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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. paddler

    paddler Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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  2. paddler

    paddler Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    What settings are u using for the g forces and what about the driver body? thx
  3. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    if you have some aliasing shimmering and you have a little GPU horsepower to spare try this:

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  4. glenharrison8

    glenharrison8 New Member

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Has anyone got any suggestions for VR overlays? I find the ones in-game make me go a bit cross-eyed. I have to turn everything off, including the rear view mirror and just rely on jim from crew chief to tell me what's going on......which isn't the best.
  5. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I have Link Sharpening at Quality. Not sure if that helps. I actually found the XML tweaks sharpened up the image quite a lot for VR. I noticed it when I went from my Vive Pro to Quest 3. The Quest 3 looked blurrier in the distance and that was because I had to change a different XML file for the Quest 3. Once I did that it looked miles sharper in the distance.

    Other than that, I am not sure but it definitely looks crisp to me.

    I'm loving the quest 3. I am now playing EA WRC in VR using the new UEVR mod (minus shadows unfortunately).
  6. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    You have a few options, first thing you could try is this mod which will push the VR hud a bit further away from your face, it's surprisingly effective and makes it much more useable, especially if all you're looking for is radar.

    AMS 2 HUD Position Mod (VR)

    Next option after that is that you could use Crew Chief to arrange and display custom overlays my favourite would be... edit* I thought Tiny Pedal was available for AMS 2 but I was mistaken...

    Then you have options like simhub of course and you just need another app to display them in the headset, for steamVR you have a ton of options.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
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  7. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    QUEST2 and PICO NEO3Link owner here

    posted this on the PICOXR discord, I will do some testing with my Q2 tomorrow

    "been testing for last couple of hours so happy to share, but conclusions are what you guys drew already

    PC spec 5800X3D/ RTX 3080 12gn UV/OC via MSI AB voltage curve

    On stock PICO drivers, no Gmolargey profile applied
    vrperfkit no renderscale or FFR applied
    Monza, 31 cars on track
    in Game Graphics settings quite similar to this

    Setting in PICOLINK at 90Hz refresh rate
    MSAA High
    Start race last of the pack
    frametimes between 11 and 13.5ms, nice powerpoint slideshow at the beginning of the race with frequent stutters. staying non smooth if kept last of the pack or jumping few positions ahead as well.
    if I took distance from the car in front of me, frametimes become smooth
    Max cars visible had very limited effect if any
    frametimes Killer is MSAA
    , turned one notch down to Medium and its more playable, perfectly smooth at Low

    Setting in PICOLINK at 72Hz refresh rate
    MSAA High
    frametimes between 11 and 13.5ms again but very smooth due to lower refresh rate chosen

    I am not motion sick so actually running the Game at 72hz is perfectly fine"
  8. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    interesting. never really tried AA at GPU driver level but worth a try.
    I assume that you have MSAA Off in Game settings obviously right?
  9. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I tried it earlier, but didn't do anything (at least to improve). This is with a disclaimer, I might have had other settings too high for it to work properly. I have my doubts though...
  10. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    isn't tiny pedal still only for rF2 though? I use there (with normal monitor) all the time and love it though.
  11. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    No. It's set to assist the game AA, so I have MSAA on medium. It sort of blurs a little but the blur takes out aliasing too, sort of suck it and see.
  12. PizzaCake

    PizzaCake New Member

    Jan 5, 2024
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    is there a way to change the render eye for the mirroring? the game seems to render the left eye so it looks weird when i'm recording my gameplay. looking for a way to make it render the right eye or any method that would center it to the wheel.

    I could have used the oculus mirror but it's tanking my pc's performance when I record.

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  13. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Tried it again at bitrate 940 few times (and back to 500-600 I normally use), can't see it doing any improvement outside maybe making the performance a bit worse...but even that is marginal if not placebo. MSAA at high does help with the clarity a bit, making it a more calm at the distance too. I would need to check how much it tanks the performance at night though (at dusk it wasn't bad).

    I was still able to keep my headroom at 35% on average (on 80fps). For me, increasing the shadow details setting doesn't seem to tank the peformance much at all, but it just adds those shadow details that shimmer way too often and makes the image just looking messy, so I still prefer it usually at low.

    I don't really understand why it flickers/shimmers in general that much in VR (so much more). When I load up a session and just look around the track without moving, fences, shadow details, sometimes bilboards just flicker/shimmer annoyingly.

    After using a really sharp 5120x1440 monitor (samsung g9 neo) for while with high refresh rate and game running high fps on relatively high graphical settings, the downgrade in clarity, sharpness, colours with VR is huge and hard for me to adjust to.

    Anybody here that uses Quest 3 on Virtual desktop (have good enough wlan and beefy computer)? I wonder how big of a difference of being able to higher encoding resolution makes to the game.

    ps. it's not like I'm allergic to blurry images in general, as I tend to arcade gaming with old school CRT's too
  14. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    You're absolutely right! How embarrassing... :oops:
  15. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    Don't use sharpen in game files. Helps a lot.
  16. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    The game appears quite blurry to me when I remove this sharpening tbh. In fact I think my current setup is very clear in the distance with the XML changes. The only shimmering I notice is during night racing and the reflecting highlights on the cars from lights, but that happens even on my monitor.

    Racing at Nurburgring Veedol, I can see clearly down to the Dunlop Curve and its grandstands from the Ford Curve up on the hill. This includes cars and the place tower. It all seems clear and no shimmering. This is what I use for my visuals tuning test case. Even the mercedes logo on top of the stand at the end of the main straight remains clear with no shimmer at all times it is visible.

    Hey, I guess everyone is different and seem sensitive / notice different things when it comes to VR.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
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  17. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Using Quest Link here with a bit rate of 2.3 over USB 3.1. Don’t bother with wireless and PCVR it will just be a compressed, blurry mess.

    I’m running my Quest 3 on a 4090 intel 13900 and it rocks. I’m running 72hz, everything maxed apart from shadows, bit rate 700 with 33% headroom. I couldn’t perceive a difference between 72 and 90hz but the performance is better and more stable.

    Never mind the drop in quality from your 2D screen, VR isn’t going match the pixel density but what you’re getting is immersion and an enhanced ability to place the car where you want within the three dimensional environment and greater awareness of proximity and closure.

    I can no longer drive using a flat screen. My brain has lost the ability to process 2D.
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  18. Haroldddd

    Haroldddd New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    Hi, is there anything I can do about the fps performance at sunset/ sunrise? Game looks and runs great except this, is it a game engine problem?

    And also, is there any way of getting OpenXR toolkit to work? Thanks
  19. wanderschikanentv

    wanderschikanentv New Member

    Apr 2, 2022
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  20. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Rediscovering OpenXR-Toolkit for 24h races:
    Just wanted to share my latest vr-tuning experience regarding 24h races through the night (HP-G2 headset).
    I started with steamvr and motion smoothing as I wrote a few posts ago. The idea is, that when the headlights appear, the motion reprojection kicks in and, although on 45fps, one still has a fluid 90fps experience. It works and I was surprised not to see reprojection artefacts (it looks a bit more blurry and sometimes an edge jitters a bit, but for me it's acceptable). I was surprised, because I tried earlier with openxr + reprojection and had major artefacts (for example the dashboard leds were jumping around, unplayable for me). So my conclusion at this time was: ok, steamvr motion smoothing seems to work just better.
    A few days ago I switched back to openxr-toolkit, and activated for fun the reprojection. To my surprise there were no major artifacts visible, so contradicting my memory ....
    Today I watched the video above, and thought, lets decrease a bit vertical field of view, to free more frames (for higher track details, etc.). Note btw., you need expert options switched on and tuning the fov in openxr toolkit stretches strangely the picture. You need to restart AMS2 that the stretching disappears and the fov is actually applied.
    However, I got major artifacts during reprojection again :confused:. I returned to the default fov (100%) and the artifacts disappeared again.
    I just had a 24h race through night, where it just worked perfectly as with steamvr, but with much higher resolution as openxr (with ffr 160% width, 55% ring, 1/16 outer (the only setting that works with smaa medium)) increases the performance :)
    So either reprojection is sometimes buggy in openxr or it is not 100% compatible with other settings. But wow, what a nice experience, congrats Reiza.
    [small edit: I still would prefer an option to remove light cones from behind to avoid reprojection as much as possible :), but I'm sure the devs will provide this at some point]
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