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VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    My gut says (based on personal and other's experience) that this is a placebo... as a result of it actually rendering at a lower res. fholgers mod in it's current form doesn't work with AMS2, a previous version did as was modified by @NuScorpii (in the FSR thread)... and I'm crossing fingers and toes that someone else can make the modifications to this current version.

    Sorry! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Tregonhawke

    Tregonhawke New Member

    Dec 29, 2021
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    You may well be right, I am using Quest 2 over link cable, and I am certainly getting more stable FPS, with the log file implying that it is active.
    20:41:30 [1884] Current configuration:
    20:41:30 [1884]   Upscaling (FSR) is enabled
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Render scale: 1
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Sharpness:    0.7
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Radius:       0.6
    20:41:30 [1884]     * MIP bias:     enabled
    20:41:30 [1884]   Fixed foveated rendering (VRS) is enabled
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Inner radius: 0.6
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Mid radius:   0.8
    20:41:30 [1884]     * Outer radius: 1
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Selcuk Koc

    Selcuk Koc Sele1981

    Mar 14, 2022
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    Just bought a 3080 Ti and tried it out in AMS2 with a reverb G2. I can run Steam VR 50% / Game specific setting 150% / all settings to medium high, AF 16x and MSAA high. Motion smoothing off. 13 cars on track and clear weather. GPU is running at its limit 99% usage and sometimes FPS drop to 80 ish, wich is somehow feelable. But MSAA is a FPS killer for sure. I tried FXAA on max and GPU usage dropped to 80% on the same settings and butter smooth 90 FPS. But the edges are all over the place and it looks terrible

    I wonder what is the best edge smoothing AA while still having reasonable GPU usage?

    I dont like FSA or DSSL at all. But am curious to try foveated rendering since who cares about the edges of the display. I am sure it can safe a lot of ressources. Anybody figured out how to make it work in AMS2?

    Edit: Found this wich explains AA and stuff AMS VR G2 Settings
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  4. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Don't know what has happened with AMS2. A while back (as in a year or whatever) this sim AMS2 used to run and look better than PC2 in Virtual Reality. These days it's more demanding than Project Cars 2 to run in VR, and even worse, PC2 not only runs better but the clarity is better. I do use -skipcrowds for PC2 but even so it just looks clearer than AMS2 on all of the other same settings as PC2. This is a shame as I feel some of the Formula Cars in AMS2 have come on leaps and bounds but the trajectory of AMS2 going forwards seems to be needing more and more computer power. I think Reiza should make the implementation of DLSS a top priority as otherwise there is no point in the likes of me investing any more money (DLC) or racing time to AMS2.
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  5. A.F.K DaN

    A.F.K DaN Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    @Dolphin have you double checked if the sharpening is still active in your config file if you used any before? My setting has been lost on one of the latest patches and I had to redo it again.
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  6. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Yea... spent the best part of 10 hours back and fore between them both and PC2 is running better and clearer with the same settings. Tried every possible setting combo' (sharpening doc'/in-game settings) on both and even tried the NuScorpio FSR 1.1 mod as well and same result in PC2's favour. Think DLSS is needed for AMS2 for me or a new PC time (current - rtx 2070 super/i6700K) - think DLSS is my preference as I'm new PC skint. :D.
  7. mille_eintausend

    mille_eintausend New Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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    Trying to improve the FPS in ACC in VR (3700X, 3080, Win10, Reverb G2) I stumbled across this workround:


    It is basically bypassing SteamVR and using OpenXR instead. What happened is that ACC became plyble bc the CPU load was lower and the frametimes were more stable for me. That doesn't mean wonders regarding FPS but definitely almost non-existent microstutters in ACC anymore (!).

    I'm no expert regarding VR and runtimes and I don't know if this could be a solution vor AMS2 and its "headlights issue" during night races/bad conditions but I wanted to share bc it was a gamechanger for me in ACC and maybe it can be even combined with GitHub - fholger/vrperfkit: VR Performance Toolkit.

    I will keep you updated as soon as I arrive home and can do some testing.
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Assuming that link is pointing to OpenCompositeACC, it won't work. AMS2 uses a version of OpenVR not supported by that tool. I did try and hack in the version AMS2 uses, but I'm way too out of practice when it comes to C++.
    Also worth noting that vrperfkit doesn't do anything for AMS2 either - the only thing that'll happen if you've got it there is it'll reduce the render resolution. You'll get better fps from this, but no more than if you just reduced SteamVR SS.
    Finally, just because I haven't given you enough bad news, neither of these tools would solve the headlights issue. Sure, you could mitigate the problem by creating more headroom, but the underlying problem would still be there.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. mille_eintausend

    mille_eintausend New Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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    Thank you Sir for ruining my day! :D I'll keep racing in VR during sunny days in AMS2 then until Reiza finally acknoledges us.

    On a serious note: Is it true that the headlights issue was a non-issue before on of the updtes of the game? I'm new to AMS2 but this could be a good thing if there is a chance of them reverting a change for an "easy" fix.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    It's not new as far as my experience goes. Always had issues where there are shadows being cast with dusk/dawn being the longest shadows and the worst impact. Some tracks worse than others. I've seen one user suggestion that they could potentially remove headlights as light sources, but of course we don't know if that's even possible, or how significant the impact would be.

    Personally, I run my G2 at 50% SS to leave plenty of headroom, and if I know I'm going to hit dusk/dawn, I have a button mapped to turn on motion reprojection so I only need to hit 45fps.
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  11. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    About the suggestion to “remove” headlights of the AI opponents: But this does not mean that their lights are turned off completely, right? Otherwise we would not see them at all at night… :confused::oops:

    They should have lights on so we could see them coming from behind in the mirrors but they just wouldn’t project a wide beam of light (maybe only a very short beam or at least only a luminous 2D surface where the headlights are) and/or those light beams wouldn’t cast any shadows (on other objects or grass…), right?

    All those “unrealistic” performance optimisations only as selectable graphics options for those who need it of course…
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
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  12. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    I'm currently using opencompossite-acc 0.6.2 with oculus quest 2 and It runs very smooth.
  13. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    My understanding was that the original version of OpenCompositeACC was built to allow oculus users to play SteamVR only games. The version that the Mille was referring to was the branch created to bridge from/bypass SteamVR (openvr) to WMR for headsets like the G2.

    I thought AMS2 had native Oculus integration already, so what are you using it for? Apologies if I'm talking nonsense :)

    Edit: Add some more info from MSFS forums, just in case you're using the OpenXR version of OpenComposite:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    Yep, I refer to this same branch (named mini-composite or something like that). I tried several months ago and didn't work (with message error on startup). But then I see that branch adapting ACC. It's irrelevant the point about bypassing to WMR because the important thing is openXR implementation, then, any software can connect to the software, either WMR or Oculus.

    The question about why I'm ussing this with Oculus is because when I launch the game with Oculus Mode, first of all starts the ****ty SteamVR and then bypass to Oculus, making a significant hit on performance and controlling the game through SteamVR. At least with this workaround I gain a little % of performance.

    Edit: To clarify, the original project called OpenComposite (Campbell Suter (ZNix) / OpenComposite · GitLab) is an implementation of SteamVR API to avoid the original steamvr and pass the information to OculusVR without overhead.
    Then, in this project was created a branch called OpenXR that is the implementation to, instead of OVR, to OpenXR (the standard) that Oculus support officially. OpenComposite-ACC is only a fork tweaking some code, just that.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  15. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    Well, I use the Quest 2 via Airlink. Starting via the Oculus Mode never starts Steam VR for me.
  16. mlsxld

    mlsxld New Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Hey everyone I found a wierd way to deploy Vrperfkit on AMS2 for Steamvr. I dont know the theory, but it dose work. Foveated Rendering provides huge performance release, the price is occasionally disappered 2D trees.
    See details here: A wired way to deploy vrperkit on AMS2 for Steamvr
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2022
  17. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I “solved” my performance problems by using a new VR headset (Quest 2 instead of Pimax 8k+). I actually bought the Quest 2 for wireless fitness games to help me get rid of some excess calories. :D But then I gave it a try with AMS2 just out of curiosity. I didn’t expect much but the results blew me away! The picture quality is similar to my Pimax, the small FOV also was no problem because I had to choose the small FOV on my Pimax too because of performance reasons BUT now I can finally race at night and rain and the gameplay feels fluid! So happy! Maybe I had wrong settings with Pimax, maybe it was the parallel projection problem but it seems that I will use AMS2 from now on with Quest 2 instead of my Pimax 8k+. Couldn’t imagine this before as Quest 2 is relatively cheap compared to the Pimax…
    If anyone has tips for Quest 2 in AMS2 I would be very grateful.
    I don’t have any experience with my new Quest yet as I just bought it 2 days ago. I tried it with Link cable and fired up SteamVR and started it from there with Oculus app (which I had to install to get Link working) running in the background. But whereas the gameplay feels fluid I can’t even tell which framerate I actually achieve because my commonly used app “fpsVR” doesn’t show up. Although I started AMS2 via SteamVR it somehow seems to use Oculus API in the background? Anyone else with Quest 2 Link experience who bought AMS2 in Steam and not Oculus store?
    1) How do you start AMS2 (Oculus vs SteamVR)?
    2) How can you monitor FPS when fpsVR is nor working?
    3) Did you optimise graphics outside of the game (where? SteamVR? Oculus somewhere?)?
    4) Does sharpening trick in ini-file (which I used for PCVR) work with Oculus Quest via Link cable too? Do I need to edit an other ini-file?
    5) Which hz do you use (I didn’t change anything yet so Quest 2 uses 72 hz (“recommended”))? But it also has for example 90hz or even 120 hz experimental mode…
    6) Did you change resolution (where? SteamVR? But it bypasses SteamVR and uses Oculus API somehow in background, right?) and/or use supersampling in ingame graphics VR settings?
    7) Is there a way to get rid of the virtual Guardian grid in my face while driving AMS2 as a seated VR experience? My desk with my FF wheel is at the edge of my VR playspace, that’s why the boundaries show up there. I don’t want to deactivate them completely because I need them for roomscale (fitness) games… Don’t even know where the virtual boundaries exactly come from (SteamVR or Oculus API?)…
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
  18. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    But don’t you get problems with the short (wireless) playtime before you have to take a long break to charge the batteries? Isn’t the main advantage of the Link cable that you won’t empty your batteries while playing so you can play as long as you want? How are you dealing with the charging?
  19. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    I have to ask some question: Anyone here have strange artifacts/invisible 2D assets (trees, people, buildings etc..) disapearing inside low res radius? Its ****ing annoying... Any way to force 2D assets on variable rate shading? (Fixed Foveated Rendering).

    I will try with OpenComposite-ACC and OpenXR toolkit, maybe the FFR implementation is different and do not disapear any asset :\

    Hey, I use quest 2 too.

    Tips: Use max resolution slider with oculus link, hz settings ajusted per gpu, try first 72, then 80, 95. Oculus debug tool, asw force 45 fps, mobile asw enabled, link sharpening enabled. Then, use vrperfkit and start the game using oculus mode.

    Configure vrperfkit with or without scaling, try and error for the best for your eyes and gpu time (less gpu time, smoother experience); scale 0.85 or more. Radius deactivated. Sharpening 0.0 (because there is no need with 1:1 native res).

    FFR (fixed foveated rendering) true, and play with radius. You can disable scaling, because FFR do the job perfectly.

    About guardian grid, you can configure the sens in the oculus settings, also you can disable the line delimiting your room. Another tip, always start your quest without controller when going to play simracing, you can control the pointer with the head and with volume+ button click on items. You only need to enter oculus link. I always manage the game through the monitor and only put the headset when I click on start race.

    Playing with vrperfkit and debug tool you should gain lots of performance and gpu time.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    It suits my gaming schedule, I get around 4 hours with the Elite Battery Strap which is fine for me. :)
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