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Automobilista 2 V1.2.3.0 RELEASED - Now updated to V1.2.3.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Budgetek

    Budgetek Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Correct. Serious MP improvements are overdue for a long time and MP paragraph in every patch note is mostly missing. It seems strong multiplayer is not going to happen in this sim. Also with so many classes I dont expect many participants in public MP as the user base gets heavily diluted. Sigle player is good enough already though.
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  2. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Recently Reiza explained that the decision to prioritize other aspects of the sim was taken early in the development phase counting also on the fact that the MP side inherited by PC2 (except obviously the ranking) could be already solid and hold its ground until the time for revamping.
    Some of these assumptions proved wrong and even for them it was not easy to steer the direction of development once that decision was taken. I think the post was published in July if memory serves me well...
    They also explained that MP is now what they are working hard for behind the scene so hopefully the results will show up in the coming months
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  3. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Many classes is not the reason there is dillution at all, after all the vast majority of the fking lobbies are fking GT3/GTE bs
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  4. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    There is a community I'm following that is organizing a Championship in September on GTEs/GT4s. So far we got 40+ registrations, never seen anything like that earlier. Popularity of the class and the sim looks on the rise but we definitely could use some MP improvements from the developers as some aspects are quite "raw" at the minute...
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  5. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yeah, i agree that gt3/gt4/gte is quite populair, i have done some gt3/gte races last tuesday and yesterday night, had a couple of completely filled lobbies with 30 people, which was really good to see, als did one race yesterday with damage at 100%, also because i think that a ranked multiplayer system will have damage on, we all might as well get used to it
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  6. Danny Michael

    Danny Michael New Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    I hope so, and I will keep my fingers crossed. I know for me personally, if there is no point to a race other than the final outcome, I lose interest. That's what has happened to me now with AMS2. I need a value put on the hours I spend practicing to be better. I need to be ranked and compared against others or it's no more than a game to me. I don't play games, I drive sims, to compete. I have zero interest in racing against a computer controlled, predictable AI. There is no challenge in that other than avoiding their stupidity.
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  7. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I love driving versus the AI. It's like solving puzzles. Where to overtake and where not. What can I do to defend? etc. Specially if the AI has different personalities, etc. I raced perhaps 150 hours versus AI back in Q1 2020 before I made the switch to MP. Still waiting for championships/career to be fleshen out. Its not on the same level as AMS 1 / Raceroom. Missing features, etc.

    But hej, I've fun in MP because it's always the same people and we have some nice banter. Also new people join and have fun. Is it perfect? No, but still does it job for me. Don't get me wrong through I would love something like iRacing's MP, but AMS 2 brings me back to the simple days of dedicated CS 1.6 servers thus meeting and playing with the same people. Its fun! Only I am a bit fed up with all the GT3's, etc but Counter Strike was mainly De_Dust2 24/7, lol.
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  8. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    to be honest, the damage never was real before, the current 200% is closer to what to exspect in a real crash, but still without the severe RL consequences.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  9. Timo G

    Timo G New Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Dear Reiza Team.
    Just drove an MP race (90 minutes) with friends and AI on Daytona Road Course. The new option "Allow refueling" was set to Yes. With me as Game host this also worked, but with my 2 teammates the car was not refueled in the box. Although activated by ICM and quantity was entered.
    If "allow refueling" is set on No, you can not enter any amount of gasoline in the ICM and it will not be refueled for all of us. Therefore, we have to deactivate the fuel consumption first unfortunately. As a rule, we always have to refuel with our usual race duration. We tested with different Car Classes (DPi, GTE, GT3). And for us it looks as if only the game host can refuel at the moment!?
    But keep up the good work and greetings from Germany
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  10. Danny Michael

    Danny Michael New Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    Just a quick response before I go hide in the corner until the next update...I was told by a friend my tone was a little testy in my messages. I want to apologize for that. I didn't mean it to sound that way and only want great things for AMS2 and Reiza.

    See you on the track. I'll be in the GT3 :)
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  11. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    V1.2.3.1 is now live - this is a hotfix to address some prioritary issues that have come up since v1.2.3.0 along with some further adjustments.

    V1.2.3.1 CHANGELOG


    • Fixed refueling option of pit strategy applying incorrectly in non-race sessions when refueling is disabled

    UI & HUD

    • Fixed mis-aligned help texts on Event race settings page
    • Added translations for recently added options
    • Fixed car HUD damage text defaulting to 100% when damage is disabled


    • Minor tire tread adjustments to GT Classics cars
    • Corvette C3 R: Small adjustment to front and rear track width; Fixed clutch slipping in some circunstances
    • Minor adjustment to AI lateral movement rate
    • Fixed an issue where AI would qualify with too much fuel on board when refueling is disabled
    • Fixed an issue where AI would add too much fuel in the second stint of practice/qualifying

    • Mini Vintage: Fixed chase cam view having discrete front / rear sound in live play
    • BMW M1 & Group A: Corrected surface sounds
    • Corvette C3 Vintage: Minor adjustment to high RPM interior mix

    • Added or adjusted pit entry & exit cones for all tracks
    • Interlagos: Further Z-fight fixes on GP temp stands

    • Corvette C3 & C3 R: Tweaked the damage model; Adjusted the bonnet vibration effect in cockpit view; Adjusted driver position on cockpit view
    • Camaro SS: Cockpit view bonnet vibration effect adjustment
    • MCR2000: Added driver animations; Detached the gear shifter in the cockpit; Added under the bonnet bits in cockpit view; Added damage models; Added dangling damaged parts.
    • Lotus 23: Fixed the graphic artifacts
    • Corrected Bridgstone Potenza 01 tire normal map texture
    • Like Like x 22
    • Winner Winner x 13
  12. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    AMS2's strongpont for me is its multiplayer options. I run MP once a week in private lobby only. I am not interested in "Social Driving" or "e-sports" with strangers, Hence I also have no need for a Rating System. The top strongpoint for me in AMS2 is that I can host for my friends, without dedi server hazzle, and without everyone having to check for DLCs.
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  13. Leynad

    Leynad Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I don't like the usual ELO-ranking in MP even I usually end up quite above average. It's turning fun into seriousness I'm not interested in sim-racing. But safety rating is rather a good thing and could keep some idiots out of the public lobbies. I never liked the dumb SR-system in iRacing that just counts contacts and off-tracks, but the SR-rating in pCars 2 was quite okay and rather similar to the one in ACC just with letters. Unlike iRacing you can't just sit in the pits for repairs to gain SR and there must be cars around you and it's a long-term development, not loosing or gaining a lot with just one race. Without the ELO-rating I would punish DNFs with the SR since most online-races are ending with a fraction of the starters.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Was hoping the hotfix would fix the broken session start times in custom championship, alas, no it didn't
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yeah i agree that there should be maybe even a huge penalty for people leaving early in a race
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  16. Automobilista 2 Italia

    Automobilista 2 Italia New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Hi Renato, i'm Simone Buttafuoco, the admin of Automobilista 2 International Races, a comunity with 300 members from all the world. We are going to start an international gte/gt4 multiclass Championship with great prizes. Please, can you fix the shaking of GTE Vheicle. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
    • Agree Agree x 7
  17. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    To add to that you mean during the replay i assume? I totally agree with that, it looks really weird.
  18. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Even more importantly it happens while spectating which gives a terrible view to people looking at the race streaming when the streamer isn't a racer in his cockpit
    • Agree Agree x 4
  19. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yeah thats what i meant, was thinking one thing and typed the other, totally agree with the streaming part as well, i usually show someone else when i take a break during my stream, shaky cars arent great advertising for the game
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. McClusky

    McClusky New Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Thanks Reiza! Great update as the GT4 cars feel a lot better. While racing at Virginia a McLaren and Porsche were trading 1st and 2nd every lap and I was fighting to keep up in a BMW waiting for one of them to make a mistake, sooo much fun (I finished 3rd). Again thanks for a great sim!
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