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The dedicated Accuforce FFB Thread

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Wayne Whitmore, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    These are the in-game settings I've settled on for now. I changed them a bit today as I've tried different car/track combos and it is feeling v nice for me now. There can be a bit too much grainygrindy feel but I can live with that as the info is all there if subtle sometimes. I'm very happy with how it has turned out.

    Custom: for High End Wheels,
    Gain: 45
    LFB: 20
    FX: 28
    Damping: 30
    Spring: 0
    These have changed today as I prefer a heavier wheel compared to Mike @604.

    I'm using SC4 to launch. I've changed one setting in there, in Device Settings, I've set the Stop Dampenor to 10% ( I don't remember what the derfault was originally, I turned it off when it was recommended to use only in-game damping.
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  2. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @neal good to see that the feeling as improving for you. The original damper default is 1.6. Grainy feel can be adjusted out with either LFB or FX. I have zero grainy feel on a very strong FFB. The custom files change the function of the in game setting sliders so be aware of that. Some of the sliders are adjusting values in the custom file. For me I have not found the need to use a custom file but each to their own. Have tried them as they have been developed just never had a better experience using them, We like what we feel. Just always keep in mind that there a lot of us Accuforce users getting great results so there is always help at hand.
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  3. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Something very interesting I picked up from the other FFB thread and I think needs a worthy mention here is to remove that mid corner oversteer that AMS2 suffers from, making the cars 'slidey', is the use of the Dampening option in SC and not in game. I tried it a 25 (50% of the slider) & felt my test car/track combo (Mclaren GT3 at Spa) perform with the understeer that I experience in ACC. I tuned it down to 20 and introduced back the effect of rear traction loss. Tested again and wasn't too sure. Need to do some more testing and tuning. At the moment on Default FFB
    Gain: 40
    LFB: 15-20
    FX: 30
    Dampening: 0

    FFB: 100
    FFB Effect: 100
    FFB Smoothing: 7
    RPM: ? (need to check)
    Bumps: ?
    Dampening: 20
    Rear Traction Loss: ?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
  4. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    SimCommander Settings:
    • Mode: 3-Default Intensity
    • FFB: 100%
    • General Smoothing: 23,53%
    • Stop Spring: 6%
    • Stop Dampener: 0%
    • DOR: 900°
    SC Effects:
    • Game FFB: 95%
    • Smoothing Game FFB: 100%
    • Dampening: 0%
    • Friction: 0%
    • Engine RPM: 5%

    In Game Settings:
    • Default FFB
    • Gain: 45%
    • LFB: 0%
    • FX: 30%
    • Damping: 50%
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
  5. mkel1966

    mkel1966 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Any of you have issues with wheel rotation? I haven't played for a while and with this new update, after calibrating everything, my DOR is not automatic. I need to change the rotation in SC4 to match per car. Is there something new I need to change or might have missed?
  6. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @mkel1966 I am not having any issues with DOR for any of the cars. I can only suggest deleting the AMS2 folder from MY Documents and set up a new profile again.
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  7. mkel1966

    mkel1966 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Fixed! Thank you very much.:)
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  8. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    After the release of the RSR '74 Porsche I went back to the drawing board with the FFB in AMS2 using the Accuforce.

    It really has been a struggle for me to find something that I feel the cars tyres and overall forces. I'd say I am in serach of FFB that is close to rF2 as that is the one that I have always personally revered.

    I have ended up using a setting in Simcommander that I have not used in any of my other games - Steering FFB Foundation, which if my understanding is correct, Simcommander takes the data from the game & creates its own FFB results (?).

    In game I am using Default with FFB on 40 and everything else on 0.

    This is my Simcommander settings for AMS2:

    I've tried the Porsche RSR'74, GT3, F3, GT4, Vee, Formula Trainers, Group A & M1 and they been the most content drives I've have had in AMS2 with regards to the overall feel and what the car is doing.

    The purpose of using the Steering FFB Foundation was to get rid of the numb feeling in the center of the wheel, especially in slower corners. I found the dampening option in game did nothing or very little. The dampening option in SC ruined a lot of other forces for me and the Lateral G-Force option didn't feel right to me either.

    I'd be interested to know what you guys think as I have only owned this wheel for under a year now and just started to play in depth with SC settings as most games have worked with minimal changes from me.
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  9. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I have found cases where combining both game-ffb and SC4 Foundation-ffb worked surprisingly well together. iRacing was one such case for me, another was AC. rF2 and AMS1 worked great with game-ffb alone. Striking a proper balance in regard to steering response is certainly possible using Foundation-ffb and additional effects.

    One major limitation with Foundation-ffb has been a lack of under-steer / tire-slip, imo. AC's tire-slip effect helps with that and iRacing really doesn't have anything to help with that issue beyond audio cues.

    AMS2 does provide a good level of grip-loss detection, so long as the scrub-effect is not being filtered or dampened out. So I think it might be useful to keep some of the game-ffb actively involved with the AccuForce.
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  10. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Are you referring to the inclusion of Game FFB Effects in SC or are you refering to FX values in-game (or both)?

    EDIT: When I introduce Game FFB Effects in SC at 50% I get that 'yaw' feeling with the control, where the car floats a bit like a boat on the road. Maybe 50 is too much. I will try with a much lower value tomorrow but I think the proof in the pudding is ultimately lap times and I'm managing much better leaderboard rankings now.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  11. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @Magus is your rig a motion rig? If not not using rear traction loss can really add some odd feeling to the FFB.
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  12. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Wayne Whitmore Yes I do have motion but I haven't had it on while trying to dial in the FFB, so I will remove it because I do know what you are talking about.

    @Dean Ogurek I realise now dialling right down the inertia option within the Game FFB Effect removed the 'yaw' feeling I mentioned above and allows me now to introduce FX & LFB in game.

    I've now taken FFB Foundation right down to 3% & Game FFB Effects to 98% within SC.

    In game: Default - 45 Gain - LFB 8 - FX 38 - Dampening 0

    Managed to set some good times with the Porsche '74, Caterham cars & GT4's with these settings but just tried the GT1 around Spa and didn't feel good to me - spongy comes to mind.

    EDIT: Settled the spongy feel by again bringing FFB Foundation up BUT now to 20 instead of 15. Think that is it for me. Will use these settings across board and see how things go.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
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  13. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    In regard to the AMS2 FX setting, of course use of such effects is totally dependent on user preference.

    In regard to the SC4 Foundation setting, the overall strength applied can certainly have an impact on our sense of steering response (over-steer). Of course, the more settings used per in-game ffb-effects and SC4 ffb-effects, the more delicate the balance but, I suspect you are finding a good compromise in that 15-20% Foundation setting.

    Similarly, application of Damping effects (in-game or SC4) is going to impact our sense of over-steer response. In AMS2 however, we may get a different result based on the ffb-preset (Default vs. Custom) as such effect may be applied in different ways.

    I find it useful to think about how such settings affect the steering-response speed and timing as it relates to our sense of over-steer. If the steering-response lags behind, that timing is thrown off. Damping, Dynamic-Damping, Friction, Gyro-effect, whether in-game or SC4, all influence the timing to some degree.

    Inertia can be used to balance Damping while preserving certain secondary effects such as bumps / curbs / off-track terrain, etc. Again, this is a delicate balance also.
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  14. Katch922

    Katch922 Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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  15. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @Katch922 , how do you find your track IR for going off centre? I had to stop using it because I had to reset centering way too often. The button I mapped was getting more of a work out than my brake pedal.
  16. John Pecchia

    John Pecchia New Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    How did you find the cloud version for AMS2?
  17. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @John Pecchia Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but was away and on my return I had the task of reinstalling Windows after having ended up in a Crtical Process Died loop just before I left.

    I decided to do a clean install of W11, but I lost most my settings.

    What I can say is that I had found a happy medium with AMS2 and I was just using the Game Force Feedback (100), Game Force Feedback Effects (100), Road Bumps (75), & Engine RPM Effects (12.99). The wheel smoothing was around 25, Intensity 100 and preset on High and no longer used the cloud settings. In game I had FFB 55, LFB 15 & FX 75.

    This is what I recall, I need to go in game and test these settings, but I imagine after the big physics update being tested in the Beta some of these settings may change again.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
  18. Katch922

    Katch922 Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    When you reduce the speed, so the camera moves slower, that helps a bit with that. And I find a lot of times I centre without even needing to centre, almost like a weird habit. I probably centre once a lap just to keep it even. Also, I use decent Fov, gives me a larger view and I sometimes even move my seat back. So with a bigger view I find I centre less. Hope it helps.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
  19. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Any one had any issues since updating to windows 11? I am having intermittent times when the wheel is not recognised by the game when starting the game. The wheel is affecting my load cell brake pedal signal. When turning on the wheel the brake pedal signal goes up as if the pedal was being pushed so I now need a massive amount of dead zone to filter out the false signal. upload_2021-11-23_20-22-11.png
  20. Magus

    Magus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    No issues like yours but I did have some usb issues. I went into device manager and uninstalled my USB ports for w11 to then recognise again and install drivers. So far it is running fine. I should also mention that i did a clean w11 install after I found the updated version was having issues of its own.

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