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Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    About AMS2 AI, imho all Reiza needs to do is to fix the lack of slipstream effect of AI on AI chases.

    The fact that Reiza has been pushing AI fixes every single update yet that issue is never tackled hints to me that:
    • either they hit a deadend on the AI physics engine regarding slipstream (aka there is no code that simulates that);
    • or something introduced by Reiza in the AI physics logic is blocking the slipstream effect (i.e.: the chasing AI will go half throttle to avoid banging the car ahead, or they will keep braking while hesitating on the pass).
    I strongly believe they are facing the former, since I do rely more on Reiza's technical skill than the Madness engine and, by now, if it was the later situation they would've fixed it already.
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
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  2. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    When was the last time you raced in AMS2? They do slipstream the player and each other, see them doing it all the time, its one of the reasons im so impressed by the A.I.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  3. bmerrell

    bmerrell Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    On the subject of slipstreaming, the Reiza devs still need to fix or vastly reduce the degree to which a car in front gains a slipstreaming benefit because a car is close behind. This is still far overstated in open-wheel cars in particular (both in magnitude of the effect and in the distance at which it begins to occur).
  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Aw mate, you got me excited for a little there, but it is just not happening on my end. I (once again) recorded the lack of slipstream so people don't think I'm just lying:

    Check 3:00 onwards, and 4:00 onwards. There is no slipstream among the AI at all.

    Edit: I think I know what is going on with people praising the AI so much: most of the players only race the "slow" cars such as GT3 where the slipstream effect isn't huge as we get with the F1. So this issue that I've been pointing out since forever is kind of lost and ignored in the threads.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  5. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    More likely the car/track and ai setting difference.
    I cant see your vid as its private, even when I sign into u tube, vid needs to be unlisted.
    Error I made before, .:D
    Interested to see.

    #1083 also has a point that has been raised before, though not tested this end, needs checking

    @CrimsonEminence 'It's end of the month again and it's starting to get chaotic again.'
    Yes,, though less, thankfully
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  6. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Ah thanks for the heads up! Changed visibility to public now.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    IA level is track /car dependent ihmo. Great in some track, kamikaze and piling in other (long beach , Monaco, Adelaide..). Open wheel is flying circus in some track, great in another.
  8. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Lack of AI on AI slipstream is universal, though. Since people are disagreeing with that, I would like to see some F1 videos proving me wrong, cause then I will enjoy racing on that specific setting.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    I can categorically state that the slipstream effect the AI gets is broken more or less whether it's GT's or Formula cars. They simply don't gain speed in the slipstream. Don't get me wrong, I love the latest AI updates from Reiza and it's really nice to race them, better than ever but still....
  10. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    We ran online with AI last night and slipstream was mentioned, I believe that it was for players not AI. So will watch for AI in future.
    Have you found skill/agg level makes any difference? anyone? to slipstream
    For those that may not have seen it, and for in depth reporting if AI. Thread below may help if you have not done so already.
  11. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    So I wonder if we get a new update tonight or if because the may one dropped late then we will have to wait a bit longer? I wonder what we will get?
  12. F1 Hero

    F1 Hero Active Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    I have a doubt about the game development: will there be something after all the season pass DLCs are released? Will there be another season pass that covers, let's say, 2023-2024? Or at least more DLCs with other tracks and cars? Or after the season pass period the game development will be over regarding new content?
  13. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    I race GT at 110 | 90 and Formula at 95-100 | 50 and different levels seem to have similar issues.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I know Reiza were talking about this being a long term project, over three years I think it was. Considering sims like raceroom and rF2 have been around for 6 years plus I would actually like to see Reiza do the same with AMS 2. With the amount of polishing they are adding and with the potential of the engine they are using to me it would make more sense for AMS 2 to continue to evolve rather than finishing up with it and then reinventing the wheel with a new engine if they create another Sim after this.
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  15. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Probably player on player and AI on player, as it seems like it does exist. Yet I notice the AI sometimes seem to back out when they clearly have the speed to overtake on the straights.

    The real issue is AI on AI, which is leading to the bots forming groups of 4 or 5 cars going three wide all lap around.

    Ive reported this on that thread at least once I believe.

    Now Im interested on people showing me vids of them witnessing the AI on AI slipstream as they mentioned it does happen, cause if it indeed does then I've absolutely no clue what is going on.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  16. stealthradek

    stealthradek Smoothie operator AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I was spectating one of @Maser V6's test races yesterday and I have a feeling AI on AI slipstream effect exists, however what's failing is the lack of ability to get off the slipstream and make actual move. Instead AI just ends in a bumper of car in front or brakes a little to avoid contact.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  17. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    No probs, Im on it, vid coming soon, and its both good and bad news, not too bad though
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  18. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Sounds more conclusive, making the actual pass that is.
    They get tweeked and will do so some more, to bring them into line with all the other car/track etc changes, I would think, as logs indicate.
    come a long way imo and are pretty to very good. Track and condition specific not unlike rl to a degree, from light contact RL /sim, errors RL/sim.
    I recall AC crashing me just leaving pit 5 times in a row but no need to go there really. Was a year ago or more:)

    Yes :)S I think I spotted yours.

    Im running GT1 this evening at Hock Historic online so will watch the 112/90 ai on straights.
    @Tarmac Terrorist nice vid that last 1 pits slippy/tc fix etc
    @stealthradek will check replay thanks
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  19. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I am not in the video making but I monitored a 100/50 Formula V10 Gen 2 Race on Interlagos Outer, and It seems there is AI to AI slipstreaming
    The maximum speed is higher if they are driving behind each other, and they can drive up to the car in front but once they are there it is much harder to pass each other and after the pass the car behind can keep up with the passing car.
  20. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Ok guys as promised I got straight on this (seeing as work F'd up the rota so im not on it this week, so got the time), ran a little test and found some (hopefully) conclusive evidence of A.I. on A.I. slipstreaming, its not all good news, nothing majorly terrible, but if you watch the whole thing, I did discover (having previously not run alot of race's with these cars and A.I.) something else that could do with looking at.

    Anyway, hope its useful!
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