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[Triple Screen]

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by JetPistol, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    It's SMS's bad coding... by the way
  2. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Awesome! Glad to help.
  3. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Yeah, PC2 had similar issues...but I don’t remember it being as difficult to sort out then.
  4. Bradley Rossetti

    Bradley Rossetti New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Thank you this excel file saved my alignment issues
  5. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Awesome! Glad to know it’s still helping people!
  6. nVIceman

    nVIceman New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    I have this same issue from that first picture posted where things are completely misaligned with triple 1440p 27" screens when using a custom 5760x1080 resolution. I use NVIDIA Surround, but I don't correct the bezels with it, I do that in each game, but I have tried fiddling with all these settings, including putting both 1440p and 1080p as each monitor size, but it looks like the same either way, I don't see what I could be missing. It just doesn't work right.
  7. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    nVIceman - did you happen to read through my earlier post here?
    [Triple Screen]

    I would suggest using your bezel corrected resolution and make sure to enter your bezel widths into the triple screen settings for each screen. Also need to make sure you have selected to enable triple screen settings...otherwise it will just stretch the super-wide resolution without alignment compensation. (I also recommend editing the HML file for these settings rather than using the in-game interface). For the physical screen dimensions, measure the horizontal width but calculate the height using your resolution (divide your width by 1920 and then multiply by 1080 to get a calculated height). And in the in-game camera settings, enter your field of view for just the center screen.

    In the post linked above, I have an excel sheet with a calculator which has helped a few people resolve the misalignment issue. Just, need to make sure you get all the settings entered correctly.

    Let me know if it works.
  8. nVIceman

    nVIceman New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    I did read that and many other related posts. I don't have a bezel corrected resolution, just using a custom one of 5760x1080 and using AMS2 for bezel adjustments, which works fine at 7680x1440, just a killer on my GPU.

    I did enable triple screen settings. I've edited in-game and via the HML file, no success, just tryied again. Oddly enough, the lowest I could make FOV was 88 after trying to get this working, but after trying again, I could make it what it should be, but things are still misaligned badly. Here are my HML file settings. The force option had been false until recently. Somehow it went true, but still isn't working right.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <class name="BRTTIRefCount" base="root class" />
        <class name="BPersistent" base="BRTTIRefCount">
            <prop name="Name" type="String" />
        <class name="TripleScreenConfigData" base="BPersistent">
            <prop name="Build" type="U32" />
            <prop name="ForceTripleScreen" type="Bool" />
            <prop name="AllowTripleScreen" type="Bool" />
            <prop name="LeftScreen" type="Fct" />
            <prop name="RightScreen" type="Fct" />
            <prop name="CentreScreen" type="Fct" />
        <data class="TripleScreenConfigData" id="0x42471500">
            <prop name="Name" data="" />
            <prop name="Build" data="1684" />
            <prop name="ForceTripleScreen" data="true" />
            <prop name="AllowTripleScreen" data="true" />
            <prop name="LeftScreen" physicalHeight="33.619999" physicalWidth="59.770000" bezelLeft="0.700000" bezelRight="0.700000" angleFromForward="53.000000" distanceToEye="60.535172" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080" />
            <prop name="RightScreen" physicalHeight="33.619999" physicalWidth="59.770000" bezelLeft="0.700000" bezelRight="0.700000" angleFromForward="53.000000" distanceToEye="60.535172" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080" />
            <prop name="CentreScreen" physicalHeight="33.619999" physicalWidth="59.770000" bezelLeft="0.700000" bezelRight="0.700000" angleFromForward="0.000000" distanceToEye="60.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080" />
  9. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Try changing to the bezel corrected resolution...mine doesn't work right without doing that either (when using Surround). And when doing so, you likely won't need to manually correct for bezels in the other sims...but AMS2 and PC2 are a little different. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this part of the Nvidia Surround process, so please don't take offense if I describe stuff you already know. But, when setting up Surround, there are a couple boxes into which you enter a number of pixels for the virtual gap behind the bezels. When doing so, it places a picture across the bezels with diagonal lines so you can determine the correct spacing. After applying that, you'll have another screen resolution which is a little wider. Based on the detail you provided with a bezel of 0.7 and angle of 53, I suspect that will be around 5842 instead of 5760. After setting up the bezel corrected resolution and applying it, will need to change the resolution in game to that as well.

    As far as the FOV issue you noted in the camera screen, my experience is that you can only reduce it to the correct value for that super wide resolution after the game has booted with triple screen settings enabled. The following is speculation based on a lot of testing. It seems that before triple is enabled, it would expect the FOV for that crazy resolution to be super wide...as one super wide monitor. But, after booted with triple enabled, it renders the gameplay as though they were 3 individual screens...based on the resolutions entered into the triple settings...and considers the FOV for the individual screens. And with those settings enabled, it allows the lower FOV for what would be an individual screen. You can test this be turning off Nvidia Surround. Just set up your three screens as an extended desktop of 3x 1080p. Set the in game resolution to 1080p. And leave all your triple settings as you already have them. Should work fine like that...but is a hassle when going back and forth between sims which rely on Surround.

    If you still have struggles with it, start a Conversation with me with Discord info and we can chat through it when time accommodates.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
  10. Shaykz

    Shaykz New Member

    Jul 2, 2020
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    i can't still understand why it's so hard to configure triple screen on that game, that's crazy.
    it take me more than one hours to get the game launching in triple with the good resolution and angle without nvidia surround.

    And now it's still so bad because the game doesn't allow me to have an FOV value lower than 88 .. but I need to have 60 so I don't feel like driving on the car dashboard, I can't even see the steering wheel!
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  11. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I haven’t experienced the FOV issue...except for if triple settings aren’t already enabled. But that doesn’t sound like the issue you’re having. Have you tried deleting settings and reinstalling the game? Is a pain...but might help due to all the updates the game has received.
  12. nVIceman

    nVIceman New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    Thanks, but I couldn't get it to work like that, but I did fix it by changing my desktop resolution to 5760x1080 prior to launching AMS2 and then it worked fine. Strange, as nothing else has ever required such a thing, but I can deal with that for now.
  13. CatoDeus

    CatoDeus New Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    I don't suppose anyone has had success when trying to get triples running when you actually have 4 screens - ie. 3 "driving" screens and 1 timing screen above? For the life of me I can't figure it out. I can get it to work fine if I unplug the 4th screen but that really isn't sustainable going forward (and frankly, nor should it be necessary). Any ideas?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    My cockpit settings won't go below 88. I'm on AMD and triples work fine but everyone goes on about 40 and 50 fov but I don't know how you are managing to get so low.

    Attached Files:

  15. note2ybk

    note2ybk New Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Have you rebooted the game after enabling triple screen settings?
  16. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Yes but when go back in, the triple screen is still checked. I have a file to try so I'll see how it goes after that thanks
  17. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Anyone know if there is a bezel correction option for AMD cards?
  18. Chadd Lowe

    Chadd Lowe New Member

    Jun 22, 2020
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    I assume the measurements should all be added as cm correct?
  19. D3L8OY

    D3L8OY New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Exactly what I am going through atm. I have 3 2560x1440 screens with Asus Bezel free kit and a fourth 1920x1080 monitor. I just cant get AMS2 to display correctly, I have tried everything to correct the distortion, I have no issues is iRacing, RRE and ACC but wow AMS2 is just so bad in supporting multi monitor.
    The other issue is when setting up nvida surround with the Bezel free kit, there is no bezel correction I just leave that at zero and it works fine for every other sim. In ACC while in the car you can make adjustments to the individual screens but in AMS2 I have to keep quitting the and going back to the options to make changes, surely the Dev can implement an in-game adjustment to make life easier
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  20. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    • Useful Useful x 2

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