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Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. nemesis

    nemesis Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Really looking forward to the classic RSR and fingers crossed on the balance of it!
    Hoping it can be throttle controlled and balanced from the rears giving the front freedom on turn in without biting the tarmac too much and causing huge understeer.
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  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I just borrowed 3 months of tracks and cars from a certain renting sim....Well am i shocked t just how boring the FFB is and i wonder if a particular tea drinker has come out telling his audience just how bad this tyre model is :whistle:
    I did 5 races in 5 different "free" cars and tracks and have come away rather disappointed with what i paid this massive $5.25 AUD for :p I really did expect more, from the FFB being lets say boring and uninformative to the rather terrible shadows and aliasing even at max settings and i wont even mention the trees at Oulton park :whistle:really does give a new appreciation for AMS2 and what Reiza have done.
    If anyone is interested, the discount code is

    PR-HOTLAPS gives 3 months for $5.25
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  3. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    My brother keeps trying to get me to try iRenting, but I can't be bothered. If it were a pure rental model, then I might be, but buy and rent, and not being able to use what you own without up to date rental - no thanks!

    AMS2 is graphically beautiful (as are the latest rF2 tracks), but iRenting is graphically challenged.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    The unmatched virtue of iRacing is the gigantic pool of players, so one can actually extract from it what racing is supposed to be: competition.

    This is what AMS2 lacks the most at the minute, competition. Its only natural, since not only the player base is significantly smaller, but the current MP state-of-things is not helping at all.

    I like AMS2 much, oh so much, more than iRacing, but if I were to pick only one of the two, I would've to go with the later for now.

    Except iRacing is prohibitively expensive for us who's monthly income isn't in dollars/euros/pounds or the almighty kuwatian dinar.
  5. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    This is really the point: to certain "established" sims very significant and easily noticeable flaws are pretty much condoned as part of the landscape. In the case of AMS2 every flaw, even the smallest, is indication that the core of it is garbage. Doesn't seem logical to me, except in a tribal war between certain sim fanatics or in the biased agenda of certain influencers...
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  6. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    iRacing is competition is so good.. I was hooked for a month in Dec 2019. Just one more race to get that iRating up and license as well. Mazda Mx 5 ftw!

    But I found AMS 1 better, so I went back from rF2 to AMS 1 and stayed since. <3 However, to be honest in 2016 I hated AMS 1 so much. I prefered Raceroom instead 200 euro later I went back to Dirt Rally 1 and RBR.

    Had a break of 1.5 year due quarter-life crisis. Went back to Dirt Rally 2 when my cat died. Then rf2, iRacing, AMS 1 & RBR and finally AMS 2. <3

    Reiza :hurrayreiza:
  7. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Guys, quick question on the fly:

    I wanna dial in one of Steelcasts setups, but the setup values are numerical instead of millimeters and Nm and the like...
    Can't find where to make the switch?!


    Edit; Found it under gameplay, sorry!
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  8. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    iRacing's graphics look a bit flat and boring, but I'd rather have that and a great driving experience than the other way around. There's been a lot of criticism of iRacing's physics too, which were generally ignored until the pandemic and real drivers saying it was s-h-i-t-e, so they relented and changed it (the corporate board of iRacing hates criticism of their product more than even the craziest AMS2 zealot, and they couldn't shut real racing drivers up, nor could they ignore them because the public believes them more than a suit).

    We only criticise AMS2 because we care. If I were an rF2 fanboy, I wouldn't even own AMS2. But some things, like the tyres and the differential, aren't small flaws. We should be grateful we have criticism, even for the smaller things that need fixing.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  9. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    This is all true.

    I believe Ettore was talking about the social landscape.

    Iracing might also get a pass, because its online system is a HUGE redeeming factor. But still it seems people either accepted its picture of the world or gave up on it improving towards their expectations.

    But yes I agree that there is no reason to give up on AMS2 progress. I think it’s easy to agree that it has flaws. Not as easy to agree what or how those flawed details should be exactly. Meanwhile I continue to enjoy it most. There are no alternatives for me :).

    PS. Anyone is also allowed to really like rF2 and only play that without being a fanboy. I’m only saying, because it’s popular to play all the sims. There can be enough with one :).
  10. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    No one AFAIK.

    Regarding telemetry analysis and setup there are some good apps.
    Free/Donation: Second Monitor, Telemetry Tool (by Iko)
    Paid: RSTsoftware, Z1 Analizer, and maybe many more I didn't know

    Also good is SimHub while monitoring telemetry / hud (and DashPanel among others)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
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  11. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    The truth is, there is no perfect race sim. Every title has its flaws and quirks. What we as users have to do is look at the flaws and then decide for ourselves which ones are acceptable for us and which ones are not. If there are flaws that are not acceptable for us we jump to the next sim until we find the one that is acceptable for us.
    I’ll leave it at that with a video from Niels Heusinkveld:
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  12. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    This reminds me a lot of the 90's and the CombatSim Forums where Jane's Simulations F-15, F/A-18 and Microprose Falcon 4.0 where the holy grail of realism, and Flanker 2.0/2.5 and later LOMAC/DCS had to be wrong... well we know how this turned out in the end, those are all gone, and DCS is the holy grail now.

    There where people arguing that Jane's was right with a clean F-15 not going over mach 1.5, and LOMAC (DCS predecessor) was wrong since it was to easy to reach Mach 2.3, clean, at 50.000 feet.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
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  13. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I see but to me it's relatively simple: for example it happens that often the same "talibans" of simracing realism that are aggressively criticizing AMS2 discussing for instance about its tire model feeling (absolutely arguable, as debatable is the idea that everything is fixed with reducing tires grip as it is the most common mantra from people who come to this forum complaining) bring as good example of proper physics a sim like ACC that has a fixed optimal value of pressure that is independent from track temperature, suspensions setup, car model, weight and COG, downforce applied and pretty much everything else. There would be more examples to be made on ACC.
    In other cases we had people writing (even in this very forum) a lot of messages talking down to everyone else based on their experience on iracing where, for example, the same GTs and Protos that are in AMS2, get run with an outrageous 48% front brake bias and have such a ridiculous driveline and aero modeling that you can coast at 290kph and pull the clutch and yet barely lose any time, especially if you are in the slipstream. In iracing most of the Daytona 24 H is about slipstreaming and fuel saving this way.
    Similarly RF2 has its own, let's say, setup quirks and in broader terms we well know that all sims have some.
    Yet all of these ridiculous and blatant elephants in the room get ignored or downplayed and people have come to accept those products as proper valuable sims for what positive sides they can offer without discounting the entire thing as rubbish.
    This same people then come here in this forum, on RD, on facebook AMS2 groups etc. arguing about differentials, tires grip, lift off oversteer and everything else as experts based on their 3000 hours on ACC or 7k irating etc and declaring how intolerable/simcadish/unrealistic AMS2 is compared to those sims they like instead of using the same approach they use for the others: enjoying what is positive and innovative and tolerate (while still discussing opinions and even criticize in a measured and civil way) what is not working at its best waiting/hoping for Reiza to finally tackle those issues.
    I've seen people coming in this forum giving hell to everyone or bringing it to the social media over the behavior of cars in AMS2 after heavy impacts or when flipping whereas I have seen cars being literally hit out of the park in iracing as if this was the deciding factor over the realism of the simulator. Common sense will say to any normal person that such side of physics is usually not very developed especially in the early years of most sims and anyway that part has very little to do with the value of the simulator when driving on track.

    All I am saying is that the logic of the thinking of such people is quite evidently either flawed due to too much passion or biased by hate.
    I think we all love/care for AMS2, this is the reason why we are here (hopefully) but there needs to be more balance and logic in certain conversations.
    Discussing oddities and things that aren't convincing is one thing and I also do it, but keeping blowing almost all things even the little ones out of proportions either to prove that AMS2 is doomed while sim xyz does it right or that until AMS2 does it the same way as xyz it can't be considered a playable/proper sim is a completely different matter, especially when the "benchmark" sims have huge flaws of their own that are being deliberately ignored: the same scale should always be applied to all of products being evaluated.
    • Agree Agree x 12
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  14. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    @Renato Simioni
    I believe it would be beneficial for the community if the Forum would feature something like a “Knowledge Base”. Ideally, the user would look in the Knowledge Base to, as example, find information to setup FFB correctly and also a explanation what the sliders in the FFB settings do.
    The user also would look in the Knowledge Base to find help with car setups. There are, as example, some nice graphs available on the Internet which are pretty basic like “If the car does x - try to adjust y”.
    I’m sure there are other things that could be added as well but this two above seem to be the most asked ones here in the Forum. This would have the benefit of making AMS2 more user friendly for the casual sim racer.
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  15. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    ...or maybe a dropdowlist in setup with presetted generic "TT, racing, endurance,Joypad", or an import export tool (with version limitation off course), at the end is only a json file.

    A little step for a programmer a giant step for a simmer...
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  16. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I wonder if Reiza can do this as part of the update package (perhaps retaining key bindings)
    I have a theory that the wildly differing experiences people have with AMS2 is due to this. It's a conspiracy theory with no evidence - but a theory nonetheless. :)

    Also, steelreserv's setups should be default, I think. Several of them have been a huge improvement for me - the latest being the Porsche GT4 which went from being nigh on undriveable through slow corners, to being a bundle of fun!
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  17. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Nicely put E, spent some dosh in summer sale on another title just to compare specific cars on specific tracks. In a nutshell very disappointed with the lack of feedback from car and track rattling wheel, car felt boring.
    Its proven, so not a theory. + unistall/reinstall via steam can be a good refresh, I did this again Saturday whilst at work.
    Have fun, we know its possible
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im a bit two sided about this "Delete all your old setups after an update - otherwise all evil things will happen".
    Because often I have seen that after an update then if I launch an old setup then some of the setup values have allready been automagically changed.;)
    But pulling the other way then most often my best old setups is also my best "new" setups when I launch them after an update.:whistle:
    Even if I can see that none of the values have been altered.:D
    So I have never been a buyer of this "Delete everything in Documents folder" after an update.

    ByTheWay: My positions on the TT LBs suggests that this isnt the baddest strategy. :p
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. leggy2fast

    leggy2fast Artist and amateur racer!

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I'm always fascinated at how deep the discussion goes here in terms of stuff like differentials, tyre models and TC. Despite my thousands and thousands of hours in racing games and sims, I think I do lack some of that sensibility that you folks have.

    Whenever I see new updates, I do come here to read and understand a bit of what's going on, but in general my focus in things I like to see improved are all game-related. Be it the customization options for custom champs, bug fixes, UI improvements, more consistency all over the board.

    AMS2 is a game I enjoy driving in a ton,but I still can't sit down and plan a season ahead, like a Stock Car season, without getting aprehensive that at any given point something will happen like scores not counting or my setups not loading between quali and race and so on.

    I know this is one tough part of game making, working to make all those game systems work in unison, and it's what I have the highest hopes for and much respect for Reiza.

    (And also, I'm always amazed, from the top of my few decades of simracing, at how clingy people can be with their favorite games. I abhor the word "simcade" so hard, it's peak gatekeeping haha)
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  20. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    It's not the setups only - it's the whole game wit magic parameters we do not know.
    From my side i can tell that after deleting the COMPLETE FOLDER and start from scratch has changed the game more than once,the feel of FFB,the GFX etc.Why? I dont know.But it is like that.
    No FFB wheel for you so you can't comprehend.:D
    • Agree Agree x 1

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