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Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    should I or shouldn't I.. probably shouldn't but stuff it..

    Let me see if I have this right.. If anyone ever comes across a high output vehicle with TC off that can't do odd little tests that a real life car can clearly do (and with TC on) we shouldn't talk about it or if there is a philosophy difference between the sims it's not worth mentioning..

    I respect your view and of course it has a lot of merit however it seems to be always the same somewhat arrogant message from you.. You think just because you are quick on the TT leaderboard that you are the only one qualified to talk and everyone else either has no skill or knowledge as they are not finding the limit of the car. I do understand the point you are making however there are plenty of very good drivers here and with real life experience and on my day I somewhat put myself into that category. Gee some people here are not even talking about driving at the limit of the car..

    Yes this is not a drift, burnout, drag racing simulator however your comment about TC off and breaking traction everywhere is simply not true as I have proved this with the Porsche Cup car whilst deliberately trying to loose the car. Yeah most of the time the default setups tend to be locked for the diff however I have also done tests whilst opening them up. I'm curious why is not worth holding revs and dropping the clutch to test..? I've done this pretty much my whole adolescent life both in sh!tboxes and some street monsters. If a 500 HP manual vehicle can't light'em up on a slick tyre and in the wet I think it's something worth talking about; don't you..

    Rather than trying to shut people down, everyone's opinion should be welcomed, after all this is a forum.. You can have your opinion on the tyres or whatever without making it personal all the time.

    We have already seen tyre updates between version to and and in my opinion I think they are in the right direction and clearly Reiza do too. Drivers are already doing 2:12's around Spa in a GT3; what do you want, to break 2:10's? That's already 7 seconds faster than real life and 3 seconds faster than the very very best times set in ACC, and I can do 16's/17's in ACC so I have somewhat half a clue..:oops: Even at Laguna a track I don't particularly have a lot of history with and is not one of my strongest I go straight into the 18's with the GTE (3 seconds under rl qualy time) on a race weekend with a 50 deg track temp and light/medium rubber. I'm not sure why that is and I am not saying there is a grip issue however personally I don't like seeing drivers being able to post times that a DPi car can do in real life..

    As you suggested maybe it would help if you did post up some videos once in a while..

    That all said I really enjoy driving majority of cars in AMS2. It simply brings me a lot of pleasure.

    add: If the M8 GTE was released in like it is in you would not have heard a peep out of me this week..
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  2. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I can confirm that something broke in yesterdays update. The M8 GTE has reverted back to it's previous incorrect fuel tank size of 131 L. This effects the whole GTE class. DPi & M4 changes made in are OK.

    Should be:
    BMW M8 GTE - 93 L
    Porsche 911 RSR-19 - 97L
    Chevrolet Corvette C8.R - 96 L

    Lucky you didn't drive a GT3/GT4 enduro because most of the fuel tank sizes are incorrect and can be out by as much as 25 L (ie. 720s 101 L when it should be 125 L).. :p
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  3. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Man it's frustrating to see everybody celebrate this update so much when everything my friends and I got was a fallback to the great buggy times :( Tried to continue our little online championship last night and all we got was problems. My game freezing up right before race start on the first try after having had to reconnect to the server in Qualy because my inputs were not registered anymore. Then new qualy (again no steering or pedal input -> reconnect AGAIN and hurry to get a lap in) and another race start. One of the guys got a CTD during his pit stop late in the race. Another one had issues with his steering/FFB freezing intermittently. Then when I record the replay the rain is not visible and the track magically gets wetter and wetter. Someone spins and causes the weird weather and lighting rotation making the footage of that incident unusable. The others having to send me their replay files because their cars only behave correctly in their own replays...ugh. Just when we got to the point where only the minor inconveniences were left the new update swoops in and sets us back months. Fingers crossed for Reiza that they now have a better handle on those bugs and don't have to do it all over again from scratch!
    Just frustrating to see all the possibilities we have nowadays but then everything is too complex to make it reliable :( Huge respect to the dev team for not getting discouraged with that! But I assume that's life as a developer :confused:
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  4. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    That sounds like a lot of extra issues! Did any of you happen to have a Documents/Automobilista 2/ folder from before v1.1? It might still be worth trying to rename (in order to archive it later than delete it) the documents folder you have now even if it's from just before v1.2 and letting the game create a new folder. This means having to set everything up again, but there have been many cases where old config/save/setup files have just ruined the game.

    Another good idea is to validate files via Steam.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I don't know how much AI racing you've done in various sims, but for context let me give you my view of AMS2 in comparison with some of the major sims:

    R3E - Basically the AI are in constant "rage mode". They can be raced side by side, but they will go all four wheels in gravel to pass you and will not slow down a bit to do so. They will also drive full speed off track, bounce off a wall, then re-join at a 45 degree angle right into you while getting a stabilising nudge that sends them the right way. It's fun to race against but looks frankly ridiculous.

    AMS1/rF1 - I haven't raced against AMS1 too much but they seem very similar to rF1. That AI were notorious for ignoring you, bumping into you constantly if you tried to go side-by-side, PIT maneuvering you etc., but also having lap times that went up and down by 2+ seconds from lap to lap, making them trivial to pass and overtake.

    AC - AI are barely better than bumper cars on rails. They have no spatial awareness, will constantly bump into you unless you keep well clear. The worst part is that they have severe issues passing slower cars. If you sit on the grid and don't take off, AI cars behind you will sit there waiting for you instead of driving around, and will eventually DNF en masse. Laughable.

    ACC - Slightly better than AC, maybe? They still have trouble passing the player and each other and will drive in the middle of the track to prevent you from overtaking.

    PC2 - Barely tried the AI in this myself as it's pretty much universally panned.

    I haven't tried rF2 and its celebrated AI, although from footage it seems a slightly smarter version of the rF1 AI with the same aggressive punting behaviour.

    Compared to all that, AMS2 AI certainly has its flaws but it's not too far from R3E, which I would say is the current state-of-the-art. The two most important aspects for me are that AI are able to be raced side by side and that they can pass each other and the player. AMS2 gets both of these right, even if some characteristics like the weird sideways shuffles and lack of draft need to be toned out.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  6. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    17's now... Maybe the medium rubber track preset is offering a little too much grip..?
  7. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    AMS1 AI is damn good, the best of the bunch to be honest...Reiza did a great job with that and I hope to see it comeback to AMS2 too soon or later at least the same features and behaviour...

    The so praised rF2 AI is a joke, blocking is basically AI braking in front of you on straight and every turn is a on/off brake fest...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    In the interests of balance I personally have found the rf2 ai to be superb. They also make mistakes on a very human level. Incredibly immersive. Ive certainly never been blocked on the straights. Squeezed as part of a defensive move sure, exactly as I would expect and exactly as I would do myself. They are streets ahead of the twitchy glued together ai that are present at the moment in AMS2. I hope that there is potential for improvement but as there has been an awful lot of tinkering to get to this point, I am left wondering how much wriggle room is left..

    I came back to AMS 2 because it had features that make life more convenient over RF2- custom championships without all the hassle of 3rd party apps, real weather etc. Now it turns out these features are not without issue, it makes the advantages not quite so clear cut, and now I find myself heading back to RF2 because the inconvenience of long loading times etc is offset by immersive ai, superb physics and ffb etc.

    We all have our favorite sims- this is not about that. Its about immersive functional convenience. Either its there, or its not, or its a trade off between those three things.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I'm surprised by the negative feedback the AI is getting on the forums and by certain YouTubers.
    While it's not perfect, no AI is - and I'd actually put the current AMS2 AI to be the best I've seen.

    I wonder if people instinctively drive with more aggression against AI than they otherwise would, and somehow expect the AI to cope with it?

    For added immersion I ban myself from ever using the restart button. \If I stack it, then that's the end of my race weekend and on to the next round.

    I find if I 'drive it like I own it' and treat the AI with some respect, they offer some fantastic racing with only occasional frustration.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  10. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Yeah, same as it was half a year ago basically and all things that were carried over from pCars2. There's more weird stuff that I didn't even mention, for example AI cars having full steering lock applied all the time while going down straights. Or AI duplicating our custom liveries all the time ever since the update that was supposed to fix exactly that (It had been fine before the update lol) leading to us having to start the server several times before we are the only ones with our own liveries.

    We all deleted the setup folder like it was described in the patch notes. To delete the whole AMS2 folder would mean to make screenshots of ALL the settings and then reapplying them for each one of us. I'm sorry but we're not doing that every month.

    Steam file validation is something we all do before every race, we learned that the hard way already.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Philippe Moinet

    Philippe Moinet The driver hyper tourist AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Depuis la dernière mise à jour et le dlc USA, je m'amuse tellement ! Avec toutes les améliorations, je n'ai presque jamais quitté le jeu. Que ce soit avec les GT1 sur le Green Hell, les GT4 à Bathurst, les GTE et DPI partout lol, les stock cars... Bref, c'est presque un nouveau jeu Mais il y a quand même des petites choses comme évoqué dans certains posts qui sont mal et quelques petits bugs. Reiza fait un si bon travail que je ne veux pas en parler et je veux juste te dire merci pour tout cet énorme travail, donc un énorme merci Reiza . Mais c'est aussi une bonne chose que les joueurs pointent du doigt des problèmes physiques ou autres bugs, il ne faut pas se retourner et fermer les yeux en criant "Je n'entends rien, je ne vois rien" Il faut accepter qu'il y a encore des choses qui sont pas génial, c'est comme ça que le jeu va encore s'améliorer ! Avec ça,

    (J'ai utilisé google translate, mon anglais est très mauvais)
  12. Manohy

    Manohy Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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  13. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Then....good luck and don't worry about anomalies.;)
    And steam file integration before every race????
    Maybe after an Update.Or your HD is broken....o_O
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  14. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I have a question concerning the discussions if it’s realistic that some cars can’t do doughnuts although traction control is set to zero.
    Some say you need to change setup for the car (open up differential and so on…).
    Now my question: where would you do such setup changes in real life: in the car on the fly by pressing some buttons on the steering wheel or in the pits where mechanics would change things?
    I‘m asking because in real life I often see cars making doughnuts right after winning a race, so I guess the car still has racing setup and they do it on the fly because they don’t drive into the pits before doing the doughnuts…
    • Like Like x 4
  15. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Here's What the Buttons on the Complex Porsche 911 RSR Steering Wheel Do
    Hi Mike, I found this interesting article on a Porsche steering wheel. its not a GT3 but I'd be surprised if there wasnt something similar given the race lengths and car complexity. While not perfect it does imply that there is an awful lot of adjustment available to the driver. Its quite cool :)

    Edit- Found this too, so probably not :D:whistle:

    I might just delete this entire post :p
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
  16. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    F1 has onboard diff settings I think. But for the most part what I’m implying is that outside having some grip or driveline anomaly (for example clutch), many cars simply have a very open diff on power by default. Or then the inside tire lifts easily. Both lead to inside tire spinning which do not donut. Whatever it is I think it would be better to have a more ”donutable” default setup for my taste just to get the rear out on demand.
  17. Philippe Moinet

    Philippe Moinet The driver hyper tourist AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Attached Files:

  18. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Opening the diff actually makes it easier to do donuts in the 720S, whereas locking the diff makes it almost impossible. This sounds dubious, as if drift cars with locked diffs aren't able to do donuts? Also part of the issue is that the turbo appears to bog down when you dump the clutch, which doesn't seem characteristic given all the McLaren 720S donut videos you find on YouTube.
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  19. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Thanks! :) That speaks volumes about the product.

    We race every couple of weeks so there's usually some kind of update or hot fix in between which every now and then does screw files up. It's probably just like with all the different reports of car behaviours, the whole game just acts differently for different people apparently and this time around we were among those who got screwed.
  20. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    As it is all WIP changes happen:)
    Trying to help you and then dislike is also strange.
    Anyway,good luck

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