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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. ricxx

    ricxx Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 30, 2022
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    If you feel other FFB files feel unlively and dampened, maybe use ‚peak‘ instead of ‚linear‘.
    I could try the opposite, maybe the ‚linear‘ setting would make it more drivable for me.
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  2. Pav

    Pav Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2023
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    I’m a huge fan of linear - on all of the settings, I have done exactly what each recommends, if the file specifies it. And on top of that done a lot of experimentation with tweaking both in game settings as well as wheel base settings in all sorts of combinations. Danielkart feels best to me in Peak mode (though I prefer linear with Default / Default+). Btw in no way am I bashing these files! Just looking for something much more lively and raw feeling. I am a bit against the grain in what I want out of ffb, even if that comes at the expense of an FFB signal that would be optimal from the “I want to be as fast as possible” perspective. I want to feel all the effects and for the signal to be flashy and fun. Btw I have also modified danielkart to drop dampening and increase a couple portions of signal, but I still feel I am starting with a base ffb file that is not best suited for my likings.

    Thanks for the input!
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  3. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The tastes are very different and very diverse. Linear, non-linear, lots of feedback, little feedback. What additional hardware is available? There are hundreds of possibilities and variations. Personally, I always try to find a compromise between all the options available to me then I feel best. What I learned during this time was very exciting. What I also learned is that these original files (from the creators), no matter who wrote them, still need a lot of fine-tuning and sorting in order to shine in the end. No matter how well they understand the language and codes, it can end up being completely different than what was originally intended. I now only react when Reiza changes the physics and I have the feeling that the FFB has also changed as a result. With 1.5 this step was very big, I hope that things will calm down with future updates. There are now so many customs that there should be something for every taste and every user who wants a personalized file
  4. Pav

    Pav Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2023
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    I’ll re-pose my question to you. Without asking too much (as I’m sure there is so much that could be discussed), aside from tweaking what is there on rFuktor or your files, do you have any tips on understanding more fundamentally? I’m trying to wrap my head around the scope of possibilities / frame my thinking on what all comes in / what all goes out as these files are used / run to ultimately produce “simply” a steering FFB signal. Also… thanks for all your work & contributions! Question from above:

    While I’ve got you here… is there any guide you’re aware of on how to write these files? I’m a sw eng, I understand the syntax, equations, etc, and am capable of reading them just fine, but am fuzzy on the “API” of this file, so to speak, including “inputs” / “outputs”. Using quotes to be purposefully vague / generic on what these mean in this context. If you have any pointers, would absolutely love to hear them, I would love to deeply understand these.
  5. ricxx

    ricxx Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 30, 2022
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    I think the 'linear' setting flattens the FFB considerably which seems to cause you to ramp up values and still find the FFB flat or unlively. To me that sounds like you should just use 'peak' instead, especially if you want all the effects to come through.
    Interpolation filter (INT) is another setting you can lower.
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  6. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I know there are people who think linear is better than peak.For me personally, this was never an option.As I said, everyone should go according to their own taste and feelings:)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello Ju Gnot!It's great that you invested so much time in the file.I just looked at your file on my iPhone.Are you sure about this file?I can't imagine that this file works with high powers.Of course I don't know your base and maybe it works completely differently, but these extreme values are very unusual.If it works for you naturally then everything is fine
  8. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Peter Stefanie has good help (descriptions) for these files to understand it a little better.But you already understand it and can do something with this syntax.We're at page 350 in this thread which is incredible.There was tons of information and tips about all the different customs and the constant additions from the creators.All of this was expanded and approved by Reiza together with the FFB team.Unfortunately, this collaboration stopped at some point, but the files remained with the creators.My tips?That is very difficult to answer.Just try to write your own personalized file using the available resources and your knowledge and, above all, your personal taste
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  9. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    I'll post a v2 soon that could be more in line with your desires. I was after a solution, now I got it! (I think!! :)).
    I mostly designed the feeling with a specific car and track (F309 / Cleveland) and then I jump into GT1, Group C, GT3 and other tracks to see how it feels.
    Until now, I was not satisfied with GT3 cars ("softer" springs/dampers?!?!), but it worked great with formulas (including Formula Junior!). Still need to do a few more tests.

    I used the term "linear" in the absence of a better word. My TS-PC driver is simple, no post-processing options*, so I assume a linear behaviour.
    * it has a "Boost" option I never even tried. It must mean "non-linear behaviour" :rolleyes:

    No, there is no guide I'm aware of, but after taking apart some of the files posted here (found bugs in two of those files, replicated in their derivated) I did understand part of the underlying process. I asked and got some info/help from Reiza regarding other available parameters/variables I didn't find before and that I thought could do the trick.
    There are many parameters (God knows how many! There's no public list available, which is understandable) but it's hard to put in one dimension (wheel rotation) something that happens in a three dimensional world, involving vibrations, forces, etc., and, on top of that, the personal experience.

    My degree is in electronics but I'm old enough that it was called something like "Electronics & Computers" (Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, IST, Lisbon, Potugal). There was no "Computer Science" degrees in the portuguese's best engineer university back then :D!!!
    So, yes, I'm something that resembles a software engineer too! (my mother says I'm good :D)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
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  10. Pav

    Pav Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2023
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    Ah I mentioned in my comment (not very clearly) that I did try all sorts of combos, including peak, linear, dropping vals, etc. So I did at least try to extensively help myself . With danielkart files, Peak is a must for me. However on Default+, linear feels way better on the DD2. I know this conversation has been had ad nauseum lol. I did get some useful tips to start to tinker a bit more myself.
  11. ju gnot

    ju gnot New Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Hi Daniel ! You make me doubt, so i tested again :) Yes i can confirm that this file gives you fast response steering, precision, road detail and suspensions, and brake feeling. I tested this morning Porsche cup, GT3, GT1, BMW M1 and others. Nice. The only car make my arms skaking too strong is Formula one , and yes.. there is the possiblity to decrease the main road in the file. I get the Thrustmaster DD T818 10nm. As i said i like quite strong driving (because automobile sport is a sport). For sure i don't understand about ALL the values in the file but most of it, and as i don't work for the moment i had time to spend many hours each days to test. I modified values in the whole file not just in the beginning. You certainely right, certain value may not coherent but i have tested several files from the forum and i like mine. a lot :)
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  12. ju gnot

    ju gnot New Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Hi Joaquim, i see that you drive with TS PC. Like me during 2 years. You have to try the boost option in the control panel. It is so much more "powerful" ans also "contraste" between low and hight forces. I tested once without this option and it had no flavour...
  13. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    It's a little to late for that. I have a Moza R12 / FSR Formula Wheel coming in the next few days (I hope!) :)
    But in the custom files world, I'd rather change the response curve at the end of the file, that would make more sense to me (so I can control it better).
    Anyways, thanks for the suggestion.
  14. ju gnot

    ju gnot New Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Yes i know you are expecting the Moza R12. I had to do my choice between Moza R12 and TM T818.. I choose the T818. I am very intereseted about the 'granularity feeling' that you can control in the driver of the R12. Hope you will give us a feedback. Just to warn you, when i switch between ts pc and T818, the custom ffb file wasn't good at all with the new base, no feeling at all. Now it's much better. So don't be scared if something like that happen ! :) (by the way, i have the same wheel as you, the 488 Ferrari. i love it)
  15. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Just tried the boost option on TS-PC but... no... the wheel looses all the detail and seems to be most of the time in the 80-100% force region (my feeling is this wheel base is not linear in that region, the reason why I used, for a long time, only 75% max force - it was a little less powerfull but full of details).
    Perhaps that's the reason why, when you changed, you felt a lot of difference (both in power and detail). TS-PC can deliver a lot of details with a natural feeling (been belt, the driver must already do some damping).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    This is exactly what I felt when I tried BOOST with my TS-PC. It just amplifies low forces and is imo mostly meant for T150, T248 and T300, which are weaker bases and have quite a dead centre. Like you said, TS-PC can deliver lower end quite well and doesn't need any boost.
  17. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Hi. I'm a TS-PC owner who is also interested moving to T818 base (in distant future) so you got my attention and I checked out your file as well. And I have to admit that I'm in the same boat as Danielkart, some of you setting values seem a bit off to me as well. First of all your LFB is quite high, what I have understood so far is that low torque base users pump it up and DD users leave it at 0. I'm using 0 with TS-PC as well. Second thing, you say you like strong wheel but your in-game master gain is 25 and you lower it more with car gain at 68-78%. Other strong DDs usually have in-game master gain around 35-50, which is higher than yours.
    Then again, I have not tried driving with your file and not tried T818 as well, so very subjective opinion and take it please as friendly constructive criticism comparing it to other files. :) Most important thing is that you enjoy the game now and its ffb.

    PS! I'm really curious - what changes in the FFB for you or how does it feel when you would use lower LFB and raise gain a bit? :)
  18. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    This BOOST function adds a lot of undesirable effects for TX and T300, don't know about the others you cited;
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Ok, good to know. I have mostly seen positive feedback from TX/T300 users on different forums.
  20. ju gnot

    ju gnot New Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Hi Joaquim. Yes OK.. Maybe it comes from the ffbcustom file i used in the past. But for me, when i have driven without boost, can't feel the car at all. Anyway, lets pass to your next level, Moza !! You will have a lot to do with the full driver of Moza and the FFBcustom :) :) Hope you will enjoy it
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