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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Sorry Cj7777 for controller control and questions about it, unfortunately I'm the wrong man;)
  2. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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  3. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    If you have asked and been given some direction internally , that’s good for you , so I don’t understand why you publicly call for more support, as far as I can tell you received it .
    If you are going down a different route ( to achieve similar outcomes as what’s already available) and making your own specific needs file , which is effectively starting from scratch , I don’t think it’s realistic to expect side by side support, as that would require whoever gave you assistance to drop their official work and start spending a lot of time problem finding and testing your file .

    originally way back when , part of my reason for getting involved with custom file project was I felt I needed one more slider option, just to separate some effects from each other , and made that request myself years ago, but nothing ever come from it and I don’t think adding elements to the UI is unproblematic job .

    so I have basically just settled for replacing ffb damper with suspension dampers as a slide adjustment in my file.
    Makes it easier to tune to individual needs and different wheel base strengths in game, rather than messing around in file, which most users don’t want to do .
    The sliders are a useful tool , I do wonder why some opt to remove the easy user adjustment possibility of them , by making tunes based off having half the sliders on zero as a recommendation.
  4. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    While I doubt Reiza will add more effect sliders to the ffb (as advanced ffb settings) at this point, the other idea that comes to mind is a third-party app to serve as a UI for editing / tuning custom-ffb files. I'm just suggesting it as a simpler way to access the most pertinent ffb effects with some scaling limits for practical use. I have no idea IF that's even possible nor how it's done so, . . . o_O

    I'm imagining some coding wizard that's become obsessed with AMS2 ffb. :D
  5. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    you basically mean like the Real Feel plug in that one could mess with in Ams1 .
  6. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Can't say really, never tried playing with settings in that case.
  7. WeeWoo

    WeeWoo New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Thanks much @Danielkart for the work you’ve done here! I do have a question though. I have a DD1 and have tried 7 through 9 using the recommended settings. When going around a corner, the steering forces all seem strong throughout the whole corner regardless of grip. When I switch back to default+ I can feel the steering getting a lot lighter as my traction gets worse but not with the custom one. Is this expected behavior with your custom FB or is it not working correctly for me?

  8. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Yes, almost all custom files do scrub/tear effects that way (canned effects).
    Just look for "scrub" or "tear" in those files and see how it is done.
  9. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    I do that because my specific wheelbase already has lots of details and I want to feel everything.
    Some may need to use LFB slider to compensate their wheelbases's low torque output or damping the signal because they want a smoother experience.
    Some may even want to put FX at zero, I don't recommend that, but... hey! That's just me... ;)
    I hope nobody puts GAIN at zero... :D
  10. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    The game already has code to allow making changes to custom files while driving (vehicle-specific FFB)... it would be a matter of replicating that and put slider in UI (if custom file was choose and requires then), I guess...
    Unfortunelly, that one parameter also has implication in the rest of the code (GAIN multiplier), is not isolated.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Good morning!

    There are several reasons for me that this works this way.1. First of all, this is very vehicle dependent (physics) a good example is the Porsche GT3 and the Porsche GTE.The GTE will simulate this much better than the 911 GT3, whether with the defaults or the customs.2. This is deliberately not that extreme in my customs, I don't like this flying feeling when I lose grip, it feels like I'm on a boat.Control of the car is then completely gone and I can no longer feel the front axle. You will notice this flying feeling when you drive a car in a serpentine line without braking.
    And because I can't compensate for this in a simulation with the real G-forces, I have to make a compromise.In general, compromises always have to be made in a simulation, regardless of whether it is Reiza or another manufacturer or, in the end, all of us as users.

    I will also no longer go down this “rabbit hole” with customs.I feel too old for it and don't feel like it anymore:( At the end, simply take your preferred file to adapt it to your personal taste, whether it's default or a custom file;)
  12. Divit Beria

    Divit Beria Prefer modern cars

    Jan 20, 2022
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    Exactly what solved my issue too. Thanks!
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
  13. Fibofi

    Fibofi New Member

    Sep 22, 2023
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    This is the reason why I stopped using Danielkart’s files. Otherwise I really liked them but it was a showstopper for me because I couldn’t feel the changes in grip midcorner.
  14. thun0r

    thun0r New Member

    Jan 1, 2023
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    Wasn't the op to this question but I 100% agree with regards to the feeling on a boat with defaults, which is why I switched to customs. These have been a work of art and transformed the sim for me.

    When you say you'll no longer go down this rabbit hole, does this mean v500 is your last update?

    Shame if it is, we loose two great modders in 4 weeks for AMS2! First Thunderflash and if you're no longer creating customs, you too!

    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Tiger_Feet

    Tiger_Feet Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    Youre never too old @Danielkart... plus we need you :)

    DD1 user here.

    Ive tweaked some settings of Daniels excellent V500 to suit my tastes. Its so easy to work with, thank you for that!

    Ive added my Fanalabs settings as well as tweaking:
    Brake Feel
    Road Texture Feel
    Tyre Scrub
    Wheel Weight

    Probably some other stuff too which ive forgotten about.

    I find setting the caster lower/lowest setting really helps too.

    I use VR and a motion rig, so these setting might be very personal taste.

    But give them a go if you wish. If its not for you, delete them. :)

    A big thank you @Danielkart

    Attached Files:

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  16. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    No you got me wrong. By the rabbit hole I meant the custom files and the process with all the changes and adjustments is complete for me with V500. The files have matured greatly and now require only a few changes. Maybe during major updates to Reiza or when I sense that something has changed significantly. Then of course I will pass it on to you too. But no more endless discussions about individual preferences or starting from zero again, other people can do that;)
    • Like Like x 4
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  17. Michael Flemming

    Michael Flemming New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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  18. johndee

    johndee kazza

    Apr 7, 2020
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    edited, accidental post
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  19. johndee

    johndee kazza

    Apr 7, 2020
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    @Danielkart + other members. Thank you for the custom files, loving the feel.

    Noticed that in the V500 files that the simucube2 (static force reduction) is set to off and asetek (Cornering Force Assist) was set to 0. (NOTE: haven't used the custom FFB files for about a year).
    unsure if this means that the force felt during turns is at maximum in the simucube 2 and asetek bases.
    Tested with the VRS base, when the setting is at 0, the turning force felt during turns is greatly increased, "feels like some type of gyroscopic ‌increase of force through the wheel, depending on speed during the turns"
    when setting the VRS Static Force Reduction (SFR) to 70% in the VRS software settings, (the maximum in this firmware"v111-rc4), the force is much lower. e.g. when at 0 one fights the wheel during bumpy turns, very difficult, unless i eat a can of spinach, on the downside spinach gives me the runs, but the upside makes for a happy toilet and makes me happy for the gazillion toilet rolls purchased during COVID.

    is this the same effect on the Simucube2 and asetek wheel bases ?

    When the SFR (static Force Reduction) is set to 0 on the VRS base, it seems to overpower the other lower FFB details in the FFB files.
    "possibly older files as well, had not tested these files for about a year, (last used i believe was danielKarts V42), "felt great" and usually set the SFR to 40-50. smiley face, don't know how to perform a keyboard smiley face. "Too old to waste time googling it"

    Had run tests modifying some settings in new v500 FFB files (4 Hours), specifically higher force when braking during turns into a corner. WHY ?, i loved the feeling when using "from memory, silvertigers Pcars2 file" of the feeling when braking.
    Didn't make much of a difference with the VRS, until deciding to put the SFR to it's maximum 70% setting.
    Placed the original V500 back into the AMS2 folder and made a huge difference, so now have to question if the VRS base has a difference in it's programing compared to some of the other bases e.g. simucube2 and asetek, don't know if Fanatec -Moza or Simagic have an SFR option in their software.

    for now I'll go off on another tangent:
    while trying to determine the functions etc.. in the FFB files, somewhere in this long thread there is mention of using pcarstool relating to the details of the default or default+ FFB files.
    Did not know of this tool and Googled it.
    Google searched this and the result was ???????????? mind F me.

    Thought PCARSTOOL would be a very isolated specific term.
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO google had better ideas and answered in the best commercial way possible, "F you and here is something you can waste your $ on in the accidental unintentional meantime", "What was it"!!! BARSTOOLS, yes Barstools WTF, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! """Google WTF""",
    "AI knew my weakness"
    and what did i do!!!
    obviously the best humanely choice i could.
    I made a fan F'ng fantastic (TripleF) drink, or 9 to overcome the BS that Google has become, "don't believe me", google pcarstool;
    Now busy doing home renovations so this barstool has a place it can call home. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
    The irony of it all........"Shut up Alexa i don't need an IRON".
    Strange that Google leaned towards BARSTOOLS!! That's my action when having too many.
    Glad i wasn't searching for a show from England's BBC TV, My GF wouldn't argue about that and Alexa would be gagging obscure distorted sounds through her deviated nonsensical speakers.

    enough of that!!!!!! FFB cont.

    Does the (SFR) or similar effect in other bases that have the turning force increase or decrease setting overpower the finer lower feelings in these FFB files to feel the effects of grip, slip, brake application etc ?
    Currently running the SFR at about 40-50 % in the VRS software (70% is the max reduction of turning force in the VRS software).

    won't be popular, i choose watkins glen short, as it's quick and short, has bumps, great turns.
    My GF won't agree.
  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Good morning!
    The static force reduction brings many disadvantages to the Simucube 2. The steering will become inert and progressiveness will be reduced. Your middle will also become loose. I always try to work without filters because for me the disadvantages are greater than the advantages and my files are tailored to this. But every base works differently and that's why I recommend you use your personal setting for your base. Your own sweet spot is the most important thing

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