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Automobilista 2 V0.9.2.1 RELEASED!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 15, 2020.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel Active Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    I've only tested in VR, so maybe it's just an issue in that mode?
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  2. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I play on Oculus with vsync OFF and super fast AI is there.

    There is a bug I think with the Formula Reiza cars. Raced yesterday against AI at Spielberg, and the AI cars never reach top speed, they get stuck on 6th speed and shaking left to right.

    Anyone can confirm that?
  3. SRS13Rastus

    SRS13Rastus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Here you go @Cully :
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  4. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I tried 120% in ARC around Campo Granda and failed hard! Needed to drop down to 108! So hard to keep heat in those tyres :confused:
  5. Cully

    Cully Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    SRS13Rastus soooo much better on the brakes than me,im using a G29 and no other sim gives me so many braking problems as AMS2.
    Thats a kicking tune in the background.
  6. SRS13Rastus

    SRS13Rastus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Cully I had the brake pressure @ 75% and I'm also using the conical brake mod for the T3PA pedals which I've set to allow me to feel pressure increasing as I approach the point the brakes will lock up.
    It's far, far easier to judge braking pressure by feeling the increasing resistance than by ankle position alone.
    I have to press the brake really hard in order to lock the brakes up now.
    You can get mod kits for the G series pedal sets that will do the same thing like this basic elastomer mod kit for about £10.

    Or there's this which is a complete replacement lower spring assembly for the brake piston with a linear potentiometer inside for £53.99.
    Logitech G29 Brake Pedal Mod - TrueBrake (2 min speed install!!) - YouTube
    Or you can go the whole hog and opt for a load-cell converstion kit from Ricomech but I don't think they're making them anymore sadly.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    I've played the 0.9.2 version very intensively during the past few days, and all in all, it is an improvement.

    Most car's brakes are much, much better, most notably the Formula 3, the Sprint Car, or the ARC Camaro. However, several suddenly feel ... weird, to say the least. They don't lock up easily, but their brake balance is excessively rearwards, so much so that basically, you're breaking the same way you did before - which is to say, apply next to no brake force - just now, you're doing it so that the car hopefully doesn't suddenly snap and spin.

    That can be said for the MetalMoro AJR V6 Turbo, some of the classic F1 cars, and, sadly, the SuperV8, which, before, was my favourite car and now drives like a carrousel. Hope to see some improvements on that front.

    Also, there is something weird going on with the rain tires on some cars. If they're allweather-tires, they tend to freeze in the rain, and provide not an ounce of grip. That's fun to drive, but even if it's a 1960's F1 car, I severly doubt that you could never go more than half-throttle in the rain.

    Still unbalanced, still very prone to hit my back, still very reminiscent of pCARS2 AI. If there's any part of the Madness engine that is actually bad, it's this one. SMS never got it to work, and I'm quite anxious to see what you make out of them. Not to say you can't do it, though.

    But this is an area that needs massive amounts of work. As of now, the offline experience is no experience at all. They simply do not feel like humans.

    Pad Support
    It is getting a bit frustrating that I cannot enter any lobbies with locked setups, because, if I do that, I won't get the turn-in everyone with a wheel gets. Please add an option to adjust "speed sensitivity" like we could in Project CARS 2. I'm not talking about rumble feedback or anything like that, I can live without it if necessary, but speed sensitivity is vital. Please add it to the game.

    I have been experiencing veeeery slight car-to-car contact issues, as if the bug from before was still there, just shrunken into almost insignificance. Sometimes, I had the feeling to have been sync-failed as well, when someone behind me tried a switchback, and I suddenly flew across the grass. It's nothing dire, but further optimisation would be welcome.

    That's all I can think of at the moment. Keep up the great work guys, the aforementioned issues notwithstanding, we're going to have a great game at V 1.0, of that I'm certain!
  8. SRS13Rastus

    SRS13Rastus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Did you delete the AMS folder in your documents? (ignore me if you did...) I ask as I too love the Super V8s and the only time I've come across anything like the carousel effect you mention was in a forced stock settings lobby. I put that down to prolonged use of my tuned version and eventually adjusted to the Stock settings. Can't say for the MetalMoro AJR V6 as I only started using it very recently...

    I've personally not had this issue and find the AI is a bit more... How to put this... Responsive to me and my positioning on track and most recent contacts I HAVE had with them have been due to an inadvertent movement on my part. Not suggesting it's your fault though, so please don't take this comment in the wrong way.

    Ahh this might partially answer your other issues above, Not dissing controller users here but, from my own experiences over the years it's a lot harder to be ultra smooth with a controller vs a wheel, I used to often twitch and this COULD lead to unintended collisions. have you tried looking for controller setups? I recommended this vid to a friend of mine who said it was of help, Again ignore me if you HAVE seen this:

    Either way I hope you get these issues sorted dude :)
  9. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    Yes, I did.
    I'm talking about the SuperV8 using stock settings. That's what most people are going to use most of the time.

    There are some corners where the AI seems to have superhuman speed, or at least suffers less from slipstream. The first corner at Cascavel is one of these, for example.

    I can differentiate collisions caused by twitchiness from collisions caused by AI not adjusting their braking point. I am quite proficient with the controller, and at the current presets, the twitchiness is only a problem when countersteering next to another car.

    Your whole post is about suggesting it's my fault, but that's fine - after all, it could be. Humans err. As it stands, however, I'm quite confident it's not, or only partially. After all, I don't have any problems in other cars, and I don't have problems racing online, so that points towards most of these things not being entirely my fault.
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
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  10. SRS13Rastus

    SRS13Rastus Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    DOH! Me being a dumbass again, no surprises there lol, I haven't tried the StockV8 cars recently I'll let you know if I see similar issues though. I hope not as I liked both them and the Super V8s.

    That wasn't my intention to point the finger at you etc, I was intending to question to understand better the issues you're having rather than accuse you outright of something, my bad for not being... more... understanding and a TAD more thoughtful of how my reply might be perceived. Like I said hope you get them sorted one way or the other :)
  11. vortex

    vortex Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I think that having simplified AI physics is always going to cause this kind of issue to a greater or lesser extent. They can’t react or drive the same way you do and have to be artificially adjusted to make them seem more realistic. Some AI cars will, almost inevitably, drive better than others.
    • Agree Agree x 3

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