LFM drops plans to support AMS2 - What needs to change?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Peter Kasbergen, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I've tried the rF2 open wheel series yesterday and the day before.

    I've got to say, client-server architecture is far superior to AMS2's p2p. Seriously... the grid had people from South America, NA, EU and Asia and the race was silk smooth. In AMS2 the experience would be all twitchy, micro-teleports, cars running sideways in a straight line...

    Such a shame AMS2 won't be MP-friendly, that platform would boost AMS2 popularity very high.

    Well, if racing the AI is the way to go, then it also needs major overhaul, cause it is annoying to see an AI glued to the AI ahead, the chaser with DRS open and the chased with it closed, but it still can't overtake.
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  2. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    Well, not really going to go into what is lacking, too many to list. CART cars and Indy 500 with the Ai isn’t close to being correct. One thing that irks me is the debris left on track after a car losing a wheel and parts, wtf pit road speed is off, pit entrance pit speed line needs to be down farther. The track and all looks great, the best, they’ve got that nailed down. Until everything is cleaned up, just an occasional hot lapping for me
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  3. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    ISI motor sims have been buttery smooth online for over a decade...

    The base that S397 got was class...

    From what I read today mid race saves are impossible in the madness engine... If this is true there's very little point to focussing on SP and the AI at all... With all this endurance content and all the bugs with accelerating anything in the engine right now it's going to be a long time before it's going to offer a true sprint race SP experience... Let alone something that people consider over an F1 title even despite EA's screw ups there as they've nailed a lot of the little things for SP and created an experience... AMS2 would need a MyTeam experience to compete in the single player market without all of the cars and tracks for various series... And even then I think the official games, even with their drawbacks, will get the attention...

    Endurance SP is impossible without mid race saves... A 2.4 hour race just doesn't have that same feel as a 24 hour race and it's still not really an option with the current state of AMS2... 24 minute races are a joke to me, especially at the Nordschleife where the sun can set and rise on the same lap... But as I said above acceleration of anything seems bugged...

    Even if they have to rewrite the entire MP code from scratch... It seems like a smaller job for a far bigger pay off in terms of marketing... Instead of the many chat rooms around the world filled with largely negative word of mouth that AMS2 suffers from now...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
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  4. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    All say, “it has so much potential”
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  5. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    do you think they can?
  6. F1-Dave

    F1-Dave Member

    Jun 22, 2017
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    Had some great races over the weekend in the BTTC cars, no ghosting cars or any of them issues that ams2 has,
    But the main thing is the class of racing offered at lfm, no idiots ls crashing on purpose, clean fair racing,
    It's perfect for me who doesn't have time for a league,
    And it's breathed new life into a game I had long forgotten about,
    If Reiza do anything over this next year, I would suggest they look at making it possible, improve multi player,
    LFM looks like it's going to gain more and more popularity, I would love to see Ams2 on there, in all its glory
  7. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Forget that mate.

    LFM founder already said that while AMS2 is using this model of first to join becomes the host it won't be part of the platform. He also pointed to the terrible lag and netcode because of the p2p architecture.

    But I absolutely agree that AMS2 would be extremely well received if Reiza decided to build a client-server multiplayer. However it is not happening, not in the short term, and almost likely not even in the long term.

    AMS2 unfortunately it is not meant to be in LFM. If people would at least populate JustRace... but even so the laggy experience and all the AMS2 online weirdness still kicks in.
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  8. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Whilst I agree with the thinking because Reiza has been so radio silent on the biggest issue within AMS2 that is holding both AMS2 and Reiza back...

    I also do not see the point of a lot of the content AMS2 existing in any real simulated form in a simulation that doesn't have mid race saves or decent MP...

    To me it's such a complete waste of everyone's time who worked on the endurance cars in this game if MP is never fixed or in race save games never exist...

    Something has to change, the MP or the lack of SP mid race saves... It seems the former is more likely than the latter atm...

    It's so sad because the driving experience between driver, car and track is so good... It just falls apart online... Get a couple of good pings from the same state and you are ok... Get a big grid and people from around the world and it's a circus show with no direction...
  9. F1-Dave

    F1-Dave Member

    Jun 22, 2017
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    Shame about the p2p architecture,
    Shame in general
  10. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    That’s why irqcing is so popular, servers in different areas to serve people all over the world. People complain that it’s expensive, it’s not cheap running all those servers. In business, you have to spend money to make it. But, there’s a lot of small things missing also, that blows me away. The cockpit mirrors made it two builds ago but it’s like your car is a ghost, you see no sides of your car

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