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Automobilista 2 October 2022 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Le Man confirmed.
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  2. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Well, the good news is that AMS2 content development continues after the season pass.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    Hello Renato,
    Thank you for these explanations. I myself am a Premium Track Pack holder and not a season pass holder. It doesn't bother me that Le Mans, uh the 6th track sorry, is not included in the PTP. I feel I paid a fair price for what I got. And I could continue for several years like this.
    Bravo for your work.
    I would like to see in the future, modern touring cars like the TC2000 or TCR and Nascar if possible. For circuits, please add 1 or 2 additional street circuits, it's a real lack in AMS2. I like your idea of offering 3 or 4 cars per category and thus offering more classes, I follow you on this path.
    Well, I said it before but for the love of Brazil (who are playing tonight), add historic Long Beach.
    I'm done, the match will start soon...
  4. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Iracing and Raceroom longevity hopefully
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    I would have bought a new Season Pass in a heartbeat (even not knowing exactly what it would contain), but I understand how it will be much simpler to not have one for future packs.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. kingkoenig

    kingkoenig Active Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    If it is indeed the case, then I'm opening a bottle of champagne!:D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    TBH I would buy another SP with no hesitation even with limited details available as it could be natural. :D
    • Agree Agree x 7
  8. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Whilst I am happy with the value of what I've paid for based on your clarification (I've paid for the various packs because I've no interest in the adrenaline pack), I'll be a bit disappointed if there's no 6th track for the Premium Track Pack bearing in mind it was very clearly the same offer as the season pass in terms of acquiring six circuits:


    I'm looking forward to paying for the historic GP cars (especially if you can get another mid 70s one in there!), the historic track packs and hopefully some more vintage content in future but I hope this is an oversight. Please update the Steam description to reflect if it's not currently accurate. The only thing I could think of (and accept) is that the 1971 Nurburgring would be considered a standalone version seeing as it's not explicitly mentioned here.

    Yes, I'll go charge my phone now.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Honestly, I'm just happy that we're getting more than 2 years of development and support for AMS2. If this was SMS or Codie's, they would've dropped the game, updated it 2-3 times, dropped a couple DLC's and disappeared. Reiza have given us plenty of good content, and have made massive improvements along the way. I'd much rather have this financial model than pay for a whole new game with the same content every 3 years.
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  10. laekwondo

    laekwondo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2021
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    We had a league race with ~23 drivers, me and at least two more drivers in VR. I had no issues and did not hear any complaints from others.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    As a long time Reiza customer from Game Stock Car onwards... I feel exactly the same... :hurrayreiza:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    This is awesome news - it gets better and better. I'll buy all the DLC's to support you even though I don't really drive them all...

    The VR users need some love though. I for one would like to see the long standing issue of cars with lights in the dark behind me in VR light up the whole inside of the car, regardless of me actually blocking it - like there is no rear in the car at all.
    Also in VR the performance tanks in these scenarios. I understand this is a "feature" of the taking over of the madness engine, but I for one would not mind spending a decent amount ($100?) to get this fixed so that it can run smooth on any hardware in full VR resolution without compromise in any scenario. (an rtx 3080ti can't even keep up). Alternatively we need to spend another 1.5k for an RTX 4090... How about getting an upgrade of the madness engine what that team has been working on ? (just an idea).
  13. tk84

    tk84 Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Yeah sadly a full grid of headlights behind you is still too much even for a 4090....
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Im having Read/Write errors when using Pitool with Steam every time (opening steam VR on its own does not produce this, only when Opening it through Pitool).
    But as long as I close the message I can still go ahead and use steam VR, however im wondering if this is the cause of my pings as it seems to be affecting connection.

    Also I've been experiencing 100% Disk usage quite often, which should'nt be happening as I've 160GB free on my SSD and 32Gb of ram, plus the PC is only 2 years old! However I ran a CHKDSK and it stated no problems, but also found 4KB in bad sectors, which has worried me i may have a failing SSD, is this possible after 2 years!

    Also (because of the read write error) I took out both ram sticks (one 2 years old, one less than a year old) to check ram was ok and tried just one at a time. No probs with the old one, yet PC will not boot with newer one! Yet when both are in it runs fine and registers both.

    Here's a screenshot of one of the read write errors, and a shot of the CHKDSK results.

    I've not experienced problems running VR online in AMS2 until now.
    My PC is part of my livelyhood.
    Should I be worried, can anybody help?
    Screenshot (7).png Screenshot (8).png
  15. Stickdeath1980

    Stickdeath1980 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2019
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    @Renato Simioni will we ever see the Marcas again? because they where just awsome in AMS1
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    SSD can fail at any time. RAM can fail at any time. You have already identified one suspect - the RAM stick that causes the machine to not boot. If your livelihood relies on your PC you need to ensure you have a back up PC otherwise you are asking for trouble. Replace the RAM and get a secondary SSD. Do this instead of spamming every single thread on this forum.
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  17. X-Vector

    X-Vector New Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    As mentioned by others, this is what the Steam store descriptions of the Premium Track Pack stated when I and others bought it and what they as of this moment still do:


    That's six tracks, not five.

    Note that the second bracket in the first description should be placed after "later" rather than "Spa-Francorchamps", because as it is formulated now the wording suggests that the pack contains six track DLCs plus two more tracks and thus eight in total.
  18. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    That´s a mistake in the description and is being amended as we speak along with some other outdated bits in other packs - including this sixth track for Season Pass owners was due to us electing to give one of the items of the Season Pass free for all who bought AMS2 base during Early Access after Season Pass was already on sale - as the Premium Track Pack came later, it doesn´t share that same obligation.

    If anyone feels wronged by the innaccurate Steam description though we will supply a free key for the 6th track upon its release - just hit me with a PM upon its release and we´ll sort you out.

    And no, it´s not Le Mans :)
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  19. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Damn, Renato hitting harder than my ex wife's lawyer when she took my kids, the house, my car, and the dogs...

    (I'm 100% joking BTW, I'm hoping Lemans will be a multi part racing USA style expansion with multiple eras)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    All I’m saying is that it’s not the sixth track :whistle:
    • Funny x 18
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