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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    After a lot of testing I *think* I have finally nailed down the ideal combo of graphics settings within the "Performance" section, which I will share ASAP. Now I'm curious: What do you find to be must-haves in the "Visuals" settings section? Just wondering where to focus my testing/experimentation first. Thanks!
  2. Steve Young

    Steve Young Active Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    @Rob Davies, out of town for a week. But when I get back home I will put together my Nvidia profile, my windows tweeks, and a couple other registry tips..
  3. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Thanks Steve - appreciated.... VERY large beer waiting if it all works!
  4. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Chip, my 2 cents on gfx settings (in VR with G2) also had plenty of experimentation, but a lot of this will be personal preference I'm sure... that and whether or not I'm in a serious race of just enjoying the game in MP lobbies or single player!

    I've essentially got 2 sets of settings... one for playing in 45fps motion reprojection mode (the one I use 90% of the time... max eye candy rules for immersion!) and one for 90fps (everything on low for the occasionnal serious league race!)... with SteamVR SS% as the main factor to drive performance between dry/day and night/wet races (I often find myself dropping out, making the change and coming back in if the weather is different). 100% is ok with the 3090 OC'd in dry/day for most tracks, but I have to go down to 70% for wet/night races. Motion reprojection mode is absolutely fine and playable for me and I'm sure for most would be indiscernable from true 90fps. The only real difference is some visual artifacts around fences and through quick side to side head movements, which I rarely do... looking into apex's is more than fine.

    I also tried the AMS FSR recently, but even at 0.85 scaling the artifacts through up-scaling in the distance were too noticeable to me. if @NuScorpii finds time to help us with the 1.1 version I think it might help with centre sharpness (as I read you can concentrate better quality upscaling in the centre of the image and worry less around the periphery.... which given the poor G2 sweet spot probably wouldn't be noticeable!) - fingers crossed as the FPS benefit was definitely there... ideally running 0.8 to upscale to 100% would get us around the need to play with SS for different weather conditions.

    MSAA - Medium (at minimum), marginally better at High, but quite a perf hit I think
    Texture Res - High (no impact I can see)
    Texture Filter - 16x (again, can't see much impact, but others can)
    Reflections - Low or Medium.... Medium is better, but beyond that the performance outweighs any visual benefits that I can see.
    Environmap Map - Low or Med, same as reflections.
    Car Detail - Ultra - even on high, I get noticeable LoD changes when cars are 10-20 metres away... brakelights etc. that can be a little immersion breaking for me.
    Track Detail - ultra - I like the tracks to come to life and can't see much perf impact.
    Shadow Detail - Haven't played too much with this, tend to leave on high. Ultra I can't see the difference. In reprojection mode the shadows in evening/low light are worse than in native 90fps, but they're something even on ultra that is poor compared to rest of engine IMO, particularly with trackside fences (even MSAA high doesn't really help)
    Enhanced Mirrors - I like this on for immersion, but there's quite a hit.
    Grass - Low or off, not really needed to race... and trying to stay on the track!
    Particle level/density - personally I don't mind this on low/low to get rain/dirt.... Ultra/full isn't that much difference.
    Int/Ext flares - like it for immersion, some turn off for races so they're not blinded at sunset/sunrise ;P
    Bloom - can take or leave this one, but looks great in conjunction with crepuscular (god rays) in low sun - you notice it in the sky/slouds vs on the cars themselves.
    Heat Haze - on, but don't notice it
    Rain Drops - on for immersion
    Crepuscular rays - love these on for immersion, with bloom it's fab in VR, ducking your head about to avoid the light rays and sun flares... great stuff, but quite a hit again.
    Screen Dirt - on again for immersion, doubt there's much if any impact.
    Cockpit mirrors - of course!

    Here's some tables I came across on reddit where someone has benchmarked each setting against a know baseline for ref - it was 2D, not VR but maybe of use too.

    Edit: here's the link to original post - https://www.reddit.com/r/AUTOMOBILI...performance_impact_of_graphics_and_visual_fx/

    Good luck!

    IMG_8104.JPG IMG_8105.JPG
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
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  5. patrick le

    patrick le New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Thanks for spending the time and putting this write-up together! For motion reprojection - are you using SteamVR or WMR? Thoughts on enabling Windows HAGS (Hardware-accelarated GPU scheduling)?
  6. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    I use the SteamVR video->per app settings to set To forced-on. It used to be better to open the SteamWMR settings (from within VR) and set to motion vector, but I can’t notice the difference now (if there ever was!)

    I have HAGS and Game Mode on, as it made a difference at some point, but can’t really say for sure whether it does now, there’s that many driver updates it’s hard to keep track!
  7. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Strangely enough, I still have to use the Motion Vector setting through the Steam WMR settings app instead of the “forced on” setting through Steam itself. Although there are some strange artifacts on the perimeters of objects when gaze is fixed, the issue is not noticeable while driving. The forced on option is sooooo laggy and blurry it’s unplayable. Perhaps I need to update my headsets firmware though. Windows game mode and HAGS were a mild benefit. Worth the one minute to enable.
  8. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    @Chip - I did some more experimentation last night as I was getting some old problems..... framerate dropping below 45 fps in certain areas, despite GPU being at 50-60%. Not sure exactly which settting mattered but I got it fixed by:

    - Making sure SteamVR repojection for AMS2 was set to 'forced-on' AND enabling Motion Vector in the Steam WMR overlay (in VR)
    - In Nvidia Control Panel, turning 'Threaded Optimisation' to On and changing 'power management' to 'prefer max performance'.
    - Ensuring VSYNC was OFF in AMS2.

    HAGS/Game mode ON as before.

    With this and 70% SS in Steam for my G2, it pretty much covers all conditions. The exception is rain at night as the headlights really kill performance. There's another thread on here about this.... hoping Reiza can take a look at it because it'd be the last thing to sort to level all round performance.

    And still crossing fingers that AMS FSR plays a part in getting back to 100% with some upscaling in future - hoping @NuScorpii might be able to help us with porting the latest version:)

    That, or @Steve Young 's voodoo turns up trumps!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Ok, perhaps a breakthrough! Seems like low-latency to ultra and vsync on in NVP have unlocked more GPU capacity. This nails it to a locked 45fps (double to 90 of course) through all conditions to me - some occassional slight drops, but a step change in rain/night/headlights! I see the GPU usage going up to 90% now, whereas before it only went to 6X% something before frames dropped.

    Note: Given the G2 is a WMR headset, I've no idea whether this'll help non-WMR headsets not running SteamVR.

    Attached complete settings but in summary - baed on my G2/3090/5950x combo:

    - HAGS ON, Game mode ON
    - As before, set Steam SS% to 70% and force motion smoothing on for AMS2.
    - Also, go into Steam WMR settings (once in VR, using your controllers to bring up steam menu), go to Steam WMR Settings->graphics and turn motion vector on.
    - NVidia Control Panel. Global settings at default. AMS settings as images (noted below).
    --- Low Latency Mode: Ultra
    --- Power Mangement Mode: Prefer Maximum performance
    --- Threaded Optimisation: ON
    --- Vertical Sync: ON
    - In-game options as per attachements (but basically all ultra bar no grass, environment and reflections at medium).

    Hope this helps some folks! @Chip

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2021
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  10. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I see people run their systems with “Game Mode” and “HAGS” on.
    I turned those off long ago because they were killing FPS in ACC.
    Is it somehow different for AMS2?
  11. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Bah - just booted up again for a blast and it’s back to fluctuating frame rates…. No idea what’s going on!
  12. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    This issue is so frustrating! I haven’t solved it either, but it seems to be related to CPU core allocation. In FPSvr overlay, when I have the frame rate problem in AMS2, it looks like only half of my CPU cores are being utilized, while the other half are not being utilized at all. The only “fix” I’ve discovered is to exit AMS2 and restart the game until I get all cores being used. It seems totally random, but once the core usage looks equal in FPSvr, the frame rate issue is gone for the remainder of the session. Once I exit the session to switch vehicles/tracks, all bets are off again though, and I can get restuck in the state where only half my CPU cores are used.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Interesting (and incredible frustrating!) - I’ve had a hunch around CPU stuff too.

    Any ideas on how to further explore the theory? Or even better how to try and allocate? I think I’ve heard of process lasso being used in other games so may have a look at that.

    It’s totally random though!
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  14. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    @Chip - think we might have a winner! Just downloaded Process Lasso and set the AMS2AVX.exe CPU priority to High and it's a game change! So much so I've currently running true 90fps with the settings I shared above for 45fps (ultra bar reflections & environment map)...

    ... gonna play now and see what I can drive out of it :)
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  15. Shpalman

    Shpalman Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    THIS WORKS!!...tried myself and i can hit 90 fps also at spa with light rain....thanks man :)
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  16. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Good morning,

    I use the rift s and my specs are in my signature. For the computer illiterate (me) could someone tell me if this lasso is relevant to me and if so could someone post the process of setting it up. When I say I am hopeless with techy stuff I am seriously not kidding ( I have no idea how to put AMS2AVX.exe CPU priority to high for example )

    any help is much appreciated
    Thanks in advance
  17. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Did you guys change both the current and always both to high? I've done both and will write back later if it has helped. Thanks for the suggestions.
  18. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    you want to set it to always. current would just mean it returns to its default priority the next time the app launches. Always is persistent.
  19. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Thanks Chonk
  20. Shpalman

    Shpalman Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    usually you can set priority on task manager, using right click on ams2 process, but you have to do this each time you start the game, process lasso is a small utility that works as task manager, once you start the game, alt+tab on process lasso and right click on AMS2AVX.exe, here you see that you can choose to set priority once or always

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