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Jimmy's latest AMS2 review

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by farcar, Jun 17, 2021.

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  1. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Jimmer is just 1 guy and has an opinion, sure. The problem is when thousands of his fans are taking it at face value and and repeating it whenever they can.
    Not the end of the world and AMS2 can do fine without Jimmer and his herd of devoted admirers, but that's just annoying and tiring, especially combined with the whole continuing YT clown circus (see Ermin's video follow up to Jimmer, or rather don't see it). These people do really have an agenda...
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  2. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    THEY have an agenda? Everyone has an agenda.

    Bravo. They just want views and video making is an art; we cannot dis the art and push it down, discredit or ridicule it so elevate our own 'art'. By the way I am myself not just another fn sheep in the herd. I said myself - the other day - IF the game had been called Rocco At Nurburgring, and that was the focus of the title, just say - it would be a world beater. Because that was amazing. With my custom file. But probably default too. And a setup.

    But what is so existential as with the video. The game is in active development. I mean, the video even caters to this - it was so thorough. He even gives a nod to that.

    The world is not a dice or puzzle box where you get to keep shaking it and hoping for the right result. When you try to make a product (not saying thats this here) and fake it - you get Fast and Furious video game. Sometimes you get fraud. No that one wasn't fraud but it was a madness engine game that was soooo shoddy.

    Do you really want to de-fraud thousands of 'sheep' just so you can have one win; I would rather a consistent society. Sim racing is not big enough to defraud it probably. I highly doubt Broadbent's video is a sham, that his agenda is off. It seems relatively consistent with his AMS1 video. Its his narative. You're not even addressing it - which is why Renato I suppose can say its just his opinion. Not a bad view to hold - and therefore it does not require a leap of the imagination to say 'well it must be a conspiracy' - he is making no leap. He got closure.

    How hard is it to accept one guy didn't like the DPI lol and made some pertinent points consistent with the statistics, the realities, his experience. Man, I don't even drive every car at Nürburgring! he did give some outs though as he put on his slippers and said he doesn't play it much. I mean, what a horrible guy...

    oh yuh - thats right... he didn't play it much... ouch. nah but suddenly your agenda matters when his doesn't. There's handing out product keys, and also having the girl who didn't know anything about RGPs review cyberpunk and who was also shallow in terms of computer games as to what she enjoyed (heck of a way to get around a credibility-loss), then there's this.

    It means something, but in terms of your agenda. It means to get to the tip in point, is some ways to go. This is what I am on about. How does it hurt any thing. And his video also revealed, look at the audience - some people will never get on board AMS2 - buddy he knows that, you know it, its shown. Why can't he... oh thats right.... your agenda. Mate there's a large swathe of people in the community who will never play it.

    Remember me? My agenda? Oh! Rocco! Nords! Tip in point. Some people that doesn't cut it. Thats right I got the DLC, but thats more about my means, than the game. I absolutely thought that race was incredible catching up to them...my DLC suggestions where they were probably doing something along those lines anyway - was for others. How selfish. They're not making a game specifically for me. He's not doing a video specifically for me or anyone.

    Do you think this is why Renato releases a free patch as well round that time?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  3. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    So many long posts. But meeting people where they are at. With a lot of info. About how to watch a video. Not gunna tell you what to do now - just how to do it guys lolz.

    So I just drove the f1 reiza at the nord/s 24 hour. Amazing grip. Heck of a drive. If people even know what a Reiza f1 is like to drive - haha - but to say it was engrossing is an understatement. Of course I am appreciating with a tailormade custom file for hq belts. I think it does a lot of that 'grip' chatter justice tbh. Nah it won't feel like an f1 rim, but its glued to the ground and the wheel gives off proper inputs.

    Classy drive. If you stop somewhere at the track (just cos, you know...) and you turn the car around, the scene is quite good whether up at the grandstands or out in the hills. Ive been to the biome of northern Europe not there, which means f all of next to nothing - I am just saying its a solid aspect ratio the game has in the engine, compared to others, its large and imposing. I like it.
  4. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    This is what happens due to YTbers (please read the comments and Jimmy replies too)

    Toxicity is high, no way to have a constructive talk...
    If ACC takes 1 year to be playable all good, if the same happens to AMS2 isn't ok and extra bashing because on Madness Engine and they know how it works!!

    I unsubscribed from all of them, after RD even YTbers joined the toxicity train...
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  5. RoccoTTS

    RoccoTTS Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Sadly this is how the internet works, not only about games. Open the comments about any topic (politics, cars, music,...) and all you get is a bunch of keyboard warriors making every single discussion a toxic place.
    The only solution is not to get involved in this kind of discussion.
    There's also a reason why you never see this kind of YTbers like GM and JB in a proper discussion in an official games forum like this.
  6. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Edited for clarity- caused misunderstanding. Thanks Mhad for pointing it out :)
    Who is this Jimmy guy? Should we care?
    Driver 61 is about the only youtube channel I might pay attention too, and only then on matters that tend away from opinion.
    I wonder why people worry about Bill Gates putting computer chips in their bodies then allow themselves in the next breath to be 'influenced' by some whacko on the internet spouting conspiracy theories about xyz.. Bill Gates is doing it wrong in that case :whistle:
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  7. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    This thread is also an example of this. Tons of people hammering "youtubers" for not liking the game they like. The post above labels them "whackos"... (edited due to misunderstanding)
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
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  8. John Eagle

    John Eagle New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Only reason people care is because some of these content creators have significant audiences which are influenced by their opinions to some extent. If the review is over-simplified and negative then it translates to potentially less people trying/buying AMS2 which would mean slower increases to the player base as well as less funding for Reiza to develop.

    It's really great when sufficiently detailed reviews are done because it highlights strong/weak points and allows for discussion and analysis. Constructive criticism is good, but random memes about AMS2 because people jump on bandwagons doesn't help. This forum discusses a lot, but there's probably a large amount of people that never see this forum. No idea how much these people really affect things, probably much less than we think, but it's still disheartening to see lost potential of good discussion because people want to meme about AMS2 (anyone, not necessarily Jimmy).
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  9. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Actually @Mhad I was implying the term to those that spread conspiracy theories about computer chips being inserted. It was a more general depressed summary of how easily people are led, and the wasted effort that some people assume goes into that. I'll edit it to be slightly more clear..
    Edited to remove belligerent tone..
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
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  10. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    No worries!
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  11. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I'll put my soapbox away now :whistle:;)
  12. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    take this video out of the youtubers bashing thing, and you have to admit iit doesn't look good..like at all.
    also, "ACC takes 1 year to be playable", what?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  13. Koen_Sch

    Koen_Sch Active Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    But... He just pulls a Russel right? Goes wide, hits the grass and spins? Am I missing something in this clip?
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  14. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Every racing sim I have seen has dodgy crash physics as soon as the cars leave contact with the road, it's simply not worth simulating accurately. iRacing cars used to traction roll much worse than this, yet the fanboys never mention such things.
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  15. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Indeed. If it were me I'd be more peepeed off at putting wheels on the grass than picking through post event consequences that are a byproduct of that error. Its not as though I'd be sat there inverted thinking 'hmm, that wheel isnt following a correct trajectory' as it hurtles off piste. More likely still thinking about whether I'll have enough time to get back on the road before the car behind catches up.. before the sad realisation hits that the racing gods have removed my capability for forward motion..
  16. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    If you don't like AMS2 I am fine, nothing wrong with it...the problem is the lack of "communication" (ironic since we are talking of YTbers).

    Jimmy: AMS2 is ****!
    Jimmy's community: yeah it is ****!
    Random guy: hey Jimmy, did you read the changelog? did you reset your profile first?
    Jimmy: See? I can't say I don't like it due to "fanboys"
    Jimmy's community: yeah how they dare to defend a game based on madness engine, a PC2 clone as Jimmy said already!
    Random guy: ...but I play all the games and all of them suffered the same issues during development...
    Jimmy: I am a pro driver now who are you?
    Jimmy's community: yeah those AMS2 fanboys are toxic and bringing other games on the table....our beloved ones!

    Now...tell me...who is the toxic part here?

    I saw lot of vids with people not liking AMS2 but they did it right, pointing the issues and what isn't working based on objective data (even telemetry)...

    ...but when you stream 5 hours without knowing anything about the update and how to setup the game (GM) or 10 mins without testing the update and just going on track without spending 5 minutes to set it properly (like Jimmy...for what? clickbait?) this is the kind of content will bring toxicity in the community, specially if you tell the others they are doing wrong what you are doing worse lol.

    Reality is that creating toxicity/fight is a way to have more clicks and users on their channels...more click, more money...who cares if simracing is starting to piss people due to that...it's all about clicks/money!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
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  17. tk84

    tk84 Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Yeah thats what I don't get about that clip, is it the crash or what happens after that he's worried about? Putting two wheels on the grass like that on full throttle out of a corner, surely that causing a spin isnt anything to be surprised about? And then once the car has spun, flipping on to it's roof is unexpected and unlikely, but I mean its not even like one of those clips where the car suddenly gets catapulted into the stratosphere. Cars have been known to roll on to their roofs every now and again, the car is sliding sideways, I guess its slowing to a speed where the tyres suddenly are able to grip and stick which makes sense, just obviously you wouldnt expect they'd be able to stick enough to cause a flip. I believe it was Renato who said how complicated crash physics get, but at the end of the day a crash is a crash, its not like it happened while driving correctly.

    I dont doubt that it did happen 4 minutes into his race, but if he was able to recreate it happening time and time again then that would be of concern and worthy of posting, but I've never ended up on my roof before from a spin, so its possible its just a vary rare occurrence, funny to look at, but again its crash physics so you have to expect a bit of the unexpected? would prefer that to just a pre-programmed scripted outcome..
  18. tk84

    tk84 Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Yeah it's a shame isn't it thats how things go now. Find it ironic how you end up with some people trying to engage and try to actually discuss getting into specifics and then you get other people just dropping blanket statements and generalisations, of those two which do you reckon are classed 'fanboys' ?...

    It's a shame with Jimmy in particular as he's a likeable guy (tbf all streamers do seem to be nice people) and I don't begrudge him at all what he's managed to achieve. I get what Renato says about not giving too much concern to influencers, but the fact is Jimmy is surely the most prominent Sim Racing streamer out there, he's involved in high profile Gran Turismo events and he has years of experience with these games, and spends a lot of time actually on track driving real cars, and now racing a high downforce prototype, its not exactly the DPi he was playing in game but I'd wager its a lot closer than 99% of us have driven?.. So, on paper at least he is very well placed to give a very useful and informative review of the game...
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  19. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I had a car not only end up on its roof, but it was on its roof on top of me! It was in Rf2 and it rolled through the final left hander in the chicane just before the start finish straight at Zolder. I didnt find it particularly noteworthy beyond a fairly rapid thought process along the lines of 'not much to damage up there'.
    Now it turns out I should be getting excited? Oh well in that case..
    Bad Rf2, worst sim ever blahdeblahdeblah..

    strolls away wishing he could actually go simming instead of typing but eye infection means no VR headset for a few days :mad:
  20. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I think that specific clip is referring to tyres lateral forces...
    Problem is the way he exposed that... nothing useful there without proper feedback, also the toxicity in comments is very high...

    If this is quality content I probably misunderstood how it works
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