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Troubleshooting - Automobilista 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Cyatic

    Cyatic New Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    AMS2 freezes for a few seconds then continues. Happens when I’m racing, qualifying, or just test driving. I can hear sound, just no movement. I’ve turned off UDP, tried changing render frame ahead from 1 to 4, tried borderless, no race replays, installed visual C++ runtimes, turned off steam overlay, no downloading while gaming, verified integrity of files, installed on NVME, no usb dongles, and tried alt-tabbing out and into game. So by the time the game unfreezes, I’m about to slam into a wall. I’m current on all drivers, video and chipset drivers as well. Any help would be appreciated.
    Ryzen 5 3600x
    16gb ram
    Rtx 3070
    Windows 11
  2. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Did you install the game on an SSD drive?
    Is this consistently repeatable? Same tracks, Same cars?
    Are you using Windows Defender or some crappy anti virus?
    Have you tried drastically (and temporary) lowering all the graphics settings (and performance settings)
    Is your hard drive full (above 80%)?
  3. Cyatic

    Cyatic New Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    I will try your suggestions. I will move the game to the SSD. It is constantly repeatable. I've tried different car and track combinations and still get the same thing. Currently just using Windows Defender. I will try all low settings as well. NVME drive is 75% free. The SSD drive I'm moving the game over too is 80% free. Thank you for taking the time to respond with some good suggestions. I will try them and report back.
  4. Cyatic

    Cyatic New Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    So I went ahead and moved the game to my SSD, turned off Windows Defender real-time protection, and lowered all graphics and performance settings to low or off. Still freezing at about the 10-minute point in qualifying. Superfetch is off as well.
  5. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    hmmm... Can you please provide all details needed to repeat? Exact car, track, qualifying time/weather and graphics settings, so anyone can check if this is repeatable on their computer to determine if it's a local issue or game issue?

    I assume you are using the latest build of the game?
  6. Sampo

    Sampo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Sounds like graphics driver reset. Do you have any errors indicating that in the Windows Event Log?
  7. Cyatic

    Cyatic New Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Windows 11 (Up to date)
    Asrock AB350 Pro 4 (Firmware 8.02)
    ASUS RTX 3070 Dual OC (Driver 531.26)
    AMD Ryzen 5 3600x
    GSkill 16GB Ram @ 3200MHz
    Latest AMS2 Update

    AMS2 Settings
    Visuals: PPFilters off, Exterior Sun Flare none, Interior Sun Flare none, Bloom off, Heat Haze off, Exposure Compensation 1.00, Rain Drops yes, Vignette no, Crepuscular Rays yes, Screen Dirt yes, Cockpit Mirrors on
    Performance: Resolution 5760x1080 74Hz, Window Mode full screen, Texture Resolution high, Texture Filtering Anisotropic 16x, V-Sync no, MSAA off, Post AA SMAA Ultra, Super Sampling low, Reflections medium, Enviro Maps medium, Car Detail high, Track Detail high, Pit Crew Detail none, Shadow Detail medium, Enhanced Mirror yes, Motion Blur off, Render Frames Ahead 1, Detailed Grass low, Particle Level medium, Particle Density medium
    Race: Duration Type laps, Number Of Laps 12, Date Type custom date, Custom Date 07/04/1993, Start Time 12:00, Time Progression real time, Weather Slots 1, Weather Forcast random, Weather Progression off, Start Type rolling, Formation Lap no, Mandatory Pit Stop no, Pit Stop Refuelling allowed no, Livetrack Preset default progressing
    Session Settings: Practice off, Qualifying on
    Qualifying: Session Duration 00:30, Start Time 12:00, Time Progression real time, Weather Slots 1, Weather Forcast random, Weather Progression off, Livetrack Preset medium rubber
    Vehicle: Formula Trainer Advanced
    Circuit: Salvador Street Circuit
    Opponent Settings: Opponent Field Type same class, Opponent Number custom 11, Opponent Skill Level 73, Opponent Aggression medium
    Rules & Regulations: Rules & Penalties on, Track Limit Penalties on, Track Limit Warnings Before Penalty 5, Drive-Through Penalties on, Pit Exit Penalty on, Full Course Yellow no, Pit Speed Limit KPH 60
  8. Julien Lemoine

    Julien Lemoine Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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    There is a lot of lags with Dedicated server since last update.
  9. Garnet

    Garnet New Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    1. Autombilista2 removes any of my input asignments any time the computer is shut down. iRacing, RF2, RR, etc. do not do this, only AMS2. I have to go in and re-assign and recalibrate my wheel, pedals, buttons every time. I usually sleep the computer but sometimes need to shut down.

    2. A lot of time AMS2 won't calibrate my wheel. I have to reboot the computer several times until it decides to will work. It will allow me to assign some buttons on the wheel, like VR recenter, but no steering input.

    3. I have a shifter that I'm trying to calibrate, when I try to designate a slot for a gear it says 'multiple inputs were detected. Nothing was assigned'. Again shifter is working fine of iRacing, RF2, etc.
  10. Manuel Staedel

    Manuel Staedel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Why can disconnects occur when driving offline/TimeAttack?
    I've had this problem since AMS2 came out, and in the meantime I've even changed ISP, modem and location.
    I just don't understand why "offline" disconnects occur.
    What can I do?

  11. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    well, if you were running timetrial mode, i think it needs the connection to sync your laptimes.

    the disconnection issue might also be Steam related, not AMS2 related, Steam also does weekly maintenance, which might have been the cause as well
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Mr.AMG

    Mr.AMG New Member

    Apr 30, 2023
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    Hi guys!

    This is my first post here and I`m desperate to setup this game with my wonderful Thrustmaster T-GT 2 wheel but no success till now because it is not available in the settings menu :(.

    I´m running Steam on Windows 11 with every patch, update and the actual version of AMS2. Before buying it, I tried the demo version but that was way too old...
    Then I read that version should introduce the T-GT 1 which is compatible with the T-GT 2. But even in the actual, there is no T-GT wheel setting available. What is wrong here?

    Since, the engine is the same as in Project Cars 2, the issue with the undetecteable wheel is the same here. I can assign every button and the pedals but no wheel movement is detected. Sometimes, it detects multiple inputs with the custom wheel option so that doesn´t work either.

    You can answer in German or English :)

    Please help!
  13. Mr.AMG

    Mr.AMG New Member

    Apr 30, 2023
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    Somehow it does work now as Thrustmaster T500RS. Only clutch and throttle had to be swapped.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  14. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    I have Automibilista 2 on Steam. Every time I play with it, internet connection slow down a lot for the rest of the home: streaming, youtube, etc in any other devices start to be useless. This happens only with Automobilista 2. Other sims like DCS, X-plane, Assetto Corsa, F1 2019 doesn't do this. Any advice?
  15. Wheelie man

    Wheelie man Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    Hello… I’ve been having issues with running Varjo Aero with AMS2 for quite some time and I would like to nail down the issue and resolve it. Initially the game will start but randomly it will crash and provide a “bug report” to send in. The temporary fix is to restart the PC but there are times that this doesn’t resolve it. I have noticed (though these aren’t the only time it happens) that crashes occur is when I pause the game to go into options or some other settings and then return or take off my headset and resume again. I’m not sure if the bug report that up after the game crashes goes anywhere but would love a stable game play at this point.
  16. TreXito

    TreXito New Member

    May 22, 2023
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    Game crashes every few minutes, all I get from Bugsplat is "
    [Msg] : Custom Exception Msg:

    [FW State Info] : Ticking STATE:15 APPCODE:0 OPEN:1 RES:3440x1440 FOCUS:1 ACTIVE:1 SHADOW:2 CAM:0 DX:0:0"

    rx6950xt, i5 12400F, 32gb 3600mt/s g.skill ripjaws, b660 d3sh
  17. Bo Stamper

    Bo Stamper Member

    Mar 15, 2019
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    Can someone give me the correct syntax for installing release candidate on a dedicated server? This is all I have so far for the regular build.

    steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir ../ams2_dedicated +login anonymous +app_update 1338040 +quit

    UPDATE: Found it.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  18. Iñaki

    Iñaki New Member

    Jan 30, 2023
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    Tengo un problema desde la ultima actualización, me va en off line todo perfecto, pero me meto a jugar online, y no me sale ningún servidor, me sale vacío, no me sale ninguna partida para meterme....que hago mal? os pasa a alguien ?
  19. Jason Bradshaw

    Jason Bradshaw Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Hi, (14/06) over night since the update the game crashes on start up, I've tried to verify the files and upload a previous release and update my drivers but i cant get passed the Reiza Logo before the game crashes...this is in VR and on my screen...any ideas? .
  20. Maxi Sabino

    Maxi Sabino Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    I have a Fanatec CSL Elite. When I set this type of model automatically, other configurations are also set such as gear up and gear down. However, I want to use a sequential shifter on some cars, which is why I set secondary assignments. This is possible, but it is not working in the game. Even if you try to set the shifter as the primary assignment, it is neither possible. upload_2023-6-18_18-13-31.png

    could someone give me a clue to solve this problem?

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