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What’s wrong with performance on some tracks?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Mike1304, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Are you sure this performance boost isnt because the V-sync are off setting it up this way?
    The reason I ask is because I tried it myself.
    I set V-sync OFF in AMS2 and V-Sync ON in the nVidia driver.
    I got a lot of tearing - which is a proof that V-sync was OFF inside game.

    ByTheWay: But you are right it gave a positive fps boost ;)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Thanks for that Bruno.

    I appreciate that as a triple screen user, my experience is probably different to most. I have basically spent pretty much a whole day trying to get my monitors to work with Gsync (which I have now done :)). BTW, I am not a 'gamer', driving sims only, so I am not particularly knowledgable about general graphics settings.

    Before I had my Gsync (compatible) monitors, I was ising 3x regular 1080 monitors, and using v-sync in game was essential to avoid tearing. So yes, maybe for non Gsync configurations, in game v-sync is the answer (but it hurts FPS performance).

    Through experimenting and researching triple Gsync, I realised that in order to get Gsync to work, it is essential to use Nvidia Surround (for normal OS use, it's not optimal, but I'm happy to accept it in order to get good performance in AMS2).

    So now I have Gsync working, framerate drops don't bother me as much, BUT, the places where I used to get bad FPS drops (Eg: Imola start / finish straight at night), the FPS no longer drop! This, I believe, is because I no longer use in game v-sync. In fact, I'd go so far to say the FPS boost from disabling in game v-sync is pretty huge (I used to get drops down from 75 to <60).

    I don't know if this information is useful to single screen users (probably not), but for anyone using triples, I suggest trying NV Surround + NV V-sync with in game v-sync disabled -it may help).

    Finally, for anyone curious about Gsync for this game: It's amazing! I can now run any conditions, max AI, Ultra settings, and the game just looks perfect :). The only downside is that DSR factors are not available and the DSR, custom resolution workaround trick does not work with AMS2 (scaling gets distorted). A small price to pay for the perfect frame delivery.

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