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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Tigrou LeChat

    Tigrou LeChat New Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    I'm using a 21/9 monitor, no problem with G2 i'm using also 1920x1080 resolution.
  2. TronLi

    TronLi Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    It seems that if I am not running in windowed mode, I can't get the display on the G2 to look right. PC2 doesn't have this issue.

    I can set it to 1920x1080 fullscreen but it is still stretched. I don't like running it windowed in VR since the mouse can veer off screen and cause issues. I will keep it fullscreen and hopefully this can be replicated by someone else.

    Please run 3440x1440 fullscreen and let me know if your G2 has the menus squished (you can tell it is fitting 21:9 into 16:9).
  3. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Tried it with 3440x1440 borderless and it's a little stretched vertically, but perfectly usable. Don't see any oval/round effect.
  4. Abe Duarte

    Abe Duarte New Member

    Dec 28, 2021
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    I got that same thing happening. I'm just leaving everything squished for the moment.
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  5. TronLi

    TronLi Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Same here, I'm sure they'll fix it soon.
  6. Tregonhawke

    Tregonhawke New Member

    Dec 29, 2021
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    Thanks for sharing, I have similar setup with 3070 and 5600, I've been using VirtualDesktop and it's nice, but can see artefacts from compression at the max streaming rate of 150Mbps. Is the wired link better and worth investing in ? Cheers
  7. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Still in the pursuit of finding baseline VR settings with AMS2, and I've run into what I think is a common problem, so hopefully there is some sort of solution: Is there a setting, or combination of settings, that effect performance in rain and rain+night the most? I'm struggling to find anything that works, even with 45FPS mode enabled. I've dialed almost everything down to low, and still cannot get 45FPS locked with 20 cars on track. Here is a quick summary of my current settings with my HP Reverb G2+RTX 3080 combo using 80% SS in SteamVR and forced reprojection mode:
    -Everything in AMS2 on off/lowest settings unless otherwise noted below
    -MSAA on medium
    -Texture Resolution on medium
    -Texture Filtering set to 4x
    -Car Detail on high
    -Track Detail on Medium
    -Particle Level on low
    -Post Processing Filters on
    -Interior Flare to full
    -Exterior Flare to full
    -Screen Dirt to yes
    -Cockpit Mirrors on

    Despite the above settings, I still drop below 45 FPS during heavy rain and also at night. What is most aggravating is that my GPU and CPU usage are well below 80%, mostly around 65%, and yet my framerates drop like a rock despite the usage staying constant. Any and all suggestions welcome! I could be wrong, but shouldn't I be able to run this game at 45FPS easily?!
  8. Just2Laps

    Just2Laps Just2Laps - Racing is Fun

    Jun 27, 2021
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    36 Min. ·

    Hi all,
    I have got my HP Reverb G2 delivered in time for Christmas.

    So, what can I say...
    After some days of blood sweat and tears getting it up and running properly I am now so happy I can't describe in words.

    It is unbelieveable what difference it is to drive in AMS2 using this headset. A completely different world.

    All cars are driveable so much better than in 2D, even the cars I was struggling so hard in the past (Group C, Superkarts, Formula Vintage etc.)

    After having some big problems in the beginning with the framerates (was cropped to 45fps whatever I did, only complete re-install of Steam and all VR related stuff helped) I have now found a way to set it up so perfect that I can run it with nearly everything up to high or ultra by keeping the 90fps.
    When racing in dark or rainy conditions of course I am reducing details to middle or high and removing things like detailed grass, dirt, track details etc. things you won't see either when racing in the dark or rain.
    I have made a video of my settings and configuration which I like to share with you here.

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  9. Just2Laps

    Just2Laps Just2Laps - Racing is Fun

    Jun 27, 2021
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    Hi, just have a look at my video I have posted just a minute before. Maybe it will help you.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    What setting is your Reflections set to? As reflections can have a huge performance impact during rain races. The difference between low and medium is massive during rain races. Additionally when I had my 3080 I couldn't run above 56% SteamVR SS, with similar settings to yours.
  11. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Thanks for the response. That's interesting to hear you couldn't run more than 56% SS! I feel like my performance is always so much worse than other folks with 3080s for some reason. I have reflections set to "Low", which is the lowest setting I believe (can't turn them off like you can shadow detail).
  12. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Has your 3080Ti provided a noticeable increase in performance compared to your 3080?
  13. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I have 3090 and able to run 90fps easily. I have Pimax 8KX and Pimax has its own TOOL to play with...i set the rendering to 1.75 and FOV to 150 and 20% resolution of SteamVR which mean it's around maybe 3,500x3,000 resolution per eye. I can play with 20 or more cars under sunny condition. Rain is another story, light rain is fine but heavy and thunderstorm is going to lower the fps significantly. I set:

    MSAA to high
    Texture Resolution to high
    Texture filtering to 16x (highest)
    Reflection to low (go low...it cost performance)
    Car Detail to Ultra
    Track Detail to High (no need to set to Ultra...it cost performance)
    Environmental Detail to High (no need to set to Ultra...it cost performance)
    Pit Crew Detail to ALL
    Shadow Detail to low (cost performance to go HIGH)
    Enhanced Mirror to NO (no need, it costs performance)
    Motion Blur to OFF
    Detailed Grass to LOW (no need to go high, it costs performance)
    Particle level and density to LOW (no need to go high..it costs performance)

    Post Processing to OFF (no need, it still look nice...this cost performance)
    Exterior and Interior Sun Flare to Minimal (it looks nice enough..no need to go full)
    Bloom to OFF (it cost performance...no need)
    Heat Haze to OFF ( it cost performance)
    Rain drops to OFF
    Vignette to NO
    Crepuscular Rays to NO
    Screen Dirt to YES
    Cockpit Mirrors to ON

    Set in-game supersampling to 1.0
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
  14. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I have a strange one so bear with me……I use the rift s and I am happy with it. I had a quest 2 last year and couldn’t get it set correctly so binned it, however I had the opportunity yesterday to try one again (nephew got quest 2 for Christmas) and alas absolutely no joy again whatsoever….. it’s performance was very poor compared to rift s, however I noticed a couple of things that maybe I am missing something obvious and I will list….

    1. It was set to 72hz but when I changed resolution to either 80 or 90 in oculus the headset would restart and I get message on screen albeit incredibly briefly saying something like “oculus not compatible with this hardware”. I checked and it should work absolutely no problem with my pc, my spec is in my signature.

    2. When I had link cable plugged in I noticed that my wireless pc mouse was very unresponsive although still works but frustratingly erratic. The moment link cable was removed mouse was perfectly fine.

    If anyone has any pointers or advice on above or on quest 2 and advice on debug tool settings ie bitrates etc or issues like I have had then they would be gratefully appreciated but if not I am happy to keep using the rift s as it works very well. The only reason I tried quest 2 again was to reduce screen door effect and had opportunity to do so

    thanks in advance
  15. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    About a 15% performance bump, which allowed me to run Reflections on Medium and a bit more SS.
    The game changer for me has been using the AMD FSR mod for OpenVR. You just need to set the render scale to 0.85 or it will look like crap. Night thunder storm races with 60% SteamVR SS and little to no frame drops with reflection medium. Daytime thunderstorm with 70% SteamVR SS and no hiccups.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I have a Quest 2 and a RTX 2080 gpu, pretty similar to your setup. I don't have any problem with it. I set encoding bitrate at 350, sharpening enabled, supersampling to 0 in the Oculus debug app.

    In Oculus desktop app, I have mine set at 90hz and 1.1 supersampling.

    About your problems, I never had that message with changing resolutions, but I have a wired USB mouse. There are some weird problems which can be solved by reinstalling and re configuring the desktop Oculus app, I suggest you to try that in case you didn't.

    As a former Rift CV1 user, I can tell you it's not possible to run the same supersampling and/or game settings with the Q2, I had to lower both to get 90 fps, and sometimes it go down to ASW levels, but the improved resolution and almost no screendoor effect makes the difference for me, by a lot. Sadly, those cards are not powerfull enough to manage the high resolution and encoding overhead needed by the Q2, but if you somewhat solve those two problems you currently have, I'm sure you can find a combination of settings which can suit you if you want to trade screendoor for a little loss of graphical fidelity.
  17. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks Fernando. You say you have yours at 90hz, when I click on the quest 2 in oculus app it says 72hz (recommended). Where is the super sampling in oculus app?

    Thanks again
  18. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    When you click on the Oculus Quest 2 device in the desktop app, you navigate to graphics settings and if you click in there, a new window will pop up where you can set your desired refresh rate (72, 80, 90 and 120 if enabled in Quest 2 settings), and below that you can set the desired rendering resolution (super/under sampling) See image below:

    upload_2021-12-31_15-38-56.png upload_2021-12-31_15-38-56.png
  19. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks again, will try tomorrow, think that is resolution slider in mine and is set at 1.1

  20. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    That’s a solid uplift! I’m surprised to hear you think FSR improves things. For whatever reason, it turns the game into Minecraft (super pixelated) for me. I’ve tried multiple settings.

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