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The Feature Request Thread...

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by VFX Pro, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. MJP10

    MJP10 The Basin of Jatemans AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    New here and probably annoying to people my first post is in the feature requested thread.... Sorry!

    I never post on forums (I should, I'm shy) but I wanted to say I absolutely love racing in this game and its getting better and better with each update.

    A few wishes/requests though... But both ultimately is about immersion... dont get me wrong I love the effort and detail that gets put into each car, and I think that shouldnt stop as this being a 'sim' it seems right thats whats being focused on, but for me it lacks immersion of a 'game' that will keep me coming back/playing on regardless of new content.

    1 . Custom Driver names and the ability to adjust individual driver skill
    This is a must!!! seen it a lot on here including this thread and on other forums and I agree totally so I really hope Reiza is seeing it and agreeing too! Sooner rather than later! I'd way prefer this over any career mode.

    I want to set up my own race seasons, historic real life to match some of the car classes and the great new historic weather system, or fictional grids, either way it adds a great element of immersion feeling like you know who you're competing against.

    I do see in some Championships (Formula v10 gen2 championship) has 'alternate/altered' names that gets assigned to certain liveries... This doesnt always happen to each livery, seems random that it generates but ONLY with that livery. For instance my V10 Gen2 season has drivers called 'Karl Fenstermacher' and his brother(?) 'Rulf Fenstermacher' who conveniently get assigned to my fictional ferrari and williams liveries respectively. Same as 'Dave Colt' and 'Miki Hukkola' in a fictional Mclarens... Rubens Barrichello is actually there too in the other ferrari sometimes spelled correctly (but im sure thats down to licensing as he appears in the Stock car Brasil 2020 champ) So it must be able to be done some how? has anyone else seen this?

    Its a bit like the 'Pro Evolution Soccer' route that Reiza should take when I see this, assign customisable names and attributes, then let the player change in game if they wish to. Takes away the difficulty of licensing issues while gives the player the ability craft and play as they like without modding... I know I'd spend hours tweaking and changing custom things like this in game.

    2. Randomised AI incidents
    Since the latest update ( there are more AI racing collision crashes (for me at least, AI on AI *and have to have agression at 100) but I want to drive around in a race and an AI car has blown an engine or has had a flat...

    Bare with me, but Imagine being in a race and an AI drivers' car engine has blown at turn 3, smoke bellowing out and parked up in the gravel you see as you drive past, or a tire has blown at the last corner... not only that but rather than the car magically disappearing when out of sight, sitting under a yellow flag and limited speed and all the advantages that brings (condensing the pack/pitting etc), then next lap drving round past the broken down car and it being mid hoisted out by a crane... Finding out it was the AI driver in front of you your championship standings and you can ease off a bit for the rest of the race.... then next lap gone and green flags and racing! Immersion and a level of emergence of gameplay right there....

    More visual damage too while I'm on the subject, some of those open wheeler AI cars bounce off the walls like they are bumper cars even on *full damage.... That should be racing ending crash. Proper visual damage please! Look at what happens to open wheelers if they do hit a wall, they crumble and stop, not bounce around and only lose one wheel and visually nothing else is wrong...
    Even particles, like how carbon fibre seems to explode with bits floating everywhere after a large crashes in real life. Driving through someone elses wheel/lockup smoke feels so immersive and puts me right there in AMS 2 in VR, so love the idea of dodging an accident with bits flying everywhere in your view...

    I had more like a busier pitlane etc but I should probably stop here as I'd be surprised anyone read this long already... If you did well done and thank you hope it wasnt boring :)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. selwyn gregory

    selwyn gregory Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    More weather slots would be nice
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Marshalls waving flags like in Rf2. Very useful for those who drive without the HUD.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  4. geekyhawkes

    geekyhawkes Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Can setups save the selected pit strategy please? Can we also have a way to delete the Default pit strategy / select one of the user created strategies as default (but with a more useful name than "default").
    I have a dry tyres only, inters only, wets, repair and dry and just calling it "default" can get confusing.

    Thank you
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Wood be nice to be able to save more than about 8 of them as well and be able to give them longer names too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Christopher McDonald

    Christopher McDonald christofin

    Jun 16, 2021
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    I made a separate post but it looks like this thread would be a good place to mention this - achievement support in Automobilista 2 would be much appreciated!
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Qrio72

    Qrio72 New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Based on Game Build:
    Request Title: Dry grass like ice
    Description: Make the grass physics more realistic mainly at very low speeds. Far too easy to spin the car. The higher the gear the more comical the low speed spin. Unrealistic. ACC has far better off track physics on grass and gravel.
    Benefits: All
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Based on Game Build: Current as at 16 Jun 2021
    Request Title: Increase fuel mass penalty
    Description: Increase the fuel mass so that lap times are impacted more significantly with higher fuel loads.
    Benefits: Practice- more variable as different cars would be running different fuel depending on their run. Lap times would increase as fuel is burnt off. Qualifying- cars running minimal fuel would have to balance the effect against tyre temperature, increasing immersion and challenge. Race- lap times increasing as fuel is burnt off, strategy variables come into play, car handling becomes much more impacted so practice sessions would be advantageous to dial a heavy car in versus a light car (another decision).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Please increase grip loss for AI when they leave track or cut corners and go over the grass. Right now, they drive like on rails when they are off track.
    • Agree Agree x 11
  10. Tiago Ribeiro

    Tiago Ribeiro You must first finish AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Not only that, but they can recover from a crash at a fraction of the time that it would take for a human to do so, which is quite frustrating when they are the ones rear ending you ;-)
    • Agree Agree x 9
  11. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Î’etter engine sound for most cars. Sound is very crucial for a good sim racing game, but most of times overlooked;)

    Some - among those cars - the evo's and the copa/hot cars (their sound is really off for me). Also better engine limiter sound for all cars
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Definitely this! More important than anything else for me so we can play full Endurance races or leave a weekend session mid-way through and resume later - very important when you have a family!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Based on Game Build: Current as of June 17th 2021
    Request Title: Renault Clio Cup cars.
    Description: Could we have Clios added to the game please along with a custom Clio Cup Championship?
    Benefits: Was one of my favourite racing cars in PCars2, adds to the variation of races and cars, we already have a lot of the tracks (could maybe add Croft, Knockhill and Thruxton, which would enable UK BTCC racing as well).
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  14. Arnoudt

    Arnoudt New Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Based on Game Build:
    Request Title: Ability to add a Friend and AI to a custom championship
    Description: I would like to have an option to add a friend in a custom championship and fill the rest of the grid with the AI. On forums (also of other sims) this is the most requested feature. Just play with (a couple) of friend(s) a championship and fill out the rest with AI.
    Benefits: No need for league racing, just play with a friend and keep track of the score. Have some goals in racing. I race every Tuesday evening with a friend and we play single races with the AI. A Custom championship would be so much cooling in stead of single races. Finally decide who is best! (me :))
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. actarusss

    actarusss New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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    Bring back the Copa Petrobras de Marcas please,
    we need a good class of FWD WTCC like.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    More telemetry output. I would love simhub and crew chief to access in-game data such as;

    • Whether the headlights are on.
    • If DRS is enabled at the detection point
    • If DRS is open
    • How many push-to-passes i have left in the race (love hearing this in r3e with crewchief)
    • When push-to-pass is enabled
    • What compound of tyres I am driving on
    • (EDIT) Tyre blistering and graining

    Maybe AMS2 could have its own 'default' telemetry option in options > system, so project cars 2 mode can still be used as a legacy option for older simhub dashes meant for pc2.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 10
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  17. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I would like to see some sort of in-game weather widget that shows the weather forecast for the entire race weekend plus what is expected for your current session. I have setup some custom championships but after it is setup you cannot see the race weekend forecast.
    Another biggie in my list would be a speed trap. Really liked this feature in the first rfactor game.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  18. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Please add more garage spots to certain tracks. Some like Kansai West offer just 16 spots, not useful for custom championships.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    A static track map would be nice for learning new tracks. The moving one shows you next corner just before you are actually there.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Ribeiros

    Ribeiros Active Member

    May 12, 2020
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    Please add
    Linear brake response
    linear throttle response

    if you compare it to Rfactor2, Assetto Corsa and competizione if feels so much better the breaking and acceleration as the pedals increase gradually and are more sensitive the closer they are to the end of the pedals also the car would behave much better under breaking and accelerating as the car would not react unexpectedly.
    One other areas is the replay and outside the car sound, if feels like the engine sound is disconnected from everything as it does not react to the race track or the environment, no reverb, no echo is some areas on increased sound when close to walls. on-board audios have too much low frequency compared to mid to high freq. videos on YouTube doesn't represent real car sounds as most of them are recorded with a gopro inside a case the blocks the on-board sounds.
    add an option for audio boost on replay cameras
    better replay camera could be included as most cameras only zoom in the car and follow it until the next one zooms again and follows.
    still some track popping objects and some shadow flickering even on Ultra.
    I run the game on a ryzen 5800x rx 6800xt
    16gb 3600mhz ram in an nvme drive, normal gameplay uses up to 60% gpu, but in some replay cameras even with just one car on track it drops to 45fps not using the gpu on 100%, or if any car touches another car or the wall, huge fps drops, long beach has a lot of fps drops on corner 0 and corner 1.
    anyway yo fully disable motion blur on replays or improve the shutter speed on the track cameras?

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