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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. keem85

    keem85 New Member

    May 3, 2020
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    People are very divided when it comes to this exact thing, which is my main point of why they should implement it.. I'm OK with the avatar as long as I drive paddles only, but as soon as I need to take my hands off the wheel, I get thrown off.. And having only the rim visible is more believeable to me than fake hands that has gloves on them and full jacked, when I don't.. When I focus on the apex I get distracted by the fake avatar. If he's not there, I don't think much of it, and I even drive better.. People are different - as you say - and to me it feels like some other dude sitting on my lap.
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  2. Stevejack

    Stevejack Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    I get what you mean. I'm in Oz so I have my shifter on my left. I hate when the avatar takes his hand of the wheel and uses a right-hand shifter. But the WORST thing is when the avatar takes his hand off the wheel to kind of swipe in the direction of travel during traction loss / understeer. Like he's willing the car to turn in more. Having the option to disable the arms would help in these situations.
  3. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    I saw they answered to you. No need to touch other variables (you can make test but I didn't catch differences), and for the SharpeningStrengh, don't go higher than 2,999999 as when I tried 3.00000 the sim crashed.

    It's a true VR game changer :)
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  4. ZeferinoCoutinho

    ZeferinoCoutinho Zef_mirror_man-zefthebestofcour

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Thanks, mate! :)
  5. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    So my G2 arrived, which is great. It works, which is also a bonus. But I still don't have a suitable gpu.

    Anyway while having a play around I came across the video below. It's a describes a straightforward regedit that disables monitor pre-allocation. Essentially when you plug the headset in windows sees it as another monitor and pre allocates resources to it, which it shouldn't. As far as I can tell Microsoft have acknowledged that this was a result of them introducing native Win32 app support into WMR.

    Maybe some of you using WMR headsets would like to try it out. It's impossible for me to judge what kind of improvement there is because my gpu is overwhelmed to begin with. There are step by step instructions in the videos description. Would be interesting to hear what if any difference this makes to G2 users.


  6. OlivierMDVY

    OlivierMDVY Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    What are the settings having the more impact on VR? Thanks
  7. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Hello folks. Newly signed up to this forum but have been lurking for some months. Have picked up much advice and useful tips on here so cheers to you all. Loving AMS2 recently. Have just got myself a Reverb G2... any tips for reducing shimmer?? I have read that it’s an unfortunate side effect of the madness engine in general, but it’s pretty noticeable and kind of marring what is otherwise a really great image. There is some persistent flickering around the edges of the tracks, too.
    I’m running a 3080, 3600x, 32gb ram. The sharpening setting in the xml file is at 2.9999 - I had read that higher settings will present issues, but it doesn’t seem to have made a huge difference in the shimmer either way to me. MSAA set to high, anisotropic at x16, steam supersampling at around 70%. Could it be a side effect of the recent troublesome Nvidia drivers?
  8. OlivierMDVY

    OlivierMDVY Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Unfortunately for me Helmet view has performance penalty in VR: Brand Hatch + 15 AI with Helmet view = for some part of the track the FPS go below 90, without = rock solid 90 FPS
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Kaneda06

    Kaneda06 New Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Ams2 with G2 IS AMAZING :cool::cool::cool::cool:
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  10. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    There is always going to be some amount of shimmer, it will never completely go away. MSAA and Steam SS help quite a bit. You might want to reduce your Sharpening setting to 0.4 or lower.
    I too have a G2 with 3080 and the game looks great with the following settings.
    Steam SS set to 56%
    Sharpening Strength set to 0.4
    MSAA set to medium
    Textures set to high
    Anisotropic set to x16

    The game run super smooth and everything looks very clear, except for the occasional fence shimmer in the distance.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Thanks for the reply and advice. I have very similar settings (except the sharpening value, which I have changed now and honestly see no difference). I can see the outstanding clarity of the picture and colours, but it’s a constant background bother. Changing all manner of settings doesn’t really seem to make much difference. I suppose I might just have to get used to it, but it just instinctively doesn’t feel right to me. It’s even worse in Assetto Corsa, and worse than I recall my Rift S being. If I bring up the steam menu with the controller, I can just see it slightly shimmering, flickering and sort of vibrating, all the time. It’s hurting my eyes. Don’t know whether to wait it out for potential better drivers, or just send it back while I can.
  12. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I wonder if the excessive sharpening is part of the issue that is causing the shimmering as the color at the edges of shapes aren't blurring together as they would with lower sharpening settings.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    That sounds like you have motion reprojection enabled and not getting a solid 90fps so it's kicking in. Try disabling it in the WMR for SteamVR settings and then reducing graphics settings and SteamVR SS% to get 90fps.
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  14. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    The G2 does look great but my main problem with AMS2 in VR is the shadows. Going round the Nordschleife where there are lots of shadows crossing the track, the track surface turns into a shimmering mess in the mid to far distance. MSAA doesn't work on the shadows so nothing that can be done about this unless the devs do something about it. It's really distracting and immersion breaking.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Ed White

    Ed White New Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Exactly why I always race in overcast conditions. Cleans up the shadows nicely.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Very very good!!!! thanks
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  17. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Donato did you try it out? Was there a measurable difference in performance? Sorry I'm living my VR dreams vicariously through all of you atm. :D

    Here is another clickbatily titled video centered on g2 performance. I haven't looked at this one yet but perhaps there's something useful for wmr users struggling for performance. Will check it out myself this evening.

    Just watched the second video, its not really much use to us AMS 2 peeps. It does show you how to adjust WMR renderscale outside of Steam VR using the OpenXR dev kit. Which I imagine is only really useful for non steam games.

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
  18. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    absolutely yes my performance has gone up by at least 25%, before I had medium MSAA now I could turn it up, I have a fairly dated pc so I also had a lot of stuttering, I let Steam do the SS and it set it to 142%, anisotropic filter at 16x, obviously motion smhooting inserted at 45.
  19. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Donato that's fantastic, good for you! Thanks for the extra details. I wonder if those virtual monitors are causing more load on the cpu or gpu side. It would also be cool to know if the benefit you saw scales with something like a 5600x/10600k etc and/or 3080...hopefully others here will test it out and report back.

    I installed msfs last night so I can have a play around with the openXR stuff. I was trying to get the dev kit render resolution slider to affect something other than the built in demo scene, but no joy. There is a good bit of info about it in relation to msfs though so i'll try that out.
  20. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    I can't tell you this, for now I have improved the visual quality by disabling the trilinear filter from the nvidia panel, now it's fantastic with the G1 reverb, the definition and fluidity is excellent. any advice for further improvement is welcome.

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