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The Reiza rFactor 2 Bundle is here!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. AndreiC

    AndreiC Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2019
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    Hello everybody,
    Overall for me this is a great DLC, needs some polish, but knowing Reiza I am sure they will certanly improve it, highly recommended it. The cars feel good but a little different to the latest releases in rf2, needs time to adjust.
    The tracks are amazing, always the best non laser scanned in my opinion(although the new LilSki tracks seem to try to convince me otherwise lately ), always said they don't need laser scanned tracks if they keep doing so good tracks.
    The problem in my opinion with the comunity is that if a sim wants more attention/customers has to start with the classic tracks available since forever in every sim.
    I would love to see the trend that AMS had and release some less known amazing tracks with fantastic natural flow(not like Herman's latest F1 tracks!Turkey excluded) for many of us like:
    1.Blackhauk Farms:

    2. Interlomas :

    3.Calabogie :

    4.Autodromo Eduardo P Cabrera :

    5. Rivadavia :

    6.San Luis:

    7.Termas de Rio Hondo:

    8.Huan Manuel Fangio de Balcarce:

    My biggest problem with all the cars in the Reiza pack is their feedback when going over the kerbs.
    I wasn't a big fan of Norma LMP3 by Studio 397 because the FFB when going over the kerbs felt to rough for me but. In MCR for example is just way overboard for me I only use my wheel at 70% for official content and 60% for this Reiza pack but the MCR just feels like is gone break my hands or break the wheel, feels like the fast bumpers dont really work(I hope not, can't really aford another wheel :p). The same thing happens with all the cars in the pack.
    I went back to AMS did some laps with MCR FFB going over the kerbs on the same track VIR felt a little rough but was so enjoyable nowhere near the feedback I get in rf2.
    Also I did a test with the Metalmoro AJR and for this car the FFB is identical to the one in AMS. The feedback when going over the kerbs is a lot smoother and enjoyable similar to the FFB I also get from the Studio 397 Oreca. Is there a way this can be tweaked to feel less agressive?

    I did some races these days at VIR, the AI set at 100 %, agression only 10%! AI breaks for no reason just before the start line, dive bombs, rejoins the track in the middle of the corner(also with the Mercedes AMG from Studio 397) and is also very slow in the MCR on the straights. AI also breaks many times for no reason in the middle of the snake(8th corner)

    Also in the Puma 052 downshifting is very dangerous you need to downshift very late or you will end up in a spin, this doesn't happen in AMS, AMS is alot more forgiving, trottle bliping(heel and toe) when downshifting fixes the problem so we need to do this in rF2?
    Regarding the AI excepting VIR on all other tracks seems ok, on par with the AI of the Studio 397 tracks.
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  2. BadEngineer

    BadEngineer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 2, 2019
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    @Renato Simioni last night I ran a practice session with the Flat 6 mod and Reiza's VIR and all the curbs were invisible from the cockpit view (but fine from the replay/outside cameras). Invisible as I could see through them, as if the mesh wasn't there.

    Settings were high/ultra, including full post processing effects. My wild guess would be something with their particular windshield shader (Flat 6 mod) and depth rendering? Didn't have this issue with the Puma, though. Also didn't have this issue with the same car and other tracks, like the Workshop version of VIR (converted by Nibiru).

    Cheers, mate!
  3. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Yeah that seems to be the case, we´re investigating it and will see what we can do about it.
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  4. Christian.ca

    Christian.ca New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Great pack, many hours of fun in perspective.
    Nice selection of tracks and cars.

    Little note with mirrors (virtual and physical) on all cars, they all have the wrong aspect ratio (distorted image). No idea if others have the same problem.

    FFB is different compared to latest S397 content, I had to make a different profile with Simucube to stop the oscillation (nonexistent with other rF2 content). But as always with FFB you get used to the difference.

  5. AndreiC

    AndreiC Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2019
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    rerrrrvir.jpg rerrrr.jpg Hello guys,
    Regarding the tracks I noticed another small bug present on all the tracks. It is about the DRS availablility, DRS is available all the time as soon as the AI passes the start line.

    Edit: Another small bug noticed is with the Mclaren MP4/8, through the windshield the kerbs are not visible. Issue occurs at Imola and VIR
    Track detail : Medium
    Post Effects : Low

    Another sound bug : at Ibarra I have no sound feedback over the kerbs no matter what car I use.

    A problem I noticed at Ibarra but regarding FFB, when going into turn 1 for example, due to the high angle of the turn my wheel give no feedback anymore, after exiting the corner the FFB returns to normal, very difficult to drive(I am not pushing the car nor I am to the limit of the grip). This behavior occurs with the MCR and the Metalmoro MR18 doen't occur with any Studio 397 cars I tested.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2019
  6. Patvader

    Patvader New Member

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Hi I buy Automobilista Season Pass and my question is reiza pack on rfactor is free for the person have buy season pass on automobilista ?
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  7. fireballr18

    fireballr18 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    Another graphical issue is also present, when driving in the rain in cockpit view. The spray the cars produces in front of you will be overlayed by the curbs. I use full settings.
  8. fireballr18

    fireballr18 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    Is that pack amazing. Since its release, I'm driving every evening without losing attraction :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Aaron Green

    Aaron Green Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Ok, i finally got the pack through. Its AMAZING guys, literally a masterpiece. The FFB is immense (save for going over the kerbs sometimes, its a bit drastic and shakes my rig to pieces, making horrible clanking noises), but I cant put into words how brilliant the work you guys have produced really is. I am now sold on you guys perhaps using the RF2 engine/game as a basis for future projects. 10/10!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. TR1S

    TR1S New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Curious which cars are you driving when the above occurs? What are your lap times at Sebring in a GTE? Have you tried the AJR at Virginia Full (Not the Grand Full but the outer Full)? If so, again I'm curious of your lap times.

    What is your AI Aggression setting set to? What is your AI Limiter Setting set to?
  11. David Wright

    David Wright Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Bruno Tassone

    Bruno Tassone New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    Hola. Tengo Automobilista y Rf2, no me aparece el nuevo Pack. ¿Que tengo que hacer para que me aparezca?
  13. Filip

    Filip New Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Regarding steering lock.
    It's not only controllers that are unusable because of min steering lock being too high.
    Also (cheap) wheels like my logitech wingman with only 200 deg rotation. It is unplayable because steering is too jerky.
    Other cars and mods in rf2 can be adjusted well. Also cars in AMS don't have that problem.
  14. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Can you Guys help S397 program the Ai to run more like AMS Ai? The way the rF2 Ai has to throttle/brake/throttle /brake constantly to corner is most immersion breaking, the sound and brake lights really kills immersion in rF2!
    Im sure if Reiza gave some pointers it would help S397 immensely ;)
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  15. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Even when using those values the cockpit still moves a lot. I discovered that if you set the "Stable Horizon" setting in rF2 to low, med or high it works as intended and the amount of cockpit movement changes accordingly, but if you set it to off, it behaves like the high setting.

    Apart from that, I personally haven't encountered any issues yet, so for me this content is the best rF2 content next to the GTE/GT3 and Sebring DLCs, and Imola is the best looking track in rF2 handy down.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. AndreiC

    AndreiC Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2019
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    Another bug, this time regarding the AI at Ibarra.
    AI set at 100% difficulty and 15% Agression
    When racing in the reverse layout the AI exists Turn 3 and then enters Turn 2 very slow, I am faster no matter how slow I am through that corner and if i push a little wide the AI is much slower.
    In Turn 2 AI lifts the trottle for no reason sometimes.
    In Turn 16(1st corner in reverse layout) AI breaks at the right breaking point only when it is behind me, if the AI is in front of me I can divebomb from a very long distance and overtake, AI don't bother to cover the move.

    Regarding AI at Imola I just feel like they are a little to much motivated at the start :D

    Edit 1: AI in Puma057 is even worse I can stop accelerating on the straight and wave and the AI still can't overtake.
    I also noticed that when racing against Metalmoro AI is even more agressive everywhere.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    On Imola 2018, in 4K and will all track details at maximum, there are 2 places with noticeable (and distracting) graphical z-fighting

    - on the starting lane, the Imola banner
    - in T7 (Tosa): the stands in the corner

    Would be great to have it fixed. I can post screenshots if necessary.


    I had a great session on this track for a few hours, racing mixed AJR and Oreca 07 in short 8 lap races, alternating between the 2 cars to compare physics and handling.
    The Oreca handles superbly but cannot turn well until tyres are at good temp. It's definitely faster in straights. Seems to also be more stable and planted.
    The AJR is much more agile in curbs (and possibly faster there) and can be abused in imaginative and fun ways, often at your own risk as you push the car to its limits.
    One could say the Oreca feels more safe (although certainly not dull nor easier to drive fast than the AJR!). It has incredible tyre physics (translating to FFB) that feels more sophisticated than the AJR in a way. But the AJR is no slouch in that department too !
    It's interesting how these 2 cars drive differently, each in their own awesome way.
    I'm once more really impressed how the AJR translated to rF2 and how enjoyable it is.
  18. AndreiC

    AndreiC Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2019
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    New IBARRA AI bug__Puma052
    AI set at 100% difficulty and 15% Agression
    Turn 1 and Turn 2 AI breaks to much every time - very easy to overtake
    Turn 10 - on entry AI breaks to much(easy to overtake), even breaks on the exit, exit out of this corner is always very slow(easy to overtake until next corner)

    AI Strange behaviour
    Turn 1 1st lap - 3 wide AI turns for no reason into me like I wasn't there, see min 0:08. This is happening alot of times when going 3 wide into a corner.
    Turn 5 AI doesn't want to overtake, even breaks early sometimes for some reason, see min 5:42

    New IMOLA 2018 AI bug_Puma052
    The problem at Imola in almost every corner for the AI is the exit, the exit speed si very low.
    Turn 4, Turn 6 - very low exit speed for the AI
    Turn 9 - very low exit speed for the AI, AI seems to break late and has a bad exit
    Turn 19 - very low exit speed for the AI, no matter how slow I am some how AI is even slower

    AI Strange behaviour
    Turn 1 1st lap - AI turns for no reason into me like I wasn't there, see min 0:08
    Turn 19 - 2 wide into the last corner AI goes off track for no reason ,see min 5:56

    The problems described above also occur when racing the MCR at Imola but they are less obvious.

    Regarding the fps I noticed that when racing the Puma052 I lose about 15 fps compared to the MCR.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
  19. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Hey @Renalto Simioni I saw your post that the AJR Honda's turbo was still a work in progress. I thought I would show some testing I did with all the AJR's between rf2 and AMS at VIR. This testing was with the setups at default. Only thing I changed on the AMS setup was the steering angle to match the rf2 @18 degrees.

    AMS Chevy V8
    Top Speed: 274kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:35.790

    rf2 Chevy V8
    Top Speed: 271kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:36.383

    AMS Honda Turbo
    Top Speed: 273kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:35.551

    rf2 Honda Turbo
    Top Speed: 262kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:37.558

    AMS Judd V10
    Top Speed: 278kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:34.850

    rf2 Judd V10
    Top Speed: 275kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:36.454

    AMS Powertec V8
    Top Speed: 272kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:35.551

    rf2 Powertec V8
    Top Speed: 269kph
    Fastest Lap: 1:36.692

    It seems that the AMS versions have a little more grunt on the V8s and Judd and obviously there is a big disparity with the Honda. Hoping these get updated to match the speed and balance that we have on AMS!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
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  20. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    But should the AI be pitting after only 10 laps at Sebring for example? My tires on my AJR were still above 95 and I have 80L of fuel left. I would think the AI could stick with the tires for a full fuel stint atleast correct?

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