Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    dunno why you blokes waste your time watching crud streams of a sim you already own... :p
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
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  2. CatAstrophe05

    CatAstrophe05 The Andrea De Cesaris of simracing

    Jan 20, 2020
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    welp at least that status adds up :p
    • Funny Funny x 4
  3. muffi

    muffi New Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Premium Expansion packs still not available in Steam. Please enable this option as i really want to get the new DLC. :(
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  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    About AMS2 AI, I will say it once again: when they are racing close to each other the chasing AI gets ZERO tow! At least it is what it looks like.

    This could be one of the reasons why AI on AI action looks awful, and definitely is one of the main reasons I dislike offline races. The other one is the fact the AI can be bullied (pushed off track) by the player because they avoid collision with the human at any cost. Instead of holding their line, they just make way so the human has space to do whatever he wants.

    I've reported these issues a few times. I believe Reiza is aware of it. Why didn't they fix it? Idk, lack of time or they've just run into yet another limitation of the Madness engine.

    Tbh, I don't really mind it as long as multiplayer is getting some attention. Some bugs and the lack of MP hosting features are really hurting the MP experience. Based on no data whatsoever, but just on my own ignorant guessing, I think it is one of the reasons why AMS2 cannot retain as many new players as we would like to.
  5. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Just a random thought. Interlagos historical. 7am in the morning. Sunny day. Get a LOAD of that road texture. Just amazing. So clear and defined.

    Ahh, how interesting. I have had some really good races with them literally bearing down on me and its cat and mouse and intense, but maybe that is the case; since they go for each other but do not always overtake as if they are the same speed and/or if thats at a turn like the lead in turning section upon braking at Bathurst once down the mountain leading onto the straight (the chase). Or its just the amount of times I have seen it versus [if its] happening otherwise.

    I think it happens, rarely but its not specifically programmed for maybe. As a means for cpu-usage rationalization maybe or time, don't know.

    I fully agree.

    I did the same thing. Poor rf2. Its just not aging well. I have been blown away by Rf2 over time, but lately that ascendancy is in AMS2. I guess thats what happens when you basically refuse to update your sim. But I think that barebones thing will find its way (the core of rf2) into a new sim or engine at some point. I don't know what the new company is doing, but they have some kind of proprietary thing in mind, as a foot in the door would be my guess. Which may not be true, but the tech is within it, or some of it. Not sure of its utilization actually but why else would it be bought if not to be used piecemeal or otherwise. A new menu is not enough. In fact it was probably only their start.

    Its true RF2 is still good. However its thin of feel (not hefy and chunky like you get with AMS2, default and especially the custom) and not as gorgeous. But otherwise its tight, its just being left behind as its not modern. I have talked about how I don't like last gen sims now as I think M.engine and AMS2 along with Pcars sure in a way, have really pushed that envelope so far now.

    I even think ACC pales in comparison to AMS2 1.2 and custom ffb. I literally do not care about "sim quality" and the graphics which were deliberately chosen to be bland because these company's can sell to the same bunch of 10k players, or not. As such ACC kind of superseded itself.

    I always try the default so I am versed but that Karsten and others, wow. Maybe its not 'pure' as the default is slightly thinner.

    I know I took your comment and ran with it - I am just pointing out that months ago I saw an opportunity which no doubt they all saw, to make a sim that exists in the hole between outright crazy-levels of simulation and accessibility. Its not a new thing as many think Pcars tried to do that, it didn't. That was a different process, and in fact you will find the WHOLE thing can only be iterative. Thus here we are in the leap-frog. But I think the Madness Engine has a lot more up its sleeve in the coming years. A lot of that relies on surrounding satelite industrys as well to support the sub-economy. One example is with the increased economy, is lower hardware prices and more users. All those growth sectors those places probably hire groups/consultancy or even individuals to be executive's to check out or put in place structures/expand capability and of course increase the scope and scale of their operations. They are probably moving in such a direction.

    Anyway I like how in AMS2 you can drive a car several different ways, and set them up in several different ways. It may not be totally visible right now but the whole engine is better than 1 an ice rink, 2 limited driving choice in ACC (the thinness I refer to, and adherence to lines etc/consistency in ACC, not my cup of tea), also 3, rf2 style where they let mods and cars, etc do as they want (as per the mod) and thus its so hit and miss and no in rf2 it adhers to the 2010's/earlier concept of driving in sim games, where its that 'thinness' and the grip fall off and all those computational things are more limited, and more static, less dynamic.

    AC is the type of game that lends itself to a lot but even it is not up to the whole AMS2/M.E thing, which they're making AC2, so I guess we now see the completion of the circle I was explaining months ago. Thats where AMS2 sits, along with raceroom I see as the one carryover of any substance, with AC2 and AMS2, raceroom and I suppose people will still play AC1. Thats how I see the new cadre. I think these 3 are too versatile or too clever, I mean look at the raceroom guys. They come along so far and its a top shelf game with online etc. Maybe I have blind spots such as iracing and all that, and ACC, anything, but I think thats the crux above. I know I am leaving out a lot, but in terms of AMS2 then they will ask themselves, in that arena, at that time, do they have a '3 year game' or a '10 year game'. Such as those ones. I personally think they have a 7-10 year game. Speculatively I think they firmed a lot with 1.2. Like 300% a lot.

    - So when I say I think this sim or that sim, and as if I 'dont care bout physics,' what I mean is not that its fake or even needs to reach some physics nirvana or come across as highly technical (or that plus accessible like in ACC which people are drawn to, I don't know how though) but the driving and even racing online or single player, experience, is top notch (now VR is a thing too, influences plus learning devs from past 20 years) and the ones that stick out, and visibility and legitimacy and brand are a thing, yes, but thats AMS2 and raceroom. Rf2 may have tire deformation but fat lot of good its doing. Raceroom does come from behind as befits its engine, AC of course, different games different things, but the ones that stick out are raceroom and AMS2. For AMS2 once its got a bit more done to it, it will be seen as a legitimate title as such, I mean acknowledgement. Some people think differently they want the sim, well when these things develop, I mean. Why would one want to step back into a tricky, frustrating, technical, difficult sim. This is another aspect of iteration.

    So limiting factors, one which for here is the length of this - but
    physics dont have to be the limiting factor until they are. If something has 80/100 possible physics, then ask why raceroom is very popular or iracing. For rf2 it won't be doing much of anything because it takes $xx per month to do something so one must choose wisely, I don't know anything about rf2 btw beyond little bits. To cut this short basically I would not worry about AMS2 in any way, its well placed, if its not at Rf2's level in some things, its not a huge deal. But as we are both saying, having played both its clear which one would get more play time. Such is why I said overall Raceroom, AMS2, and AC probably forms some kind of sim staple for a lot of people or sub in 1 or another. I am just saying that raceroom feels up there with AMS2 for driving feel and even racing plus it has an online component thats only starting to poke its head up in AMS2. I think those 2 and AC when you do a good car/track (but its yesteryear even with content manager and injection physics), as the clear leaders; and do not forget to push boundaries RRRE goes pound for pound on track detail and scenery/driving like an on board, lifelike, etc, so this is why I mention it. Its only limited by its older engine, leaving AMS2 as the one people want to see get up. Objectively speaking, people can also have fave games, but to be serious RR and AMS2 may not be world beaters in out and out popularity but they have all the ingredients and VR etc or in AMS2's case the ingredients we know are coming. AC/AC2 is a whole other topic I wont bog this down but topics would include, the incumbent, brand, marketing, spread, features, differences in product, none of this stuff is linear as in do x=1 and y=2. Sometimes things flop and sometimes things win. But naturally nothing is a vaccuum and there's a reason why they are forced to do AC2. Studies show that market leaders need to maintain that at junctures, and that you, me, anyone will naturally gravitate toward 'the one', because this is how our brains work. Reasons such as sky=god made it and god=sun. Our brain is a muscle and out logic but a tool included in it.

    For explaining things with computers and marketing, just ask why our brains ones said "I shot that deer with an arrow after chasing the herd for miles"... "I bet you because I feel sad I had to shoot the deer to eat, that if I wear its antler round my neck then that deers spirit will look over me and my next meal"

    next thing you know Horus is living in the sky, and spirits begin to have brains of their own and agenda's

    Thats humanity. Augment, eviscerate, overcome, integrate, venerate and revere, repeat process after growth. We twist everything, even purchase choices. The deer metaphor (reality probably) sounds altruistic - but its not. Its our own tyranny. And its slavery of the deer, because it now does our bidding, then Horus has our mind, then Jesus, etc, based upon him. This is the self preservation of the enshrined in law commercial reality of the perpetualness of a product, that sustains things by its existence, or its edifice, so you get AMS2, AC2, etc. So I think AMS2 has a quality of many years.

    The information some of it's not instructional only conceptual so don't plan around it exactly. Don't go up to a preacher and dis god for example because I said this, his beliefs are fine. This only relates to product life cycles in some small way
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  6. muffi

    muffi New Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    I joined an (empty) online Server today with Laguna seca and was exited after connecting „DLC not buyed“. Why?

    (Dlc yet not buyed only wanted to test the track)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  7. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Is it a DLC car? I have been on DLC tracks without the DLC, but it has to be a non-DLC car.
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  8. Bizarre Formula

    Bizarre Formula Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    A friend and I figured this out the other night; it seems like there needs to be at least two people in the server to host on an unowned DLC track.

    Invite a friend and try it with them in the lobby with you.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    rfactor 2 has flags which is very immersive, but like others views on here I think AMS2 is storming ahead on the actual usability. Rfactor 2 = long loading times, appalling UI, lack of custom championships without 3rd party apps etc etc, but it has flags. AMS2 = short loading times, great fidelity, custom championships, easy UI, maybe flags at some point. In terms of trajectories, easy to see which one is the more favourable..
    Tbh I probably wont ever go back to RF2. The tipping point has been reached with this latest update from Reiza including custom championships and other really cool stuff. I say that with truly honest genuine sadness, because its deserving of more attention from its development team/backers than what its getting or has had. The pace and engagement from Reiza with AMS2 is evidential, and its resulting in a superb sim that is notching upwards all the time.
    But flags... please yeah lets have flags :whistle:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Wel.. AMS 2 flags do work in offline play, but in online it's a kinda hit or miss. Few days back in Bathurst I was racing the uphill-section, but someone had lost control. No yellow flag being shown. Also CC not telling anything. Nearly crashed hard into the slipped car.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. David Peres

    David Peres Active Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    I feel this has improved since they released multi-class races and had Stefano hired as a contractor to improve the AI. I drive at least one AI race in ACC almost daily and since that update I do see the AI overtaking each other. Not as much as it happens in AMS2 or RRE, but certainly better than it used to be and no longer something I would call "poor".
  12. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Talking about flags it would be sweet if Daytona had the green lights attached to the safety fence like so..

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  13. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    That flag display on the fence is already there in AMS2 as far as I can remember
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  14. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    There are lamps at the fence. But I think they are active in race only?
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  15. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Because not every change leads to a working full pitcture of the deal, so it has to be done step by step or you ruin something on the way.
    Now AI has avoidance of player. A next step can be making them more prone to avoid leaving the track.
    Yet again another "Yet another limitation of the Madness Engine" that is propagated by people not having any insight in the whole deal at all. Please don't be that guy.

    Believe it or not, the AI system has more potential, than AMS1 did. But now you are again jumping on the propagated baseless "Madness Engine bad" train, when something is not running, like you want it to have. It's exhausting to deal with these kind of statements over and over again, so here a hint what it actually is:

    The Madness Engine is not a limiting factor, it's actually an expanding one and further understanding of it also leads to further improvements. It can be frustrating and it's definetly not the easiest foundation to get by, when the devs haven't the longest experience with it. But it's an upgrade

    You don't need to believe me, but in this case i actually know more than you, because i directly talk with people working on its base. :)
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  16. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    aha that's why I don't see them cause I only ran practice sessions.. It looks cool in the race so I hope Reiza can enable these for all sessions..
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  17. DjFIL007

    DjFIL007 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    If the server didn't include one free car (or car class), then you won't be able to join. If it was DPi and/or GTE only, then you'll need to own that DLC. If they add a GT3 or any other class found in the base game, then anyone can join in that class (including on a paid track).
  18. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Fair enough, it just means the situation falls into the first category: lack of time. That is a good thing, given that someday it can be fixed.

    Hopefully the engine is also not limited when it comes to multiplayer hosting features, such as session restart, grid reordering, real time race director. These missing features coupled with the random bugs are causing quite an annoyance when it comes to league racing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    So, quickly explained. The DS is a rebroadcaster. All it does is set a lobby configuration (or allow you to apply yours), add a few extra functionalities via the Admin UI and away you go. A DS lobby only becomes "active" once someone has joined it and become the host.
    The program/lobby still needs a player with the DLC track bought to join first and become the host. Once you are host, players without DLC can join.

    In other words, a DS lobby is a slightly more advanced P2P lobby where all the network syncronisation happens via the DS program. If you want to make a P2P lobby with a DLC track, you need to own it. The same applies to a DS lobby. You need to own the content to be able to enter first and become the host, thus allowing other players to join.
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  20. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Well I feel like an total idiot now- I'd turned them off in the menu.. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 2

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