Talk me off the ledge. Too many problems

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Sidge, Jan 1, 2025.

  1. Sidge

    Sidge New Member

    Dec 8, 2024
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    I absolutely love this sim. It’s amazing.
    But major issue is. I’ve spent almost the same amount of time tweaking to get my triples to look correctly. And still is not correct. I’ve done all YouTube tutorials and had many people give me tips to get it right. Still doesn’t work.

    If I’m sitting in a car. Left hand drive. My dashboard on the right side of the car seems to move forward. Like it’s moving away from me. I can adjust the angle to get the dashboard straight but then the side window and mirrors become very odd shaped. This is the onky sim that looks like this.

    2nd is ambient lighting keeps getting disconnected in this sim only. I have it set to default blue and when driving it is mapped to capture screen colors but every 3-5 seconds it disconnects and goes blue.

    and let’s not discuss LFM and the lack of people racing and quality. Of racers. It’s not there.

    even though this is the best looking racing sim in existence. These few major flaws is having me on the edge of wanting to delete it. Please fix.

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  2. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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  3. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Get a VR headset would be my suggestion. If you think about it there is no way of making a 2d image that looks right as you move around in front of it. You might get it so it looks 3d from one angle, but if you move your head it's obvious straight away that it isn't and you're not actually sat in the car. Broken by design.

    If you want to sit in the car VR will give you that.

    That said there are reasons people don't want to use VR, but that will fix your display issues. As for quality racers, my guess is there aren't many of them. They'll mostly be getting paid millions by car and energy drink companies and dating calendar models rather than playing computer games.
  4. irishtim7

    irishtim7 Member

    Dec 6, 2023
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    Triple setup is quite maddening in this title. It can be done though. Have you watched this YT video? This solved it for me when I got the monitor measurements correct. Or not necessarily correct but correct to render the screens realistically. If your side images are skewing that is most likely due to incorrect monitor height and width values. My suggestion is to play with these values one at a time and note what it does to the image. Go to the extreme so you know exactly what each setting does to the image. It's going to take a lot of trial and error. And it sucks because you have to back out of the sim every time to make a change and then boot it back up to see if it works.

    Are you using Nvidia surround? Are you using Simhub to run your ambient lighting? I've never had mine disconnect in any sim, AMS2 included.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025

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