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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Ochilbaz each platform has its own flavour of reprojection. Steam's is called motion smoothing, WMR is motion reprojection and Oculus is Asynchronous spacewarp. All of them are just an on/off situation.

    Essentially if your machine is struggling to meet the specified refresh rate reprojection kicks in. The engine then renders at half the rate and attempts to create a new frame based on the last frame rendered and where it thinks you will be in the following frame.

    It works better in some games thah others, sometimes having it off even though your not meeting the refresh rate is preferable, sometimes having it on can introduce stutter if your fps is boderline and your continuously moving in and out of reprojection and sometimes its the difference between an enjoyable experience and a game being totally unplayable.
  2. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    How do you switch the spacewarp setting off so I can experiment what’s best for myself as I am getting fairly consistent 80fps on rift s but sometimes it just changes to 40fps

  3. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    pretty sure there's an option in the tray tool to disable it. it'll be listed as ASW.
  4. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I get good performance results using Steam motion smoothing in VR but, it does come with some visual artifacts, by way of flickering textures or pixels at the leading edge of the car.

    Such artifacts are not uncommon in other titles so it seems the best practice is to avoid Motion Smoothing altogether, at least for now.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  5. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    A G2 with a 3080 I personally wouldn't dare run more the 60% in SteamVR but I have motion reprojection OFF (not a fan). Most of my friends are running their 2080Ti and G2 @ 50%. A 3090 which is about 10% faster than the 3080 wouldn't fare much better in AMS2 I think.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Wee quick question....... I am using the rift s now and getting solid 80fps, I mainly race the gt3 class but I have difficulty in reading my dash, any tips to make it more legible?

    again thanks in advance
  7. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Trying increase Super Sampling in the game.
    The best fix is to use a higher rez VR headset like the Reverb G2. ;)
  8. Wanderkroete

    Wanderkroete New Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I need help. I got a Reverb G2 today. It is my first VR headset. I'm kind of confused.

    1.) When I start AM2 from steam as (play with Steam VR), I can't use the mouse or whatever... I have to stare at something and then it will automatically click. I have no idea how to change cars this way. Also in the controller bindings, it doesn't accept any inputs from my Fanatec wheen (to reset VR perspective)
    2.) When I start a race, I'm kind of rotated to the left. I have to look about 40° to the right to look staight forward. Because it doesn't accept any key inputs on my wheel, I can not reset the view
    3.) When I start AM2 in Steam VR, the menu is centered at the ground level... so I have to look or kneel down to kind of see something.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong
  9. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    1.) Start the Mixed Reality portal, then start AMS2 from Steam and select 'Start in Steam VR Mode' (or something similar). That should give AMS2 the necessary focus.

    If not, make sure the AMS2 window is in front, you should then be able to navigate the menus with the funky switch on your Fanatec wheel.

    It may be necessary to press the Win-Y ket combo to allow keyboard input, and/or Alt-Tab until your wheel functions in the menu.

    2.) and 3.) When 1.) is OK, you should be able to Center VR View with a bound wheel button.
  10. Wanderkroete

    Wanderkroete New Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Thank you!

    Menu is still below the virtual ground... but I just notice... that the game is running also on the normal computer screen in fullscreen mode. And there I could just use the mouse without the headset.

    But is it normal, that the game itself plays on fullscreen on the normal monitor as well? and not within the windows mixed reality window?

    I'm struggeling to get 90 FPS with my RTX 3080, Ryzen 3900X even with the lowest renderresoultion picked in steam and lowest settings possible. Haven't expected that.

    As long as I'm the menu and I minimize the game on the normal screen, I can still see it in the headset and FPS go up.

    But in game it doesn't work anymore when I minimize it on the screen. I somehow feel the game renders 2 screens in the headset AND also the normal monitor. Makes me wonder because it is proper fullscreen on the monitor (19:10) which isn't the resolution the headset renders in.

    So to my understanding that can't be a overlay/capture of one eye of the headset render.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  11. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    It is indeed normal that there is a separate image rendered for the screen if I'm not mistaken. When started out with VR in Project Cars 2 someone gave the advice to lower the resolution and run the game windowed to increase performance. This only affects what is displayed on the screen and you still get your usual resolution in the headset. I have my game running at 13xx windowed. Just remember that when you accidentally click outside of the window you lose your cursor ;)
  12. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    When I decrease resolution it also affects ui on VR so I also run mirror in full res.
  13. Wanderkroete

    Wanderkroete New Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Thank you for your responses. If you ask me, this sounds like a huge waste of resources. I chose 640x480 for the Monitor resolution and it is better now ;-)

    What I still find strange that I can barely hit the 90 FPS in any setting with the high end hardware. Lowest render resolution in steam, lowest game settings. When I'm under 90 FPS i get re-projection and after this, stuck to 45 FPS, I can set 150% resolution scale and max everything out.
  14. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Wanderkroete it's not really that big of a waste of resources at all as the it's just the same rendered image being output to the desktop. Its not like rendering a completely different scene and outputting that to your monitor. The hard work has already been done.

    The fps issues I'm not sure what to suggest there as by the sounds of it your experiencing unusually poor performance. There are known issues with the current 30series drivers and VR but that's more a problem of intermittent dropped frames for no apparent reason. For a start I would suggest turning off motion reprojection. You can do this in the WMR for steamvr settings part of the SteamVR dashboard.

    At lets say 50-60% render scale you should be able to have mediumish settings with a solid 90fps. At resolutions lower than that it should fly through the frames.

    For me getting render resolution as high as possible is the most important thing, the resolution of the panels in the G2 is what sets it apart from all other headsets. The difference in image quality at lower resolutions is quite significant. The image starts to feel like its been smeared across the extra pixels as you lower it. So for me keeping this as high as possible and some amount of AA is the best combo. Although the AA solutions we have leave a lot to be desired. Fortunately, I am able to run the headset in 60hz mode without any problems, by that I mean I don't notice any obvious flickering of the image and I suffer no adverse effects from it. The image isn's as butter smooth as 90hz but to me it feels great and the image excellent. You should try this also and see how you get on with it. I just hope microsoft don't **** with it like they have in the past.

    Disabling monitor pre-allocation is another thing you can try, apparently it can be quite helpful for people running older gen cpu's or with multiple monitors attached. I linked to a youtube video about it earlier in this thread, but just googling 'Reverb G2 monitor pre-allocation' should get you there.

    Hopefully frame consistency will improve for nvidia user's with the next round of drivers, they say they've isolated the root of the issue. But in your case with reasonable ingame settings and the above options your frame rate should not be tanking. If it still is you probably need to look at more system specific issue you might have. Sorry for going on a bit, hope you get it sorted and some of this is of use.
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  15. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Excellent post!
    Another thing that it took me an embarrassingly long time to work out is that your per-application resolution settings seem to work as a percentage of your global setting (much like the new FFB gain per-car feature in game) - I assumed they worked independently of each other, but that’s not the case! So if your global setting is 100%, and your AMS2 setting is 60%, that will of course give you the correct 60% res... but if your global setting was at, say, 150%, you’d actually be getting 90% in game. If that makes sense? So I would make sure your global resolution setting is definitely at 100%, and then make per-app adjustments from there.
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  16. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I use rift s and get 80fps but still some issues. Does anyone use super sampling in the ingame vr settings.
  17. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I think I don’t get much improvement with that setting so just set it to 1. Multi sampling is working well but it is too badly optimized so I use it in the middle. I really tired seeing jagged images all over for the sake of FPS.
  18. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    That SS slider is doing the same thing as the render resolution setting in steam vr and the super sampling setting in oculus tray tool. So pick one to use and stick with that. The option in the tray tool is really what you should be using. Or pick which ever gives you the least performance loss for the desired image quality.

    SS will clean up edges and improve overall image sharpness and clarity, but it won't magically add more pixels to the display. If you have headroom available on the gpu spend it on SS or AA It takes time to dial in the combination that looks best to you.
  19. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Unfortunately since the latest few updates I have experienced lower performance with my Pimax.
    Now I would really need a patch from the devs to support parallel projection. This could bring my lost FPS back...
  20. Wanderkroete

    Wanderkroete New Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    @psone: Thank you very much for your detailed response and taking the time. For me, getting started with VR was a little overwhelming at the start.The mixture of different portal stacked into each other and also that 100% in Steam (3868x3780) is a lot more (180%) than the native resolution (2160x2160)

    Regarding the thing with the "extra" work for screen display. I thought it would work like that but then I was wondering about the difference in 1:1 aspect ratio per eye in the VR headset and 16:10 on the monitor.

    You have to crop quiet a bit in the difference from 16:10 and 1:1 and I wonder where the additional screen area comes from and in which resolution it is rendered. I'll have to make a comparison later about FOV on the screen and in one eye of the VR Headset.

    Regarding performance. Somehow it was better the next day. Running in 60 FPS mode I notice flickering which is annoying.

    Regarding Render Scale:
    Still confused where to best set it:
    Steam, In Game or OpenXR Tool für WMR. In steam and OpenXR you can also chose re projection
    Regarding reprojection:
    I'm running fpsVR which shows the percentage of reprojected frames.
    So now I set the lowest render scale in steam, almost max out the in game graphic settings, its at 90 fps. Great. Now I increase the render scale.Only after a few % more the FPS count suddently "locks" to 45 FPS. Reprojection counter is at 0%. When I'm the only car on the track I can now go up to 100% render scale in steam, FPS counter still "locked" at 45 FPS but reprojection counter doing nothing. When I go higher it starts to get blury and reprojection counter starts counting.

    On the Nordschleife with 10 cars in front of me the same situation only that I only can go up to 70-75% Steam Render Scale before reprojection counter counts frames but only in certain parts of the track)

    What makes me wonder: If that is really 45 FPS, it doesn't look like that for me. I can't notice any stuttering movement like with low framerate. But at 70-100% render scale in Steam it just looks super crisp and awesome. I'm really happy only the displayed 45 fps lock somehow irritate me. Maybe should just turn it off and be happy as it is.

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