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The Reiza rFactor 2 Bundle is here!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. softslider

    softslider New Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    Earlier when I used RealHeadMotion in rF2, I was able to set like making only cockpit move keeing external view static. But now it seems not working maybe after introducing stable horizon setting in the game.

    In high setting, it is similar to RealHeadMotion's but external view is still shaking on kerb or when the car is out of the track. Neverthless I think this high setting is the best in current rF2 implementation.
  2. softslider

    softslider New Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    Thanks for the update, Reiza team. I usually drive F-vee and I'm happy with the update although I have to get used to the screechy sound from the radial tyres.

    BTW let me have a question regarding steering lock (wheel range lock). Please check if my understanding is correct.

    Earlier steering wheel range was 900 and steering lock was 28. To make front tyre turn 1 degree, about 16 degree change was required in the steering wheel.

    Now steering wheel range is 720 and steering lock is 18. To make front tyre tyrn 1 degrer, about 20 degree change is required in the steering wheel and it is more than before the change.

    From the calculation, now I need to turn steering wheel more. But I feel it is less than before the change. My feeling is wrong? o_O

    Any one can explain it for me? Thanks.
  3. Gerardo

    Gerardo Member

    Jan 27, 2019
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    Great update!!!!
    A little bug, the front suspension is still missing in the cockpit view. :)

  4. softslider

    softslider New Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    I can see it there. You may to check if the version is 1.07 correctly.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Dragon60

    Dragon60 New Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Great job Reiza. The cars look better, feel better and the dlc is less gpu hungry then before which is nice. There´s just a little graphics bug on the MCR2000 rear tire.
  6. Kolysion

    Kolysion BANNED BANNED

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Why can't we edit the .cam file in rF2 ??

    In AMS we can edit the .cam file :
    the cockpit settings has the option ClipPlanes=(0.120000, 500.000000), and if I change to the same value as the TV cam, ClipPlanes=(0.30000, 500.000000), I have no more flickering objects in the cockpit cam.

    But in rFactor2, I have not this option, so can you change the ClipPlanes option and put the same value as the TV cam ( in rF2 it's the same as AMS, the view without nothing on the screen, the view after the bonnet cam), cause I have many objet flickering in cockpit cam, very annoying on Imola, but in the TV cam i have no flickering object.
    Any global fix to flickering textures?

    Or can you let us change this option like in AMS, cause we can't edit the cams like in AMS, it's a massive downgrade in this part.
    Why can't we edit the .cam file ??
    Cause the only solution is the ClipPLane option, in Raceroom it's called "near type" and the fix is exactly the same, we have to copy the value from the bonnet or TV cam to the cockpit cam.

    I don't understand why s397 or Reiza always put a lower value for ClipPlane in the cockpit, it introduces many many flickering objects, and the shame is in the TV cam there is no flickering object. And we need to have the option to edti the .cam file, we are free to choose how we want to play.

    Do you see the yellow mobile crane in IMOLA or the textures on the bridge ? yes it's flickering in AMS or rF2 in the cockpit cam, but not in the TV cam.....so just adjust this value.

    For the moment, i prefer driving with the TV cam, more beauty than the cockpit cam. The flickering objects is an immersion kill. Again a downgrade issue added to the long list for the comparaison between rF2 and AMS.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
  7. Nico Barclay

    Nico Barclay New Member

    Jan 11, 2017
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    hi how is this fixed,, i got everything to 0 still bouncing in the modern puma "- Adjusted head physics and cockpit vibration to rF2 current standards" ty
  8. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Did you read the thread you linked to in your message? Was there a simple solution?
  9. Kolysion

    Kolysion BANNED BANNED

    Jan 20, 2019
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    my solution, very simple, which works at 100% in AMS is to edit the .cam file and change the ClipPlane settings.
    Not only it removes the flickering, but also I can edit any cam (bonnet, TV, all) to my preference (lovely feature). The TV cam is always too much low and I can re-place it easily.
    But in rF2 I can't edit the .cam files, so I can't change any camera.....and of course I have always the flickering issue caused by the ClipPlane settings.
    I add this to the downgrade list of rFactor 2 (gearbox, sky texture, AI on/off brake....)
    And thanks to have reported the issue in 2015 and to see that in 2019 there is no changement, it's typical with rF2. I need AMS 2, not Reiza rF2 bundle :)
    Last edited: May 2, 2019
  10. Gerardo

    Gerardo Member

    Jan 27, 2019
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    Yep, steam don't download the update, so I go to my inventory, unsubscribe and subscribe all the reiza content and voalá, download the DLC again and all works fine.
    Thanks mate!!!!
  11. AlenC

    AlenC Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    I'd just like to reiterate that after the update this is still going on. Can someone please (@Renato Simioni ?) confirm if this is indeed a bug or working as intended? Can someone reproduce this behaviour?
  12. Kolysion

    Kolysion BANNED BANNED

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Ok, I will share my feeling after many hours of races.

    In fact it's the GT3/GTE cars from S397 which give not much FFB on the Reiza tracks. I have raced many hours the Reiza cars and it gives an awesome FFB, it surclasses s397 FFB far far away. In fact Sebring is so bumpy that it hides the lack of FFB with the GT3/GTE....now I know that Reiza cars have a better FFB than S397. I race only paid/official content (as I always say "the quality has a price"). Only the new Mclaren 720S has a "correct" FFB with good sensation and maybe the Porsche too, but the Bmw, Audi and Aston Martin have a light FFB with no much details. My favorite Reiza cars from the bundle is now the MetamoroAJR, then MCR2000, then the puma052, then the others I don't like.

    Concerning the Reiza cars, I report a bug with the MCR2000, with the Nose cam, the sound is totally mufled, it's not like that for all others cars, it's probably bugged.

    About the ClipPlane setting :
    I have noticed that the ClipPlane setting for the nose cam and for the TV cockpit is not the same, except for the MCR2000, it's great, I have asked for this, but can you please do the same with all others cars ? For all others cars, the ClipPlane setting is the same for the Cockpit cam and for the TV Cockpit and it's different for the Nose cam (it's the good value to remove the flickering, see my previsou post ), but the Nose cam and the TV cockpit are almost the same, it would be nice to have the same ClipPlane setting, like the MCR2000, for the TV cockpit and the Nose cam.

    About the optimisation, it's very good by day/dry, I can race with 40 AI at 4K ultra and the replay is pretty smooth with some drops. But the rain kills the framerate, and for the replay it's worst....for a race at 4K Ultra with the rain and night condition I need the power of 3x2080ti :) and for the replay with rain and night condition I need the power of 4x2080ti !
    So the rF2 engine is definitively not optimised for the rain. S397 will probably never change that, but it's not CPU hungry like the UE4, which is more beauty it's sure, but each effects are CPU demanding, it's the comeback of the CPU era gaming....

    So the cars are very very good, better than most of the s397 paid cars about the FFB., the tracks are very good too, probably with less details than Sebring due to the lack of the laserscan technology.

    Thanks if you have read everything, and if you have followed my story, and if Reiza studio developper, you can pass my ClipPlane suggestion and the bug report to the team.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  13. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Nice review and information, but we have already explained to you that Sebring is probably the bumpiest real race track that anyone has heard of in the world. Other tracks, laser scanned or not, will not be as bumpy, including new tracks from S397.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Sebring is a track where drivers may experience blurred vision during and even, up to 2 weeks after racing there due to the harsh surface bumps. It's also why the track is considered to be one the most demanding race-tracks for durability testing & endurance (cars / drivers / teams).

    If you find the FFB harsh at Sebring, you should try it in a motion rig. I have to use a special profile just for that track; the effects are too violent with a normal one. It approaches the point where we can experience a form of endurance testing of our own equipment and personal tolerance and fatigue levels as sim-racer's. Add to that - VR, and it becomes even more intense.:)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Therefore, calibrating your FFB with Sebring as a base is a very bad idea...
  16. Kolysion

    Kolysion BANNED BANNED

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Yes I have plan to use a motion rig with triple projection like this guy. :)

    But what I have noticed is the Reiza cars FFB is far more detailed and give more sensation than the GT3/GTE cars from s397. First I thought it was the Reiza tracks which have a low road mesh cause I have used only GT3/GTE on the tracks, but after many hours of race with the Reiza cars, I can say the FFB is more detailed for Reiza, but it's what we all expect, Reiza is surclassing s397 in many parts, but I have the feeling that rF2 is limiting Reiza like a bottleneck, that they need something new to reveal all the potential, please the UE4 :)
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  17. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    I still am having an issue with the AJR and MR18 pitting in offline races after about 20 minutes. This is pretty immersion breaking for offline racing.

    Also the Chevy version of the AJR is getting beat pretty badly by the other variants.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Kolysion

    Kolysion BANNED BANNED

    Jan 20, 2019
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    rF2 glory :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Probably some wrong setting in AI fuel or tire use, same for the Chevy version (if you mean the AI is driving), I believe you can increase its speed tho, there is a setting that allows that (AI limiter or talent) but I dont know how to do it since i dont drive offline for ages
  20. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Talent files don't really solve this issue as editing one car applies it to all. Also it is purely a performance issue with the Chevy variant. It uses the most fuel, weighs the most, and has the slowest top speed. The BoP needs more refinement as the Judd has the highest top speed (easily) and almost identical fuel consumption to the Honda and Powertec. It is in another league compared to the other 3 varients, and the Chevy is almost a league below the Honda and Powertec.

    I did a 2hr 40 min race at Mid Ohio today and all the Chevy varients were a lap down and almost 2 seconds off per lap of the lead lap cars pace. The Judds were dominating by 30+ seconds, and the Honda and Powertec were about even with each other.

    Every varient was pitting about every 20 mins which is something I brought up after the initial release as these cars should be able to do about an hour and some change on a full tank.

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