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Troubleshooting - Automobilista 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Be33a

    Be33a New Member

    Dec 11, 2023
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  2. Leonel Moraes Barros

    Leonel Moraes Barros BML

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Hi, guys!
    I can access some vehicles/categories to practice or to begin a championship, but I can't choose them to begin an offline race. Some of those vehicles/categories are Copa Fusca, Copa Uno, and P1-gen2 (like Sigma P1 G5, added in v1.5).
    Is anybody facing the same issue?
  3. Wasted_Youth

    Wasted_Youth New Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    I started a separate thread, then noticed this one. Mods - feel free to remove the other thread if this should be here instead.

    There appears to be a bug configuring triple monitors:

    My left monitor won't keep the pixel width I enter. Whenever I input a value for the physical width, the pixel width changes to that value. The interesting thing is: when I move the cursor over the pixel width, it shows the value I entered, it just doesn't seem to be sticking in the software...

    So to be clear: If I enter a value of 2580 for the pixel width, when I go to enter 61 for the physical width, the pixel width changes to 61, but when I hover the cursor over the pixel width, it shows 2580. When I move the cursor away, the pixel width goes back to 61.

    I'm sure the software is using 61, because the left monitor isn't filled like the right monitor.

    I only notice this with the left monitor config, the other two are functioning fine.

    What I've done:
    I removed the AMS2 folder from the Documents folder & relaunched the game. Even though Triple Screen Spanning was checked, only the center screen was available. I unchecked & re-checked TSS, and the other two screens then appeared.

    All three screens had the following values prefilled, (Pixel Width & Pixel Height were greyed out & not changeable):
    Pixel Width: 2560
    Pixel Height: 1440
    Physical Width: 47
    Physical Height: 26

    I then l re-launched the game & started a test day. Closed out of the test day and went back to the triple screen configurator. The center & right screens kept the above values, but the left screen changed the Pixel Width to 47 (same as the above physical width). When hovering over the 47 Pixel Width, 2560 is displayed. Move away from Pixel Width, and 47 remains.

    I also tried to match the 47 pixel width on the right monitor just to see how the screens looked, but the right monitor won't allow a value below 640...

    There's clearly some kind of bug with the triple monitor configurator.

    Attached are how my left & right screens look. The left screen isn't filled like the right screen.

    I can also upload a video of how the numbers change if needed.

    Attached Files:

  4. dryheat94

    dryheat94 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    Have you tried manually entering your measurements in the triplescreensettings.xml file in the AMS2 docs folder?
  5. Wasted_Youth

    Wasted_Youth New Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    Ha, I didn't even notice that file there...

    Interestingly, the pixel widths & heights were set to 1920x1080, so it looks like none of what I entered was used. I went ahead and changed them to 2560 x 1440, and everything looked much better.
    I think part of the problem was the default car. I switched to the Merc GT3 and that looked much better as well.

    Still, it appears there are issues with the triple screen configurator that need to be worked out...

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  6. Zed

    Zed New Member

    Dec 6, 2023
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    The Load bar stalls at around 75%. I had no issues last night, at multiple different tracks. I have verified files.The scrolling info during the loading, intermittently freezes. Any possible solutions, all appreciated.
  7. LubberwortSpuds

    LubberwortSpuds New Member

    Dec 1, 2023
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    Is there a recommended app that I could use to monitor for any processes that is impacting on AMS2 performance on my rig?
    I can run the sim at the highest settings at 60fps most of the time but I do see micro-stutters now and again in different places around tracks. I've turned off full pit crew details etc.
    Ideally, I would like to experience a stutter and alt-tab to an app running in the background to see what may have caused it. The stutters happened before and after the latest patch.
  8. Hal

    Hal New Member

    Jan 8, 2022
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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  9. timmy

    timmy New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    hello i have a problem with starting Ams2 when i start it up it loads sometimes to the main menu but then it freezes my whole pc and needs a reset.

    all drivers are updated
    reinstalled Ams2
    deleted document files

    edit: Fixed
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
  10. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Nice to hear, but could you describe your solution in case others searching for a fix of same symtoms. :)
  11. inedshead

    inedshead New Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    My game has been crashing randomly during a multiplayer race over the past week, back to the Windows 11 desktop, and my Fanatec CSW2.5 wheel keeps turning. I first tried repairing the files through Steam as I'd installed some Thunderflash mods in the past with Content Manager, but when that didn't seem to work I uninstalled/reinstalled the game.

    I've also checked that all Fanatec drivers are up to date and my Geforce RTX4070 drivers are up to date, but it still happened again last night with no mods installed, racing various cars and tracks.

    One forum suggested to turn off XMP on my RAM settings in BIOS which I've done, but haven't test the games for long enough... can crash between 5-15mins during gameplay... and also want to try moving it from my new M2 drive (although I'm almost certain I've played it after changing to that drive last November). Only things I can't account for is the new Fanatec drivers which I only updated 3 or so weeks ago and also the most recent Windows 11 update and obviously the game updating to

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I have an 11th Gen i5 on Gigabyte B560M Auros Pro MB if that matters at all, and have been playing a lot of AMS2 over the past year or so.
  12. @Nicklz87

    @Nicklz87 New Member

    Jan 24, 2024
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    Having a problem with the game as I start a single time trail race a box on the right pops up saying you have been disconnected . Exiting session .
    My Internet is currently down so but this should not be a problem to my game on time trail . Steam is set to offline and I've tried turning udp off . Don't know what else to do ? It's annoyed me all evening trying to just race a few laps . Steam loads up fine and game loads fine . Just when I've just started a race it stops me . Actually I can still race with the box on the screen and the screen is slightly dimmer . Any help please

    Attached Files:

  13. Alain-Daniel

    Alain-Daniel New Member

    Jan 29, 2024
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    I sent on January 28, 2024 support@reizastudios.com, 2 emails in relation to a potential problem or not concerning the game folders and files - To date NO replies from REIZAT REIZA STUDIO services even though I am a customer having purchased the game AUTOMOBILISTA 2 and several DLC.

    I have also asked STEAM support for help but they ask me to contact you.

    This is not very serious and shows a lack of respect for customers.

    For your information, here is the post made on Monday 29/01/2024 on the forum: Car problems or not? from which I am still waiting for a return concerning my questions in addition to the 2 emails sent for which I still have no answers.

    PS: Several screenshots attached on the forum and in my 2 emails to: support@reizastudios.com

  14. Periophtalmus Spintirus

    Periophtalmus Spintirus [3DP]BumbleBee AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    So, What IS your problem?
  15. Alain-Daniel

    Alain-Daniel New Member

    Jan 29, 2024
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    Frankly, is it by chance that you're not kidding the world to ask such a question?

    First of all, who are you? Introduce yourself, someone from REIZA support?

    Did I not make myself clear in my post?

    Did I not clearly ask to read this post: Car problems or not? to get answers to my questions??

    Incredible but true!

    So I repeat my request and I expect clear and precise answers to my requests please ...!!!!!

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  16. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    You’ve gotten an answer from the community which describes what you’re saying. It’s f you want answers from Reiza, DM one of their employees. No need to be rude and so demanding. Take a deep breath
  17. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Anyone noticed a bug where the car stalls when you make a pit stop during a race? We were running some fun races tonight and we have set up a minimum pit stop during the race. We were running gt3 cars and in multiple races the car would stall when we made the stop. We were not filling fuel, changing tires or fixing damage, just a stop go. In 3 of 4 10 lap races we all stalled when we pitted.
    We are wondering if this is a new feature as in ACC the car turns off when you refuel. We had no issues last Friday when we had our social races. Tracks were long beach, kilyama and road America. Didn’t happen at Watkins glen.
  18. Lab Pong

    Lab Pong OG Sim'er

    May 6, 2021
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    Your asking Reiza to explain their programming in the game?

    You have already been answered correctly by XTRMNTR2K,

    Is the game broken for you? Is there something wrong with it functioning?
  19. Lab Pong

    Lab Pong OG Sim'er

    May 6, 2021
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    Yes, I had this happen to me yesterday using F USA cars on several tracks. I have not used other cars yet to see if this is happening universally though.

    Is anyone else seeing it with several cars?
  20. Grizzly

    Grizzly New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    20240205152401_1.jpg 20240205152605_1.jpg 20240205152053_1.jpg
    Since latest patch I'm having a few weird graphical issues that feel like parts of the game are just rendered at a lower resolution. Note the obvious aliasing (despite MSAA being turned all the way up) and the visibly low-resolution tachometer.

    Running on Windows 10 with an Nvidia RTX 2070 and the latest graphical drivers.

    Running with an nvidia rtx 2070 with current (at the time of writing) drivers.

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