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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Im guessing hes doing it by adjusting the seat.
    You can map some buttons to your keyboard to adjust it any way you like, which is how I adjust my seating position.

    My game usually remembers that position tho, I dont think Ive had to do it more than once with each specific car at least...
  2. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Well, my settings are just higher steam ss setting ( I think) It is around 2000x2000 per eye. But I am on a reverb G2. Not sure what 130% is on Valve Index. But I think a bit lower. I like MSAA medium because it makes the picture look a lot better. The rest is combination of medium to low values. However, supersampling / MSAA is the FPS killer in this game.

    For me I have to dial back the SS a lot to make it 90fps. It isn't worth it with my setup. I need higher resolution and don't mind the motion smoothing, whiuch works great in AMS 2.
  3. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I’m using:

    Texture - High
    Filtering - x16
    MSAA - Med
    SS - None
    Reflections- High
    Map - High
    Car detail - Ultra
    Track detail - Ultra
    Pit crew - all
    Shadows - High
    Enhanced Mirror - Yes
    Frames ahead - 1
    Detailed grass - off
    Particle level - Low
    Particle density - Low

    With steam resolution set to 2844x2768 which is 80% according to SteamVR. It looks fantastic and runs, according to FPSVR at a solid 90fps. This drops at night, during heavy storms and at the start of races with a full grid but (night races excepted, night does still look awful IMO) still doesn’t go below 80fps.

    Have you got a little more wriggle room in your resolution than you think? My set up is in my Sig and I get that hardware can have a huge impact. The one thing I’ve learned for sure since getting VR a few years back is that settings are hugely dependent on not just the system but also personal preference and tolerance.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    It runs at 45 fps (motion smoothing) already at my settings. I'm not sure what tracks you tested this. In Spa historic it even runs like this without other cars. If I want 90fps. I will have to lower my resolution to 1900x1900 (or slightly lower) which is not looking great. I get that the 2080Ti is a lot faster than a 2070 super, but I just really doubt it will get 90fps almost all the time at your resolution, which is more than twice my resolution!! I even have shadows on low.
  5. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    As I said, it does drop below 90 at the start of a race when all the cars are bunched up, during heavy storms and at night. I just did a 6 lap race at Nords with 27 others cars and FPSVR running and got 90 average with a few dips into the 80s. It may also help that I run from an SSD on a PC that only really has AMS2, rF2 and Elite Dangerous on it...who knows, I’m not that tech savvy.

    I don’t want this to sound like an ‘ooh, look at me post’ though, so much is dependant on PC and if you’ve found something that works that’s all that matters. I just thought you may have a little more leeway from the G2. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Okay. I will try some more things. Personally 80 FPS is a nogo for me. That is stuttering when it happens. I then prefer motion smoothing. I will do some tests with smoothing off, see how far I can push.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Did some tests today. Little above 2000x2000 per eye. Without AI it is indeed almost completely 90 fps (some small dips). With AI it is on average 85. Which seems okay, but unfortunately it results in stuttering feeling while driving, espescially when it gets closer to 80. It is better with motion smoothing on for me it seems, than it is fluent for me continuously.
  8. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    That’s interesting, with your GPU and similar rig you should outdo anything my 2080ti can do. Maybe the track selection has a far greater affect on fps than I’d given credence for. I rarely drive Kyalami as I’m one of the few who don’t seem to love it (and there are plenty of tracks I should drive more often.)

    Race starts are where I get most drops but apart from that, and it is noticeable (I’m certainly not trying to deny that,) I don’t seem to have any issues. The sharpness isn’t just fine for me but impressive - there’s plenty that I’m not certain of with IT and VR but as a Photographer for 25 years I know when I’m happy with how sharp something appears:) This does make me wonder if I need to check on FPSVr - I can’t believe that running on a ‘clean’ PC would account for better frame rates than a 3080.

    P.S - I’ve just re-read your post and seen it was only you on track:eek: If you can’t hit 80fps at all at Kyalami that must be a devastating track for VR.

    I’m not going to be able to get in game over the Holiday weekend but I’ll try and have a look at FPSvr ....and Kyalami next week and report back.
  9. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Thats crazy, AMS2 is THE game for me in VR.
    Runs super smooth 90fps and even when it drops to 80 (according to fpsVR) i hardly notice it on screen.

    Try setting SteamVR (per eye setting) to 50% and the “per game” to 100%.
    Im also on a 3080 and with those settings I have everything ingame on Ultra.
  10. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Well if you use those settings of course a 3080 can run it. That is almost as low as the setting I run with a 2070 super. 70-80% should definitely be doable 90 FPS most of the time on a 3080?
  11. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I use 50/100 because thats how I run ACC, was told long ago this is the actual Resolution of the G2. Anyways it looks and runs amazing for AMS2.
    A crisper image might be possible but I prefer 90fps and I think the game looks more than good enough even for my picky taste.
    The only times I get any dips is nightime with a full lobby.

    This is with a slightly OCd 3080 and an OCd 5600x.
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  12. 0ct0

    0ct0 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Big News - for WMR users HP G2 guys

    AMS2 runs so much better for me Spa is now playable!!
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Hi all, need some help regarding reprojection on my g2.
    When I set it to enabled it won't kick in.
    Any ideas? It used to work when I changed the file, but I've since stopped using that as it's supposed to work in the steamvr settings.
    But it doesn't..
    Just realised the steamvr settings don't work on wmr, back to editing the file then.
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  14. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Apologies for being a pain in the preverbial but could someone post up the best settings for oculus rift s please? My spec is in my signature below

    As always I send my thanks in advance
  15. geekyhawkes

    geekyhawkes Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Starting to think nvidia drivers just hate the RTX2070 Supers as I am struggling to get the right balance as well with mine.

    i7 10700K, 32GB DDR4,SSD, Valve Index, GB RTX-2070 Super Windforce 3

    Currently I have in game:
    Texture Resolution HIGH
    Texture filtering Anisotropic 8x
    V-sync NO
    MSAA Medium (I tried low but I cant cope with that)
    Reflections Low
    Env Map Low
    Car detail Medium
    Track Detail Medium
    Pit crew Player only
    Shadow detail Off
    Enhanced Mirror No
    Motion Blur Off
    Render Frames Ahead 1
    Detailed Grass Off
    Particle Level Off
    No super sampling game

    In Steam VR
    Throttle set to 80FPS
    Motion Smoothing OFF
    custom resolution per game 54%

    I still get odd frame drops during the day and to be honest I am loosing the quality pretty hard since I started dropping the resolution per game down to try and hold 80FPS. I can live with 80FPS but really want to get some quality back in my image. Imola/Donington are playable during the day with only odd frame drops but Monaco really isnt with a fair few noticable frame drops.

    I know the 2070 Super isnt the "best" but its still no potato and 2021 isnt exactly kind on GPU buyers.
    Thoughts welcome on what I should tweak to get some quality back in my headset but keep 80FPS (day/dry/no lights etc).

  16. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    You have answered your own questions to be honest.
    You aren’t happy with the settings in game and your GPU can’t handle the index for the settings you want.
    You can buy a new GPU, but that will cost a fortune, and that’s likely to be the case for another 12 months or so. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently crashing wahooo. EDIT - they blooming bounced back again, damn you Elon haha
    There’s nothing more you can drop graphically, so it’s a hardware issue, not a software issue.
    1. Make do with what you have, until summer of 2022 ish and hopefully then, buy a new GPU at retail prices
    2. Buy a new GPU now at current sky high prices that can handle the index plus desired in game settings
    3. Buy a Rift S
    They are honestly your three choices and only you can decide which to take.
    Last edited: May 19, 2021
  17. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    James can I ask you what your settings are for rift s and do you use the tray tool?

    many thanks
  18. geekyhawkes

    geekyhawkes Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Thanks I worried this might be the case. Guess I might have to stay away from Monaco and the worst offenders in the meantime and hope the GPU market calms down over the next 12months!
  19. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    You can always try to use motion smoothing and bump up the graphics settings. I learned to live with that using a 2070 super as well. Motion smoothing works really well in the game. Only the menu glitches and the mercedes star on the front of the car ;-). I rather have better graphics, because there is almost no track that doesn't have the small dip in a certain corner and I want absolutely no dips in fps.

    So try out motion smoothing and forget night racing. It will even stutter with motion smoothing disabled (at least at the start of the race)
  20. geekyhawkes

    geekyhawkes Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Thanks, I will go back and try motion smoothing.

    Do you have a list of your settings that you run so I can give them a try? I find SteamVr is a bit of a nightmare to navigate settings and restart the game each time!

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