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To Reiza: What physics do you actually want?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Richard Wilks, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. Richard Wilks

    Richard Wilks Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Right, so since it seems the members of the physics team are too important to come down to earth, and actually explain what they want to achieve, i guess i should take your answer as a "everything is fine with the game, its exactly like we wanted it to be, no need for more changes..?" Because i remember you having the exact same attittude when you were making long videos replying to Gamermuscle that all was fine, just for the dev team to admit that after all there was a problem with diffs that they had to address. So , and believe me, i mean no disrespect, but excuse me if I take everything you say with a grain of salt at this point.

    If you want my take on it from what you said, if indeed more than one person is doing the physics, maybe that's exactly the problem. The cars are not the view of a single individual, but from a group, each probably with different takes on the matter. That would explain them being all over the place, from build to build.

    And in fact, who are these people? Who is the "physics team"? What's so secretive about this? I can reach out and talk directly with all the physics people of almost all other sims, but Reiza feels the need to shield these people? Why? Is it Renato himself doing all the work?...

    But anyways, all i wanted was to create a constructive discussion about this matter, because like i said before, it gets frustrating to follow the progress of the game, if we never know whats coming next, and what is the end goal, and every new build makes the cars feel different, and many times for worse but all we hear is "all is fine, everything is fine", even in the face of things that are clearly not fine.

    If indeed the physics people believe progressive wheelspin is not supposed to be a thing, i would like to hear that, and not being gaslighted that its there, when i can definitely tell it isn't.
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  2. lukester

    lukester Trey Ulbraking AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 24, 2020
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    Aw man, went shopping yesterday and didn't get popcorn.
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  3. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    No, you shouldn't. Did you read his earlier comment in this thread?
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  4. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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  5. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    It's got to be the diff surely ? That and a lack of lateral grip . Steel you must be aware of this behaviour or is it something not experienced across the whole user base ? The super V8 is a very good example of this , you can barely drive a straight line in the thing without constantly throttling off .
  6. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Can I just add that I do believe the super V8 should brake traction easily, it's just how it veers laterally when doing it !
    This also applies to many other cars too .
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  7. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Being aware of an issue is one thing, being able to diagnose it and then fix it are two very different things.

    That being said, being aware of something and acknowledging it as an issue are two different things as well. The specific issue of cars loosing traction (IMO) excessively under throttle out of corners has yet to be specifically acknowledged as an isse, like the sticky diff was back when. All we currently get is a vage "not all is perfect". It would be nice to know if this behaviour is seen 'as intended' or not.
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  8. Richard Wilks

    Richard Wilks Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    So in that case, lets hear it, what is NOT fine then? What needs to be improved? Everything i point out seems to be rebutted, despite ample proof otherwise, so what is left to improve, and how will it be improved? What is the direction?

    The game has "credits", and yet, the people quoted there are nowhere to be seen in the thread, apart from you, who i don't think are in charge of anything physics wise besides setups.

    You can't control anything in this game without massive amounts of opposite lock. The accelerator pedal is nothing but a switch that tells the rear how far you want to kick it out, and then its up to the steering to catch up.

    The amount of longitudinal grip in the formula classic and retro is so big compared with the lateral, that making a burnout out of the pits its hard without lettting the engine bog down, no matter how hard you dump the clutch, with the accel pedal floored, and yet, we get to a corner, and the slightest amount of throttle kicks the rear out almost instantly.

    When you have the formula retro pointing straight, the car starts to wander left and right with the back on top of it's own suspension, instead of just spinning the wheels and keep its forward momentum.

    I am pointing out specific things, like others are in this thread. All i get from you is "you are wrong". You see the difference?...

    I reference a couple of cars because i am trying to be specific, i tried many more.

    As for my application, spare me the snarky comments.
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  9. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Its tough to compare a spool to an lsd. The reason why I believe the SV8 veers though could be due to a couple of things. It could in fact be underdamped and or undersprung. Any unnecessary weight transfer, even minor, could be loading the steering and drive wheels in an unbalanced way. Also I believe it currently has a FFB pendulum issue which may be causing the fronts to dig in, which would only serve to exaggerate the problem. The SupV8 has gone through several revisions and its on the short list of cars to explore for another, potentially. Its one of those cars I could write a short uninteresting book about.

    Cars with LSDs sometimes have similar symptom, for a different reason. You can have snap oversteer with a locked diff AND a relatively unlocked diff. Traditional snap oversteer usually happens on corner exit, on throttle where both wheels saturate the contact patch longitudinally, leaving no traction laterally. Once the contact patch is stretched in one direction or the other, to the max, there is less ability for it to stretch in another direct. A diff that unlocks too readily can cause a snap oversteer sensation as well. Usually when the car is stressed laterally. If the diff unlocks there, and the inside tire spins up too abruptly, any lateral traction from that tire is lost, leaving all lateral traction to be (sometimes suddenly) the responsibility of the outside "traction" tire alone. When trying to maximize exit speeds as we do, this again saturates the tire, and it simply gives way..

    In a straight line, when the diff is unlocking, there is also brief moment of wheel slip where the unlocking wheel indeed has MORE traction. The best grip of the tire is around 5-10% wheelslip. The rubber is stretching and there is an added element of the rubber naturally fighting to get back into position. This is one of the aspects that the SETA tire model simulates. This could cause a car to sway a bit especially when you as the driver are trying to keep the car in this max traction zone off the starting line. A simple burnout on the other hand (dropping the clutch), you may find the car tends to stay more straight as both tires are equally saturated almost instantaneously.

    I think that I would agree that most clutch LSD cars in AMS2 may be on the verge of being punchy. This is simply due to the fact that we want all the cars to be relatively quick with minor adjustments and at the same time be in the realm of reasonable for as many driving styles as possible. Believe me, I lurk the forums and YT a bit and people aren't usually hesitant to call out Understeer and Oversteer. Sometimes with the same car, at a different point of the track. There are a lot of factors at play as to why that is. Its part and parcel to having one default, for all driving styles, for all tracks, at all track temps in all weather conditions. The mantra internally given the circumstances is to give as many drivers as possible a setup that they can complete a race with from novice sim drivers to experienced one. We try to keep them on the relatively quick side so experienced drivers can hop in and compete but at the same time not to neuter the cars natural tendencies.

    Some common themes still exist though.

    For example, brake bias and damping. All the cars have to have bias and damping that is suitable for the most difficult braking zones. Also, people have different brake sensitivities some we don't want cars that pitch in too harshly leading to spin. This may cause a slight understeer tendency on entry at most other corners. A driver who is used to threshold braking in an expert fashion may find these settings to garbage and rant about them on discord or wherever, but believe me its for a purpose.

    Mid corner lateral stiffness distribution is typically balanced, but on the stiff side as well. We could make the cars softer obviously, but again, the cars have to handle chicanes and quick lateral CoG shifts at some tracks, not all of them though.

    Exits, as i stated before, we have a bit of punch there. This is to not only to help complete corner rotation, but also to emphasize a "steer with the rear" sensation which is one of AMS2s strengths. granted every car is different and so is every throttle foot.

    Finally, ride heights. The defaults are tuned (for the most part) to be aero neutral at top speed as rake, positive or negative adds drag. So, the springs need to support the aero for the fastest tracks. In many circumstances a softer spring package may be better for a given track, but that same package might lead to unwanted bumpstop strikes and bottom outs at others. Also, there is give and take with springs as well, you can reduce the rear springs for more mechanical traction, at the sacrifice of lower top end speed as the rear is more susceptible to aero compression.

    This is a portion of the thought process at least.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  10. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    I didn't say you were wrong. If there is any substance to what you say that is beyond subjective opinion that can be corroborated internally with an objective review process, there will be steps to address it. This honestly should be a satisfactory answer for you.

    And please, try not to be dismissive. I really don't care what you think my contribution to the physics of the cars is but don't be arrogant enough to assume you know something when you simply don't.

    edit: also, if you have issues getting the cars to slip at the start have you tried shorting first gear or are you using the longest final drive for a track like kyalami hist? the thing is, ive driven all of the cars you have mention with this issue and dozens of others internally that I know of have done so as well and you are the first person to mention issues.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  11. Richard Wilks

    Richard Wilks Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    What does FFB has to do with the rear later grip? This shouldn't have an impact, unless the FFB is "reacting" too late to what the car is doing.

    This is just wrong. If longitudinal grip is overcame, the rear wheels begin to spin in the same spot. This in turn changes the lateral slip angle, which gets progressively wider as more wheelspin happens. This is what makes drifting possible and controlable.You still have lateral grip, its the slip angle and grip curves that change, and can be manipulated with the accelerator alone. This is exactly what is NOT happening now.

    The car should not be swaying BEFORE wheel spin is achieved and yet this is what is happening. If this is happening it means the load on the tires is possibly increasing slip angles at a faster rate than the wheels themselves lose traction. This would not happen in real life, unless your tire is almost flat, because its undesirable for obvious reasons, you want the car to keep lateral integrity as much as possible.

    Too much importance is given to differentials in this forum on this regard. Sure they are important, and they play a role, but even a totally locked differential car can have nice progressive wheelspin and controlable slides. Once again, that's what makes drifting possible.

    This is only true if one is trying to trail brake, something i specifically avoid doing when i comment about understeer or oversteer traits when entering corners.

    Well if that is the case, then indeed all the rear wandering can only be down to the tires. But i knew that already, because if anything, all those formula retros are way way too stiff, probably in an effort to try to controll all that roll that is happening when it shouldn't.

    Well, if that is one of the strenghts... the way you guys make the cars, you can't have it both ways. If i want a car that is pointy in corner entry, it will be terribly lose on exit (even more than they already are). If i want stability on exit, the car will be mortally crippled with understeer on entry. If anything, it should be the other way around, pointy on entry, stable on exit. What you are doing is basically inverting the natural balance of real cars to create this "illusion" that you can dispute braking zones or brake late into corners, and come out "swinging" the tail out just for show. Which is falling flat, because of all i said above.

    This is all very true, but this should really only affect heavy aero cars, like group Cs or mdernish F1s.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  12. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Like, who is Richard? It seems for some reason I should know who he is? Maybe a spy who has got Intel on Reiza's internal work?

    Oh well, I am really enjoying the game atm. I know it is not quite there in many areas, but when looking back 3 years ago, I can see massive improvement in all areas. Just lime ams1, the game just started receiving the praise it did at the very end of its dev cycle.
    Ams2 will get there I'm sure, no need to be a di***k about it just because we are not there yet.
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  13. Richard Wilks

    Richard Wilks Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Well its nice then, who doesn't like to be the first :)

    Yes i did, i know my way around a setup. But have you driven the car in project cars2 with the tires i sugested?

    Also, i wasnt being arrogant or dismissive. I dont know what is your role no, but if you are indeed involved in the physics development, i would like to know what credencials or work you have that you can show from before working for reiza in this, so at least i can have a feel for what direction we are going. In my case thats easy enough to find.
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  14. Kurupt CDN

    Kurupt CDN Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    In fairness....when AMS2 was first released, Reiza had stripped the engine of many features and released it barebones than slowly added them back in as they reworked them.

    So ya, it could only improve cause the game was terrible at release.

    I feel many, myself included, were hoping Reiza would build on, ex. PC2's features (not content), and focus on improving the physics but they choose to strip it down and start from scratch in many areas, which is leading to alot of the frustration from some of the community.

    Issues SMS didn't or couldn't fix over there 10yrs of development are still popping up.
    I was a big fan of the potential of this engine....but 13yrs later, the endless amount of bugs resulting in different overall experiences between users is starting to wear thin.
    I too, hope and believe Reiza will sort these issues. :)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  15. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Welcome to the new "Are you ready to rumble thread":)
    This discussion is only good for : see above.;)
    It leads to nothing as worries and is completly useless.
    We talk about things intern in the Beta forum and not everybody needs to know everything.
    I miss some loyality here. Too many "experts".:whistle:
    Even such a lurid article as in a boulevar newspaper: "To Reiza - what physics ,bl,bla,bla..."
    Breaking News the Physics are faulty.Don't you think we don't know that in some case?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  16. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    I hope Reiza bring back the backing availability and I can be in those forums too. I’m getting a little bit crazy :confused:
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  17. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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  18. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    This thread started as an interesting topic to discuss (watch and learn in my case), developed as a full entitlement and arrogance one, and now is converting to a **** lenght competition.

    My god.
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  19. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    There probably should be a “frequently talked about topics” in this forum so we avoid talking about the same thing ALL THE TIME
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  20. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    At first I thought someone was looking for a job here.....
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