Real-time and Offline Telemetry and Race Strategy tool for AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Iko Rein, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Hey as a start just having control over transparency would be fanastic, I could even live with the window border and sidebar and there are loads of ways to do always on top (desktop pins, autohotkey, etc.) outside of having to bake it into the app itself of course that would be super helpful as well.

    I use simhub and an old phone as a dash so things like delta, tire temps etc are covered by that. Really it's the stuff those apps don't produce that are most interesting. Throttle and brake traces those kind of things, tools for driver improvement are the most interesting to me. Anyway excited to see how the app progresses regardless. It's very useful as is.
  2. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I just player around a bit. I can make the map's and if needed, other windows' background to be transparent with no decorations and with 'Always on top' set. I just noticed that the game must be run on windowed full-screen, if you want to keep the map visible. But as you said, there are other tools to keep it on top.

    I will add the "transparent map" new window to 11.1 as a 'first implementation'.


    PS. Added also screenshot from F1 2021, but will be same for AMS2.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
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  3. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    That's fantastic, you're a legend. I really wasn't expecting this kind of result so quickly. Amazing. And functionally it'll remain the same, being able to toggle ideal lines etc?

    Also just out of curiosity what does the highlighted box that moves around the track represent?
  4. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Yes, it will show same data, as with the normal map, i.e. driven lines etc. so same data you have on the normal map, so optimal line and/or multilap lines etc. and the data too, i.e. deltas/lap number etc. Just the background it transparent and the window is not decorated.

    The box is 'pit window', i.e. the spot where you will land after a normal pitstop. There are default values in the Tool, but if you don't like them or your times are different, you can adjust the pitstop length on the slider on the normal map screen. A good way to see your pitstop time is to have the RaceInfo open, when you do pitstops during a race and the RaceInfo will show you the time lost due to pitstops during the race. Then you can set the value with the slider in Map for that track. The 'pit window' value is per track setting.

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
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  5. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    New version of my telemetry and race strategy tool is here. This is mainly a bug/stability/performance fix with few interesting additions.

    What is new in version 11.1?

    Notable AMS2/PC2 related additions:
    • Added track maps + car data for the 1.2.2 additions
    • Updated the PC2/AMS2 relay so that it can read the settings file from the same directory, where it resides. This allows some more flexibility on using the relay
    • Added bit more data to the Driving pane
    UDP Redirect
    • Fixed a very nasty random bug, which prevented the UDP redirect to work properly. This fix also improves the performance of the F1 2020 format redirect (ie. the TM SF1000 rim feed).
    • With the UDP Redirect F1 2020 format, the rev lights will blink, if the pit limiter is on.
    • Plenty of smaller fixes/tweaks to the redirect model. This should improve the performance in any game mode, most notably with ACC.
    • Added option to show the map with as transparent background, so if you have only one screen, you could have the map still visible with e.g. the lines driven. See the images below. This does not work on Linux (yet)
    • Made tyre surface and core temps to be more prominently displayed. Also moved things bit around
    And many little tweaks/fixes.

    Check the ReadMe.txt for detailed list of updates.

    For update, update the Telemetry.jar + tracks\ams2 (if you use AMS2) + the .sh files (if you are on Linux/Mac).

    For new install, check the ReadMe.txt file inside the .zip for details on how to install the Tool on Windows, Linux and/or Mac.

    Enjoy, and get faster.

    PS. A small screenshot of the transparent map on top of the game
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    • Winner Winner x 2
  6. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Fantastic, thank you so much!
  7. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I tried to get this app working on a friends sf1000 rim for 2 hours with no luck, can anyone confirm they can get the screen working on that rim?

    i set the relay udp to output to the ip of the rim on port 20777, i can see the data from the game on the app but nothing on the rims screen, are there more detailed instructions on exactly how to get it working? I watched the video and followed it carefully but nothing works
  8. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    To be able to see the whole map is a blessing! Can't understand the reluctance in adding this little feature natively.
  9. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Steps are like this:

    1) Get the 11.1, there are plenty of UDP forward improvements

    2) Then you have to have a working installation of the Telemetry Tool, i.e. you get data from the game. Might be good idea to also have the Relay up and running, as it provides more detailed data, e.g. for tire wear.

    3) Setup SF1000 and enable the Wi-fi settings, i.e. that the rim can connect to your local network. Then from the rim also enable the UDP (see the Rim's help for that), and select the F1 2019/F1 2020 mode, which at this moment is the only option in the rim.

    Now on the SF1000's LCD you should see
    - SSID should be your home Wi-fi network name
    - Rim's IP address (most likely something like If the IP is the 29.7.x.xx, then the connection is not on, so you need to redo the settings.
    - If UDP is on, there is the port number too, which should be 20777. (If UDP is off, then this is 'OFF').

    If the rim is not connected to Wifi, check your settings there, as it cannot receive data, if it is not connected.

    4) Now in the Telemetry Tool, go to 'Settings' --> 'Networking Settings'. Select either UDP 1 or UDP 2 and enable one of them. Then
    - select as format the 'F1 2020 format',
    - for frequency, start somewhere in the middle, if your network is ok, you can increase the frequency
    - set UDP x's target IP to be the Rim's IP, i.e. the mentioned above.
    - set UDP x's target PORT to 20777

    5) After making these changes, you need to restart the Telemetry Tool. After the restart the data should come to the Rim, when you start driving.

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Thanks for the detailed reply, I had done all of that exactly correct. The only thing i have not tried is the setting - select as format the 'F1 2020 format', I chose ams2
    I will try this step again
  11. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Yeah, setting the UDP format to 'F1 2020 format' is critical, as the SF 1000 can only receive data in that format via WiFi. What my Tool does, is that it "converts" the AMS2 telemetry data into 'F1 2020 format' and sends it out to UDP for the SF 1000 to show.

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  12. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Do you think your app will ever work with rfactor2?
  13. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Well, I only support games, I play myself.

    That said, looking into the future there are going to be some interesting games (namely Indy + WEC from Motorsport Games/Studio 397) and they might use same Telemetry system, as rFactor 2 uses. And that makes it interesting to look at rFactor2.

    The issue is that the way to get data from rFactor is bit cumbersome to add it to my Tool - you need a plugin, then something to read the plugin data and send it to my Tool. But it is not impossible. And to get all cars + tracks, would be several 100's Euros just to have all tracks and then there are all the mod tracks, so it would not be feasible to do trackmaps for all tracks anyway (factoring that it takes 30-40 minutes to make good trackmap for one track).

    Just to note, I actually purchased rFactor 2, as it was on discount just to play around a bit. This is not a promise to do anything, but not a direct decline either.

    • Like Like x 2
  14. IamDom.

    IamDom. Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Hi, testing out the app today.

    The app seems to be recording faster lap times than I'm running, does anyone know why?

    For example the app is stating my fastest lap time on Spa with the BMW m8 is 2:09.926, however I've never got below a 2:17... Yet
  15. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Hmm, I need to check, if something has changed with the latest versions.

    Also you could do the 'tools --> fix database' once to see, if there are some oddities in the database.

    There are few things, where an "odd laptime" might happen, e.g. if you fly back to pits from sector 3 or if you quit the session at the end of the lap. Not always and it might be hard to track down. I am doing anyway more AMS2 work on the tool now as the Monza is coming in, so I will check if there is something odd going on.

  16. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    One extra note: I typically drive with session fastest as BLUE lap, so the "all time fastest" blue lap issues might go undetected.

    If your true fastest lap is something else or is corrupted, you can always copy the fastest proper lap from lapdata to fastest_laps, and rename the copied fastest lap according to the fastest lap naming convention (<track>_<event>.csv, e.g. monza_R.csv is monza Race fastest lap) and then the tool will use that file for the fastest lap (until you beat the laptime in a clean lap). Or you can load the fastest M8 lap as reference lap.

  17. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    New version is out.

    You can get it from at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable AMS2 related updates:

    • Added Monza release trackmaps
    • Added new cars data to the system
    Statistics table
    • Added wing setup data for games, which provide that data
    HTTP Server output
    • Fixed deltaToLeader in the json/aidata
    • Made JSON/tracks to output track list for the current game
    + Many little fixes and tweaks.

    See the ReadMe.txt for details

    For update: Copy Telemetry.jar + the tracks directories content to your current installation. The changes are in AMS2, F1 and KartKraft directories.

    For new install: Check the ReadMe.txt for the installation instructions. In short, just unzip to somewhere on you system, either to 'Program files' or somewhere else. Now you don't need to anymore edit the baseSettings.xml, as the tool will create it automatically.

    Enjoy, and get faster!
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    New version 11.3 is here.

    You can get it from at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Largest addition is the new 'Workspace'. In short this is like the Telemetry view, but you can save and load the set of traces. E.g. you can have different workspace for setup work, and another for driving inputs. There are also many new traces, e.g. wheel speed diff for sides or wheel locking indicator etc. For each trace there is now few options to adjust the view:
    • Basic: normal trace
    • Diff: blue vs. red trace (or with multilap blue vs each trace)
    • Smooth: smooth the trace along many data points (option varies from 1 to 33)
    • Derivative: calculate the derivate at that point. The slider varies for how long time the derivative is calculated (bit like smoothing)
    • %-change: How large % change (vs. 0 value) happened. Here the slider adjusts, for how many packets the chagne is calculated.
    CTRL-SHIFT-S saves the workspace, CTRL-SHIFT-L loads the workspace

    Field spread

    Also there is new 'Field spread' tab, which shows how far apart the cars are on track (dist or delta). This is good way to see while racing, of someone is holding the pack or if someone is approaching you from behind etc.

    Added "reset UI" to the launcher. This will reset the main window position of the Tool. So if for some reason the window positions get corrupted, this can be used to reset those settings. This applies only to the selected game, when you press the 'LAUNCH' button.

    Notable AMS2 related additions
    • Fixed Monza 10k trackmaps
    • Added new Racing USA trackmaps
    • Added v1.3 new car + car class data to the tool
    • Added full Nordschleiffe 24h track map to the tool.
    • Tried to fix a very random occurrence, where the fastest lap would be replaced with slower lap
    • Made the shortcuts, like CTRL-O work even if menu is not visible
    • Color saving now also saves the opacity
    • Many little tweaks
    • See the ReadMe.txt for full list of changes

    Update/new install ..
    For update: Copy Telemetry.jar + the tracks directories content to your current installation + in the bin directory the contents of the ACC directory. The changes are in AMS2 and F1 directories. Might also be a good idea to run the 'Tools --> Manage Database --> Fix Database data', if you have run many laps with the new cars..

    For new install: Check the ReadMe.txt for the installation instructions. In short, just unzip to somewhere on you system, either to 'Program files' or somewhere else. Now you don't need to anymore edit the baseSettings.xml, as the tool will create it automatically.

    Enjoy, and get faster.

    Some screenshots

    New workspace tab
    Field spread tab
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I wanted to do new version, but had to do quite big changes to the tool + the AMS2 shmem relay, which have have delayed the release of the new version.

    For AMS2 users, if you want to get the Road America track-maps, you can get them here: Telemetry Tool - Addons

    Just unzip the AM2 package to the directory, where you installed the Telemetry Tool and you will have access to the trackmaps.

  20. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    A bit off topic, but just wanted to point out: what a nice website! Loads extremely fast, no advertisement, no bloatware, no tracking, no "we value your privacy, but you have to click away 100 messages to get this", it's perfect! Honestly appreciated.

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