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AUTOMOBILISTA 2 Released in Early Access! Now updated to v0.8.0.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 1, 2020.

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  1. SwaggerJacker

    SwaggerJacker Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    I wasn't familiar with most of the tracks in AMS1. I only backed it because I trusted Reiza. I really didn't have much time for Sim Racing. So I've been learning the tracks in AMS2 and racing in AMS1. My only gripe is that I can't seem to get the Stock Car V8 to handle like it does in AMS1 (Just had a great race at Spielberg). For me, it is horrible. Feels like PC2 rubber band steering. Not really a bug, so I won't report it. Also, most love the way it handles. So there's that.
  2. SwaggerJacker

    SwaggerJacker Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    "hello hello! I also have a g27 ... it seems to me set well enough ... but could you tell me how you set it that maybe it's better?"
  3. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Still work to do on FFB tweaking and car physics. But, if it feels like a rubber band, you need to adjust your Gain vs. LFB balance.
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  4. SwaggerJacker

    SwaggerJacker Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Thanks, Marc. Will give it a go.
  5. Gnu009

    Gnu009 Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    I‘m really quite shocked how many people didn’t understand what Renato posted in his ffb thread.
    LFB doesn’t effect overall gain he said. You can turn it up to 100 and your wheel won’t start clipping!
    FX settings intermodulate with the overall gain! LFB does not!
  6. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It does on my wheel. Or, let me be more specific, creates some interaction that exactly resembles the dull and flat feedback the same as when clipping occurs. I have no FFB meter, so cannot say exactly what is happening. I also know that I cannot use high LFB and Gain at the same time unless I want to arm-wrestle my wheel on every cornner in every vehicle. I can use the same higher Gain setting with lower LFB and the wheel can be turned with reasonable ease.

    Maybe you can describe what to call that if not "clipping."
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Jose Paulo Miranda

    Jose Paulo Miranda New Member

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Helo Bruno
    for the moment this are my settings and it feels great, but I understand it is an early access and for sure I will change them in the future...but for now tjis is it!
    Um abraço

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  8. ilka

    ilka Moderator

    Mar 8, 2016
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    It won't start clipping, but it will interfere with another FFB information, like more load on the wheel when the rears go. (at least on Gxx wheels)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Also with reiza at Reiza, so I didn't ask for a refund, but I feel here on the forum that nothing can be said against, it is one after the other, if the game is not good for me, I will not say that this, if it is good I will sure to clap, but today the AMS2 is really a little different in the gameplay AMS1, but menus, the dynamic climate, the setup screen, ayé to set up the room if it is in the pilots' scoring menu has a pcars icon, if open the files the textures of the pcars cars are there, like it or not the AMS2 is a game 60% AMS2 40% pcars2 is a fact. I hope that Areiza makes AMS2 a game of its own identity, but today the reality is different, but I know that by saying these things will give a lot of dislikes, because here nothing can be said that is negative, it has to be said that the This game is wonderful, everything works and there is nothing like another game, I just wonder how a game can evolve only with praise? I'm sure it is not from these sources that people get feedback from users, because here, you don't need to do anything else, the game is great!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    A little answer from one of the Reiza fanbois here :D
    I think, you just have met too much from the usual home development forum praise, that is typical, BUT:
    you would be surprised, how much i, for example, was/am moaning and complaining about several things in the beta phase already and i'm not banned. :D

    In fact, many problems, that were reported by many users, over the time, are adressed and also many are planned to be adressed, but take time. Renato Simioni also said, that reporting issues objectively and discussing it on factual base is VERY welcome, when i stated, that i was already kind of annoyed by myself in some threads already by talking about flaws, over and over again. :D

    Complaining can make things better, if it's not destructive, but constructive and i see nothing destructive in your post, no reasons to dislike something. I can even understand your point and not understand the dislikes/disagrees.^^

    Regarding the "it's a pCars2 or AMS2 identity" topic:
    Do you know, what AMS1 and GSC was been called? ....rF1 Mod. It is running on a beefed up rF1 engine. It has developed some own character, though.

    Now AMS2 is called a pCars2 mod. It is running on an already pretty beefy Madness Engine. The foundation of the SMS past is still visible and things have to be changed, the release has kicked off too soon to be a fully fleshed one, but this is something, that was to be expected.

    A little excourse to a video, talking about AMS2 on a very satirical perspective.
    It seems like bashing, if you don't know "shinyodd" and some critizism is already obsolete with the new update, but i find it absolutely awesome to see something like this as a big AMS fanboy, even if it should trigger me way more, because AMS2 also has its very "strange" quirks, we have to face, to remember, there is possible improvement. :D (even, if he confuses AMS1s engine with the rf2 one and some other misinformed stuff like seasons on south hemisphere and the engine aquisition thing :D)
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
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  11. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I agree with you, I am not a person who does not like Reiza, first because apart from some here, I have known their work for years, I have followed the development of the GSC, I fully trust the work of the Reiza people, if I do not believe in the people why would i be here knowing it would take a lot of deslike? I have more hours of AMS2 played than many who participate in the beta, it proves that I like it and I am absolutely sure that Reiza's people will adjust things over time, my role is to alert and point out possible errors in the game and give an opinion with possible ways that Reiza can follow and in my view I don't think it's cool, in the example above, I said about AMS2 having your identity confused with PCARS2 I don't think it's cool, as you said GSC, AMS were called Rfactor 1 and 2 mods, but see, both games they are very well accepted by the AV public until today, since PCARS2 took a ton of criticism, the game is already abandoned, few players on the PC, and only play on the consoles because there are no other options. Reiza has to be careful in using PCARS2 resources because this game did not please many people, unlike Rfactor 1 and 2, but this is an opinion of those who want to expose what they think, but I see here on the forum that you cannot have an unfavorable opinion to Reiza, it is noted that the majority who acts with deslike do not argue, the vast majority are new members, the older ones have attitudes like yours, argue, agree, or disagree but show why, and not simply act like not talking positive to the game was an offense, but I don’t care. I’ll continue to comment here on what I think, with objectivity, education, but never fail to explain what I think, because I’m convinced that the role of the supporter is not just praise, it is also to be critical in a polite, objective way, thank you for arguing with me and not hiding.
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