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The Feature Request Thread...

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by VFX Pro, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Interesting, I did not realise crew chief could do that, will have to check it out.
  2. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Wow, that's neat!!
  3. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    @F1Aussie Thats just the surface of what crew chief can do. Its essential imho.

    "The app understands lots of command including:

    "How's my [fuel / tyre wear / body work / aero / engine / transmission / suspension / pace / delta best ]"
    "How are my [tyre temps / tyre temperatures / brakes / brake temps / brake temperatures / engine temps / engine temperatures]" (gives a good / bad type response)
    "What are my [brake temps / tyre temps]" (gives the actual temps)
    "What's my [oil temp / water temp]" (gives the actual temps)
    "What's my [gap in front / gap ahead / gap behind / last lap / last lap time / lap time / position / fuel level / best lap / best lap time]"
    "What's the fastest lap" (reports the fastest lap in the session for the player's car class)
    "Keep quiet / I know what I'm doing / leave me alone" (switches off messages)
    "Keep me informed / keep me posted / keep me updated" (switches messages back on)
    "How long's left / how many laps are left / how many laps to go"
    "Spot / don't spot" (switches the spotter on and off - note even in "leave me alone" mode the spotter still operates unless you explicitly switch it off)
    "Do I still have a penalty / do I have a penalty / have I served my penalty"
    "Do I have to pit / do I need to pit / do I have a mandatory pit stop / do I have a mandatory stop / do I have to make a pit stop"
    "Where's [opponent driver last name]"
    "What's [opponent driver last name]'s last lap"
    "What's [opponent driver last name]'s best lap"
    "What's [opponent driver last name]'s irating"
    "What's [opponent driver last name]'s license class"
    "What's [opponent race position]'s last lap" (for example, "what's p 4's best lap", or "what's position 4's last lap")
    "What's [opponent race position]'s best lap"
    "What's [opponent race position]'s irating"
    "What's [opponent race position]'s license class"
    "What's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s last lap"
    "What's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s best lap"
    "What's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s irating"
    "What's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s license class"
    "What's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s last lap"
    "What's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s best lap"
    "What's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s irating"
    "What's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s license class"
    "What tyre(s) is [opponent driver last name / opponent race position] on"
    "What are my sector times"
    "What's my last sector time"
    "Who's leading" (this one only works if you have the driver name recording for the lead car)
    "Who's [ahead / ahead in the race / in front / in front in the race / behind / behind in the race]" (gives the name of the car in front / behind in the race or on the timing sheet for qual / practice. This one only works if you have the driver name recording for that driver)
    "Who's [ahead on track / in front on track / behind on track]" (gives the name of the car in front / behind in on track, regardless of his race / qual position. This one only works if you have the driver name recording for that driver)
    "Tell me the gaps / give me the gaps / tell me the deltas / give me the deltas" (switch on 'deltas' mode where the time deltas in front and behind get read out on each lap. Note that these messages will play even if you have disabled messages)
    "Don't tell me the gaps / don't tell me the deltas / no more gaps / no more deltas" (switch off deltas mode)
    "Repeat last message / say again" (replays the last message)
    "What are my [brake / tyre] [temperatures / temps]"
    "What time is it / what's the time" (reports current real-world time)
    "What's my fuel usage / what's my fuel consumption / what's my fuel use" (reports the per-lap or per-minute average fuel consumption)
    "What tyres am I on / what tyre am / on / what tyre type am i on" (reports the tyre name you're currently using, if available)
    "Calculate fuel for [X minutes / laps] / how much fuel do I need for [X minutes / laps] / how much fuel for [X minutes / laps]" (estimates how much fuel you'll probably need for this many minutes or laps)
    "Give me tyre pace differences / what are the tyre speeds / whats the difference between tyres / compare tyre compounds" (Raceroom only - gives lap time deltas for the best lap on each tyre type that's been used during the session, across all drivers in the same car class as the player)
    "This is the formation lap / formation lap / rolling start": Enable manual rolling-start mode (used by some online leagues)
    "Standing start / no formation lap": Disable manual rolling-start mode
    "Where should I attack / where am I faster / where can I attack": If the app has enough data, will report the corner name where you're gaining the most time on the guy in front
    "Where should I defend / where am I slower / where is he faster / where will he attack": If the app has enough data, will report the corner name where you're losing the most time to the guy behind
    "Read corner names / corner names / tell me the corner names": read out each corner name when you hit the mid-point of the corner, for this lap only (useful to test corner name mappings)
    "Damage report" / "How's my car" / "Is my car ok?": report any damage the car has sustained
    "Car status": report any damage the car has sustained, tyre and brake temperature status and fuel / battery status
    "Session status" / "Race status": report race position, gaps, time / laps left in session
    "Full update" / "Full status" / "Update me": combines all of the above three status reports (will produce a very verbose response)
    "How much fuel to the end" / "how much fuel do we need": report how many litres or gallons of fuel the app thinks you'll need to finish the race
    "Is the car ahead in my class" / "is the car ahead my class" / "is the car ahead the same class as me" / "is the car in front in my class" / "is the car in front my class" / "is the car in front the same class as me" - responds yes or no
    "Is the car behind in my class" / "is the car behind my class" / "is the car behind the same class as me" - responds yes or no
    "What class is the car ahead" / "what class is the guy ahead" / "what class is the car in front" / "what class is the guy in front" - reports class name, or "faster" / "slower" if the app doesn't have the class name
    "What class is the car behind" / "what class is the guy behind"- reports class name, or "faster" / "slower" if the app doesn't have the class name
    "Time this stop" / "practice pitstop" / "time this pitstop" / "pitstop benchmark": time the next pitstop (sector 3 + sector 1 time) to work out home much tome overall a pitstop costs - practice session only
    "Where will I be after a stop?" / "Estimate pit exit positions" / "What will happen if I pit?": play estimate of traffic and race positions on pit exit, if you were to pit on this lap
    "Don't talk in the [corners / braking zones]" / "no messages in the [corners / braking zones]": delay non-critical messages if the player is in a challenging section of the track
    "Talk to me anywhere" / "messages at any point": disable message delay in challenging parts of the track
    "Set alarm to [hour] [minutes] [optional am/pm]" / "alarm me at [hour] [minutes] [optional am/pm]": sets the alarm clock at the given time, supports both 12 and 24 hour format and multiple alarms
    "Clear alarm clock" / "clear alarms": clears all the alarms set
    "Enable cut track warnings" / "play cut track warnings:warn about cuts"
    "No cut track warnings" / "no more cut warnings:no more cut track warnings"
    "Monitor [opponent driver last name]" (adds this driver to a list of drivers which the app will keep you informed about)
    "Team mate [opponent driver last name]" (adds this driver to a list of drivers which the app will keep you informed about)
    "Rival [opponent driver last name]" (adds this driver to a list of drivers which the app will keep you informed about)
    "Cancel monitored drivers" / "stop monitoring drivers" / "stop monitoring all" (clears all monitored drivers)
    "Stop monitoring [opponent driver last name]"
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    You can select your real name from a dropdown list so its mega immersive when he's talking to you. It removes virtually all need for a view spoiling HUD and with pcarsprofiler (which also works on AMS 2) you have total telemetry as well to drill into performance.
  5. Rober

    Rober Member

    Jul 7, 2020
    Likes Received:
    - Has been said before but... Weather Forecast

    - HavenĀ“t seen it yet, now that we have custom champioship what about Shareable Custom Championships. Imagine a website (and/or steam workshop) where you can upload and download real and fantasy custom championships made by the community. Export xml or json and share it with your friends.
    • Like Like x 4
  6. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Not sure if the voice control exceeds 4 strategies, and as a non native English speaker Crewchief misunderstands me a lot, so I went back to button assignments.
  7. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    For my speech recognition it helped, to read the calibration text with an accent. (So i had a german calibration text in windows, but i wanted to use english speech features and i red the german text with some texas and some british accent portions and Crew Chief actually was understanding me better afterwards, while german recognition for other things also still work fine, i'm really not kidding) :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I imagine you sounding like Henning Wehn :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Do you have to be very specific like word for word in the questioning?
  10. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Yeah my name is on the list so I already use that, it is a cool feature, very clever.
  11. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Not in my experience. The biggest threat to it working well is the tendency to shout or raise your voice because of not being able to hear yourself over the engine. This of course causes distortion for the speech engine so speaking at a normal volume dramatically increases accuracy to the point where I can't remember the last time he didn't understand me.
  12. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Okay then, might have to try it out. The missus will think I am demented with her being in bed and me talking to an imaginary person whilst racing, lol
  13. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Oh mate, Ive been down that path! Its hilarious :D Theres a pretty good 'how to' for most things under the help tab. Also the properties is definitely worth digging in to in order to really get it working exactly as you want it. Im so amazed the guy/girl who designed and made it hasnt been snapped up by one of the driving sim studios by now.. to keep this on topic- Hey Reiza, give this person a call and get crew chief integrated ;)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Yes, I agree it is so immersive, even with just having him swearing at you. Mr Belowski is very clever. Will checkout the help and properties.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Would love to see a wheel shake when you hit hard at the brakes. If i recall right this is enabled in AC so it can be transported too..
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. selwyn gregory

    selwyn gregory Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Would it be better or even possible to have seperate AI wet weather Skill setting, it's really a let down sometimes to find them so slow,
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. AquaOrenji

    AquaOrenji New Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Based on Game Build:
    Request Title: Showing Tire compounds on leaderboard of opponent cars.
    Description: During a test race for a custom championship I'm setting up, I ran the stock cars at Curitiba to test AI behavior in dry-to-wet conditions. In a 30 minute race, I'd guess half the AI actually pit for wets (overcast/light rain) while I personally didn't need to, despite the rain coming and going all race. Some made multiple pit stops, it seemed. I was confused, because I had no idea what tire strategy the AI was using.
    Benefits: Knowledge is power and information is invaluable. Also, need to know the AI isn't cheesing on the wet weather tire strategy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. AquaOrenji

    AquaOrenji New Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Based on Game Build:
    Request Title: AI Opponent Selector/Creator
    The ability to pick and choose which drivers/skins are used by the AI, ala Raceroom for the Selector or iracing/Assetto Corsa for the Creator.
    Benefits: Resolves the current custom championship bug where the AI almost always duplicates the player's livery even when there are liveries available. Allows for consistency in grid composition for single races (I can create my own custom championship using Single Race if the grids were consistent). And finally, allows for a more efficient use of multiclass racing by specifying how many cars from each class we actually want to race against--because nobody wants to see a class represented by only 3 cars because the game randomly decided so. Especially when all those classes have to share one points system (don't get me started on that one).
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  19. Dhansi09

    Dhansi09 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    It would be great to have visual downforce on the Formula cars.
    Especially in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a clear visible difference between high-downforce and low-downforce racing.

    For example see the 1991 Williams at Monaco and Monza:


    • Agree Agree x 8
  20. ClickerSnapper

    ClickerSnapper Car in the Avatar, Rimac Nevera.

    Oct 11, 2020
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    I would like to see the dash lights working in the cars not just the Porsches...of course the first ones I would like to see are the classes popular to me to race in order GTE, GT4, GT3, F1 Ultimate. Night races are more immersed if the cockpit is lit up. Thanks Reiza for all your efforts. LOL The force is strong with you...making great advancements you are!-Yoda
    • Agree Agree x 5

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