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Official General AI Comments & Discussion Topic

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    And that is probably the reason why I will take a long brake from simracing or even completely stop it. Racing online is too time consuming or frustrating for me or often only with modern GT cars at the same two or three tracks. So there's AI racing left but tbh it's a very mixed bag across all sims which frustrates me after all these years. I don't see any improvements in this regard. Perhaps programmers and cpu power is capable to produce really convincing AI for racing sims in ten or twenty years, but by that time I'm 50/60. So... :D I kind of give up. Not in anger but a bit disappointed.

    /melodramatic post
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  2. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Yeah, I hear you! Speaking about Ams2 only, there is so much improvement required that when it comes to AI I've stopped reporting the issues I've encountered. Either those have been reported already or they are so easy to spot that I believe Reiza is aware of them. I will report on the AI again after the game has received substantial updates on this front. Having said that, I think it is possible to have some fun races against the AI in ams2. Some classes like the trainers, stock cars can be fun. The problem is when you expect to be simulating a race and you expect the AI to fit into that racing simulation realm. That's when you can end up very frustrated.

    I've been watching videos of F1 2021 and that AI is very good. They try to simulate RL F1 and the AI is pretty convincing there. So I think there is hope for AI in the very near, keep your hopes up! ;)
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  3. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
  4. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    Version: V.1.2.2.
    Car: Kart 125cc Shifter
    Track: Ortona Kart One
    AI Strength: 98%
    AI Aggression: 50%

    AI cannot race clean. They always have huge accidents at the first corner and sometimes before, and the whole grid can be entangled in a crash. They are often inconsistent if they survive the first corner, and often veer off track or crash into eachother or into the barriers. It is impossible to race the ai with this combination. They are also very slow and are easy to overtake and win

    Although not relevant to AI specifically, I should mention here that the bug with the brake damage still exists with the shifter kart, and the rev lights on its' dash aren't calibrated correctly either.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    In AMS 2 the driving is great, racing is not. I want to do some longer races, 20+ laps, but can't because the AI punts me off the track within the first few laps. AI is ruining the experience. It's just not fun.
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  6. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    1,5 years after official release, AI still drives like drunken madmen, goes over grass without losing speed, rams player out that way, never gets penalties and can drive on fantasy lines full blast without an eye for human player. But as the game came out early 2020, I lost hope to get a proper AI within this game. Because when should we expect it - 2035?
  7. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    The AI is mostly broken indeed, their behaviour displays way too obviously their simplified physics, which is a huge downer.

    However, there are a few instance where the AI behaves well. One of them is F-Vee, Curvelo Long, 100/60, 20 min race, Clear Weather. I had a blast racing vs the AI! Give it a try to see the potential AMS2 has if it gets things fixed.

    But yea, this is the very exception to the rule, along with a few other open wheel combos. AI racing is not fun overall.
  8. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    So we have a game with a lot of great cars to drive but only a few of them have decent AI. I'm not going to spend my time figuring out which ones do and don't.
  9. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I was not expecting you to do that, buddy. Just gave you a combo that worked nicely for me so you can enjoy the game for now, because it is very unlikely the AI will ever be satisfactory for many different car/class/track/etc combinations.

    Off the top of my head, another combo that worked for me was the following: F301, Donington Park, Clear Weather, 107/65, 40 minutes race.

    Ofc the AI strength has to be adjusted to personal skill level.

    I strongly dislike GT3/GTE cars, so never digged any combos for those.
  10. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Wasn't dogging your reply. My comment was more for Reiza than for you. I'm not their QA department. I love the cars, the tracks, the updates they provide. I know they are working hard. But if the AI sends me into the wall the majority of the time ... the cars, the tracks, the updates mean nothing.

    I appreciate the suggestions. I'll give them a try.
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  11. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Could you mention the combos you tried that didn't work well (car, track, AI strength/aggression, number of AI, track condition)? Sometimes people have issues with AI where others experience no issues. Would be helpful for troubleshooting.
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  12. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    This was a combo suggested above. This is in Turn 1, 10 seconds into a 20 min race. I guess, I'd rather it happen 10 seconds in than 19 minutes in :) This kind of thing happens all the time. The AI has no idea how to pass properly.

    F-Vee, Curvelo Long, 100/60, 20 min race, Clear Weather

    (If video won't play, click the Pop-Out button in the top right)

    I can't list all the combos. I've tried a bunch. I have more bad experiences than good. If bad AI reared its ugly head once in a blue moon ... fine, I can live with that. But it's becoming far too consistent to the point I just assume I won't be able to finish the race.
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  13. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Sorry to hear that. This combo just works amazing for me, that is why I recommended it.

    Just had 11 laps of fun:

    AMS2 is fairly poor on replay cameras. Too few.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. ijac

    ijac Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I tried Formula Retro Gen 1 on tracks from the 1970s last night. AI behaved themselves. Wide tracks with very few tight turns probably helped.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. stlutz

    stlutz Active Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Series: Stock Car 2021
    Track: Taruma
    AI: 94/40
    Weather: Default dry

    Going into Turn 4, the AI always go to the far right side of the track yielding the inside--even if they are side-by-side. I was able to pass 4 cars in that corner on a race tonight despite the fact that I was in the bottom 5 vs. AI in terms of overall lap times.

    This continues to be a general AI problem--they are a lot less likely to wreck you to get to the outside going into a corner than they used to be, but they still give a lot of positions to do so.

    The last corner at Curvelo long is another one (although you can't pass more than 1 car in this corner).
  16. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Series: FClassic Gen 2
    Track: All tracks
    Condition: Dry or wet, makes no difference

    The FClassic Gen 2 AI are way too fast compared with most other series. They just pull away from the player on corner exit and fly past 20 kph faster on the straights no matter how good your exit. Lowering AI difficulty only makes them excruciatingly slow on corner entry, but does nothing to fix the excessive acceleration issue.

    Same problem FV12, Group C, ... unraceable.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
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  17. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Series: Sprint Race
    Track: All tracks
    Condition: Dry

    The Sprint Race AI have way too much grip in comparison to the player and get insane acceleration out of corners where the player understeers into the corner and spins their wheels trying in vain to keep up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Within the new update, AI is still ruthless, tries to overtake on any spot, never steps back, cuts corners, forces it's way through without an eye for the player, rams all the time, never gets penalties.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  19. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    • Car / Track used: Stock Car V8 2019 / Default Championship tracks
    • AI Strength setting: 100 to 105
    • Corner (if issue is corner specific):
    • AI Aggression setting: 1 to 50
    • Session Distance: Full weekend
    • Weather when the issue was observed: Most dry track.
    • Player Tyre: Softs
    • AI Tyre (if known to be different from player): Don't know
    • Type of session when the issue was observed (practice / quali / race) Race
    I recently started a new Stock Car 2019 Championship (the default included one). I'm about 5 races in, and noticed a trend in all of the finished races.

    AI start very strong pace wise, I mostly struggle to keep up, but after 10/15 mins their pace start to decrease, to the point they are much slower than me at race end (2 to 4 seconds a lap!!) My lap times, depending track and tyre consumption, can be pretty much the same the entire race, posting my best times at the middle of the race.

    The end result of this is that the strategy to win all the races is always the same: Start the race being conservative to avoid any contact with the super aggresive AI, make my pitstop around half race, and start pushing a little to win with a 10 to 20 secs lead. The last 5 minutes I even can drive really slow, saving fuel and tyres, etc., and still get an easy win. I can afford even to make a spin, or an off track excursion, and still win the race.

    With my settings, I ussualy qualify inside the top 10, sometimes even top 15, so I aim to get a good race at the middle of the pack. I might increase the AI difficulty, but the outcome would be pretty much the same applying the same strategy.

    Regarding overall AI behaviour, the same last standing issues are still not solved (IMO of course):

    - "Rage mode boost" when behind the player
    - Super aggresive trying to overtake, going off track, hitting the inside kerbs and ramming the player car in the process.
    - AI doesn't lose grip when off the racing line and over the dirty part of the track. The same when over the grass.
    - Couple of AI cars racing side by side the entire lap, the entire race, without being affected by the natural speed and lap time loss typical at those race situations.
    - Super slow at braking and at the same time super fast acceleration out of some corners.
    - There are still some ocassions where AI is super aggresive returning to the racing line to take a corner, unaware of the player's position and ramming in the process.

    On the positive side of things, the swerving left and right and superfast/super grippy moves are toned down by a lot in the recent updates.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    • Car / Track used: GT1 class, Kansai GP, Hockenheim (GP and historic), Spa, Azure Circuit
    • AI Strength setting: 100 to 105
    • Corner (if issue is corner specific):
    • AI Aggression setting: 50
    • Session Distance: any
    • Weather when the issue was observed: Dry
    • Player Tyre: Softs
    • AI Tyre (if known to be different from player): Any
    • Type of session when the issue was observed (practice / quali / race) Any

    AI seems very unbalanced in GT1. In every session on every track I tried so far, the Mercedes CLK LM absolutely dominated while the Porsche was the weakest. With 18 AI cars, the Mercedes' were usually 1st-6th or 1st-5th and 7th or 8th in qualifying as well as the race and the Porsches usually had at least 4 of the last 6 positions, though there was a track I can't remember (maybe Laguna Seca?) where they were a bit more on par with McLaren, the Mercedes would absolutely dominate there as well however.
    The tracks listed are only the ones I tried this patch, it has been the same on every other track tried before as well.

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