Reverb G2 + 2080 Super setup?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by RoloFuentes, Jan 2, 2022.

  1. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Happy new year to all of you!

    Hope someone could help me, been looking for a way to improve the fps and continuity on fps, but don't know how to do it.

    I have read and searched but most people talk about 30 series and stuff that I don't understand... in this matter, I'm a newbie.

    I actually know nothing about how to set up this thing, most of what people talk about I don't even know where I can find that option... hahaha. I know there are a few settings in-game, but where the heck are the others?... Recommended values?

    Help would be much appreciated, I lose a lot of races and make a lot of mistakes when fps drops to 20... is a nightmare!!!

    Hope someone could help or point me in the right path

    THANKS A LOT!!!!
  2. Remco Hitman

    Remco Hitman Member

    Dec 14, 2021
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    Hi! Well in my opinion your headset and graphics card are not the best match. The G2 has a very high resolution which goes better with more powerful cards. I think your 2080 super is slightly faster to my (former) 1080ti which in AMS2 didn't always manage 90fps in my (then) Oculus CV1.
    I think what you really need to look for is the resolution scale (super sampling) and turn it quite a bit down to ~80%. That will look worse but will do wonders for the performance. I'm not sure how to set it for the G2 (Windows Mixed Reality) but I'm sure you can google it. That's where I'd start.
    AMS2 specific, don't go above medium AA and set shadow detail and environment map to low.
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  3. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Thanks!... you are right from what I have read this thing drinks GPU as I drink beer.

    I have turned down the resolution on steam VR to 64% per eye (on fps VR appears like SS 64% so I think that is what I have done).

    MSAA is Low, and other settings are between ultra and medium...

    Now Im having 58 - 62 fps stable but I think I can improve shuttering and details...

    I have read a bit and found this... now I'm looking for information about what impact does has to change to lower or higher values in the image and performance... I have found a bit of info... but all of them seems to be much useful

    <data class="GraphicConfigData" id="0x42547080">
    <prop name="Name" data="" />
    <prop name="Build" data="1925" />
    <prop name="Version" version="2" />
    <prop name="Mode" adapter="0" width="1920" height="1080" refresh_num="60000" refresh_dem="1000" />
    <prop name="Vsync" vsync="0" /> -> Vsyn off
    <prop name="FrameLatency" framelatency="2" /> ?? more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="AntiAlias" antialias="2" /> -> Antialiasing level 2 more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="SMAAFXAA" smaafxaa="0" /> -> SMAAFXAA off more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="Windowed" windowed="0" />
    <prop name="TextureFilter" texturefilter="2" /> ?? more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="TextureResolution" textureresolution="2" /> -> In game setting
    <prop name="Brightness" brightness="10" />
    <prop name="CarDetailLevel" cardetaillevel="2" /> -> In game setting
    <prop name="TrackDetailLevel" trackdetaillevel="2" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="ShadowDetailLevel" shadowdetaillevel="2" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="MotionblurLevel" motionblurLevel="0" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="EffectsDetailLevel" effectsdetaillevel="2" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="EnvmapDetailLevel" envmapdetaillevel="2" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="MirrorEnabled" mirrorenabled="1" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="MirrorEnhanced" mirrorenhanced="0" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="EnvmapReflectionDetailLevel" envmapreflectiondetaillevel="2" />-> In game setting
    <prop name="GraphicsLevel" graphicslevel="4" />
    <prop name="SuperSampling" supersampling="0" /> SS Off more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="LowSuperSampling" lowsupersampling="0" /> What does this thing do? more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="VRSuperSampling" vrsupersampling="4" /> VR SS? What does it mean? more or less what is the impact?
    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="1.500000" /> -> There is a to of info about this one
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.090000" />-> There is a to of info about this one
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />-> There is a to of info about this one

    I think I can get much more out of my setup... need more info and test and adjust, but if someone out there could guide me a bit, I will appreciate it

    Massive THANKS
  4. Johngrim64

    Johngrim64 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    You can force reprojection and run at 45fps but headset reprojects to 90fps ,runs very smooth on low end systems. Or turn off or low reflections and shadows and probably need around 50% resolution scale.My 2070super ran ok 90fps I hate reprojection. Still looks good at 50% better than rift.Even with my 3080 I run 70% resolution scale any more causes performance problems. Turn resolution scale down until it runs smoothly.
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  5. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Question.... what is reprojection? :whistle:
  6. Johngrim64

    Johngrim64 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    If you choose to enable motion reprojection, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 FPS instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the next frame. For SteamVR games that reliably hit 60 FPS+ on a given PC, this should result in a solid 90 FPS experience with occasional artifacts while maintaining a comfortable experience.
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  7. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    But.... how do I enable or disable reprojection?
    Sorry for the question, but I dont know where I can find that option....
  8. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    You need to install the beta version of "Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR" Or opt into the beta of that app and then the settings for it are in that application once loaded into SteamVR. Hit the button to bring up the menu for SteamVR once inside and it's one of the icons on the left hand side I think. Then there should be a toggle to turn on reprojection all the time.

    I personally don't like reprojection and I would just lower the in game graphics settings to hold a steady 90FPS without reprojection. But everyone is different and it might not bother you.

    I would also just set your res in SteamVR to 50% which seems like your taking a res hit but 50% is ever so slightly over the actual res of the displays on the G2. So it's not a down sample even though 50% seems like it might be and I ran my G2 at 50% res for over a year on my 2080ti.
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  9. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Before installing anything I will go to 50% in steam VR, right now I'm at 64% and I gave steady 63 fps... for me, it's already comfortable and good..

    Just would like more details and less shuttering on closer objects like near barriers or things like that.

    Shadows, I like them, cars look real and things look a bit more real...

    Seems I have won the silicon lottery with my 2080S I can overclock it to specs almost the same as the 2080TI, it is a hybrid one and temps are nice....

    Still want to know how can I set up this:
    And this:
  10. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    ^This! Set your SteamVR to 50% and all the game settings to low. You should be able to hold 90 fps in the game in most conditions. Additionally, you can do the FSR mod for a bigger boost in FPS.

    FSR for OpenVR
  11. RoloFuentes

    RoloFuentes Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    In simple words... what does this thing do??
  12. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    FSR takes your SteamVR res setting and then lowers it to what ever you set in the ini file so the image is now a lower res image which is easier for GPU's to handle/process. Then FSR takes the lower res image and does some upscale magic to try and make it look as good as the original res and feeds it to your VR headset for you to see.
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  13. A.F.K DaN

    A.F.K DaN Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    FSR comes with a hit on quality, as there is no "post rescale anti aliasing".
    Still, I have to use it too on some content on AMS2 with G2 + 2070s. With 50% Steam SS and ~0.9 FSR Resolution, things still look okay.

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