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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    IMO it won't give you much, but start with your GPU.
    I overclock slightly as a rule. I increased my CPU by 300Hz and my GPU boostclock by 100Hz (RTX 3070). How much difference does it make? I'm not sure tbh.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  2. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Can you remove spectators from stands in vr? Like a launch command to help performance?

  3. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Buddy consumer VR is not even five years old, it’s essentially new tech. You spend way too much time faffing about, looking for settings you can’t achieve on a moderate set up. Even on high end set ups for PCVR, there are lots of compromises.
    VR compromises sharpness, clarity, frame rates, saturation, field of view etc so that we can sit and look around in our pretend cars.
    If you carry on faffing about and trying to achieve what’s not possible, you will never fully enjoy VR for what it is. Stop worrying about the compromises of VR and enjoy the benefits of VR!
    I love VR because it gives me a sense of speed, presence, awareness, immersion and I don’t have to press a button to look left. VR totally tricks my brain into believing I’m moving, it tricks me into thinking I belong to the half life universe, or the Moss universe or that I’m hitting blocks in beat saber. When I’m playing dirt rally I can feel myself moving in the seat to influence the weight of the car into a corner or clench up when I’m about to hit a tree, it makes my stomach move when I speed over a big hill in the Australian rallies. All these amazing things you simply don’t get on a flat screen!
    Enjoy and concentrate on what VR offers and not what it lacks!
    Give VR another two to four years, have a top end system and we will most likely have what we all truly want - No screen door effect, 100% resolution in steam or oculus app, 90+Hz, wider FOV, high graphic settings, crazy clarity, beautiful saturation, larger amount of AI on track and no stutters into T1 in most races.
    For the next two to four years, appreciate what we have and support the devs!
    Compare the Rift S to the first ever oculus DK and see how far VR has come in such a short time. Spoiler alert, it’s a freaking long way!
    The closest you can get to your dream right now is a 3090 and a Reverb G2 and even then, that’s still not what you are aiming for. Realistically a top end 40 possibly 50 series card plus the Quest 3 or a Reverb G3 ( all ready in talks / development ) will be very close to where we all want it to be. Patience is key with new and exciting tech.
    In short, if you are getting 80 frames, it’s a little blurry and it runs smooth they are your best settings! Aim for minimum SS of 1.2 ideally 1.4 and work from there.
    But most of all “set and forget” by spending less time comparing VR clarity to flat screens, less time in settings menus, tray tools, debug tools and forums and more time with your headset on, enjoying this amazing new tech that we are all very very lucky to have!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
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  4. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Can anyone with a Quest 2 pls tell me if the bitrate change in the debug tool have any effect once you go over 150 for you? I can not seem to see the difference from 150 through to 500? The performance hit also seems small if it's higher than 150. I can for sure see the drop in quality from 150 downwards.
  5. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I use 300, then default for the other two setting in the debug tool.
  6. cpcdem

    cpcdem Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    In PCARS2, you can use the launch parameter -skipcrowds for that, not sure if it is still supported in AMS2, but is worth a try. This will apply always when running the game though, not only in VR.
  7. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Can you see the diff between 150 and 300?
  8. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Personally I can see a difference between 150 to 300. I can also notice a difference between 300 and 350. I definitely notice the difference more in non driving sim games. For me there is a substantial boost in clarity in driving sims too.
    If I run 350 HLA gives me a warning that too much GPU is being used and I get stutters. 300 with high settings for me beats 350 on medium in HLA. I have my oculus slider on the first contact with 1.3 ratio. I’m on a train so I can’t remember the resolution numbers. Hope this helps.
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  9. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    yeah tx mate, helps a lot
  10. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    I came across this article regarding vrss (variable rate super sampling). So for this to work a game needs to be submitted to Nvidia in order for the Nvidia Geforce Experience to profile the game. Once the game is profiled by Nvidia, and supports MSAA then this feature works.
    So @Renato Simioni do you think this is something AMS2 could look at in the near future? How easy the submission process is, I don't know.

    Edit: So it seems that you can add games manually with the Nvidia Inspector. I can find all my games and sims in the drop down list to activate them, but AMS2 is not in my drop down box? Anyone here tried this?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
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  11. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    Hey man, so I fully agree with the first half of this post, there's comes a point where all the tinkering in the world is going to get you what you want and all that ends up happening is you lose appreciation for what's right in front of you. Even if its not perfect I'm still blown away every time. So yeah there really comes a point where you have to stop faffing and just enjoy it. It can take a while to get to that point when you're first starting out. And to be honest even to this day I prick around with settings more than I should, but I enjoy it so that's my choice.

    But I do disagree somewhat with the second bit about having to wait to have the experience we want now or that a 3090 is the only option to have an incredible experience with the G2 and similar headsets. The only caveat to this is that I run 60hz instead of 90. Some will stop listening at this point, but honestly the experience I have in AMS 2 with a 3080 @ 60hz with SS @ 90% and medium to high settings is just absolutely stunning. I know 60hz isn't for everyone, but I think more people should try it as a valid option. Game play is smooth, performance is excellent and its only in very bright stationary environments where any kind of flicker becomes noticeable. But I would take that over Reprojection or 90hz @ 50% any day. Honestly the image quality and performance is just fantastic. And I honestly feel that in time we'll see performance gains in AMS 2 which will only improve things. And then for example in IL-2 I'm running high settings @ 100% + cloud mods etc. and when I switch to less demanding titles like Alyx or Elite Dangerous 90-100% SS is totally doable. Anyway long story short the G2 is a valid option right now, without having to sacrifice visuals. I'm not saying its affordable, but it doesn't haven't to be take the piss unaffordable i.e 3090 land.
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  12. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    What CPU do you have mate? I have a 3080 & G2 myself with a 3600x, 32 gb ram. Would be interesting to try your settings. I kind of stopped tinkering with VR a couple of months ago, got fed up with the driver issues and have only been using monitor since. Hopefully drivers are sorted now (?) so would like to have another go.
  13. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Heya the 2nd point was aimed purely at the person I was replying to. What he is wanting from VR is a flat screen experience, playing a driving sim but in a VR headset and that level of VR is not available now, but all of us hope that it will be within the next handful of years.
    His expectations from a Rift S on a 2070 in a driving sim are not achievable and my point is to illustrate, enjoy what you have, have fun in VR and don’t compare to flat screens. Enjoy and appreciate what we have.
    VR is amazing on Rift S, it’s Amazing on the index, the quest 2, the G1 and the g2 ! VR is amazing!
    I love my rift S for driving sims and I have zero complaints, I love my quest 2 for all other VR games! Are they both currently filled with compromises for what I / we all truly want? Yes they are, but we all know that in a handful of years time we will have amazing FOV, 90+ Hz, 100% res on steam and oculus apps, high in game settings, driving at night and not having to drop SS and the AI field etc etc Especially on driving sims, because most sims are either old or like AMS2 VR friendly and new. Once the 40 series cards come out there’s a chance we could use a quest 2 or G2 and play at 90Hz, maximum res and with high settings, which would be awesome!
    Is anyone’s VR wish list 60Hz or 80Hz, O.K FOV, running 80 or 90% of a headsets true resolution, running medium in game graphic settings? No.
    As you have illustrated for your G2 you have had to sacrifice the Hz by a third so that you can get 90% res and medium to high settings. That’s on a 3070, imagine if a 4070 released the full potential and no sacrifices. That’s the dream and that dream is for me hopefully two to four years away! Which is why patience is the key.
    My point simply is, all VR is amazing given how young it is and with time we will end up with a no compromise driving sim experience in AMS2.
    Currently as illustrated in this 46 page thread, VR is loaded with compromises, but we all are passionate about it and want more haha It’s because of us that the quest 3 and the G3 are being planned!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  14. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    Totally get what you're saying dude, is the experience perfect no, will it ever be, hmmm maybe by some peoples standards and probably not by others, personal preference and more demanding features in games will always move the goalposts further and further away. Of course we'd all love to have everything maxed out at super high refresh rates in all situations. I'm not saying my settings aren't a compromise either they absolutely are, I think I've made that pretty clear in all my posts here. And I'm very aware that whats acceptable for my eyes won't be for everyone. My main point is that I just don't think its fair to say that if you want to enjoy a G2 or a Quest 2 right now that a 3090 is the only option. I think a lot of people would absolutely love whats on offer currently with those headsets and 3080 or 6800. I actually considered keeping the 6800 because it performed really well. But the fact that it cost quite a bit more than the 3080 made that descision for me. Anyway that's just the way I see, it no big deal. Can't agree on everything right.

    I will put together all my current settings for when I get a minute. Am realtively flat out with other stuff at the moment. But if I haven't posted something in a few days just ask again. I'm old and forgetful.
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  15. brandaopj

    brandaopj New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    anyone can share settings for reverb g2 and a 3080?
    I am using steam SS at 50% with ASW off 90Hz and mixed settings in game but is not as good as iracing.
  16. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Completely different route for me with my G2. 100% SS asw enabled. Runs sweet for me and looks fantastic.
  17. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    If you are interested in maintaining 90fps.
    60% Steam SS
    In game graphics performance:
    Textures: High
    MSAA: Medium
    Track: Medium
    Reflection: Medium
    Everything else low

    Under visuals:
    Post processing: ON
    Exposure: 0.8
  18. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    EDIT: Problem found, it's related to the update 25 and occurs regularly with DR2 and AMS2 specifically. I'm going to try and revert to 23.

    This has nothing to do with Automobilista per say, but I've got a Quest 2 specific question that someone might have an answer to:

    Kiwi link cable (2.9Gbs), 2 week old Q2. I notice this whitish shimmering horizontal bar with a much higher brightness than the rest of the display, mostly bang in the middle 1/3 and occasionally at the bottom 1/3 of the display that occurs after about an hour's game play. I only use it for sim racing.
    Disconnecting and reconnecting the link fixes it temporarily but after a while it's back. So it's got something to do with heat I would think.
    Bit rate changes doesn't seem to have any effect for better or worse. Different USB ports, uninstalling and reinstalling programs and drivers, different settings in Oculus and in game doesn't seem to affect it.
    Come to think of it this might only have started since update 25 but I'm not 100% on that.
    It's almost like the headset wants to improve performance by reducing quality and then getting it horribly wrong.
    Anyone came across this issue?

    PS. Apologies if this is not the perfectly correct place to post.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  19. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    Could be a hardware problem. Might be worth raising a ticket with Oculus.
    Submit a request – Oculus Support
  20. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Quick question for rift s users...... on the oculus vr dash there are 3 options in graphics settings, the 2nd option is for “anti aliasing” and 3rd one I think is for sharpening. Both are off as default, should these be on?

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