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Metzvr Live Lobbies

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by MetzVR, Jan 6, 2023.

  1. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    The success of the most recent Live Lobbies, notably the Daytona event where almost 60 racers over 2 servers put their cars on the grid has proven, that if the devs are able to flesh out their multiplayer then this could be a behemoth of a sim.

    The AMS2 community as a whole is one of the most tightnit and friendly communities i've ever experienced in online gaming. My channel has grown inexplicably from just under 100 subscribers to being on the verge of breaking 1k subscibers in just under 2 months.

    Nightly Live lobbies, all streamed live on Youtube, has seen racers from all over the globe come to race, often we need to open a 2nd server to accomodate, which we do gladly but we are crying out for a fully fleshed out multiplayer.

    We're filling a gap in the mean time and the community continues to grow from strength to strength. Head on over to Metzvr on youtube and join us.
    Our discord has grown to over 200 racers in just over a month and continues to add racers every single day.

    For fun, clean and fair racing, without the stress of rating gain, or leagues, or championships, where we race just for fun, every night, click the channel link below in my signature and join in the fun!
  2. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    @MetzVR . To follow on from what you are pointing out in you're lat post, im posting this in as many threads as its relvant to, as I totally agree, and we need as many eyes on these issues, and also how good this sim can be, as possible! Here you go:

    "Right, just wanted to jump in here and mention something about the multiplayer, its been mentioned quite a bit inthe Release Version thread and in the Dev update aswell, so I'll be putting the same post in both and here, so don't no one moan about spamming because its relevant! Not only that, we need as many folks to see this as possible as its a real good show of what AMS2 can do when things work well! And if it helps sales thats good for us all as mo money, mo resourse for Reiza, cause we love them!

    Ok so as many of you know I run quite alot of Livestreamed servers, but i've been quiet on that front for a while due to all sorts of problems that have occured over and after Christmas, including getting demonitised by Youtube for the time being as I can't provide I.D. atm (becuase gov agencies over here are worse than awful! DVLA, Passport Office, in fact just F this gov all together!).
    Anyway, im still getting involved with the racing and still wanna support all my fav sim devs, so!

    In the meantime i've been racing alot with MetzVR, who also runs great community livestreamed servers, most nights of the week and sometimes has to get help with opening to it gets so busy. Its great! And this is all run off of the ingame server not the dedi, which im starting to look into, but i've only got the one PC.

    Between the two of us we are very used to all the problems with multiplayer & all the bugs when they occur as our community will report back to us either in ingame chat, or if they experience a crash, random disconnect and are out of the game, they then type to us through our livestream Youtube chat so we know whats happened straight away.

    Last Sunday MetzVR ran an endurance server to coincide with the Daytona Rolex race IRL. 24 hours is a bit long so he ran the race for 80mins or 1h20m, It was so busy a second server had to be started to cope with the overspill. Now there were problems with the second server but I did'nt know about that till after the race as I had the stream turned off whilst racing so as not to get distracted.
    Apparently the problem was with the rolling start and the game not keeping correct order if folks drove through each other and picked up a place (on that note: I hate the cars going ghost, wether its under FCY, pits, rolling starts, and respawns... Especially on respawns, which we should have the option of turning off altogether! This is a SIM, not Mario cart, its confusing and causes all manner of problems).

    Anyway the point is, that in the first server, we had no problems! No random dissconnects (AFAIK), nothing! It was absoloutely amazing! The event was just awsome! Really showed just how god AMS2 can be!
    We had a full day to night cycle, watching the lights come on on the ferris wheel was stunning! Seeing the mist as the sun came up was almost etherreal!
    Feeling the grip move around certain areas of the track throughout the 80mins as more and more rubber got laid down, feeling the grip suffer from dirt being brought onto the track were there were the most offtracks, catching the draft from other cars, coming up on backmarkers (It was multiclass with DPI's & GTE's), pitting for tires, fuel damage.
    I could go on and on about all the element of the race and the sim that just made this experience one of the best Sunday nights any of us have ever had!

    Now its not like that all the time, we've had races where i've finished in 2nd (as the game shows me, and of course I know), yet on MetzVR's stream, which I can alt tab to straight after finishing the race, his games showing him i've finished in 3rd!

    Random dissconnects are regular.

    Rolling starts are a problem.

    People show up in the server to find they have no mirrors.
    Heavily damaged cars pit, get fixed, and then come out fixed from the drivers perspective, but to everyone else they are driving round with a totalled car, which makes the racing suffer as its confusing because you think you can just fly past a stricken car, but give extra room as it might be crabbing, and then you end up neck n neck cause they are actually fixed, when you don't expect to be. This also is confusuing for anyone spectaing either ingame or in a livestream, and just makes AMS2 look bad!

    FCY have a similar problem to Rolling starts so we can't use them.

    Cars go ghosted even when server has ghost cars turned off. And for serious racing we need the option to have ghost cars turned off altogether, its confusing and totally unrealistic, and respawning is just awful! If youwant it fine, but for those of us who don't, can we have the option to get rid of it altogether.

    Loss of onboard TC & ABS still happens online alot.

    Thrustmaster wheels seem to regularly loose all inputs, only in this sim, no others, this might be the same for other wheels and controllers, but im just going on whats been reported to me.

    Why am I going to the trouble of writing such a long winded post?

    Becuase I'm more bothered about a solid multiplayer, bug fix'es and refinements than I am new content! I think its absoloutely paramount! Because when the racing and the experience (which is the most important thing) can be this good, and folks can see it, and word gets around, more and more folks will flock to AMS2! More sales, more joy for everyone!

    ACC has a great reputation for its online system, the competition server is great! And out of all the sims I race, its by far the least buggy, overall!

    Now you can take this as a winge if you want, but just understand if you do, you're wrong! This is constructive, its what the sim needs! Its what more and more of us want (at least in our racing community).

    Sundays race was an absoloutely amazing experience, and the sim held together for the entire 80mins, if every race could run like this it would be so grand! I recorded the whole thing, and then spent 2 days putting the footage together with the tackside footage from two more perspectives in the video. I was so into the racing I forgot I was recording during the race, so there's the odd swear!

    Just look at this, its just amazing! And im not talking about my video, im saying look how awsome AMS2 is!! I just recorded it! With bug fix'es and solid multiplayer this sim could be real top of the ladder! Loadsa race nuts on it every night, racing, serving, streaming, and more folks getting to see it, be amazed by it, and know the name REIZA! Nuff said!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Tonight's Live lobby. Fixed Setup, Porsche Cup, 5m 1 shot quali's, 15m sprints.
    Pop by to race, chat or just lurk!
    Everyone is welcome, First come First served. If it get's exceptionally busy, will open 2nd server but it's a school night so not anticipated.
    Clean racing ABOVE all else is expected! please don't be a plum and just use your brain :)
  4. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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  5. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    This happened recently for me as well in a race with over 26 drivers... Luckily we were able to do a manual formation lap and get into position ourselves for a manual rolling start after skipping the qualy session... But it shouldn't come to that...

    We desperately need major fixes for the MP experience... I'm glad that they started working with Just Race because of the admin help that gives leagues and from my experience it is where I've had the most problems with the warps and jittery cars on track...

    Because of where it started there's a lot of people who don't take AMS2 seriously within the sim racing community, there's also a large part of the community who don't take anything on the Madness engine seriously... AMS2 has really matured in the physics over the past 9 months... However all of that magical work is held back by the MP experience... So any gains Reiza can make in this area will really help those who can't take it seriously have a reason to give it a shot...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    tonight, we return....... one of the most popular streams on the channel, it's our monthly (as promised) visit to the Nordshleife for the evening. hope to see as good a turn out as last time. limiting grid to 25 but will open a 2nd server as required, pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk.
  7. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
  8. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Good evening guys, tonight's Live Lobby Sunday mini-endurance.
    Group C @ Historic Interlagos accelerated tyre wear/authentic fuel
    C1000 licence, multiple servers if required. All welcome but please be respectul when racing.
    Pop in to race, to chat or just to lurk.
  9. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    tonight's Livestream guys.... GT night. in preparation for the weekend's Live Lobby Sunday at the Nordshliefe! a chance to acquaint yourself with your chosen weapon! D1000 licence and a brain! see you there guys.
    pop by to race, to chat, or just lurk!
    first come first served
    • Like Like x 1
  10. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Hey folks! So tonight we are holding a 'mini-championship F3 Night' grid limited to 26 drivers.
    7 races, 10m quali's, 20m races, mandatory pitstop. D1000 licence.
    see thumbnail or description for venues.
    first come first served for the mini-championship however if there are far more racers than the first official 26 drivers we can open a second server to join in the fun but only the first servers results will be collated.
    All welcome but please be respectful and clean when racing.
  11. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Race one from last night's epic Formula 3 mini-championship live stream. and the heavens opened......
  12. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    It's Live lobby Sunday! and our Feature race of the week.
    90 minutes around the Green Hell!
    A1000 licence for main lobby, F1000 for secondary lobby.
    Everyone welcome but please bring a brain :)
    30m practice, 30m Quali, 90m race
    accelerated tyre wear, authentic fuel usage, performance impacting damage.
    First come first served.
    pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk!
  13. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    https://youtube.com/live/HgZOh1IKgLU Fast Cars on Fast tracks! all evening. DPi, P1 and GT1 multiclass.
    D1000 licence, all welcome, first come first served. grid limited to 26, 2nd server will be opened if required.
    clean and respectful racing is required, no t1 tommy's, or lap 1 loons, just bring a brasin and you'll love our lobbies!
    pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk!
  14. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    tonight is mini-championship night. We are in the Copa Classic b's tonight and staying in Brazil for the mini-championship. goiania, cascavel, curitaba, guapore, salvador street. 5 races, 15 mins races each, 10 mins quali. I'm on my own with admin tonight as Zip is away so please be patient while i update stuff before we begin and during races. https://youtube.com/live/Ib_T3dJhqpg
    D1000 licence and a brain is required. first come, first served! grid limited to 28 slots! pop by to race, to chat or just lurk.
  15. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Welcome to a Saturday Special mini-endurance!
    to tie-in with the Kyalmai 9 hour, Metz SimPub presents the Kyalami 90! GT3, GT4 multiclass!
    30m Practice, 20 min quali, 90 min race! Authentic fuel usage, 3x tyre wear!
    Full damage enabled so please be respectful!
    D1000 licence required + brains!
    Grid limited to 28 but will open an additional server if required.
    pop in to race, to chat or just to lurk!
  16. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    https://youtube.com/live/69hkWVOo384 It's a GT takeover tonight at The SimPub! all welcome, low licence level but please, even though it's a lower licence level tonight, you are still required to race respectfully!
    5min 1 shot quali's, 15min sprints! U1000 licence.
    Pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk!
  17. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    https://youtube.com/live/axMrt5dTnLI It's the battle of the little P's tonight. P3, P4 multiclass, grid limited to 24 but as always will open secondary server if required. D1000 licence, Usual server setup, Full damage:-medium.
    Pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk!
    see you tonight guys
  18. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    The Friday night mini championship returns this evening with the P4's.

    All welcome but it is first come first served, grid limited to 26.
    Additional server can be opened for more people to enjoy the racing but the championship points etc will only on the main lobby.
    (i can only admin one server) :)

    Stream start 19:30gmt

    D1000 licence required and a brain :)

    Pop by to race, to chat or just to lurk.

    Full details in the description below.

    Let's get rollin!
  19. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Tonight's live stream 19:15 GMT. It's an F1 weekend so to kick off we have a series of longer Formula Ultimate gen II races with practice and quali. culminating in our feature race tomorrow evening, a full length race at Spa.
    All welcome but grid will be limited to 24 this evening. additional lobby will be opened if required to allow for more racers to enjoy the evening.
    D1000 licence required. Ask in chat for server password.
    Please be respectful when racing as full damage is enabled in these lobbies. wreckers, constant bad driving standards and general idiots will be removed from lobby and not invited back. just use brains :)
    https://youtube.com/live/FDZmFX0zcy4 see you on track tonight guys... let's get rollin!!
  20. MetzVR

    MetzVR Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Tonight's Livestream. continuing our F1 weekend, we have an epic full race distance Ultimate Gen II race this evening at the iconic Spa-francorchamps! (shame we don't have Bahrain)
    A1000 server 1,
    D1000 server 2.
    read description for full details. so looking forward to this tonight see you on track guys.
    All are welcome but grid limited to 26, first come first served. additional lobbies open as required.
    Respect and clean racing is required for these lobbies, please use brains when driving as FULL DAMAGE is enabled. persistent poor driving or wreckers will be removed.

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