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Real-time and Offline Telemetry and Race Strategy tool for AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Iko Rein, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    When the new AMS2 1.5.3 version is out, you can find the updated trackmaps for the Telemetry Tool from Telemetry Tool - Addons
    You just unzip the AMS2 addon trackmappacket to your Telemetry Tool install dir and you should be good to go.

    Those, who know where to get the Telemetry Tool beta, there is also 13.2 beta version available, which also has the new SharedMemory additions included and many fixes and improvements. I am getting ready to do new release, but I need have better view into some other games' releases.

  2. Calypso Dawson-Tobich

    Calypso Dawson-Tobich New Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    Really nice job on this, my only issue is sometimes when selecting items in the drop down box next to the track drop down, it doesn’t go to that screen, for instance the map one will never load or sometimes I’ll try go back to the telemetry page and it won’t select it.
    Also sometimes it’ll just lock up and I have to close it, and reopen.

    So not sure if you have any suggestions for this?
  3. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Do you have many windows open, or do you only work with the main window? I have never seen that if you have just the main window open, that any window would not open.

    If you have many windows open and then use the dropdown, the 'tabs' opened in other window will go "blank". And also if you close the other window, the current view might go blank too. In the current beta, there are some preliminary tests, so that you could have e.g. several 'Race Timing' tabs open in new windows.

    A solution to the 'many windows' thing is to remove the windows you have continuously open (e.g. map) from the 'tab change rotation' via Settings --> General settings dialog. But don't remove all, as then you cannot change automatically the tabs.

    I am also putting bit more love for the AMS2 support for the upcoming new version of the Tool, as I really like AMS2 and seem to spend more and more time on it

  4. Calypso Dawson-Tobich

    Calypso Dawson-Tobich New Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    Yea just been changing it within the main window, but even with something like the map one, even if I try open that one in a new window it never loads

    I’ll remove and redownload and see if that fixes it.

  5. Calypso Dawson-Tobich

    Calypso Dawson-Tobich New Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    Clicking the reset ui and opening, fixed all the issues I was having.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Yep, sometimes there might be some windows open, which are not visible or might be out of view. This can especially happen if you move things around on multi-monitor setup.

    The 'reset UI' is quite handy, if there are issues when you have moved things around and some of the new windows don't show up or if the main window is out of view.

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
  7. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    There is now a 13.2 release candidate of the Tool with AMS2 "24h track" support + support for larger start grids than 32 car + new AMS2 relay + many AMS2 related fixes/tweaks/optimizations.

    If you want to give it a go, please PM me and I will send you the link.

    • Like Like x 2
  8. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Thanks a lot!
    But I'll wait for the stable version.
  9. Glenn Meade

    Glenn Meade New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    I have a question about 13.1 Im new to it I installed it and when I run AMS 2 the Dos window that shows the connection progress tells me it Connected to Shared Memory bit the next line says "Data version mismatch, the RELAY might not work correctly ...
    What have I done wrong.... I tested it with AC and it worked like a champ... In ASM 2 System I set Shared Mem to PC 2 and UDP FRQ to 1 ans UDP Protocol to PC 2 I have reinstalled the tool a few times..... I do run Mods with AMS 2 Content manager, could that be my problem.... ? This is a sweet tool you have designed here, I can't wait to use it Thanks a MILLION![/QUOTE]
  10. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Version 13.2 is here.

    You can get it from RaceDepartment.com at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable AMS2 changes.
    • Added Le Mans tracks
    • Added all cars up-to 1.5.5
    • Added SPA RX track trackmap
    • V1.4.9/V1.5. track and cars added (Barcelona Nat + Montreal 1991)
    • New Relay for the SharedMemory V14
    • Driving pane:
      • Added option to show Tyre setup hints (less/more camber, less/more pressure)
      • Added current stint OMI averages below the real-time values
      • Added Launch status to the sidebar
      • Added turboboost/boost values to the controls
      • Added options to select, which tyre data is visible
      • Added option to show tyre temp/pressure setup hints. You can adjust the treshold values via the sidebar sliders.
      • Added OMI Profile graph
      • Added Tyre temp target: This affects the temperature colors for tyres
      • Added tyre pressure at the start of the stint for each tyre the view is - X.xx Bar (Z.zz), so current pressure in Bar (pressure at start of stint)
    • Added class colors to most maps
    • Added 'Sort by Class' to the multi-car views
    • Added to Map view the legend for the car colors
    • Fixed random occurrence, when the fastest lap would not load
    • Fixed issue, where the first flying lap on P&Q was marked as pitlap.
    • Fixed issue, where very long timed race the Delta might not work on last laps
    • Adjusted the tool to make sure, it works with grids larger than 32 cars
    • Added DPad as option to change the tab in the tool
    • Added system to handle the Safety Car in the maps
    Notable other changes.
    • ACC GT2 DLC updates + many ACC related fixes/tweaks
    • F1 23, fixes to some trackmaps + new Singapore trackmap
    • Added preliminary EA WRC support
    • Added OMI profile to AMS2/PC2+ also for AC, R3E and rF2
    • Added alerts to show an alert on UI, if some value, e.g. tyre pressure lower/higher than set "alert level".
    • Fuel use estimate improvements
    • UDP/TCP redirect fixes, also added new F1 23 redirect mode with Hz level settings, which makes it behave much better e.g. with SF1000.
    • Added class sort order to ACC/AMS2/PC2/R3E/rF2 views.
    • Multicar session history, now you can select, which columns are visible.
    • RaceInfo: Added gaps, which shows caps to the cars in the same class and to all cars.
    • Map: Altered bit the data shown
    • A lot of tweaks/fixes and optimizations.
    For list of the changes, check the ReadMe.txt. There is almost 100 changes listed.

    Updating from older versions: Just unzip .zip on top of your old installation.

    Clean/New install. Unzip the files to anywhere in your system (e.g. under 'Program Files\Telemetry Tool' or to somewhere else). On the first run the Tool will ask location for data files. For install help, see https://telemetrytool.com/install

    It is advisable to move to this version regardless if you are on pre v13 or on any v13 version. This version has lot of optimizations and fixes.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    With 13.1, there is Relay which is based on the Shared Memory V13. I just posted new 13.2, which has plenty of goodies for AMS2 and also the fixed relay. So take the new version and you should be good to go.

  12. viper4r

    viper4r Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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  13. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Version 13.3 is here.

    You can get it from Overtake at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable AMS2 changes/additions:
    • Betonschleife trackmap + the data for the updated cars in 1.5.6
    Other changes:
    • ACC Nordschleife trackmap + related additions
    • http-server: Added new /JSON/sessiondata
    • Histogram fixes/tweaks and added multidata histogram
    • A lot of tweaks/fixes and optimizations
    For list of the changes, check the ReadMe.txt.

    Updating from older versions: Just unzip .zip on top of your old installation.

    Clean/New install. Unzip the files to anywhere in your system (e.g. under 'Program Files\Telemetry Tool' or to somewhere else). On the first run the Tool will ask location for data files. For install help, see https://telemetrytool.com/install

    It is advisable to move to this version regardless if you are on pre v13 or on any v13 version. This version has lot of optimizations and fixes.

    Enjoy, and get faster.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I just did a quick 13.4 release.

    This was due to a bug in the launcher, which in some cases prevented the Tool to be run in AMS2 mode. I have now uploaded the fix to Overtake at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Normal update procedures apply. Or you can just replace the Telemetry.jar in the existing install with the one in the .zip.

    Enjoy and get faster.
  15. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Version 14.1 is here.

    This is a "combined 14.0 and 14.1" update.

    You can get it from Overtake at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable AMS2 related changes
    • Some additions/changes/fixes to the car/tracklists + new car data
    • Fixed bug, where in rare occasions the track would not change automatically
    • Added race start data saving (must be enabled via settings)
    • Optional 'multi-car' coloring added to 'multi-car' tabs. This is also something, you need to enable via settings
    • Fixed some car names, classes and the detection of those
    • Fixed some track names, as the name reported by the game has changed
    • Fixed some laptime issues for session history.
    • Fixed issue, where the trackname would not show correctly, but used the game's "ugly data"
    • Fixed issue, where the first lap data would not be stored for other cars.
    Notable other changes:
    • F1 24 support
    • Older F1 games ERS/MGU related additions
    • Different coloring options added to RaceInfo
    • Improvements to Session data
    • Fixes/additions to most supported game's modes
    • Made the tool less aggressive on resets. Now you should be able to see the data in the tool until you start new session or close the Tool.
    • Added RaceStart data support to those games, which feature standing starts.
    For list of changes, see the ReadMe.txt.

    Updating from older versions: Just unzip .zip on top of your old installation. No need to update the plugins.

    Clean/New install. Unzip the files to anywhere in your system (e.g. under 'Program Files\Telemetry Tool' or to somewhere else). On the first run the Tool will ask location for data files (if necessary), so no need to edit the baseSettings.xml file anymore.

    For install help, see the help at Telemetry Tool - Install tutorials

    The new version has been tested quite a bit, but there might still be something odd lurking around. If you find anything odd, please let me know.

    Enjoy, and get faster.

    Some screenshots
    Optional/Experimental Multiclass coloring

    Race Field spread using the class colors

    RaceInfo with class gaps data in the center

    RaceStart dialog example, this is from AC, but similar dialog is available for AMS2. The racestart data saving must be enable via settings. Key value is distance, i.e. how far you get from a standing start in 15 seconds. Savefiles use distance from 10 seconds, so higher value in filename means the start was "better".
    • Winner Winner x 2
  16. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Version 14.2 is here.

    You can get it from Overtake at Telemetry Tool for AMS2

    Notable new additions:
    • Map in Circle format. I have seen something like this in real pitwall, so I just wanted to add it to my Tool too.
    • Math Channels can be now used in Workspace
    • Fixed many restart and first lap related timing and other issues.
    • 64 for car support added also for PC2
    • DRIVING - Added settings for Tyre Temp target + window. This data is also now used in 'Setup hints' section
    • STATS - option to customize, what data is shown
    • Fixed issues on + improved the Race History loading
    • Rewrote many multi-car tabular data views.
    • Alerts will now show correct units and values will be in correct units too
    • Performance updates + added option for FPS target. The Tool can now do easily 150-200 FPS, but for normal use the 20-30 FPS should be sufficient.
    • DRIVING: Modified bit how tire temperature coloring works
    • Many, many little tweaks and fixes
    For list of changes, see the ReadMe.txt.

    Updating from older versions: Just unzip .zip on top of your old installation. No need to update the plugins. There are some new trackmaps for AMS2 though.

    Clean/New install. Unzip the files to anywhere in your system (e.g. under 'Program Files\Telemetry Tool' or to somewhere else). On the first run the Tool will ask location for data files (if necessary), so no need to edit the baseSettings.xml file anymore.

    For install help, see the help at Telemetry Tool - Install tutorials

    The new version has been tested quite a bit, but there might still be something odd lurking around. If you find anything odd, please let me know.

    Enjoy, and get faster.

    A screenshot

    First version of the Circle map. Comments/suggestions to improve it are more than welcome.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Looking good, thank you!
    I'll give it a try.
  18. Phil Au

    Phil Au New Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Is it possible like Assetto Corsa to have the ai drive your car by pressing a command? In AC the ai drives your car if you type cmd+c and you can get ai telemetry.
  19. Iko Rein

    Iko Rein Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    I don't know if AMS2 has such feature, i.e. you can make the AI driver your car. If there is such thing, then I think the Tool should be able to record the Telemetry Data from the car.

  20. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    You can set the AI to drive your car if activated via the ICM and doing a pit stop

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