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Multiplayer Logs & Reports Thread

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    We have done a F1 2024 race around Kansai on Sunday, we had 23 drivers at the start, no disconnection issues, but we did have one driver were for the first 2 laps the cars around him seemed jittery.

    managed to acquire logs from 10 people, including the one that had issues, with a short description in the filename about issues (if there were any).

    Attached Files:

  2. Kevin Cox

    Kevin Cox Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Attached are the log files from myself and another driver who got disconnected from a MP race on 11th April 2024.

    I have also attached the server log file too.

    I (TOCA2FREAK) got disconnected on lap 3 and (CHICKEN) got disconnected with about 3 mins of the race left to go.

    Attached Files:

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  3. Oskarp

    Oskarp New Member

    Apr 24, 2024
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    Attached Files:

  4. Rocco Thamm

    Rocco Thamm Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    RCO session "crashed" for all human drivers in the lobby phase saying "Server migration failed", nobody hit ready yet, nobody was on track yet.

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  5. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Another example of the timing bug. Car in 1st demoted to 2nd by about 0.2.

    Attached Files:

  6. orangetrptboi

    orangetrptboi New Member

    Jan 14, 2024
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    We had a race with 10 Formula USA 2023 cars at World Wide Technology Raceway Oval (Gateway). We had a number of issues, in descending order of their impact on the race. I have logs from myself (orangetrptboi, not involved in any of the issues), JonD, and Shattered.Compass (the host). I was unable to get any other logs but hopefully this is helpful. Appreciate all the work you do at Reiza!

    1. natedelta had the AI takeover his car mid-lap (I am unsure what lap, but was in the first 20 or so) and was unable to regain control. His car took a strange line under the control of the AI and crashed into one of the leaders

    2. Cdlt5177 took 99 damage without making much contact at all and this happened after he lag spiked back through another car - see the video at this link:

    3. JonD had issues with setups - here is his description
    I did some practice earlier today, and saved a couple of setups.
    Logged on the race server. Setups are gone.
    Adjusted defaults as best I could remember, and it was there abouts to what I had.
    Quali was ok, then we went to the race. I loaded race setup that I did practice laps with in practice, and it's a different setup
    gearing different, tire pressures and no idea what the rest is like, but tire wear was definitely different

    Attached Files:

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  7. juankyskys

    juankyskys New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hi guys, public online races, same room with no changes. Multiclass with IA on low and soft rain for quali. Fail become on second quali: wet wheels have any grip with same setup...offroads with minimum turns and tyres dont warm, only changing for slicks returning to box you can drive.

    Attached Files:

  8. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Ok, we have a latinamerican community, normally in our races there are drivers from Colombia and Argentina, normally we used the dedicated server because it allows, among other things: to take a results file to create the championship tables with more complete information, the DS also allows, with a line of code in the browser, to restart the session or jump to the next session, and in case something happens at the start of the race, the DS also allows you to restart the race without losing time and without losing the Qualy positions... but the DS has the problem that increases and It gives us a lot of ping and lag 300-400...

    Now we started using P2P for races, there was a very big improvement in terms of ping and lag, between 200 and 250 for the drivers from Argentina and it remains at 20-90 for those from Colombia, which is where the session is created. .. the race goes much more fluidly .. but known errors such as the following continue to appear:

    As you can watch on the follow time stamps of the video: 1:31:40

    In the minute you can see that the session ends and when it reaches 0, it does not perform the auto-advance... the 60 appears and it stays frozen there, the continue button does not work either... so we have to close everything and go back to create the session, you need a button there to restart the session or something similar to bypass that error or bug.. that error is random between races.

    When the race starts and the synchronizing message appears, drivers receive the green light at different times, so some let the cars move, others accelerate before and others cannot accelerate because they still have a red light... so that some drivers get a drive-through penalty for accelerating before other drivers...


    The problem is that even if we detect the synchronizing random error, there is no way to restart the race in P2P mode, when we are in DS, with a line of code in the browser that is:
    http://localhost:9002/ api/session/advance
    You can restart the race without losing Qualy positions and we can continue with the event, but in p2p you can't restart race to correct that start problem.

    In P2P mode there is no way to restart the race when such an error occurs, we cannot restart the event either maintaining the qualy positions, simply we have to close everything and start again, or as we did in this case, let the Continue your race and regret the mistakes of the session.

    Also at the time of synchronization, game crashed for 2 drivers, and another error that also occurs randomly is when the session changes, some driver has already been disconnected without the possibility of reconnecting when the race session starts.

    I attached the last log files linked to the youtube video I added.
    For some reason the video doesn't play as embed so here is the link

    Edited and added: In p2p you can't get a file with results and race information to can format and create championship tables, you have to create the tables manually by typing data by data from screenshots of the results.

    Thank you!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  9. Iuri_Rein

    Iuri_Rein Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Good afternoon, I'm the director of the Falcon League in Brazil, and I also have this problem. We solved it by using a second monitor to generate log files for the data.

    I was using the Just Race system, and I'm experiencing minimal lag in tests with us and races from other leagues.

    We are considering setting up a server in Brazil with the Just Race system to test latency.

    Regarding the ping, we noticed that there is a Steam resynchronization every 5 or 10 minutes with the last player who accesses the lobby. This results in synchronization issues for other P2P players.

    For further contact, please message me privately. I can contribute to your broadcasts.
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  10. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I need to add another bug or problem we have at finish of the race...
    The positions of the drivers change randomly... I'm going to use the same example stream.

    You can see at: 2:20.05
    Positions 4th C Fernandez and 5th D. Velez, their position exchanged and they doesn't have any penalty time or similar...

    Same occurs for drivers at 2:20.34 ... positions 10,11,12 .. driver Daniel Guzman jumps to 12th when finish race but you can see in the results table that they don't have time penalty that normally shows there when it happens.


    Thank you.
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  11. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Hi Luri! thank you, I'm going to check about justRace to test what happened, But I think we have a good point to mount our server here with a good harware pc and a good internet connection 900mb optic symmetrical fiber,... we think it is just to neccesary to continue working in a robust DS system so communities soon can explode with a lot of championships and events!! see you.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Kevin Cox

    Kevin Cox Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    This is a very long standing bug and I'm sure the devs already know this. This happens most of the time if you get the out of sync start at the beginning of the race as the race timer started differently for the out of sync drivers.

    You can also get small discrepancies with finishing times even without the sync issue.
  13. Ben35390

    Ben35390 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    We use a dedicated server for our championship races, last night two drivers (always the same) could not enter the server at the same time, it was either one or the other.
    I didn't see any error messages in the log stream.

    has anyone ever had this problem?
    where and when to recover the log file?

    log of one driver

    Attached Files:

    • log.zip
      File size:
      223.1 KB
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  14. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Hi there!

    Here I bring the information from the last race we had.

    This is the stream in live:

    As you can see, the blue countdown reach zero and dissapear, then never shows the auto-advancing count or shows the cotinue button, so we had to close everything and start again.
    There is something curious, when I disconnect, I mean I am the host, when the host disconnects, the session fixes and it continues to next session, but you know, the problem is that the host migrated to another random player and we can't continue using any driver as host because de ping and good connection, so, close and starts again.

    After that in the second try, session goes to racing without problem.

    For the record, 44:40 we made a Race Start manual, so, we set the start in standing mode, but when goes to green, drivers have to make a one line formation lap and then the leader has the decision when to start the race and the rest of the drivers starts their race too...
    We made it to avoid the start lights desynchronization bug.

    At 55.26 you can see the stranger things when the cars when hit one to one they simulation crash, one car over another as you can see. Then some more things here:
    55.54, 1.07:51, 1.10,35, 1.10,52, 1.12,24, 1.12,31, 1.13,39

    Some drivers says that they was ghost while they were racing, the car for they never jumps over other.. but in streaming from monitor you can see cars jumping and traveling on top.

    Ghost Vehicles always is turned off in Race/Session Settings.

    Here is the link to a shared folder to get the last LOG files we got.
    Logs - Google Drive

    And thats it! thank you so much!
  15. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Oh sorry, another big problem that some drivers report after every race is:
    Some drivers simply doesn't appear in the end results screen, and although you can see his name in the list of drivers during the transmission of the race, after finishing the race it does not appear either in the list of sim results or in the report generated by second monitor that we use as a tool to try to Capture as much information as possible.

    The drivers disappear from the results even if they have completed the race and also when they cross the finish line some positions are simply exchanged without reason. thanks!
  16. Rocco Thamm

    Rocco Thamm Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Current live version
    • Many disconnections during 32 driver lobby on a dedicated server session. (Multiclass)
    • I and some others got disconnected twice during practice and quali end of session ( my ingame name: Rocco YT Thamanoidis
    1. (All GTE drivers got disconnected around the same time)
    2. (At end of quali)
    Attatched my personal logfile and the server "sms_stats_data.json" provided by the host Wolf.

    Attached Files:

    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Petrolhead

    Petrolhead Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Yet another muiltiplayer syncing problem

    Cant upload grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    The following error occurred:
    The uploaded file is too large for the server to process.

    The log file: online.log is 2.05MB. This is strange as it says max file size 3mb
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  18. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Maybe try zipping it and then try to upload?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Petrolhead

    Petrolhead Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I've done several races since, will the log file still be relevant
  20. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    It saves 5 versions, unless you've done more than that, it will have a number added to it

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