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The dedicated Accuforce FFB Thread

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Wayne Whitmore, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    hmmm.... Not an attitude I was expecting. A bit narrow minded imho. Not even a suggestion has to how to achieve the same result using the simXperience channels of tuning. Your response may be another reason no custom files are discussed here. Ok. See ya.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  2. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    I tried yours setups and I Found the wheel pretty light.

    I can feel nicely the road and the kerbs, ect. but I was like I don't have grip.
    I usually drive with the SC4 auto cloud and default AMS2 setup, only reducing the force feedback which was on my taste even the oversteer is a bit too strong
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  3. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    The lack of feeling of grip is interesting to me. Which car did you test with? I'll try the SC4 auto cloud and compare for myself and hopefully learn something.
  4. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    What does Steering Feedback Foundation do? Are there any other settings that disable it? When should it be used?
  5. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Tried the Mercedes group C and F1 ( don t remenber the Gen .. the ones with the MP4).
    I was used with the Mercedes to have lot of weight.

    I understand that in real life usually the wheel is pretty light even on slicks as soon the car is moving, but as my body is missing lot of input I like to have some of the missing ones through the wheel, and for my personnal préférences I Found the cloud tuning is very acceptable on this.

    Also I should note that I like to jump to lot of différent car during a session of AMS2 and the SC4 cloud adjust the parameters as soon you jump from a car to an another one which is cool.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2023
  6. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Fondation used game data to Give effects and ignore All the game FFB inputs if my memory is good. This is good for poor FFB game
    Always off on my side
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Foundation provides the baseline feedback (Largely Self Aligning Torque), and then telemetry effects are layered on top of that. The Foundation and other effects can also be used to support or enhance the game-ffb. Those effects can also be balanced and filtered in various ways. The tuning process can be quite involved but, very powerful and rewarding, too.

    Some titles don't translate game physics as effectively, so the ffb may feel very sterile or bland. I had an AF profile for Dirt Rally that was quite effective at bringing out certain aspects of grip / grip-loss that the game ffb just couldn't provide.

    I wish I could use SimCommander with my SimuCube2 base.
  8. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    FADOQ, Dean. Thanks to you both for the explanation. Now I understand how I might use foundation to advantage. I too like to use the FFB to compensate for the lack of seat of the pants feel. I don't have a motion rig.

    I know a lot of this is personal preference. In my case I have a bad habit of turning the wheel more when the car doesn't turn. I use the FFB to tell me when I'm losing traction on the front to remind me to turn the wheel less.
  9. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    I Do have a motion ( sfx-100) whitout traction loss, and honestly Most of the Time I don t have motion Up.
    On VR all vertical acceleration are very good and realistic but when you brake the brain expect big body input which doesn't occur. This destroy the immersion. I m planning to work on a belt tensioner which I ve Read it Helps on braking phases.
    Changing gear is nicely rendered

    I rely on the wheel for traction especially on oversteer and this is why I prefer a more heavy wheel because I can feel quickly the rear is going away or the way the car is Entry the corner because my butt Isn't giving any inputs
    Again this is a personnal taste, because the dark Side of this is you have to fight a bit more with the wheel
  10. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I'm a 70 year old who abused his hands earlier in life. Too much typing on keyboards. If I run a heavy wheel my hands start cramping in long sessions so I try to compensate by optimizing fidelity. My philosophy is similar to an audiophile. The best amplifier in the world can't fix a bad song. So, start with a good song before playing with the EQ. I view the FFB from the sim to be the song and Accuforce/Sim Commander to be the amplifier and EQ. I have a lot to learn in order to balance all of that properly for my style. I'm sure that is one thing that is affecting my cornering speed and thus my lap times.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    "The best amplifier in the world can't fix a bad song." Without talking about cheap speakers . I would Say game is the song, SC4 is the amplifier and the wheel is the speaker.

    As we all Said this is first a personnal taste for the whatever reason. On top of that it is Much subjective as well that the thruth is out There.

    As I posted already in an Other thread I ve worked many year in high end flight simulator ( Level D) and 10 pilots Will you Give 10 différent advice about how it is suppose to be tune even you have flight test data to back you . One was Honest enough to Say coming from flight, 1 hour on the sim pervert you on your guess.

    I'm 51 so my hands are still ok but I'm almost wet after some races
  12. Steve Isaacs

    Steve Isaacs New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Yes, I notice that. As a matter of fact I'm dealing with that a bit when switching cars. I'd swear that a P1 Ginetta feels backward to a GT4 Camero when putting a wheel on a curb. To me is seems one pulls toward the curb as it should and the other pulls away from the curb.

    Is there a way using SC4 to invert FFB for a specific car so I can determine if I'm imagining it?

    To check I run on Nurburging at a slow speed touching the high curbs. I have to almost let go of the wheel to see which direction it pulls when contacting the curb.
  13. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    After letting version 1.5 settle in I have done a review of my FFB settings both in Sim Commander and the game. After testing many different cars they all had the same results of difference when making changes. My first curiosity was why the FFB in the beta version was a lot stronger than the release version. Deleting the document folders for both version sand reassigning all controls did not resolve the difference so not sure what is going on there.
    Again, I started with a vanilla SC4 profile.
    As with previous updates the default + setting simply introduced a grainy feeling with no other discernable improvement.
    The FX setting did not bring out any particularly noticeable nice feeling. Changes to the SC4 profile achieved a much better outcome for ripple strip and curb steering reactions. (Changes shown in pictures below).
    In game dampening had little effect and again SC4 profile dampening gave better results.
    Using an ingame setting for FFB strength at 35 I could adjust the FFB for each car to my liking.
    All other FFB settings set to Zero.
    Overall version1.5 has not made any great difference to the great feel my accurforce wheel provides. Still awesome to use. SC4 profile still puts the icing on the cake.
    AMS 1.5 FFB.png AMS 1.5 FFB 2.png
    • Like Like x 1
  14. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I've just been using my previously posted settings and the in-game default+ up til now. But with the 1.5 update I find there is too much of a grinding effect coming through more or less constantly. Since the update however I find the increased richness of the FFB to be entirely wonderful and it is making the sim so much more enjoyable now. Some (cars) properly modelled historic content is all I now crave. The only time I have ever been in a car that floated like a boat was when the dampers were broken or like this below. haha.
  15. JF Gagne

    JF Gagne New Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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    Something weird is happening to my FFB since 1.5.3:
    The effects with the Default setting, which is the one I was using before, are all exaggerated now. Lots of grinding in straight line, curbs effect is massive even with effects set at 0%. Also, the curbs pull to the outside of the track.

    So, I tried the Default+ and it feels normal, more balanced but I can't feel the rumble strips even with the effects set to 100%.

    Are you experiencing this with 1.5.3 and your Accuforce?
  16. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    just tried F309 at Donnington and could feel the curbs/rumble strips fine. do you have a custom FFB file in there?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. JF Gagne

    JF Gagne New Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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    No custom file.

    I can feel the rumble strips with the AMS2 Default profile but not with Default+.

    I'm now using Default+ with added Road Bumps in SC4 to feel the rumble strips.
    I think that Default is broken with this update. When driving slowly on rumble strip, even the ones that are completely flat, the wheel pulls to the outside of the track a lot.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023

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