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Automobilista 2 V1.1.3.5 RELEASED!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I think you want to eat the cake and have the cake ;)

    I don't get - the direction is clear, path might not be as obvious, but update after update it gets better and better. If that's resulting in invalid setups again - so be it. At some point we'll end up with the best product that can be achieved from Mad Engine. The last thing we want is to stop Reiza from updating core handling due to fear of stirring the community with redundant setups or requirement to reset something.
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  2. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    I want more physics revisions. if it is for the sake of having improved handling, by all means make me reset my setups.
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  3. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    We spent some money a year ago, much less than for anything else, a cup, a plant, a piece of furniture, a cappuccino, maybe we can't understand this?
    Many of us come from the world "we published the game and this is the game", from the early 80's and these years are a luxury: updates, patches, bug fixes.
    Sell it if you don't like it, it was our solution.
    The problem is partly mine, I shouldn't read the forum, sometimes I can't get into logic. ohhh beautiful, but the light of the blibliblidabi does not turn on at the right time. Wtf? we remember that we are sitting in a chair in front of a monitor in our little room right?
    For Reiza we are like that mother-in-law whose house you repair and is never happy .. ".. beautiful but a little...".
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. Apex

    Apex Active Member

    Sep 22, 2020
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    This. It has been reported since the release, and I really wish Reiza would address the issue as well as the other minor things that give the impression of an unfinished product instead of creating new content.

    I will buy the game again once it's fixed, but until then it's Assetto Corsa for me.

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  5. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    So just scanning through some of the praise and critisism here (sorry hav'nt had time to properly read everything.
    Yup That pesky Ginetta GT4 still does'nt have ABS or TC and as far as i know it should do in its GT4 getup but maybe not the supercup.
    Also the stats for the Ftrainer and Ftrainer Adv seem to be the wrong way round (the cars physically do what thry physically should, the stats just tell you the Adv has the lower power when infact its vice versa).
    So yeah there are little things like that that need clearing up. But the fix'es and improvements keep coming and as long as we keep mentioning them it makes Reiza aware of them and the more they hear on one prob, the more they can focus on it.
    So im sure they may be focusing on summit else thats an even bigger noise atm and they will fix this at some point, but maybe somewhere else on the forum in a thread we've not seen there is a 50 page thread about another problem that they are sorting. Who knows!

    Its moving pretty quickley in any case.

    Anyway I've seen some confusion over ABS and TC, how it works or does'nt and what not. For anyone confused about how the ABS works, maybe why it still seems to allow a bit of locking even when set to high, here's the clearest explaination of how to get it to you're liking i could give, with video examples of the effect of certain settings, from a vid i made about the Mclaren GT3. Skip to 7:50 for the section on ABS settings. Hope its of use (like i said i only had time to scan this moring so maybe this aint what folks were on about, apoligies if its not relevant)
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  6. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Reiza must be doing it right!

    The day people stop talking or whinging about you is the day you are no longer relevant..

    Best $50 I spent in a long time + some of the blokes around here are alright.. :cool:
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  7. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    100% agree.
  8. Split Second

    Split Second Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I think a few things should be very clear.
    We all know Reiza is great, and we all know how Reiza works.
    But I think a few things would help.
    We all love that they are working till they get it right, and that is why we love them.
    But it would be nice to know what they consider to be still problematic with the physics and the other compartments.
    Like I know many people complained about the differential and it seems they are being worked on now.
    But I think people want some clarity.
    Did they saw this problem by themself or did they rely on the community for this?
    It would be nice to know if they have a very clear vision of what is still wrong with the physics, UI, multiplayer, ffb?
    Now it looks like the physics are worked on and rightly so but we don't know what problem areas they still see.
    It looks to be still to not be mature enough overall.
    I just find the greatest pity is that Reiza deserves at least as great public as ACC. And they cannot reach those numbers because they cannot come out with a quasi-finished product (and I am not talking like many years ago where you only have one finished product) and get a great audience.
    Now you have a sim that will probably be great but only for a limited audience. And that is such a pity for Reiza in my mind.
  9. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    It does deactivate on brakes or throttle off. Partial throttle remains on. T1 in the new Silverstone was one point where some cars were keeping it open despite backing off from the gas and some others had to close it manually some 2-3 years ago in F1
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  10. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Since the patch, you get a warning that number of opponents exceeds number of available liveries of a car class and you could get multiple skins during race. Nice, but you still get multiple liveries in game even if you are not choosing too many opponents. :whistle::whistle:;)
    • Agree Agree x 6
  11. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    It's not a bug. TC values below 0.10 have no sense in real life and the physics correctly replicate this. I would go on say that the famous 8-12 TC positions in other games are likely all between 0.1 and 0.25 (except obviously the off position). The remainder of the values are technically little use
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    ABS works correctly at my end too on the cars which still have it. Provided reasonable values are used. But it can clearly be felt on the wheel and pedals when ABS is not sufficient.
  13. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Honestly I think we really can't complain about the amount of content currently in the game and the rate at which it is increased. I mean seriously guys did you see how often other sims release a new car or track? There literally hundreds of car/track combo which no one can extensively drive already. Why complaining about a delay of a month or two on this track or that car?
    It is actually good that Reiza keeps improving the core game now and hopefully this will reach MP and ranking system that for me will give a big kick in popularity for the online side of the sim
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  14. Split Second

    Split Second Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I do hope that if MP is improved that there will be more customers. But I have a feeling that they are pretty quiet about multiplayer. Why that is I don't know. Because many people are asking for improvements for many months now.
  15. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Ah the usual cycle of update release threads - the excitement of the new features and improvements, followed by the crankiness with what hasn´t been yet done :D We welcome all of it - at the end of the day you guys help us make the game better.

    The one issue I have with some of the criticism about AMS2 here and elsewhere tho is that they often seem to be valid only relative to a non-existent standard. Obviously some of it is quite pertinent - the game still has a shortening, but ongoing list of annoying glitches (the replay files occasionally duplicating or the player car being replicated among the opponents being obvious examples) - these may seem like sloppiness on our part, but often times they´re in fact issues that either involve some deeper level investigation, or relate to a bigger project we hadn´t got to yet - while annoying, these are usually small enough that we believe we can live with them while we focus on delivering more attainable short-term goals.

    In other fronts, things get a little more debatable - is the criticism about constant physics revisions valid for example? Sure they can be a nuisance, and ourselves didn’t expect we´d still be making such in-depth revisions to the physics at this point. With that said, what sim had "stable" physics within one year of its original release? Show me a sim that´s not tinkering with tire model version XX years from its original release, and I´ll show you a game not trying to be a sim. The worst thing you can say is that we move so quickly from one update to another that the user can barely settle in with an existing revision before it´s revamped, but is that really a bad thing? The faster we move the quicker it can actually get to a stable state, which is ultimately the goal :)

    Does the criticism about production standards like the polycount on a given 3d model or overall audio quality on some cars have some merit? We´d be the first ones to admit there are cars we still want to update to bring them up to spec, but really even if you´re comparing us against sims that have a fraction of the number of cars, and / or charge for each and every one of them, I think we do a pretty good job of maintaining our older stuff, and they all add value to the game even if not for you specifically - part of the point of a large content pool is pleasing people with different tastes :)

    Does the complaints about "lack of gameplay features" hold any water? Sorta kinda, but just a read through this topic will show that the kind of features people are looking for is far from unanimous. Most of them are valid desires, several are planned and will come to life at some point, and while they all might be absolute must-haves for the user making the request, they´re seldom as many people sharing that one desire as you may think.

    The same can be said for the criticism about content - we have many opinions ranging from too much, too little, too Brazilian centric, too inconsistent - again are any of these really valid vs other PC racing sims? The thing to keep in mind at the moment is that the content roster is a big part of the game will ultimately become. Think of it as a puzzle - it´s hard to tell what it is early on while the pieces are still coming together, and trying to work it out can be frustrating - it will however make sense once it´s further along :)

    But if that´s the case Reiza, why don´t you lay out your full plan so we can know what you´re going for? We try, with our roadmaps and regular development updates. But the nature of the licensing and development business means it´s hard to be too specific too far in advance, and trying to can create as much trouble, confusion an demands from the userbase as it solves - as again one can see throughout topics such as this :) We try to strike a balance - sometimes we say too much too soon, sometimes too little but that´s inevitable when working on this type of game.

    To stress something we´ve been repeating from the very first announcement all through the various development updates: the game is a long term project that will evolve considerably over its shelf life. The implicit message there is that it was always going to be a work in progress over the years we were going to be developing it. If the game was everything it was meant to be from the get-go, there wouldn´t be much to evolve towards over time. In hindsight maybe we should have been a bit more explicit :D

    Ultimately we will develop the game the way we find appropriate and can afford to, and the users decide if and when they want to spend their money and time on it. It´s a good system which leads products to their deserved destination, and so far we´re happy to say we´ve been hitting our goals pretty much as we expected, and keeping most of our users pleased along the way :)

    For those that aren´t, I sure hope you´re not getting frustrated by it - if that´s the case surely it´s best to spend your fun time in something that is actually fun to you. Now if you do enjoy the game and just want to see things improving, please keep sharing your feedback pointing out the problems you still have or things you aren´t happy with - by now I think most of you know that even if this or that particular pet peeve hasn´t quite been addressed yet, it´s not falling on deaf ears. We´re happy and grateful to have you keeping us on our toes and pushing to make the game better as quickly as we are able, one update at a time :)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
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  16. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Well said, (bravo) now continue with the Holiday weekend and enjoy,(whats left of it).:D:):D
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
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  17. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Excellent communication as always! Loving the Brazilian stuff, loving all the stuff! Looking forward to what you guys do with the stuff, now off to drive your stuff. Bravo!:):):):):):):):):):):)
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  18. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    Me, a Fiat Uno connoisseur
    • Funny Funny x 6
  19. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    What I have learnt from AMS2 and digging around is that Brazil has a ripa racing scene. I reckon Aussies and Brazilians would get along alright.. :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Awesome piece of comms!

    Now, please save it somewhere so you can use it again next month!

    I am loving the game and how good most cars are driving now! Thanks!
    • Funny Funny x 6
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