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Oculus quest 2 issues

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Ochilbaz, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks for this detailed explanation. As I use the quest2 for racing games only I am now going to see if I can get it swapped for rift S

    thank you
  2. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    That is the correct answer. I would seriously consider the HP Reverb G2 if you can afford it. You can downsample the render quality using SteamVR until you get a more powerful GPU. You can run the game with about the same quality as the Rift S but be able to up the graphics when you get a more powerful GPU.

    The issue with the Quest2 isn't just GPU related, it is primarily bottlenecked by USB stream limitation. Plenty of my friends are reporting they have GPU headroom but AMS2 doesn't run smoothly (stutters) in sim racing due to the USB bandwidth limitation.
  3. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Good evening

    I Managed to get my hands on a rift s earlier. Set up and working and plays nice and smooth (less stuttering than quest2) and while I am more happy than I was before I still have some reservations so

    I have a few questions.......

    1. When I see videos of vr gameplay online am I watching images from an actual headset or from a separate monitor that people are posting as my ingame images on headset are nothing like what I see online?

    2. Am I expecting too much from Vr with regards to picture quality?

    3. Can someone post best settings for rift s based on my pc specs below?

    4. While my game is a lot smoother now than it was on the quest 2 it’s still not exactly what I would expect from vr. I am wondering if I should factory reset my entire pc in case I have something that’s not allowing the full capacity of vr to work

    5. Should I use steamvr as I currently only launch through oculus vr on steam?

    If anyone can offer settings or advice I would appreciate it very much

    thanks in advance
  4. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Good evening
    1. When I see videos of vr gameplay online am I watching images from an actual headset or from a separate monitor that people are posting as my ingame images on headset are nothing like what I see online?

    Most of these videos are not showing what you will actually see in the VR headset. These videos are showing what the GPU is outputting to the screen. Try watching one of the "Through the lenses" videos for a more realistic perspective (these videos actually shove a camera into a VR headset and record that way)

    4. While my game is a lot smoother now than it was on the quest 2 it’s still not exactly what I would expect from vr. I am wondering if I should factory reset my entire pc in case I have something that’s not allowing the full capacity of vr to work

    It's hard to say without knowing your GPU, and maybe some information that you would get from the Oculus debugger so people can compare to what you are seeing. It's impossible to compare subjective opinions on this topic you need to give data.

    5. Should I use steamvr as I currently only launch through oculus vr on steam?

    I have always used "Launch in Oculus VR" mode and never had any issues.
  5. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Congratulations on the Rift S!
    Always launch via Oculus SDK and yes you need to drop your expectations regarding clarity in VR!
    VR will never ever be as sharp as the latest monitors. One day we might get 4K in VR, but then we will moan it’s not 8k. The trade off with VR is the immersion! Whenever I play VR I’m always blown away, smiling ear to ear and I’ve been playing VR almost daily for over two years.
    I can’t play driving sims on flat screens it never made sense to me, then I found VR and my love for driving sims reached levels I couldn’t get with flat screens or even on triple screens.
    VR is about trade offs and I’ll gladly take the lower res but high immersion from a VR headset to clarity and refresh rates on a flat screen. The reverse, I have friends who out right refuse VR because it’s not 144Hz and they hate the screen door effect.
    The videos you see on you tube aren’t direct from the headset, they are usually from the left eye that’s projected onto their monitor.
    l’ve attached my settings which allow me to play from pitch black early morning to sunrise with no stuttering. If I played only at mid day in clear weather I have got SS up to 1.6 and increased other settings. Please remember this is using a 2080ti. Try these settings but maybe drop SS to 1.2. The Super Sampling in AMS 2 is a real greedy pig for resources from a GPU.
    Hope this helps and hope you fall in love with VR!
    VR is a real faff when you first start out, especially with driving sims and each sim having its own resource quirks. AMS2 is definitely the most generous sim for VR!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
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  6. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks for this I really appreciate it. I have completely fallen for vr I feel it’s amazing. One final question......when you race with rift s do you actually see what I can only describe as a dot matrix because your eyes are so close to the eye lenses inside headset? I assume your brain would start to tune this out

    thanks again for all help
  7. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    yes Baz, that is whats known as the screen door effect. The higher the resolution of the headset the less noticeable it becomes. In the G2 its barely noticeable at all. The type of screen used also effects how noticeable it is. But again the more pixels you're trying to push, the more juice you need, the more you have to compromise on settings.
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  8. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    This is called "screen door effect" Google it and you will see it's probably the most common complaint about VR next to motion sickness.

    The screen door effect is a function of resolution. The higher the resolution the less you can see it. I hear the Reverb G2 has almost completely got rid of it. I have a Rift S and while you can see it if you're looking for it, you very quickly get used to it and don't see it anymore. Of course more resolution is better but my point is that it's not a deal breaker. Get into some good races and you won't notice it's there. The immersion/stereoscopic vision of VR is well worth putting up with a little screen door effect.
  9. Chequers

    Chequers New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Check this video to compare the rifts to the quest 2 at 3:12 it compares the screen door effects of the Rift, Q2 and Q1, the some assetto corsa shots
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
  10. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    There is a button on underside of rift s....... what’s it for? In oculus demo it says it is for sharpening and focus when headset on but it doesn’t seem to do anything?

  11. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    The button is to let you adjust the lenses in or out. i.e further away or closer to your face.

    Somewhere like the oculus wiki on reddit might answer a lot of your questions.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
  12. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    Press it in and you can adjust the distance of the display module from the Halo strap. Useful if you want more space to accommodate glasses or get a better fit to your head shape.
    Nothing to do with IPD, that's done with software in the Rift s.
  13. Frank Alexandre

    Frank Alexandre Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I bought a Quest 2 and AMS 2 image is fantastic, so real. Change bitrate to 500 on Oculus Debugy Tool, 90 hz, 1.7 multi and change the sharpness on the config xml. But to use this settings i have a 3080 and its 80/90% gpu usage. Image can be even better increasing supersampling under ingame VR options, but its no possible with the 3080. Maybe if ASW is used, but i want 90 hz.
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  14. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I can do this with my 2080ti. Granted I water cooled it. MSAA medium. Grass off. Reflections and shadows on medium. USB speed on 350. 1.7x at 90Hz. Racing with 30 AI. Only around the time when the car lights have just gone on in the twilight of the evening I see the odd ASW kick in. Unfortunately at these settings rain is out of the question.
    Would you share your sharpness settings for the Quest 2 in the xml file? I think I’m not optimal yet.
  15. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    By the way - to improve performance and able to add even more details, use the Oculus debugging tool and change the FOV-Tangent multiplier to 0.75;0.75 (play with this) and the bitrate to around 400. It will reduce the number of pixels to be rendered (typically from the edge you don't look at anyway), thereby severely reducing the number of pixels in total to be rendered. With that I can max out the resolution at whatever the weather condition or time of day it is. Applicable to lower end cards (3080 might not need this). Just stumbled upon it on some FS2020 thread.
  16. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    It exists already, the Pimax 8KX headset has 4K resolution.
    Very expensive and you need monster hardware (also expensive) too but it already exists... ;)
  17. zero71

    zero71 New Member

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Not sure what you did wrong. I returned my Reverb G2 and bought a Quest 2 and have had no issues getting about as good an image out of the Q2 as I did with the G2. It runs at a very high resolution on the Quest 2 in comparison to the Rift S, so you need to run with less cars on the track, but you can get a good mix of low to medium settings on Quest 2, just like G2, if you run a 2070S. Obviously you need to set the resolution to 1.2 which is well below Q2 native, but it's fine. If we ever manage to get a 3080, I'm sure I can push that to 1.5.

    Not only that, but the new Airlink allows you to get pretty much the same experience wireless too which is crazy. I've just done a few laps around Suzuka wireless over Wifi5 with my Q2 and it was a great experience.
  18. mister dog

    mister dog Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Quest 2 here and on a 1060 still (thanks global GPU shortage!), AMS2 runs great and although I'm not expecting it to look as crispy and sharp as it does on a single screen, I can't complain even with my specs.

    I still run 72hz and increased the resolution on the headset to 4208x2128 (1.4). Framerate is around the 30fps-40fps only in general but I don't care too much as the experience in VR far outweighs the limitations.
  19. BreadPitch

    BreadPitch New Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    I have a Quest 1. Does the same guidance apply as for the Rift S? So should it be fine with my 1070 in AMS2 as well due to the lower resolution etc?

    Where can I set the Quest resolution to "1.2", and what does that mean? That means I run native Res (1440p) on the Monitor, and much lower res on the Quest?
  20. BartZ

    BartZ Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I used Quest 2 some time ago and the graphics were disappointing. I think it's the compression over WiFi and USB-C. I think the truth is Oculus HMD's are not the optimal option for Sims. Just like Baz (OP) I also had very blurry image. No matter what I tried picture quality was never what I wanted.
    Eventually switched to Reverb G2 and things improved. I recon HMD's using display port are capable of receiving more data.

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