, it works and the grid is correct. If I set it to same class, it works correctly too. However if I set up a multiclass race, the P1 class (set to 5 opponents) is filled with random AI and not what I've set.
  8. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    When doing multi-class with custom AIs, all classes used have to have custom AIs. And as usual, make sure the number of cars for each class is less than the total number of AIs available. You may need to edit the number of entries to make sure it all lines up.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Funny, I can't recall ever having that problem.... ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. STV_Robin

    STV_Robin Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 6, 2022
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    Don't know if this belongs here or to modding thread but somehow the Custom NAMeS file for Thunderflash Formula Renault seems not to work properly for me.

    I removed the drivers in the fictional liveries from the xml file but they still show up, even if I only set up a race with 23 cars (the non-fictional ones). Also the AI performance in game doesn't reflect the values in the AI file. For example Sainz is regularly running in the lower midfield. Does anyone else have the same problem?
  11. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I (re)installed the F-Renault v 1.10 along with the NAMeS AI package for Thunderflash mods (prematurely named v3.8, but whatever). All the real driver names showed up on my end and Sainz was near the front. The race and qualifying skills were all spread across a narrower range (i.e., very similar to any of Fred's custom AI files he has made, was the thinking). Keep in mind that the numbers in the custom AI files simply narrow or widen a set of probable values, so a narrower range from top to bottom increases the chances that Max might have a Singapore weekend as the dice are cast. I'll no doubt tweak the values anyway, as I've noticed the same, "slow Sainz" phenomenon that, while theoretically possible, seems to be occurring a bit too frequently to accept.
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  12. W123 KartSport

    W123 KartSport New Member

    Mar 7, 2022
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    @jusk Hello Jusk, I am newish to the modding and Custom AI driver names. I use the AMS AI Creation Tool Version 2.23 all the time so I can have AI named people I race against in real life. Is there a newer version of this tool since so many cars have been added? Thanks W123 KartSport
  13. jusk

    jusk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Hi, I'm not sure I know which tool you are referring to - but in any case, it's probably nothing to do with me (unless I made a tool and forgot... stranger things have happened o_O).

    Maybe try LuxMundi's tool (AMS2 Custom Drivers Utility) if you haven't already.
  14. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Gday guys some upcoming order changes to Formula Classic Gen1 Model2. These are already in beta..

    <NAME LIVERY="51" NAME="United Racing #3" />
    <NAME LIVERY="52" NAME="United Racing #4" />
    <NAME LIVERY="53" NAME="McLean G.P. #7" />
    <NAME LIVERY="54" NAME="McLean G.P. #8" />
    <NAME LIVERY="55" NAME="Deutsch Speed Racing #13" />
    <NAME LIVERY="56" NAME="Deutsch Speed Racing #14" />
    <NAME LIVERY="57" NAME="Scuderia Milano #15" />
    <NAME LIVERY="58" NAME="Scuderia Milano #16" />
    <NAME LIVERY="59" NAME="Bolt G.P. #23" />
    <NAME LIVERY="60" NAME="Bolt G.P. #24" />
    <NAME LIVERY="61" NAME="Lione G.P. #27" />
    <NAME LIVERY="62" NAME="Lione G.P. #28" />
    <NAME LIVERY="63" NAME="Scuderia Faenza Girardi #32" />
    <NAME LIVERY="64" NAME="Scuderia Faenza Girardi #33" />
    • Informative Informative x 2
  15. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Attached Files:

    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    what does it mean? how does it look at the moment?
  17. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    The updated driver roster for the class only shuffles around the order of some of the G1M2 drivers and changes a few car numbers. My file also replaces the quasi-fictional drivers with their real-world counterparts. The category still features the exact same 1986 F1 drivers. Hopefully, some of these guys might also sport some revised liveries at the next update that are more evocative of the 1986 season … but that’s another matter. Of course, inanez & jusk & others (see [F-Classic Gen 1] Formula 1 1986 complete skin pack with AI skills and names) render this minor tweak moot.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
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  18. cebra

    cebra New Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    Is there any possibility to have some randomness on the performance values of the AI?
    It seems like the values for qualifying_skill are extremely accurate. Which means if I have two drivers, one with e.g. 0.95 and one with 0.94, the first driver will be in almost any case in front.
    And the gap will only be 0.035 or anything like that.
    I've already tried to setting the consistency to 0.1, but that doesn't make a big difference.
  19. Marg

    Marg Active Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    Best solution is to shorten qualifying to 5 minutes.
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  20. EverlastingApex

    EverlastingApex ApexRivals career companion app dev

    Apr 28, 2023
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    Hi, what's the XML file name for the new Formula Hi-Techs?

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