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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Yup - I'm getting solid performance with a 2080Ti in VR, even with rain and night. I have reduced from 90 Hz to 80 Hz to keep some headroom - I'm not sensitive enough to notice a difference luckily!
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  2. Diego Brando

    Diego Brando New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    For most the nvidia stutter has been solved. I already solved it months ago by uninstalling all monitoring software and striping the old drivers to bare minimum. Now I don’t need that at least anymore. 3080 and no pink bars anymore.
  3. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I notice your sig has a 3080TI in it. Did you swap a 3080 for 3080TI and if so did it help with rain/night driving in AMS2? I have 3080/11900K and get stutters when car headlights come on (night/rain) at various points on various tracks. Can’t explain the dips either. Sometimes there are no other cars in sight and still get the odd stutter.

    can pretty much run max settings if there are no headlights on. I am running a Vive Pro @ 90hz , 471.11 driver. HAGS ON/OFF makes no difference.
  4. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    On a 2070 super I finally have settings that work. Unfortunately I can't use motion smoothing anymore. Every track now has sections where for some reason the fps dips below 45 (to 43 or something) creating judder/stutter. This despite the fact that the gpu is around 60% or so. Something happeneded in the latest installment that causes this, because I never had this issue before 1.2

    Now I rely on low settings to keep 90fps in sunny conditions (overcast has no effect on performance for me). MSAA is off, post process AA is SMAA ultra (subtle, but no performance impact) Resolution is 1900x1900 pixels per eye. Most other stuff medium or low.
    There are still tracks that have sections that cause the fps to dip, most notable SPA, espescially around the crowded start area after the first corner. But otherwise it is constant 90 fps, which is pretty nice. There is some shimmer and aliasing, but the smoothness makes up for it.

    I did not try night racing. I'm afraid there I would need motion smoothing, which does not work that well for me anymore in this game.
  5. Diego Brando

    Diego Brando New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    Doubt a 3080ti can fix that... it barely has more performance
  6. Guillem Castro

    Guillem Castro New Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    How can i see the fps i my vr???
  7. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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  8. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Yup - FPSVR is great for monitoring frame rate in realtime. Another way to check is to use Afterburner frame rate graph - the overlays don't work in VR (I don't think) so this can only be done by checking the graph history on the desktop.
  9. marc phelps

    marc phelps Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2020
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    You have a very similar system to me
    Struggling with framerate drops on a vive pro 2
    What FPS are you getting? I had a look at the video on your channel and its looks pretty good!
    Also where is the HAGS?
  10. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    HAGS is hardware accelerated gpu scheduling and is part of Windows 10. If you type graphics settings in the search bar and click on it you can switch it on or off. Needs a reboot after. Used to need it off but now works better on for me.
    As for FPS, as I use motion smoothing forced on it will always show 45fps.

    Can’t get 90fps on the HP reverb G2 without lowering the supersampling down to 50% ish and turning down game settings.
  11. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    It's a Global setting in the Nvidia control panel. It's similar to prerendered frames setting in PCars2 from my understanding. Basically setting it to Ultra turns OFF prerendered frames which is what you need for VR.

    Yea I swapped form a 3080 to a 3080Ti and noticed a big difference. I noticed a huge difference when I swapped from the 2080Ti to the 3080. It totally helped with stuttering during rain races, in that I don't get any stuttering in rain races even with the reflections set to MEDIUM. With the settings I run, running night races with head lights I didn't notice much stuttering compared to the 3080. So for me it was a great upgrade from the 3080.

    Past reviews of the HAGs showed that it only benefitted lower end systems with slower CPUs or GPUs while actually slowing down faster CPU/GPU combos. Maybe they have improved upon it now. I might have to give it a shot and test it out. Thanks for the heads up guys.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  12. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Would someone please show their nvidea settings used for this sim. I have just bought a 3070 laptop and have no idea what to change (if anything) after using AMD for the last 20 years. Thank you ❤️
  13. vvvnew

    vvvnew New Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Weird though. The performance difference is 10-15% max. Shouldn't be the difference between stuttery unplayable mess and smooth gameplay.
  14. Guillem Castro

    Guillem Castro New Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Why when I choose to open the game in steamvr, it opens in the oculus app?? Why?? Anybody has this issue??
  15. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Should've said 2080Ti to 3080. Fixed now.

    Anyways, even the 15% bump was enough for me to get a very smooth experience with rain. I noticed running MSAA medium and Reflection medium hits the GPU 3D processing hard. Reflections hits even harder when you have rain on the track and the GPU has to calculate all the reflections on the track surface. Without Reflections on medium it's very hard to spot puddles in VR.

    On my 3080 3D processing would get maxed out in task manager when there was rain on the track and it would cause stuttering. On the 3080Ti with the settings I use; there is enough head room with the GPU 3D processing and the GPU is able to deliver 90fps on the G2 without any stutters.

    If you play with the settings while keeping your Task Manager active and watch all the GPU graphs, you start to realize which settings affects what part of the GPU.
    Eg: SS affects GPU vram more.
  16. vvvnew

    vvvnew New Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Stutters have more to do with optimization than the hardware. I get 80-85 fps in rain (which must be playable) but feels like its much lower than that.

    While on pcars 2, i get around 80fps avg during rain but feels super smooth and no stutters. Looks like your just trying to justify your purchase of a card made solely for the purpose of grabbing cash during a world wide shortage and has little improvement over the 3080 (like 10%) in relation to price (70%)
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  17. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I'm lucky enough to afford/get a 3080Ti, it serves my needs and gets me the performance I want for the budget I have. It may not be for your wallet and that's fine, to each their own. But I would never presume something about someone based on their purchasing decisions. If someone can afford something they want, more power to them.

    Stutters aren't just optimization related, there are plenty of things the can cause stutters. Can optimization help? Sure, but this isn't a perfect world where all the games get fully optimized. Or else everything would be running on mesh shaders with DLSS/FSR. When Dev's haven't had time optimize their code, you need brute force and that's what a 3080Ti/3090 gets you.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
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  18. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Anyone noticed an FPS drop in VR in the latest release?
  19. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    To anyone with an Oculus device:

    The one single setting that makes a HUGE difference is the FOV setting in the Oculus Debug Tool. Change your Horizontal FOV to 0.75 and your vertical to 0.6. That simulates a helmet view, but more than that, it improves the whole experience exponentially. Set your bitrate to 300 or so, disable ASW, and run the Oculus Slider up to 1.3 @ 80Hz (you could go 72Hz and up the slider a bit).

    Most game settings on MED, except environmental map, car and road high. While Shadows and particles are off and reflections low.
    This way I get a CONSTANT 80fps with beautiful crisp graphics, come rain or shine, day or night with a full grid of cars.
    I tested extensively and spent 4 hrs last night with every single setting you can imagine in just about every combination and I settled on the above.

    Good luck!
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  20. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I don't know how people can drive without shadows. It makes the car inside look like a toy car. Completely ruins the immersion for me. What MSAA are you using? That has a very high impact on performance.

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