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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. week

    week New Member

    Sep 20, 2018
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    No, no. Those are the general settings in destokp view. You must go to Steam VR portal, with the helmet on your head (virtual environment). Then switch on both G2 controllers (it's important to have both controllers connected), and pushing the trhee lines button will appear another menu similar to the desktop menu. There you will find the settings I said. If it doesn't work, it can be because you don't have steam VR for windows mixed reality installed (you will find it in steam store for free).

    Remember that previosly you have to change the refresh rate in windows mixed reality options (from 90 fps to 60).
  2. Rasmus Juel Andersen

    Rasmus Juel Andersen New Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Hallo guys,

    I was wondering if anyone had some good settings (in-game or in SteamVR/WMR) for my HP Reverb G2 which is being powered a Strix 3080.

    The game is shimmering quite much as it is, even though I tried a lot of different settings including the sharpening settings in the config file, and I can see that there´s even threads about it. Is this just how the game engine works in the current state, or should my G2 be able to eliminate the shimmering (which it does for every other game I´ve played)

    Regards fellow sim-racers :))
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  3. week

    week New Member

    Sep 20, 2018
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    Maybe with less exposition?
  4. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Hey guys.
    I'm perplexed or to put it mildly a bit disappointed.
    I recently upgraded to the Ryzen 3600 and RTX 3070.
    On my Dell 144Hz screen, I get an easy constant 144Hz with most if not all in game settings on Ultra or as high as it can go.
    Last week I bought the Quest 2 with great expectations (maybe a bit to high) but I'm really struggling to get decent image quality with 90 or even 80fps. All these tests were done with the original Link Cable.
    • With no supersampling, default oculus resolution (slider on 1.0), 150 bit (which is default)
      • in game graphics settings to ultra or as high as it can go
      • images are extremely affected by distant rendering artefacts, it's completely smudgy
      • can not even read the 100m board when I'm next to the 150m board.
    • Then by upping the Oculus slider to 1.2 and higher, the image quality improves a bit but
      • I can not get more than 45fps on high and ultra in game settings
      • Dropping all in game graphics settings to their absolute lowest, I can get 90fps again, but it looks terrible.
    • Oculus slider back to default 1.0, and upped the bitrate to 350 in the debug tool
      • Again an improvement in the artefacts, but I still need to drop all in game settings to their lowest or at best medium to maintain 90fps but only mostly, it'll still drop to 45 occasionally.
    • closer images, like the dash, overhead advertising closer than 50m etc is mostly if not always very crisp
    What am I doing wrong?
    Oculus software and nvidia drivers all updated to latest versions.
  5. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Marnus Zwarts Don't want to comment on Quest 2 stuff too much as I don't have one myself and the link cable makes it more complicated, but I will say 90fps on a 3070 with max settings is not happening.

    Dial all your settings back focus on getting the hmd's resolution and ingame AA to point and framerate(I run 60hz) that is acceptable for you and then work on increasing your ingame settings some have a much higher cost than others.

    If you look at the image attached you can see the rough fametime performance cost incurred for most but not all settings. I basically logged my frametimes for 60 seconds in as close to the same conditions as possible, I did 3 passes and took the overall average and calculated that as a % of my baseline. Its not perfect and there are some weird anomalies I can't account for, in some cases the higher setting had no performance cost whatsoever or was less impactful than a lower setting. *shrug*

    It took me a day to do this, and its probably only useful for me and my particular setup, but now i'm at a point where i know if a certain car\track\weather combo isn't happening I can just knock down one or two specific settings and be good to go. I personally would rather lower settings vs resolution. Also averaging 16ms is not enough, you need to aim for an average of around 13.5ms to have a consistent 60fps in my case at least.

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  6. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I maintain 90 FPS in daytime, night causes a bit of a hit so I avoid it - plus it looks crap in VR with these settings.
    Keep MSAA on high as it really helps the image, don't go mad with SS in Steam, I use 130, reflections and environment map medium, detailed grass off, shadows low are my compromises to achieve this. Different hardware from you but worth a try.
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  7. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    @psone Thanks mate, that's super useful. Already feeling better purely due to your statement that a 3070 and ultra settings will not happen. Maybe I was chasing an unachievable goal.
  8. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    @Gagaryn Cheers man, our processors and GPU's are of similar capabilities, could my mediocre RAM have an influence here? I'll prob end up bumping the SS a bit, lower the in game settings and lower the fps to 72hz as per your and @psone's suggestions.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  9. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Are you talking about motion to photon latency?
  10. Rasmus Juel Andersen

    Rasmus Juel Andersen New Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    What do you mean?
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  11. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    No just frametime Marnus, to me it's a more useful number when measuring VR performance. 60fps being 16.6ms and 90 being 11.1ms so for a smooth experience @60hz you really want an average frametime of a little under 14ms
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  12. 0ct0

    0ct0 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    I recently upgraded to a 6900 xt (all that was available anywhere) I used to be able to race around spa quite happily with my HP G2 and GTX1080 WMR and SteamVR both Beta. (steam ss @50%)
    Now I can't get round without it being a stutter mess even at 50% ss and everything on low.

    My pal tried it on his oculus same settings (2080ti watercooled) and it was fine. when he switched to SteamVr it was again unplayable stutter mess.
    Other tracks seem OK - is there an issue with Spa and SteamVR at the mo??

    I reported that I thing there is only ultra track detail available as I can't see any difference between the settings Ultra and Low and wondered if that was it..

    Please can someone test Spa just single car hot lap?
  13. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Octo up until yesterday I was using a 6800 + G2 @60hz have done a lot of testing with it at Spa have been able to run a full mixed grid at 80% render resolution at 18:00 in clear conditions with a mix high/med/low settings.

    I was actually trying to find good settings evening + rain, at one point I reduced track detail from high to low and recieved a good bump in performance because of it. As you mentioned I didn't see much of a difference visually, particularly going down the main straight where things tend to bog down a bit. Funnily enough I've found Brands Hatch to be more punishing than Spa or Nords

    Another thing that I noticed, in my case at least, was that at Nurburgring track detail on medium was more expensive than high and about equal to ultra...so yeah something probably needs looking at there.

    I think track detail could be more aggressive in terms of its reduction in visual quality.

    But tbh your 6900 XT shouldn't be struggling to the extent you're describing. Are there any known issues with the 6900 and VR? How's it performing in other titles?
  14. week

    week New Member

    Sep 20, 2018
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    With less exposition you'll have less shimmering. The image will be darker. You can change it in visual effects menu. Or maybe I'm just missunderstanding you. English is not my native language. Saying "shimmering" do you mean brightness?
  15. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I see absolutely no difference in car or track detail between high or ultra - they look identical to me. Maybe I'm just not observant enough but for those who do see a difference - can you explain, is it just increased textures or is it additional assets?
  16. 0ct0

    0ct0 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    @psone Thx for your feedback - I just tried ACC and surprisingly it runs great with the 6900
    also HL Alex etc runs amazingly at full 100% ss ultra settings.

    I have rebuilt win10 updated everything re-installed AMS2 and still it tanks at Spa

    Strangely Brands Hatch you mentioned runs 100% ss @90fps (hotlap with ghost) with no frame drops and at higher game settings.. it's got me stumped.

    and again on oculus my pal runs spa fine just seems to be a SteamVR, AMD 6900, Spa combo thing.?

    It seems to be CPU related looking FPSVR app spa eats CPU reducing Graphics and SS makes no difference CPU remains High GPU low - The CPU just can't make frametime and thus neither can the GPU

    CPU frametime is already into the 12ms range so the GPU has no chance of making it in 10ms

    Brands Hatch etc CPU is having a snooze and is no problem nocking out 4ms Frametimes and GPU easily makes 8MS FT, 90fps solid.
  17. 0ct0

    0ct0 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Yes I think latest hotfix broke Detail levels the cars and track seem to be Ultra only.

    I'll test later but the cars would typically look boxy on low and the track assets would be much less
  18. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    @Gagaryn between high and ultra I'm not sure. I really only noticed a gain in performance when switching from high to low. At the time I was only concerned in the resulting frametimes and in that respect there was a measurable improvement. Visually though, from memory at least, you don't see much of a difference from one setting to another.

    I think graphics settings need to be looked at generally there are some definite inconsistencies, but I've only really started testing since the most recent update so I might not notice something that was working previously.

    @0ct0 That's so weird, Spa is a big track but I didn't feel it was much more demanding that any other I think in terms of optimization it and Nords have probably gotten the most love as they're big names. Just out of curiosity what happens if you crank up the ingame settings and SS at Spa also how does Nords preform? The only thing I noticed about Spa was between 20:00 and 06:00 its a no go for me at the settings I would like to use. Which is the case for pretty much all tracks I've tried.

    I think car detail levels are working ok, at least for GT1s they look decidedly box at low. Maybe this isn't true for every car though.
  19. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Thanks for the advice. You are talking about exposure! Exposition is a literary term. Please don’t think I’m attacking your English speaking skills - I’m your typical Brit who only speaks their own language so is absolutely in no position to judge anyone else... and I can only apologise for the arrogance of anyone who does!
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  20. 0ct0

    0ct0 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    @psone I'll try and put my GTX1080 back in just to make sure, it was coincidental that my new card went in and AMS2 updated so hard to say which is causing it but most other tracks are running ok

    I'll try Nords tonight and feedback.

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