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Simulator Controller with AI-based virtual assistants (race engineer and race strategist)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheBigO, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This week's release is again packed with new stuff, because as the last functional release for the "Practice Center" for the time being, it brings the long-awaited practice run sheets. These give you hints as to which training sessions would be most useful, at least with regard to completing your telemetry data collection.

    Practice Center 10.JPG

    And there is a new voice command for the Strategist and the Spotter and in the "Race Center" the route planning has been improved and the next tyre set can now be automatically selected when preparing a pit stop.

    As always, there are a few more new features, all of which are mentioned in the release notes.

    The project is now going on summer break and there will be no major feature updates until the end of September. During this time, the installation and configuration process will be revised, which is still far too complicated. You may be curious.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Join the Simulator Controller Discord Server!
    Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simulatorcontroller
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  2. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today I'm bringing you the most extensive update in the 3-year history of Simulator Controller in the backpack of my holidays. Here are just the most important changes, for everything else take a look at the very detailed Release Notes.

    1. The installation and configuration process has been comprehensively revised and now offers basic and advanced configuration. With the basic configuration, which already includes all assistants with voice control, the package can be put into operation with just a few details, which makes it extremely easy, especially for new users, and significantly lowers the barrier to entry. It now takes less than 5 minutes and you can collect your first experiences on the track.

    Quick Start 4.JPG

    2. There are a variety of new voice commands to request information about cars ahead or your pursuers, which is extremely helpful, especially for VR users. Names, vehicle class and category, latest lap times, etc. are available.

    3. The Spotter now compares your pace with that of other cars in the field and tells you up to which position ahead you could keep up well or are even faster.

    4. As a very special treat, the Spotter can now tell you exactly on which part of the track an attack on the car ahead can be successful, or where you have to arm yourself against attacks by your pursuer.

    5. "Race Center" and "Practice Center" now also record the sector times and make them available in various reports.

    Attention: This version makes extensive changes to the configuration database. Therefore, as always, make a backup. And be sure to read the Update Notes. They describe how you can get access to the new possibilities of "Simulator Setup" with an existing configuration.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Join the Simulator Controller Discord Server!
    Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simulatorcontroller
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  3. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Release 5.3.1 is online with many fixes for the new functionalities introduced with the 5.3.0. But there are also some small improvements and additions you will like. Details can be found in the Release Notes, as always.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  4. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today's Release 5.3.2 once again contains many fixes and quality improvements. It also contains an important update to the automatic handling of tyre sets for an upcoming tyre change. Please take a look at the Release Notes and the Update Notes, since you may have to adjust to the change in your configuration.

    Next week, we can welcome a complete new assistant, the Virtual Driving Coach. Stay tuned...

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simulatorcontroller
    Support the project: Donate
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  5. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today is a great day. We can welcome a new member in the family of Assistants of Simulator Controller. The new Assistant is your personal Driving Coach. You can discuss any aspect of handling issues, car physics or race strategy with this Assistant. And since this is Assistant is based on GPT technology and uses a large language model, your conversations will be quite natural. Here is a 10-minute video with a typical conversation:

    As you may have recognized, the Assistant gives quite general answers at the moment, but this is only the first stage of development. During the next releases, the Driving Coach will get access to more and more data available in Simulator Controller incl. full information about a running session (positions, lap times, and so on), but also telemetry data of your car and - most important - data about the handling of your car, using the telemetry analyzer of "Setup Workbench".

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simulatorcontroller
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  6. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    IMPORTANT: It has been reported, that in some rare situations the installation and update procedure can go into an infinite loop with Simulator Controller starting itself over and over again. This happens epsecially, if your Windows user has been created with Admin privileges. This will be fixed with the next release, but for now you have to manually fix your installation:

    1. Download the full installation package using this link:


    2. Open the current [Program] folder ( NOT [Documents]\Simulator Controller, but the folder, where the software has been installed ), and delete everything there.

    3. Drop everything from the ZIP file into the now empty [Program] folder. This should do the job.

    Sorry for the inconvenience...
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  7. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today's release brings a lot of new functions and capabilities for the new assistant, the Driving Coach. He now has access to the data of a running session, such as position development, lap times and sector times, even in multiclass races. In addition, he uses the Telemetry Analyzer of the "Setup Workbench" and can therefore give you concrete advice on handling problems for adjusting your driving style and, if necessary, suggestions for adjusting the setup. And there are still many minor changes and additions, so read the Release Notes carefully.

    The second big change concerns the Telemetry Analyzer of the "Setup Workbench", which has been greatly expanded and can now also detect temperature problems with tyres and brakes and make suggestions for changing the setup.

    Telemetry Analyzer 2.JPG

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  8. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Release 5.4.2 brings many important fixes, especially for the endless loop, some user experienced during installation. It also comes with a couple of improvements on pitstop calculations including the time needed for service and repairs, and also - finally - better support for monitors with activated DPI scaling.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  9. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    The main feature of this week is the initial integration with the Google Cloud Services. You now are able to use the famous Google voices for the Assistants, beside the already available Windows based speech generation and the support for Azure Cognitive Services. Further integration with the Google Cloud in the next releases will make Google speech recognition available and will also provide you with the opportunity to use the Google Generative AI services as a foundation for the Virtual Driving Coach. Google provides a free contingent for most of its services similar to Azure. Therefore we have a good alternative here.

    And I also created a short video for all newcomers which demonstrates how to setup Simulator Controller within a couple of minutes. Sure, you will have to come back later, to get to the more complex stuff, but you will be up n running with a few clicks, I promise.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  10. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today we're completing support for Google Speech Services. Speech recognition is now also available. In addition, there is a new set of settings in the "Session Database". With their help, the autonomy of the assistants can be fine-tuned to give them the freedom to make decisions independently and take action accordingly, without asking the driver for consent. I recommend only using these settings if enough data has been collected and stored in the "Session Database" so that the assistant's decisions, e.g. in the event of an upcoming change in the weather, are appropriately based.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  11. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Many small improvements are part of release 5.4.5. Take notes in the "Practice Center" about changes or special conditions or experience the new model additions of OpenAI for the "Driving Coach", to name a few. And, thanks to our Discord community member @SlatMars, who is currently working on a translation for the French language, you can experience large parts of the user interface in French. The translations will be completed with the next releases, including the grammars for the Assistants.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/5N8JrNr48H
    Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simulatorcontroller
    Support the project: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=7GV86ZPS95SL6
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  12. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    The most important addition this week is the integration of a runtime for large language models like GPT 3/4 as part of Simulator Controller. You can configure the Driving Coach to use this runtime instead of the API services of OpenAI or Azure and alike. Unless you have a really High-End PC setup, you will not be able to interact with the Driving Coach, while you are running a simulation, though, and it will be much slower than using the OpenAI integration. But it is really exciting, what has become possible lately.

    Other important changes and additions:

    - You can set your preference for different pitstop strategies (early stop vs. late stop) for strategy simulations in “Strategy Workbench”.
    - UI translation for the French language has been enhanced.
    - The reliability of the automated pitstop setting for ACC has been further improved.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  13. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    With today's release, the assistants have mastered the French language - many thanks to @SlatMars for his work and dedication. Additionally, the Spotter no longer annoys you with proximity warnings during the formation lap and you can find further improvements in the release notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  14. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This week we have some new stuff in the session info widgets in the "System Monitor" and the French translation has been alsmost completed. Only the setup wizard is left for translation. And a new version of the "Tactile Feedback" plugin reflects the latest changes in SimHub.

    Beside that, I have moved the version repository for installation and updates to the Amazon cloud, since we had seen a couple of stability issues with DropBox recently. Nevertheless, this is really new stuff, therefore let me know immediately, if you have problems with install or updating Simulator Controller.

    Next stop: Anniversary release on the 6th December...

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  15. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Today Simulator Controller celebrates its third birthday. The first commit on GitHub was on December 6, 2020, exactly three years ago, and a lot has happened since then. Some numbers:

    7 supported games
    23 applications
    4 AI-Based Assistants

    7 programming languages (C, C#, C++, JavaScript, AutoHotkey, Python, Rule Engine (self developed))
    200.000 lines of code (roughly)
    7000 and more commits on GitHub
    400 pages of documention
    25+ hours video tutorials

    4-5 hours per day working on the project, roughly 5000 hours in total

    As in previous years, this year there is also a very cool new feature with the Anniversary Release. A new switch has been added to the "Race Settings" that allows you to give the assistants full autonomy in terms of strategy and pit stop handling. This means that the Assistants will no longer ask the driver for confirmation when they want to change strategy, go for an undercut, prepare for a pit stop, etc. And they take action independently whenever necessary. This turns the Assistants into Agents and you can concentrate 100% on driving. This will work even in team races as long as at least one "Race Center" is connected to the session.

    3 Years.JPG

    And there is another gift from a community member for today. @Jordan Moss has built a plugin for SimHub that allows all the data provided by the Assistants to be integrated into a dashboard in SimHub. For example, you can now see when the next pit stop is due and what service is planned for the stop, and much more. To get the plugin, all you have to do is register with us in Discord.

    As you can see, the development of the Simulator Controller Assistants into a completely virtual, intelligent pit crew continues. And maybe you'll use the 3rd Anniversary as an opportunity to support the project if you haven't already done so. I don't drink coffee, but training AI Assistants is a very complex and expensive task...

    IMPORTANT for AMS 2: The handling of the ICM for pitstop automation has changed. Please read the Release Notes carefully.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  16. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Last feature release for 2023. It includes a couple of improvements in the "Race Center" and you can now change pitstop settings using the standard game controls after a pitstop has been planned and prepared by the Engineer. The changes will be reflected in the pitstop plan, at least in ACC, rF2 and iRacing.

    I will be back in the next year with a new startup wizard that helps you preparing everything for your next session.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  17. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Happy new year to all of you and welcome to the first release of 2024. After being quite diligent between the years, I can give you an interesting new feature in our first release of the year, the so-called startup profiles. Using these profiles you can manage in one place many interesting settings for a specific session type, for example a solo training session or a team-based endurance race, just to name two very different types of sessions. Startup profiles can be activated with one click, which makes things very easy.

    Startup Profiles 1.JPG

    And I would like to draw your attention to a few extensions that are available in the #share-your-mods area of our Discord. Using the SimHub plugin from @Jordan Moss, I built a few overlays for SimHub that show you important information about the strategy or the upcoming pit stop at a glance.


    Another important change under the hood concerns the Driving Coach, which can now correlate information about lap and sector times with information about handling problems that have arisen and provide appropriate advice after the end of the session.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  18. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Thanks to @SlatMars we now have also a French translation for "Simulator Setup", which completes the translation process for Simulator Controller for this language. Beside that, this release comes with many fixes and small improvements, incl. an optimized fuel calculation for races with formation laps in the "Strategy Workbench". Details can be found as always in the Release Notes.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
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  19. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This week we have fixes and functional improvements in many areas. Most notably, the "Strategy Workbench" got a very cool and useful new feature to influence the pit strategy even for long endurance races, while running simulations for different strategies.


    Normally, when you create a strategy for an endurance race, the strategy simulation tries to evenly distribute the last two stints, when not enough tyre degredation and fuel related lap time data is available in the database, like in this case:

    Pit Strategy 1.png

    If you now move the Pit Strategy slider completely to the right, the resulting strategy will create a splash n dash scenario, most likely without a driver change:

    Pit Strategy 2.png

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de
  20. TheBigO

    TheBigO Active Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    @mirko_lesko and I worked hard this week to improve the "Setup Workbench". The tool now has a full understanding of hybrid cars with energy recovery, it can setup Heave suspensions and knows how to handle differentials with separate power and coast settings. All available cars have been adopted to the new settings and there are also a couple of new cars available.


    Beside that and a number of other small improvements, a critical bug has been fixed, which prevented correct cold tyre pressure calculations for wet tyres in some circumstances.

    Download: GitHub - SeriousOldMan/Simulator-Controller: A modular and extendable administration and controller application for Sim Racing.
    Release Notes: Release Notes
    Update Notes: Update Notes
    Discord Server: Tritt dem Simulator Controller-Discord-Server bei!
    Become a Patreon: The BigO | Patreon
    Support the project: Donate to oliver.juwig@web.de

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