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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. PizzaCake

    PizzaCake New Member

    Jan 5, 2024
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    is there a way to change the render eye for the mirroring? the game seems to render the left eye so it looks weird when i'm recording my gameplay. looking for a way to make it render the right eye or any method that would center it to the wheel.

    I could have used the oculus mirror but it's tanking my pc's performance when I record.

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  2. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Tried it again at bitrate 940 few times (and back to 500-600 I normally use), can't see it doing any improvement outside maybe making the performance a bit worse...but even that is marginal if not placebo. MSAA at high does help with the clarity a bit, making it a more calm at the distance too. I would need to check how much it tanks the performance at night though (at dusk it wasn't bad).

    I was still able to keep my headroom at 35% on average (on 80fps). For me, increasing the shadow details setting doesn't seem to tank the peformance much at all, but it just adds those shadow details that shimmer way too often and makes the image just looking messy, so I still prefer it usually at low.

    I don't really understand why it flickers/shimmers in general that much in VR (so much more). When I load up a session and just look around the track without moving, fences, shadow details, sometimes bilboards just flicker/shimmer annoyingly.

    After using a really sharp 5120x1440 monitor (samsung g9 neo) for while with high refresh rate and game running high fps on relatively high graphical settings, the downgrade in clarity, sharpness, colours with VR is huge and hard for me to adjust to.

    Anybody here that uses Quest 3 on Virtual desktop (have good enough wlan and beefy computer)? I wonder how big of a difference of being able to higher encoding resolution makes to the game.

    ps. it's not like I'm allergic to blurry images in general, as I tend to arcade gaming with old school CRT's too
  3. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    You're absolutely right! How embarrassing... :oops:
  4. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    Don't use sharpen in game files. Helps a lot.
  5. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    The game appears quite blurry to me when I remove this sharpening tbh. In fact I think my current setup is very clear in the distance with the XML changes. The only shimmering I notice is during night racing and the reflecting highlights on the cars from lights, but that happens even on my monitor.

    Racing at Nurburgring Veedol, I can see clearly down to the Dunlop Curve and its grandstands from the Ford Curve up on the hill. This includes cars and the place tower. It all seems clear and no shimmering. This is what I use for my visuals tuning test case. Even the mercedes logo on top of the stand at the end of the main straight remains clear with no shimmer at all times it is visible.

    Hey, I guess everyone is different and seem sensitive / notice different things when it comes to VR.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
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  6. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Using Quest Link here with a bit rate of 2.3 over USB 3.1. Don’t bother with wireless and PCVR it will just be a compressed, blurry mess.

    I’m running my Quest 3 on a 4090 intel 13900 and it rocks. I’m running 72hz, everything maxed apart from shadows, bit rate 700 with 33% headroom. I couldn’t perceive a difference between 72 and 90hz but the performance is better and more stable.

    Never mind the drop in quality from your 2D screen, VR isn’t going match the pixel density but what you’re getting is immersion and an enhanced ability to place the car where you want within the three dimensional environment and greater awareness of proximity and closure.

    I can no longer drive using a flat screen. My brain has lost the ability to process 2D.
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  7. Haroldddd

    Haroldddd New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    Hi, is there anything I can do about the fps performance at sunset/ sunrise? Game looks and runs great except this, is it a game engine problem?

    And also, is there any way of getting OpenXR toolkit to work? Thanks
  8. wanderschikanentv

    wanderschikanentv New Member

    Apr 2, 2022
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  9. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Rediscovering OpenXR-Toolkit for 24h races:
    Just wanted to share my latest vr-tuning experience regarding 24h races through the night (HP-G2 headset).
    I started with steamvr and motion smoothing as I wrote a few posts ago. The idea is, that when the headlights appear, the motion reprojection kicks in and, although on 45fps, one still has a fluid 90fps experience. It works and I was surprised not to see reprojection artefacts (it looks a bit more blurry and sometimes an edge jitters a bit, but for me it's acceptable). I was surprised, because I tried earlier with openxr + reprojection and had major artefacts (for example the dashboard leds were jumping around, unplayable for me). So my conclusion at this time was: ok, steamvr motion smoothing seems to work just better.
    A few days ago I switched back to openxr-toolkit, and activated for fun the reprojection. To my surprise there were no major artifacts visible, so contradicting my memory ....
    Today I watched the video above, and thought, lets decrease a bit vertical field of view, to free more frames (for higher track details, etc.). Note btw., you need expert options switched on and tuning the fov in openxr toolkit stretches strangely the picture. You need to restart AMS2 that the stretching disappears and the fov is actually applied.
    However, I got major artifacts during reprojection again :confused:. I returned to the default fov (100%) and the artifacts disappeared again.
    I just had a 24h race through night, where it just worked perfectly as with steamvr, but with much higher resolution as openxr (with ffr 160% width, 55% ring, 1/16 outer (the only setting that works with smaa medium)) increases the performance :)
    So either reprojection is sometimes buggy in openxr or it is not 100% compatible with other settings. But wow, what a nice experience, congrats Reiza.
    [small edit: I still would prefer an option to remove light cones from behind to avoid reprojection as much as possible :), but I'm sure the devs will provide this at some point]
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  10. Sirius360

    Sirius360 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Hey guys, I have a question about the audio when using my VR headset. When I use headphones and I turn my head around, the sound keeps coming from the same direction as it should. For example, if a car is on my right and I look forward, I hear the sound in my right ear. When I look at the car, I hear it in both ears because the car is now in front of my head. So far, so good. But yesterday I tried using speakers instead of headphones, and this effect was still happening. But with speakers, the sound around me should stay oriented with respect to the car no matter how I turn my head. If the car is on my right, I should hear it on the right speaker. Is there a way to set up the audio for speakers and VR? I already turned off the "headphone mix" option, but it didn't help.
  11. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Thank you so much for mentioning this. I did not realise that adjusting the FOV required a restart. I had been playing around with it before but the squashed perspective and the wonky center of rotation made me quickly write it off. what a fool I've been. :eek:

    The pico 4 has a really big vertical FOV and I would be more than happy to trade some of that in for extra performance. Can't wait to give this another go. Thank you again!
  12. MarcG

    MarcG Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    My issue with using Reprojection with OpenXR Toolkit is that it stayed on 45fps even though it should've reverted to 90fps, I had to "force" it back to 90 by looking at the car floor!
    Eventually I have up and now have two separate graphics config files, one that bumps up the graphics for daytime and one that lowers them for nighttime/rain, bit of a faff but works well enough for me.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
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  13. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    doing the same thing with my PICO Neo3 Link right now so thanks for sharing your experience.

    These headlights are a fps killer and when you drive in the rain, that's even worse.

    But hey that's the big part of the fun with VR tweaking I guess
  14. MarcG

    MarcG Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Thanks for the link, this makes the HUD much better in VR although it's not a mod as such as it only changes the values in the graphics file. So I copied/paste the one line into the current file as this "mod" hasn't been updated in two years so doesn't include a lot of new stuff added since.
  15. dst

    dst Member

    Apr 1, 2023
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    Anyone here with a Quest 3, a 4070, and an i5 10400 or a reasonably comparable setup (needs to be a Quest headset though) that has AMS2 running smooth and fast willing to share their settings from A to Z and 1 to 10?

    With all the different interfaces, control panels and tools, I'm wondering if these different settings aren't aligned properly they have an negative effect on performance. Like a geriatric on a dozen different drugs can have bad interactions.

    NVIDIA Control Panel, Oculus Debug Tool, Oculus desktop app, Oculus Tray Tool, Open Composite, OpenXR (which doesn't seem to work with AMS2), AMS2 in-game settings, VRPerfkit,....
  16. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I have a problem with the focus of windows in AMS2 in combination with the Pico4 headset. When I take off the headset and the pico4 goes into low power mode, I could always wake the headset from sleep and AMS2 had the focus (I have over 1200 hours of experience with VR in AMS2). In recent weeks, AMS2 no longer has focus when it comes out of sleep mode and therefore the steering wheel and pedals no longer respond. That is very annoying just before the race (when I want to check the amount of fuel). This has caused me to miss the start several times (and get hit by other racers because I can't accelerate after the start). The Performance tab setting is Windowed. Changing the setting to borderless or full screen does not provide a solution (I filled in a separate bug report for a double image). So what can I do to maintain the focus in AMS2 after waking up the headset?

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  17. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I don't think this is unique to your Pico4, I have the same problem with my Pimax Crystal. I play AMS2 pretty much every day, and for me the problem started to appear after the big breaking SteamVR (2.0?) update.

    My workaround has been to do a quick double alt-tab which gives focus to SteamVR and then back to AMS2, for some reason.

    I haven't had time to test the recent addition of the startup parameter -doNotPauseOnFocusLoss to see if it makes any difference to this behavior, but I suspect that it won't.
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  18. Haroldddd

    Haroldddd New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    Seems it’s just something to accept unless Reiza can do something about it. It’s a shame because it makes 24hr cycles difficult in the sunrise/ sunset moments. And reading through the threads it seems OpenXR just ain’t gunna work on an oculus headset, ah well.
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  19. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I just tried this with all kinds of weather and times. And 20 max rendered with the max ai. Its perfect until you add headlights and start moving forward in the pack. You can watch your frames drop with every car you pass. I dont know if its even possible but maybe limit how many cars behind you have headlights or many have headlights that reflect off stuff?
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  20. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Same terrible experience i am afraid with my pico neo3 and quest2

    Even using tweaking tools Iike openxrtoolkit or vrperkit
    Only way is to reduce dramatically MSAA but then you end up with AMS2 bad aliasing
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