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Real-time and Offline Telemetry and Race Strategy tool for AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Iko Rein, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    New version of my Telemetry Tool for Automobilista 2 is out.

    You can get it from RaceDepartment: Telemetry Application Version 10 for AMS2

    Notable new and AMS2 related additions:
    • Math Channels: You can create your own math channels and assign them to traces on the Telemetry tab.
    • Updated the new cars from AMS2 v1.1.1.0
    • Fixed UDP redirect. This will now send all data received from the game (shmem + UDP), so race engineers will have full access to all data from the driver
    • Trace color per car corner (FL, FR, RL, RR) can be kept in sync in the Graph Color dialog.
    • Histograms now work also with live lap + get updated as more data comes in
    See ReadMe.txt for list of new additions.

    For updating with AMS2 in your installation,
    • Replace Telemetry.jar
    • Update the lib directory contents
    For new Installations, check the ReadMe.txt and then maybe the installation video on Youtube.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    10.5 is here.

    You can get it from RaceDepartment: Telemetry Tool Version 10 for AMS2

    Biggest addition is system to sync your laptimes + basic lap data to global database. When there is more data, I will add functionality to the Tool, which will allow you to compare your own times to the laptimes of other users of the Telemetry Tool. The tool will ask consent for sending the data, when you start it for the first time.

    Notable ASM2 related additions:
    • New AMS2 trackmaps: Spa 1993 and Historic Jacarepagua
    • Fixed detection of car names + data sent from the game
    • Added new cars' data to the Tool
    • Fixed laptime shown on the saved lapdata file name.
    New general additions:
    • Multi-histogram view
    • Multi-XY-plotter view
    • Map: Border color added to leader, car in front and behind for easy detection
    • New trackfile format, which is more compact + also loads faster.
    • Tyre pressures are now saved to lapdata files
    • Many little fixes and tweaks.
    • PgUp and PgDown work as zoom in all views (handy if there is no mouse scroller on the system)
    I expect this to be last big update for the near future. I will be hunting + fixing odd bugs and working on making the backend bit more robust before next larger release.

    For update, backup old installation, then unzip the .zip on top of the old installation. There are many new files in bin, lib and tracks directories.

    For new installs, check the ReadMe.txt and/or the Youtube videos on how to install this.

    If you have any questions, let me know.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
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  3. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Just a note, if you are using other Telemetry tools/dashes, you can use the UDP redirect in my Telemetry Tool to send the data to 2 different UDP ports. Check the help section in the Telemetry Tool for additional info.

    This same functionality can be used to send the game data to a remote location, e.g. to your race engineer (if you happen to have one).

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  4. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Sounds good! Thanks.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. John Mendez

    John Mendez New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    This is AMAZING!

    I only have one problem. The "Race Timing" window is not showing the times.

    Any help?

    Thank you!

    Edit - Solved. Now I re-opened the window only after loading the track and now is working! This app is gold.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  6. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    The Telemetry Tool updated to 10.6.

    You can get it from RaceDepartment: Telemetry Tool Version 10 for AMS2

    With this version I updated the JRE to version 15. So if you are updating, you need to
    • update the bin directory (there is also for Linux and Mac a custom JRE binary included)
    • update the lib directory
    • update the Telemetry.jar + the .bat (windows) and .sh files (linux/mac)
    Key new features
    • Added Statistics table, which will show much more driving statistics on per lap basis
    • Added Launcher, which you can use instead of the several per game .bat files. The runWin.bat (and runLinux.sh and runMac.sh) have been updated to start the launcher. You can still use the per game .bat files to start the Tool, if you prefer that.
    • Added to UDP forward option to send the data out in F1 2020 format for all supported games. You can use this e.g. with Thrustmaster SF1000 wheel to get data to the wheel's dash, or to send data to other dash, which supports F1 2020 format, but might not support AMS2
    • Support for ACC driver swap. This feature has been tested, but not extensively. Any feedback is welcome
    Other notable AMS2 related updates/changes.
    • New tracks + cars + classes from the 1.2 version added
    • Fixed Yaw, Roll & Pitch graphs. They were actually totally wrong, but now they show the correct data.
    • Fixed issues (tool not starting etc), when running the game in different language than English
    New users: In short, unzip the .zip to your system (e.g. to Program Files) or some other place. Then start the tool with one of the .bat files (on Windows) or .sh files (on Linux/Mac). The tool will the ask for location of the data etc. Check the ReadMe.txt for details.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
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  7. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    With the new UDP Forward options in 10.6, you can e.g. send data to the Thrustmaster SF1000 wheel's screen.

    You do this like this:
    1) In the Thrustmaster SF1000 setup the Wifi connection to be enabled and working. On the wheels settings set the UDP on for F1 2020 mode. This will setup the port to 20777.
    2) Start the Telemetry Tool
    3) Go to 'Settings --> Network settings'.
    4) Enable one of the UDP redirects and set the 'Data Format' to be 'F1 2020 format'. Set the 'UDP target IP' address to be your SF1000 IP address. And set port to 20777 (or whatever is shown on the SF1000 settings.

    Now start the AMS2 relay and AMS2. When you drive around, the data on the SF1000 screen will get updated + the revs bar will work.

    If you have very slow WiFi network, you might set the 'Frequency' to lower value. A good indicator for a slow network is that the Gear indicator and the Revs light are trailing (i.e. behind) the real data.

    Below you can see the UDP 1 setup for the UDP forward.


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  8. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Here is a short video on how to get the Thrustmaster SF1000 screen/dash to work with e.g. AMS2 using my Telemetry Tool.

  9. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    The Telemetry Tool updated to 11.0

    You can get it from RaceDepartment: Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable addition is support for F1 2021.

    For AMS2 there is updated AMS2/PC2 SharedMemory+UDP relay. The new relay version can also forward the UDP data from AMS2 to the external IP address. This makes it even easier to get data to the Telemetry Tool, if you run it on separate computer than AMS2.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
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  10. twistking

    twistking Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    @Iko Rein Hi, i just downloaded your software and try to learn everything. However i cannot find a way to display ride height and rake (under aero). Are there no Datapoints for ride height or rake? I understand that i could create own data with the Math channel, but i'm still missing ride height to compute for rake.
    Is ride height not a feature, or am i just not seeing it?
  11. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Well, there is the ride height + suspension ride height in the data.

    These are added to the driving screen in 11.1 (will be put out at the same time as the new AMS2 version, hopefully next week). I still need to look at this data during driving to understand, if they can be used to compute the ride height/rake ratio.

    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  12. twistking

    twistking Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    So, if i understand it correctly i have to wait till 11.1 to use them, or is there a way to add them manually in 11.0? I have looked everywhere (i think) but only found Susp Pos and Susp Pos Diff. But those don't say anything about ride height, do they?
    Sorry, if this is a dumb question. I'm a completele noob with telemetry.
    I can also wait patiently for 11.1 is this has everything i need in noob-friendly form.

    Thanks for the great software!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    The most used proff RL telemetry tool will hopefully be useable in AMS2 - like in iRacing, rF2, ACC and GTR2.
    In a foreseeable future it looks.;)
    AMS2 Telemetry CSV Writer
  14. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    The susp pos is suspension position, i.e. the extension of the suspension rod. This you can also look/have at the histogram to check your setup. The susp pos diff is the different between left and right side for the susp pos.

    I am constantly adding stuff from different games to the suitable places in the Telemetry Tool.

    • Like Like x 2
  15. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I don't understand, why you need to add this comment here. You have been asking everyone to do plugin for data format, which is covered by a license agreement by commercial company, where the license is 1000's of Euros per year. Now you got someone to take the risk of getting sued instead of you. So be happy.

    So does this your "proff RL Telemetry" tool have also:
    • REAL TIME telemetry, which helps you to instantly know, how your driving affected your laptime e.g. on the last turn you went through
    • Have REAL TIME track map with other cars locations + REAL TIME race history, which will help you to decide, e.g. when to pit
    • Have REAL TIME information about tire wear/usage (on per turn basis, if needed)
    • Have REAL TIME fuel use information, so you can plan/manage DURING the race your fuel use/re-fueling/pitstop needs
    • Have way to save opponents laps, so you can compare your own driving to the ones competing with you e.g. in online race
    I know this 'proff RL Telemetry' is great tool, but for normal simracers the needs are quite different and most need REAL TIME data.

    This 'proff RL Telemetry' is like you drive a race, then you load the car on trailer, drive back home, look at the data and maybe make fix to your setup or try to remember next time at which turn you might be faster. And then you repeat that after the next race.

    The tools providing REAL TIME data will give you immediate feedback, which is for normal users much more useful than do some super advanced math stuff, which only help 0.01% of the simracers.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
  16. twistking

    twistking Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    thanks again.
    looking forward to the next release!
  17. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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  18. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    ACC users use i2 for the analysis, which is 'after-the-fact' Telemetry analysis tool. MoTeC T2 is irrelevant in the context of AMS2 or ACC. And the MoTeC Race Management doesn't work with AMS2 or ACC, so again it is irrelevant.

    Maybe you should post the same message to the developers of Second Monitor, Crew Chief, Z1 Dashboard, RST Software, Sim Dashboard, RS Dash, Dash panel and others, that they should stop developing their tools and that their users should stop using those tools, as maybe in the future there will be some tool, which will dump AMS2 lapdata into file(s), which maybe can be loaded to MoTeC i2. This is, unless MoTeC decides to protect their IP and the developer will get cease-and-desist letter and the tool will be gone.

    The MoTeC data format is proprietary IP and writing in that format requires license! Kunos got their license most like alongside their license with SRO, and I suspect they got the real-world data in that format for the game development. If MoTec lets everyone reverse engineer their IP and freely publish tools for writing in that format, soon there could be others using these libraries for non-MoTeC sensors and then those developers/manufacturers will refer to the existing tools, which are using the format without paying to MoTeC. And then MoTeC will be forced to decide, do they defend their IP and licensing business or will they let anyone write freely in that format. And we know, what a typical business normally does in such a situation.

    For a real racing driver, the 'after-the-fact' Telemetry analysis from tools like Atlas/MoTeC is critical, but in SimRacing the driver is the team boss, the race strategy lead, the pit crew leader and the racer, so REAL TIME data is critical. SimRacers need a lot more data due to the many roles, and they need to have that data available in the heat of the moment to be successful. And that is the reason, why there is plethora of tools available now and even more are being develop or started to be developed. And there is room and need for both REAL TIME and 'after-the-fact' Telemetry analysis + for all the other tools. Allow all tools shine.

    Still I would like to see, that developers of MoTeC and even more preferably developers of Atlas, would put out a real SimRacing version, which is designed for the SimRacers needs and would support all/most of the actively developed games. If there would be Atlas for SimRacing, I might even stop developing my own tool.

    So don't be a "religious pusher" demanding everyone to use that one tool, which you used it in the past. Maybe you don't see that while you are glamoring your old times many years ago, when you were driving racing cars and used MoTeC to do the super-duper analysis, the world has changed and moved on. And the needs of SimRacers are partially different than the real-world needs from the past.

    Another rant, but couldn't resist. ;-).

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    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Hey Iko. So my setup doesn't allow for a second monitor, mostly I've been using the tool to analyze things after the fact, I have however been using a separate map to check my line and setting this window to be always on top. Just wondering how feasible do you think it would be to add transparency? It would be great to be able to keep the window pinned but without the black background.
  20. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Interesting idea.

    I will have to play a bit around, but I would guess that setting background to transparent and then removing the decoration & sidebar + allowing a specific window to be 'always on top' might work. This way the map would only be visible with the cars etc.

    Would there be other "tabs", which might be useful? Just thinking out loud, maybe some very limited Telemetry, like time delta. I know there are a lot of dash apps, which can do most of that stuff, so maybe exposing data, which is only available through my tool, ie. requires more statistics + math might be useful.

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